Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 35: This life is too precious


"Can this jade pendant be sold?" Mu Ziling asked uncertainly, although it was a jade pendant given by Long Xiaoyu, but the engraved words were too eye-catching, so she asked first.

"The jade pendant of the princess can't be sold. You can take the jade pendant to any bank to get the silver." Uncle Fu explained in panic. He didn't say how much money he could withdraw. Why would the princess want to sell the jade pendant

It turned out to be like this, she thought she would sell this jade pendant for money, and she didn't know how much this jade pendant would be worth if she sold it.

"Uncle Fu, do you know how much money you can get with this jade pendant?" Mu Ziling asked curiously, wondering how much money Long Xiaoyu paid for the consultation, and whether it was enough to buy a shop.

"I don't know!" Uncle Fu shook his head and said, he really didn't know, there were so many money houses and unlimited withdrawals, how could he know how many there were.

Even Uncle Fu doesn't know if he has a lot of money, after all Long Xiaonan is not an ordinary person, Mu Ziling thought beautifully, after reading these account books, she will go out to withdraw the money, and settle the business of the store as soon as possible Yes, save long nights and dreams.

"Okay, you guys put down all the account books, my concubine will read them, so leave them all!" Mu Ziling asked them to leave.

She wasn't going to sleep anymore, she was refreshed no matter how sleepy she was after being disturbed by Uncle Fu, and her mood naturally improved after Long Xiaoyu gave the consultation fee, and she would go directly to have breakfast later, and then look at the account book.

After Uncle Fu and the others left, Xiaohan said to Mu Ziling excitedly, "It turns out that His Royal Highness Qi Wang was not angry with the young master at all last night, and now he has given the financial power of the palace to the young master. From now on, the young master will be worthy of the name." I'm praying for the princess."

She had been looking forward to it for so long, and His Royal Highness finally began to notice the little master. She was really happy, as long as the little master was good, everything would be fine.

Mu Ziling looked at Xiaohan speechlessly, how could this silly girl be happier than her, she was happy that Long Xiaoyu paid the consultation fee.

What Xiaohan was happy about was her housekeeper, and Long Xiaoyu looked angry last night, wasn't he as cold as usual.

And how did she become a veritable concubine after taking charge of the financial power? No matter what, she was just a name, okay? She didn't know why Long Xiaoyu suddenly handed over the financial power of the palace to herself. Did she really approve of her? What else does it mean.

Anyway, take a step, count a step.


After eating too early, Mu Ziling asked Xiaohan to pawn all the dowry, and then exchanged it for gold tickets. She sat alone in the dormitory and looked at the account book, carefully calculating while reading.

There are basically no problems with these account books, and they seem to be very easy. In a few hours, most of them were wiped out. It seems that the people who kept the accounts were quite clean, there was no corruption at all, and they were all organized in an orderly manner.

Then there was a knock on the door, "Knock, knock, knock!"

"Come in!"

Xiao Han outside the door pushed the door and entered.

"How about Xiaohan, have you dealt with it?" Mu Ziling raised his head, pinched his sore neck and asked.

"Little master, the servants have pawned off the dowry, and there is a total of 380,000 taels of gold in exchange for gold tickets!" Xiaohan said happily. The dowry was 30,000 taels more than she expected. Pass the gold ticket to Mu Ziling.

Mu Ziling took the gold ticket, and said to herself, "Three hundred and eighty thousand taels is still short of seventy thousand taels." I hope that the money Long Xiaoyu gave is enough, otherwise she will have to find a way.

"Little master, why does the shop you are looking for cost so much money?" Xiaohan was very puzzled, how could a shop be so expensive.

"It's next to the Night Rain Tower." Mu Ziling didn't plan to hide any more, anyway, Xiaohan would know sooner or later, at least Xiaohan wouldn't be like Long Xiaoze, who could even think of beauty tricks.

"It's no wonder that the shop in Yeyu Building is so expensive, but isn't the owner of the little master not selling it?" Xiaohan asked suspiciously, how did the little master buy the shop.

"He didn't sell it at first, but later he knew that I was Princess Qi, so he sold it to me." Mu Ziling's words were not expressive.

This is half truth and half lie, the owner of Yeyu Tower really knows that she is Princess Qi, but why she sells her shop, even she hasn't figured it out yet, she will never believe what he said about congeniality, she also I don't know why I believed him and went to buy his shop, but subconsciously wanted to believe involuntarily.

Xiaohan seems to believe it or not, except for this, she can't think of any reason, His Highness is so powerful, and the little master is Princess Qi, so naturally he will also be honored.

"Xiaohan, go prepare the carriage first. After reading these ledgers, let's go out." Mu Ziling looked at the remaining few ledgers and said, and then continued to look at them.

"Yes." Xiaohan said goodbye.


After Mu Ziling read the account book and was about to go out after tidying up, Uncle Fu came again.

"My lord, Your Highness wants you to read through these books, so that you don't go out if you have nothing to do." Uncle Fu respectfully said.

He just saw Xiaohan preparing the carriage, so he knew that the princess was going out again, so he hurried over to remind her, didn't the princess just say that she was going to finish it early in the morning, why would she have to go out again.

"Uncle Fu, you came just in time. The concubine has read all these books and books. There are no problems. If there are any problems, they are marked. You can find someone to correct them." Mu Ziling said casually.

Uncle Fu was shocked when he heard this, "It takes ordinary people ten days and a half months to read these accounts of the princess, how can they be read in less than a day?"

No wonder the concubine concubine agreed so readily this morning. It turned out to be like this. Does she want to go out, take a look at ten things, and deal with it casually? Talk to His Highness.

"Uncle Fu, you also said that it is the time for ordinary people to read it, but this princess is not an ordinary person. If you don't believe me, if you draw a book casually, this princess will recite it for you." Mu Ziling said with a sneer, she had known that Fubo would It was this kind of reaction, after all, she was not allowed to go out.

"I dare not, but Your Highness told you not to go out if you have nothing to do." Uncle Fu was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat, he could only move His Highness Qi Wang out.

This princess is indeed not an ordinary person. The idiot that everyone thinks is actually a hidden miracle doctor.

But he still doesn't believe how he can read these books in less than a day, he can't help it if he doesn't believe it, and he doesn't dare to really ask the princess to recite the books, but what to do with what His Highness told me.

"Uncle Fu, Your Highness said not to go out if you have nothing to do. My princess is busy now. Besides, you only said that after reading these books, there is nothing else to do. Well, it's almost dark, my princess. After going out for a meeting, I'll be back." Mu Ziling patiently said to Uncle Fu, if she dragged on, it would be dark again when she came back.

It seems to make sense, what His Highness said is that you can't go out if you have something to do, and you can't go out if you don't have something to do. The princess read the account book, and His Highness didn't explain anything else. Uncle Fu was thinking blankly. away.

"My lord, Your Highness, please tell me, my lord..." Only then did Uncle Fu realize that he had been fooled by Mu Ziling, and hurriedly chased after Mu Ziling, but it was a pity that Mu Ziling had already boarded the carriage and walked away.


This time Mu Ziling didn't go out in men's clothes, but went out in women's clothes, wearing a light gauze to cover her face. She was afraid that when she went back, she would run into Long Xiaoyu before she even had time to change her clothes.

When they came to a bank that was very close to the palace, Mu Ziling handed the jade pendant to the clerk. After the clerk took the jade pendant, he felt very hot and looked at Mu Ziling in disbelief.

This is the infinite jade pendant exclusively for His Royal Highness Qi. Who is this masked girl, and why is there the jade pendant of His Highness Qi.

"Excuse me, how much silver do you want to withdraw?" The man asked cautiously. To be able to use the jade pendant of His Highness Qi Wang must be of extraordinary status, so he had better be careful.

"You can take as much of this jade pendant as you can." Mu Ziling replied without hesitation, but why is this guy looking at her so strangely, and she doesn't know how to eat people, so why is she so afraid of her.

"Girl... Girl, there is no limit to how much money you can withdraw from this jade pendant. You have to make sure that the amount is small before you can get it." The man said tremblingly, the girl said she could get as much as she could. collapse.

Now it's Mu Ziling's turn to be stunned. What is unlimited withdrawal of money? Can it be unlimited withdrawal? She was uncertain again and asked, "You mean you can take as much of this jade pendant as you want?"

"Yes... yes, how much does the girl want to withdraw?" The man replied, what's wrong with this girl, doesn't she know that this jade pendant can withdraw money infinitely.

Mu Ziling was dazed. Is the jade pendant that Long Xiaoyu gave her really Long Xiaonan's medical fee? Then Long Xiaonan's life is too precious.

Does this infinite mean priceless? Even if it was really priceless, she wouldn't dare to take such a hot jade pendant. She was not a black doctor, and Long Xiaoyu would give her an inexhaustible consultation fee for just cutting out a brain tumor.

Mu Ziling did not speak for a long time.

The man opened his mouth again and asked carefully, "Excuse me, how much do you want to withdraw?"

Xiaohan was also shocked, she knew that the little master entered the palace yesterday to cure the fifth prince's brain disease, and this jade pendant was the consultation money from His Royal Highness Qi Wang.

But what kind of jade pendant is this, His Royal Highness Qi, who can withdraw money indefinitely, she reacted first, and pushed Mu Ziling's arm, "Little master, he asked you how much to withdraw?"

Mu Ziling woke up with a start, thought for a while and said, "Just take the 80,000 gold ticket."

She still only takes the money needed to open the shop, and then returns the jade pendant to Long Xiaoyu, regardless of whether Long Xiaoyu's jade pendant is really medical money or has other meanings, she will not take it.

She dare not hold such a precious jade pendant in her hand. Long Xiaoyu can give her the infinite jade pendant. She shouldn't think that she took 80,000 gold. That is.

It was almost dark when they came out of the bank, Mu Ziling decided to go back to the palace first, enter the palace tomorrow to change Long Xiaonan's medicine, and then go to the Yeyu Building to solve the store business.

Going back this time, he didn't meet Long Xiaoyu again all the way to Yuhan Palace, and Mu Ziling's heart also calmed down.

I don't know why every time she sees Long Xiaoyu looking down at her on the roof, she always feels flustered and nervous, as if she was caught doing bad things outside.

The next day, Long Xiaoze was revived with full blood and came to Qi Wang's Mansion...

(end of this chapter)