Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 38: Good news, the third sister-in-law is too poisonous


"Sister-in-law three, the verbal battle between you and the eldest brother just now was really exciting, but you have annoyed the eldest brother today, I am afraid he will not let it go so easily, you have to be careful in the future, based on what I know about him, he is very serious. There will be some action soon." Long Xiaoze said to Mu Ziling both excitedly and worried.

He followed Mu Ziling out from Nanhe Palace, the whole journey was enjoyable, and at the same time, he was also very worried that Long Xiaoli would attack Mu Ziling.

He has also seen the methods of big emperor brother. Those who offend him will end badly, they are cruel and violent, and they will not show any mercy at all.

He still wants to tell the third brother what happened today, no matter whether the third brother will protect the third sister-in-law or not, he will protect the third sister-in-law anyway.

But Mu Ziling didn't take it seriously, and said meaningfully, "It's nothing, I believe he has no intention of making trouble for me during this time."

Isn't Long Xiaoli lustful, she loves women without girls, so she "kindly" helped him get rid of this bad habit, made him feel disgusted when he saw a woman, wishing that women would stay away from him, no matter what Not interested.

Seeing Mu Ziling's treacherous smile, Long Xiaoze asked curiously, "Sister-in-law three, did you do something secretly?"

He knew that the third sister-in-law was not so easy to provoke. Fortunately, he and the third sister-in-law were in the same group, otherwise he would not know how he died.

Mu Ziling smiled mysteriously, "You will know soon."

Long Xiaoze is also full of expectations. What did the third sister-in-law do to the big emperor? Did she give the big emperor the same honeydew liquid as him? Didn't the third sister-in-law keep saying that the enhanced version of the honeydew liquid is still useless? It was she who gave the eldest brother the enhanced version of honeydew liquid, so that he could be stung by poisonous bees.

Well, the more he thought about it, the more likely it was that the third sister-in-law must be drinking the enhanced version of honeydew liquid, and he really wanted to see the way the eldest brother was stung all over his face.

However, what Long Xiaoze didn't know was that when he found out what kind of medicine Mu Ziling had given Long Xiaoli one day, he resolutely dispelled his naive idea that day. thought.

Because he once again realized how terrible this woman is, even if you think of a solution this time, she still has another more poisonous method waiting for you.


Mu Ziling and the others arrived at Yeyu Building, but they didn't see Ye Zimu. She asked the shopkeeper to give the golden ticket, and successfully got the title deed of the shop.

The store that Mu Ziling bought this time is the largest store in addition to Yeyu Building, the feng shui and lighting are very good, Mu Ziling is very satisfied, the money spent is not a loss at all, and she believes that it will pay back soon.

In the past few days, Mu Ziling has been busy dealing with the opening of this new shop, during which time no one came to find fault.

Long Xiaoyu was nowhere to be seen, except that every time she went out she was nagged by Uncle Fu, and then moved Long Xiaoyu out by the way, but Mu Ziling tried to escape cleverly.

Uncle Fu has always wanted to know what the concubine and empress are busy with these few days, she goes out in men's clothing every day, and even the fifth prince follows suit, going in and out of the Palace of Prayer every day.

He secretly sent people to follow him a few times, but they were all thrown away, and Uncle Fu couldn't stand it in the end, so he could only silently hope that His Royal Highness Qi Wang would come back quickly.

The medicine shop opened, Long Xiaoze and Xiaohan also volunteered to run errands, Mu Ziling asked Long Xiaoze to find two reliable medicine assistants.

Due to her status, it was inconvenient for her to show up frequently, so she hired an honest shopkeeper to manage the pharmacy.

Because opening a pharmacy is not like other stores. If there is any medical dispute, it will cause death. She still needs to be more careful.

Mu Ziling also specially instructed Long Xiaoze and Xiaohan not to let other people know about her opening of the pharmacy, so as not to let someone with a heart take advantage of the loophole.

Originally, Long Xiaoze wanted to give Mu Ziling money to buy medicinal materials, but Mu Ziling didn't accept it, not because the medicinal materials and star systems were all ready-made and didn't need money to buy, but because he didn't get paid for his merits.

Normally, it would be enough to cheat Long Xiaoze once or twice, but she doesn't worship money so much, she will take the money from Long Xiaoze when the time comes, and even if she loves money, she also loves the money she earns.

Mu Ziling named the shop "Lingshantang". Every night, she secretly took out the medicinal materials from the star system by herself, loaded them on the carriage, and had them transported to Lingshan Hall the next day.

Several times Xiaohan was very puzzled, why the carriage was still empty before she went to sleep, but when she woke up it was full of medicinal materials, she asked Mu Ziling about it.

Mu Ziling found a random reason to deal with it, saying that her mysterious master knew that she was going to open a pharmacy, and secretly prepared it for her at night, and Xiaohan didn't bother anymore, and sent silly letters.

Because the shop is next to the Night Rain Tower, the common people have speculated that this Lingshan Hall must be the shop expanded by the mysterious owner of the Night Rain Tower, expanding the restaurant business to the pharmaceutical industry. People in the Night Rain Tower neither deny nor admit it. .

This made Mu Ziling very grateful to Boss Ye for not revealing her identity, and indirectly made the people think that Boss Ye was the behind-the-scenes boss of Lingshantang. No one dared to come and make trouble, which also saved her a lot thing.

On the day when Lingshan Hall was officially opened, Mu Ziling and the others did not make an official appearance, but mingled in the crowd in disguise to watch the excitement.

The scale of the shop is quite large, and it is next to the Night Rain Tower. Mu Ziling told the shopkeeper that all the medicinal materials will be sold at half price this day, so many people came to cheer for dignitaries, ordinary people, and those who are not sick to buy medicines and supplements. Those who are sick buy medicine to treat their illnesses.

After the successful opening of the Lingshan Hall, Mu Ziling asked people to clear the yard behind the Yuhan Hall into a small field. She transplanted some small medicinal seedlings from the Star System and planted them there, so that the Lingshan Hall would need to replenish some medicinal materials in the future. No more sneaking around.

On this day, Long Xiaoze happily came to Qi Wangfu to look for Mu Ziling, saying that he brought two good news from the palace.

One is that Long Xiaonan's wounds after two dressing changes have healed, and the gauze has also been removed. Ghosts and ghosts also left without knowing it, but Long Xiaonan's cut hair hasn't grown much, it looks very funny, and Long Xiaoze laughed at it, making that gentle and elegant dragon Xiaonan finally broke out and ruthlessly drove Long Xiaoze out, and he didn't even dare to leave the bedroom.

There is another one that Long Xiaoze was looking forward to waiting for the day when Long Xiaoli was full of bags, but he didn't wait for it, but something happened that made him feel incredible.

For some reason, Long Xiaoli's ferocious and brutal nature suddenly intensified, and many innocent people died tragically under his hands, and all of them were men.

What's more, he couldn't even think of it, that big brother who has no sex with women and treats women as playthings, now the group of concubines in the mansion disappeared without a trace overnight.

No one knows whether those women are dead or alive now, there is not even a servant girl in the mansion, and he keeps all the women who see him away from him, even the queen is no exception.

Long Xiaoze heard from the people in the palace that it was because Long Xiaoli met too many women and contracted some strange disease, which caused him to vomit non-stop when he saw women, no matter men, women, young or old.

Many imperial physicians who treated Long Xiaoli couldn't find the cause of the disease and were helpless, and finally died tragically under Long Xiaoli's hands.

Because of this incident, the empress often cried and fainted, and went to the imperial study to make noise every day, so that the emperor sent people to search for famous doctors to cure Long Xiaoli's strange disease.

Emperor Wen Yin knew that everything about Long Xiaoli was his own fault, he didn't care much, he just dealt with it casually, but the queen was really unwilling. Emperor Wen Yin was very impatient with the queen, and finally grounded her in Kunning Palace self-reflection.

Long Xiaoze looked at Mu Ziling, who was squatting there tinkering with the medicine seedlings, and asked strangely, "Sister-in-law, what kind of disease do you think Brother Dahuang has? Why is it so strange that he vomits when he sees a woman?"

"I don't know, maybe it's because I've done too many bad things, and now I'm getting retribution." Mu Ziling said that he didn't mean it.

She already knew that Long Xiaoli would be like this today, so she was not surprised at all, she had had fun when she should, and now there is nothing to be happy about.

She regretted it a bit, because she made Long Xiaoli unable to get close to female sex, which cost so many innocent lives.

"Third sister-in-law, didn't you give the elder brother an enhanced version of honeydew liquid last time? Why didn't he get bitten all over his head by poisonous bees?"

Long Xiaoze asked again, he had been looking forward to it for many days, but the face of Da Huangxiong was still the same as before, not as miserable as before when he was less than a few hours old.

"Who said I gave him an enhanced version of honeydew liquid." Mu Ziling said strangely.

How could this Long Xiaoze think of going there? Did he mention the honeydew liquid to him, this guy has been thinking about it all the time.

"Didn't you say that I would know soon when I came out of the palace that day, but Brother Da Huang hasn't been bitten by any poisonous bees so far." Long Xiaoze asked stupidly.

Seeing Long Xiaoze's white eyes, Mu Ziling understood instantly, stroked his forehead and kindly reminded, "Is Long Xiaoli in trouble now?"

Long Xiaoze nodded in confusion.

"Then do you know now that he suffered a disaster?" Mu Ziling asked again, she decided to accompany Long Xiaoze for a while, and wake up this stupid person.

Long Xiaoze continued to nod, but there seemed to be something wrong—

Why did the third sister-in-law ask him this way? The third sister-in-law seemed to have been at ease since she heard him say that the elder brother hated women. She didn't gloat at all, as if she knew it long ago.

He seemed to understand something.

Suddenly "ah." Long Xiaoze yelled.

Mu Ziling seemed to know that Long Xiaoze would yell, and had already blocked his ears.

But Xiao Han, who was squatting beside her, obviously didn't know it, was frightened by the ghostly scream and fell down on the ground, looking aggrieved, why did the sixth prince suddenly scream scary.

"Sister-in-law three, it's you, you..." Long Xiaoze said loudly.

"Okay, as long as you know it yourself, you don't need to say it." Mu Ziling interrupted Long Xiaoze's words in a serious manner.

As long as Long Xiaoze said something with such a loud voice, the whole world could hear it, and she still wanted to live longer.

Long Xiaoze covered his mouth resentfully with one hand, and covered his lower body with the other, his heart was also trembling.

Oh my god, the third sister-in-law is really poisoned by his wife. Fortunately, he hasn't started making the antidote for the honeydew liquid, and he doesn't usually get shy in front of the third sister-in-law, otherwise he will be the one who is unlucky.

(end of this chapter)