Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 949: confusing behavior


If you believe him, it will be hell.

Mu Ziling kicked the horse's belly with his legs, and said angrily, "Can you go! If you don't go, I will go."

"Let's go." The word beamed with joy, full of joy.

The two of them were driving their horses and were about to leave when a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Where are you young couple going?"

I saw Le Tian walking towards the City Lord's Mansion leisurely carrying two jars of wine.

Long Xiaoyu glanced at the wine jar in his hand, ignored it, and pulled up the reins.

Le Tian spread his arms quickly, and stood in front of the taller horse without fear of death.

He raised his chin and opened his eyes wide: "Where are you going?"

No matter the action or the tone of voice, it is very like a little daughter-in-law who is about to be abandoned, questioning her husband who is cruel and wants to run away from home.

That day he bid farewell to them and said that he would go back to the imperial capital. Later, because of Su Shen's arrival, he changed his plan and planned to temporarily stay in Zhongjun City. After that, he would come to the City Lord's Mansion early every morning to visit.

The euphemistic name is: it is better to be happy alone than to be happy together. He is here to share the joy of spring.

They come here every morning and evening, and leave after staying for less than two quarters of an hour each time.

He said he came to visit to share happiness, but those who didn't know thought he was Chagang, and they were afraid that once he came, he would never see certain people again.

This person came to hang around sooner or later, even the flies couldn't shake him, Long Xiaoyu was a little annoyed by him: "Get out of the way."

Le Tian has been a little flustered in Fengchun recently, he stood still and didn't give way, and ignored Long Xiaoyu, he asked Mu Ziling with his eyes.

He learned from him two days ago that the Su Shen girl from Yue Lai Ke had also come to Zhongjun City, and Mu Ziling couldn't believe it.

She didn't expect that Miss Su, who looked elegant and graceful, was also a person who was free and easy, and dared to pursue love. What made her even more unexpected was that the man beside her contributed to the flames.

Recently, Mu Ziling was also amused by the infatuated friendship between Long Xiaoyu and Le Tian: "Don't make a fuss, we don't leave so fast, we just go back to my mother's house for a few days, and we will come back. Do not worry."

"I don't care when you left and when you came back?" Le Tian rolled his eyes and looked regretful: "I'm just regretting that you have no luck to enjoy my two jars of good health wine."

"Okay, let's go, I'll find Aze to drink." Then he carried the wine with peace of mind and entered the city lord's mansion.

It's such a confusing behavior, it's weird, it's been like this for the past few days.

Mu Ziling was a little funny, she patted Long Xiaoyu's hand: "Why don't I go first by myself and you stay in the mansion for two more days?"

She also mentioned this question before, but Long Xiaoyu's attitude remained the same without any consideration: "No."

The morning light is bright, and there is a gentle breeze blowing on the face. Because of the rainy days for several consecutive days, the air is somewhat warm, without the slightest dryness of summer.

The two rode horses and headed for the Mu Mansion as if taking a stroll in the garden.

When we arrived at the Mu Mansion, it was lunch time, and the Mu family was already preparing for dinner. Li En was very happy to see his daughter and son-in-law, and he cooked himself and added several side dishes.

Just like in the City Lord's Mansion, the family eats around the table, having fun and talking and laughing happily.

After lunch, Long Xiaoyu and Mu Zhenguo played chess in the gazebo in the garden, Murong Xing was swinging under the banyan tree not far away, next to him Mu Ziye was lying on a recliner with his eyes closed, and Mu Ziling and Li En were in the room chat.

"Ling'er, your father and I have discussed it, and we will go back to the Meditation Garden tomorrow."

Li En and Mu Zhenguo have lived in the Jingxin Garden for a long time, and they are used to the tranquility there. They are really not used to the hustle and bustle of this city.

Mu Ziling thought they would go back, but she didn't expect to be quick: "Mother, can you stay for a few more days?"

Li En shook his head and said, "It's all packed, we'll leave tomorrow."

Mu Ziling vaguely guessed something, her throat was blocked, she hesitated to speak: "Mother, are you..."

Li En's eyes were slightly red: "Well, mother knows that sooner or later you will leave this continent and go to that place, and Ye'er told me about it, so mother doesn't want to stay any longer," she said. Holding Mu Ziling's hand: "Ling'er, don't blame mother, mother is also..."

Having said that, Li En turned his face away and wiped away his tears.

This farewell is a farewell forever, how could she be willing

But what is doomed, so what if you don't give up

If you stay for one more day, you will feel more reluctant, more reluctant, sad and hurt.

When it is broken, it is broken, not to cause more troubles to the children, this is the only thing they can do for their parents now.

"Mother, don't say that." Mu Ziling's eyes also turned red: "It's Linger who's sorry for you, and I won't be able to do my filial piety for you in the future."

With tears in his eyes, Li En's brows and eyes were infinitely gentle: "Silly boy, although your father and I are getting old, we are still in good health, so don't miss us."

In the end, she said earnestly and earnestly: "Things are already doomed, so I won't say much about myself, mother, I just hope you all go well, no matter where you are in the future, or how dangerous the road is, you must support each other with Yu'er, Hand in hand."

Mu Ziling nodded: "I see."

"One more thing," Li En sighed, "About Ye'er."

"My brother?" Mu Ziye said that he didn't go with them, it was because of his parents, Mu Ziling wondered: "What's wrong with him? Isn't he going back with you?"

Speaking of his son, Li En was both worried and worried: "He wants to go back with us, but he can't, he has to go with you."

Mu Ziling didn't make a sound, but doubts were written on his face.

Li En said: "Thinking about it, your uncle should have told you that we were born in the ancient domain, and the reason why we can live forever is because we have spiritual roots on our bodies. If you grow old and live longer, otherwise, you will become a devil and a disaster, and you will have endless troubles."

A few days ago, Li Zhan talked about this topic with them in Hualin, and Xiao Ming was the negative example, but Li Zhan said that his situation was the lightest of the negatives, and he could still be saved.

Li Zhan also said that all people born in the ancient lands are born with spiritual roots, but it does not mean that they can live forever if they have spiritual roots, and it does not mean that they will become evil if they have spiritual roots. Cheng Linggen's bloodline, it is precisely because of the extreme talent that he is lucky enough to live forever, but it is not easy to maintain immortality, but it only takes one day and one night to become evil.

Mu Ziling knew Li En's concerns, so she didn't speak out, but asked: "Then if the spiritual root is stripped, it will be the same as yours?"

Li En was also born in the ancient domain, and was lucky to live forever, but because of certain things, she has no trace of spiritual roots on her body, and now she is also an ordinary person who will gradually age with the changes of time.

Li En wasn't surprised that Mu Ziling would ask such a question, but her face suddenly became serious: "It was your uncle who told you that the spiritual roots on my body were stripped?"

(end of this chapter)