Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 963: Final 2 Su Yin is completely destroyed


The Qi of heaven and earth is the essence of the sun and the moon.

In Long Xiaoyu's calculations and arrangements, even a false appearance, even an insignificant pawn, can play a key role in the end.

There is a saying that goes like this, true is false and sometimes false is true, chess pieces can be used as "stars" illusion, and now they can also be used as lethal weapons to eradicate these evil spirits.

There's just one tangled issue.

There are only three hundred and sixty black and white chess pieces on the sky, and there are thousands of evil spirits. These "stars" turned into chess pieces can only destroy a fraction of the evil spirits at best.

"If one foot is destroyed, there are not enough chess pieces." Mu Ziling suggested: "How about we outflank them?"

Although the devious tactics are troublesome and risky, at least there is a chance to kill these evil spirits directly.

What Long Xiaoyu wants is zero risk and being able to defeat the enemy 100%, he said: "It's time to take out the diamond stars and use them."

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Mu Ziling suddenly realized.

That's right, how could she forget, the big trump card in her hand.

The diamond stars erupt quickly and are powerful. As long as those chess pieces containing the spirit of heaven and earth are fused with them, no matter the power or the number of attacks, they are absolutely enough to wipe out the evil spirits in one fell swoop.

Mu Ziling didn't hesitate any longer, she pointed to a steep cliff not far ahead: "Let's go there."

That land was exactly where they had placed Qixing Lianzhu before, the terrain was high and the advantages were sufficient.

Long Xiaoyu had exactly this intention, he hugged her waist tightly, with the wind blowing from the soles of his feet, he touched the ground with his toes, and reached the top of the cliff.

When the two arrived, the dark cloud of evil spirits chased them halfway up the cliff.

Even so, Long Xiaoyu and Mu Ziling did not relax in the slightest and started preparing for battle.

Mu Ziling stopped at the place where she controlled the Qixing Lianzhu, and once again used her own star power to scatter the seven chess pieces hanging above her head, and even the scattered chess pieces around her.

Immediately, she raised her left hand again, and the diamonds and stars in her hand bloomed with light.

A ray of blue, silver and white light merged straight into the gathered loose chess pieces, and in an instant the entire cliff top was shrouded in bright light.

At the same moment, dark evil spirits rushed towards them with a strong desire to devour them.

Long Xiaoyu immediately released the soul of the dragon shadow, and used the pure yang energy of the dragon elephant as a protective cover for the two of them.

Dragon Elephant Chunyang can resist all irresistible things in nature, but these evil spirits are not natural things, and their evil nature is extremely deep.

When the defense was about to be breached, Long Xiaoyu said, "Mumu."

The tacit understanding between husband and wife has long been a heart-to-heart relationship, so there is no need to say much.

Mu Ziling closed her eyes and counted down to three seconds in her heart.

When she counted to "one", she opened her eyes and shouted, "Explosion!"

Countless rays of bright starlight centered on her, bursting out towards the sky in all directions like rays.

For a while, the dim sky was dotted with stars, and the stars were twinkling.

Long Xiaoyu then used the Soul of Dragon Shadow to help.

Mu Ziling held the Purple Shadow Golden Whip and controlled the stars.

At the very moment when the evil spirits break through the defense—

The stars moved and turned, and the stars all over the sky were like flying fire meteors, falling with an unstoppable speed.

No matter how many evil spirits there are, they can't compare to the sky full of stars.

In just a short moment, a cloud of evil spirits were all hit by Xing Dou, and finally collapsed without a trace.

Until Su Yin died, until her body and body were completely annihilated, until this moment her soul was dissipated, she would never have thought that she would disappear forever under the bright stars she once hated so much.

On the surface of the sea, there were a few heads floating, quietly watching this scene.

They had seen such a scene when the ancient domain was facing a catastrophe. A woman descended to the world like a god, raised her hand to control the stars, and saved the people of the ancient domain with all her strength. .

As the waves pushed forward, Tianjizi was relieved and sighed: "As expected of her daughter."

Diyangzi was proud and proud: "As expected of my precious apprentice."

Tian Jizi squinted: "Do you want to be shameless?!"

After not fighting for a long time, Di Yangzi's hands were itchy: "Do you want to fight?!"

"Come on, I've endured you for a long time." Tian Jizi jumped up from the water and sent out a palm without saying a word.

Not to be outdone, Diyangzi hit each other head-on.

bang bang bang! !

The raging sea rose to the sky, and the fierce sea battle started like this.

The battle is getting farther and farther away, and the waves on the sea are not calm.

"Xiaobai," Qiu Zhirou looked at the glowing couple on the reef, who dared to look like heaven, and laughed, "I finally understand why the Lord of the World has been desperate and obsessed with looking for her for a hundred years. "

Bai Xiaosheng knew why and asked, "Why?"

Qiu Zhirou said: "That person is the light that the world relies on, and now this light shines on her daughter. Although I don't want to admit it, I have to admit that even if that person did something wrong, she was right. She missed Xiaoyu. The future of half a lifetime, but lost a daughter, in the final analysis, our Murong family made money."

As she spoke, she became inexplicably melancholy.

Because they thought that they would leave here soon: "Xiaobai, this small continent is much more human than our ancient land, I don't want to go back."

The ancient domain is the place they depend on for survival, everything is good, but since when, the darkness has become the ruler there, she would rather stay in this area with only a little trouble than go back and be surrounded by darkness. In the colorful world.

Why isn't Bai Xiaosheng greedy for the life here? He said: "Then we won't go back, we will stay in Fengyuejian, continue to make love, make him a lot of money."

Qiu Zhirou loves money, but she loves beauty more: "But I don't want to be old and ugly, and I don't want to die with wrinkled face and ugly appearance."

They also have spiritual roots, but their spiritual roots have not yet reached their peak, and their adaptability is limited, unlike those old guys like Li Zhan, who can stay in this continent for decades without getting hurt.

Counting the time, they have been in this continent for five years.

The past five years are already the maximum limit their bodies can bear. If they don't go back, they will live like years in the next days, accelerate aging, and die.

"This is really a problem." Bai Xiaosheng pretended to be distressed and pondered for a while: "If not, let's go back for a while, build up our bodies, and come back when we find a chance."

How can I come back

Even if there is a chance, it is slim, and there will be a huge price to pay.

Knowing that he was joking, Qiu Zhirou still smiled and said, "Okay."

Bai Xiaosheng smiled, said nothing, and carried her ashore.

At some point in time, the eastern sky turned pale, and the sky, which had been dark for several days, was finally about to light up.


Xiao Ming, who couldn't see the sun, jumped out of the water, spread his wings, flew towards the dense forest by the sea, and hid.

Of the seven people who escaped from the water, five escaped and all were safe and sound.

Only Li Zhan and Mu Ziye were left.

(end of this chapter)