Cold King’s Dominating Love, Genius Medical Consort

Chapter 99: Throw yourself in the arms, you deserve it


Mu Ziling thought to herself, if anyone dares to say in front of her that His Royal Highness Qi is obsessed with cleanliness and never allows women to approach her, she will be anxious with him.

Why are women not allowed to approach? This is simply non-existent. In less than a day, she was actually treated lightly twice.

This nasty bad guy is really nothing but a blockbuster.

Being frivolous is frivolous, and you still look for reasons confidently, what never suffers, what doesn't share a teacup, it's all bullshit.

Long Xiaoyu stared at Mu Ziling's angry and flushed little face for a moment, seemed to know what she had remembered, slightly curled up her beautiful thin lips, and asked again in a good mood: "Are you still thirsty? "

Long Xiaoyu's voice was evil and mesmerizing, low and seductive, it was extremely pleasant, like the sound of heaven.

Mu Zi's heart skipped a beat involuntarily, then he shuddered suddenly, he hurriedly waved his hands, shook his head violently, and said inappropriately: "No, I'm not thirsty, I'm not thirsty anymore."

thirsty! Of course I'm thirsty.

But, what an international joke!

Even if she died of thirst today, she couldn't let this bad guy feed her tea mouth to mouth. Fortunately, no one saw her just now, otherwise it would be a shame.

"Well, you can go." Long Xiaoyu didn't ask any more questions, but suddenly stretched out his slender arms, ready to wrap around Mu Ziling's slender waist.

"The concubine will go on her own." Mu Ziling seemed frightened by frivolity, seeing Long Xiaoyu reaching out her hand, she subconsciously took a step away.

However, after saying this, she immediately regretted it.

It was because Mu Ziling realized that she was still on the second floor of the pavilion, and there was no ladder, how would she get there by herself? If he jumped, his arms and legs would be broken.

Blame this guy for driving himself out of his mind.

Just for a moment, before Long Xiaoyu's hand was withdrawn, Mu Ziling quickly moved into Long Xiaoyu's arms.

As if he was afraid that Long Xiaoyu would not take her down, he brazenly grabbed Long Xiaoyu's broad palm, tightly wrapped it around his slender waist, and tightly restrained him with his white and tender hands, for fear that Long Xiaoyu would Close hand.

Mu Ziling's speed and movements are staggering, incomparably fast.

Take the initiative to throw yourself in the arms!

Long Xiaoyu looked down at the little woman in his arms, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, could this woman be any more stupid

Seeing that Long Xiaoyu hadn't moved for a long time, Mu Ziling nervously raised her palm-sized face, and looked at Long Xiaoyu suspiciously.

It was discovered that Long Xiaoyu was looking at her with lowered eyes, those deep and dark eyes... couldn't be seen through.

Mu Ziling felt suffocated immediately, and reminded cautiously. "Your Highness, you can go down now."

Long Xiaoyu didn't speak, and tightened his hands around Mu Ziling's slender waist, and flew away in the direction of the palace...

Mu Ziling originally thought that Long Xiaoyu was just bringing her back to the ground, but he didn't expect that Long Xiaoyu would actually take her out of the palace.

Their bodies landed firmly on the back of the Ben Leima who had already been at the gate of the palace, and then the Ben Leima let out a long neigh and galloped away.

Ben Leima ran fast.

"Your Highness, where is Le Tian? I just need to find him myself." Mu Ziling obediently nestled in Long Xiaoyu's arms, and asked loudly against the whistling wind in his ears.

Is this guy going to take her to Lotte himself

In fact, Mu Ziling would like to add another sentence: You have a lot of things to do every day, so I won't bother you.

But in order to avoid the danger of being thrown off the horse, Mu Ziling could only swallow what he wanted to say truthfully.

"Meditation Garden." Long Xiaoyu frowned slightly, and said three words coldly, a faint displeasure flashed across his expression.

Although I know that Mu Ziling has something to do with Lotte, but what Mu Ziling said in front of Long Xiaoyu today is Lotte, Lotte...

Now His Royal Highness Qi Wang heard the word "Le Tian" again, and finally became unhappy!

Although Long Xiaoyu only has three short and simple words, but it has a double meaning.

He not only said that Le Tian was in the Jingxin Garden, but also said that he was going to take Mu Ziling to the Jingxin Garden.

Mu Ziling also understood what Long Xiaoyu said, this guy wanted to take her to the Meditation Garden.


"Your Highness, this concubine did not bring a medicine box." Mu Ziling's body suddenly bounced away from Long Xiaoyu's cold and comfortable embrace.

Because Le Tian was present during the operation, Mu Ziling had already prepared some things that Li En would use for the operation and put them in the medicine box, how can he perform the surgery without bringing the medicine box to cover people's eyes and ears

"It's all right, the ghost image has already been taken away." Long Xiaoyu responded lightly.

Mu Ziling couldn't tell what it was like, it turned out that Long Xiaoyu had already arranged in advance to let Letian go to the Meditation Garden and let Ghosting bring the medicine box.

Long Xiaoyu grabbed Mu Ziling's slender shoulders, took advantage of the situation, and pulled her into his arms.

What Long Xiaoyu touched was Mu Ziling's shoulder that had been slapped by the black-clothed man, but with Long Xiaoyu's gentle embrace, Mu Ziling immediately felt the tingling pain on his shoulder again, and it didn't increase. reduce.

Mu Ziling's expression froze, and she couldn't help frowning.

Damn it! Why is your shoulder hurting again

When I changed my clothes this morning, I saw that there was nothing wrong with it. There was only a faint palm print, not even a bruise. Why is it still so painful now


Ben Leima galloped all the way, and in just half an hour, it was already evening when they arrived at the Jingxin Garden.

As soon as they arrived on the front foot, the ghost shadow on the back foot also came with the medicine box.

Mu Zhenguo and Le Tian sat on the stone bench in the yard, drinking tea and chatting leisurely.

Le Tian took a sip of tea gracefully, but before he could swallow it, he inadvertently saw Long Xiaoyu flying down from the Ben Lei horse with Mu Ziling in his arms outside the courtyard.

"Cough, cough..." Le Tian choked on the tea that he was about to swallow, and his gentle and elegant image was instantly defeated.

"Doctor Le, what's the matter? Is there something wrong with the tea?" Mu Zhenguo asked worriedly. He was sitting with his back to the courtyard door, so naturally he didn't see the scene outside the courtyard.

"Ahem... It's okay, the tea is fine, it's pretty good." Le Tian blushed from being choked, patted his chest with one hand to smooth the air, and waved his hands repeatedly with the other.

There is no problem with the tea, but there is something wrong with His Royal Highness Qi Wang who doesn't like women outside the courtyard!

At this moment, Long Xiaoyu and Mu Ziling walked in side by side.

Ghost Shadow silently followed behind them, and when he first saw Long Xiaoyu and Mu Ziling riding together, he was also shocked, it turned out that what Ghost Ghost said was true.

Mu Zhenguo heard the movement behind him, turned his head, was stunned for a moment, then quickly got up and saluted Long Xiaoyu respectfully.

"Le Tian, are you sick? It looks serious?" Mu Ziling looked at Le Tian who was still coughing and out of breath, and asked pretending to be kind.

Mu Ziling naturally knew that this elegant masked and gentle Le Tian had choked on the tea, and now she only had two words for Le Tian in her heart: deserve it!

"Ahem... nothing... nothing!" Le Tian was choked up when he heard this, so how could Princess Qi know that he was sick

"How could it be okay? I have a cough like this. Oh, yes, doctors can't heal themselves. Would you like me to show you?" Mu Ziling pretended to be worried, but was overjoyed in his heart.

Now that I have something to ask Letian for help, I can't take revenge for being tricked last time. Now I have a chance to play tricks, so naturally I can't let it go, it's revenge.

"Cough cough..." Le Tian was completely speechless and just coughed.

He just choked on the tea, how could he be seriously ill

Concubine Qi, we have no grievances or enmities, why did we have bad words when we came here, and cursed him for being sick. Shouldn't it be His Highness Qi Wang who doesn't like women

However, in the next second, Le Tian knew that Mu Ziling had a grudge against him.

The corner of Mu Ziling's mouth twitched into a satisfied smile, and he suddenly moved closer to Le Tian, and whispered in his ear with a smile: "Last time, it was fun to play around with my princess?"

Letian stopped coughing immediately, and woke up suddenly.

It turns out that Princess Qi was "cleaned up" by His Royal Highness Qi last time!

It turned out that Mu Ziling was so vicious when she saw him today, she was taking revenge for being tricked!

Then should he be thankful that Mu Ziling only spoke harshly to him, and did not further...

Just as Le Tian had figured it out, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing towards his back. Immediately, a chill rose slowly from his feet and spread to his limbs.

In an instant, Le Tian knew where the chilly wind came from.

"What are you doing standing there, why don't you go in and see Mrs. Mu?" Long Xiaoyu's words were as calm as water, but like the howling of a cold north wind, Mu Ziling and Le Tian shuddered when they heard it, and their hearts felt cold.

The authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. Mu Ziling's casual approach to Letian's ear is a very intimate move in the eyes of His Royal Highness Qi Wang.

People who don't know should still think that His Royal Highness Qi Wang is really worried about Li En's illness

Mu Ziling shrank her neck involuntarily, what happened to this uncertain guy

Le Tian poked his cold arms, he must not have read the almanac when he went out today, why did all the bad luck happen to him

Mu Ziling stopped joking, and restrained her expression slightly, and asked seriously to Mu Zhenguo: "Father, has there been any abnormality in Mother's body these few days?"

"Doctor Le has been helping to take care of her these past few days, nothing unusual happened, it's still the same." Mu Zhenguo sighed, his face still slightly sad.

Lotte has been in the meditation garden these days

Mu Ziling secretly glanced at Long Xiaoyu who was beside him, feeling uneasy again. It turned out that he had already informed Letian to come over and watch first.

Although this guy is cold and indifferent to everything, what he does is always unexpected and thoughtful, which always makes people feel heart-warming.

"Mrs. Mu's disease has been researched for a few days, and I only know that her internal organs are exhausted, but I can't figure out the rest. How does the princess plan to treat it?" Le Tian also returned to normal, and asked curiously.

Le Tian also knew about Li En's previous illness. His master Bai Liqiu was helpless against Li En's illness back then, and could only help her control it with medicine.

He also heard Mu Zhenguo say that Li Enzhong was suffering from poisoning. He had only heard about poisoning, but had never actually seen it.

"Let's go in and talk about it first, Ghosting, the medicine box." Mu Ziling said calmly, and then signaled Ghosting to give her the medicine box.

(end of this chapter)