Come and Eat, Shan Shan

Chapter 16: Part14


The company doctor who was summoned by Feng Teng laughed and helped Shan Shan take out the fishbone. Then Shan Shan and the innocent doctor were thrown out of the office by the unhappy President.

Shan Shan spent the afternoon with a frown. The words "Put a long line to catch a big fish" from the president come to her mind from time to time, but when she thinks of a big fish, she thinks of the feeling of being caught by a fishbone...


Don't even think about it.

It's normal for a strange person like the President to say some strange things, and there is nothing wrong with following his words and thinking about things.

Thinking like this, Shan Shan re-formatted the words of Mr. President, and restarted it. She is another Xue Shan Shan with no worries ^_^
