Come and Eat, Shan Shan

Chapter 22: Part20


Shan Shan is stunned while holding the phone.

She has never been in a relationship, but for a few years in college, she also watched her roommates fall in love one by one. A girl in the dormitory once said that when looking for a boyfriend, you must find someone you understand, and a man you can understand. Otherwise, no matter how good it is, you should think twice.

In other words, to know his password.

Mr. Boss... Don't say the password, she doesn't even know where to enter the password... As if a basin of ice water is pouring down on her head, Shan Shan's high emotions suddenly cooled down.

On the other side of the phone, Shuang Yi suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said suspiciously, "Shan Shan, you're not talking about yourself, are you?"

"...No." Shan Shan denies it in a spiritless manner.

"Hahaha, I knew it wouldn't be you, sigh, you're just like me, even if you find a card, maybe it's a credit card with debt..."

Shan Shan: “…”

After hanging up, Shan Shan no longer has any interest in shopping, and goes home unhappy. On the way home, I ate beef noodles, but I didn't have any appetite. I was still a little hungry, but I couldn't finish the rest.

Go to work next.

For several days in a row, Shan Shan has been busy and in a trance.

She didn't go upstairs for dinner, Feng Teng didn't call her, Linda and the others were all heard from, only Ah May sent a text message to complain, saying that she was too busy to receive inspections.

This seems to be a normal world, a normal life, but Shan Shan suddenly realizes that this world is so unpleasant, making people feel low and powerless.

Fortunately, there are other things to divert attention.

The landlord of the house she rented was going to sell, and it seemed that she was in a hurry to use the money, and she couldn't wait until the end of the year, so Shan Shan had to move out a year ago. But where can I find a house for a while, and she is also very busy at the end of the year, so she finally got in touch with Dahua, a college classmate who works in the same city. Dahua promised to put the packaged things with her during the New Year. As for looking for a house, we can only wait until after the Spring Festival.

Because the landlord broke the contract, Shan Shan lost two months' rent, which was several thousand yuan. As usual, Shanshan should be very happy with such an unexpected wealth, but she has no feeling at all with the money in her hands.

Even joy is exhausting.

The annual settlement is over, and the Spring Festival is approaching, and everyone in the office finally has a bit of leisure to chat about New Year's plans in twos and threes. Shan Shan finishes her work and unwittingly turns on the Internet.

"Xue Shanshan."

slap! Hearing someone call her, Shan Shan quickly closes the webpage.

"Hey, Shan Shan, what are you doing on the company's website?"

Ajia's sharp-eyed eyes saw that her closed web page page was the photo of their president receiving a high-level inspection recently.

"Uh..." Actually, she didn't know what to do, she even passed by without knowing it... Shan Shan hurriedly changed the topic: "Is there something wrong?"

Hearing her question, Ajia's face was filled with a smirk, "Shan Shan, what time are you going home?"

"New Year's Eve, tickets for the evening."

Shan Shan's family is in province G, and it takes about ten hours to go back by train. After getting off the train, you have to transfer to the bus once.

"That's it, our family originally planned to go back to our hometown, the tickets for the morning of New Year's Eve, but temporarily decided to go to Hainan for Chinese New Year, you see, we don't have time to go to the train station, can you help us refund the tickets when you leave? already?"

"Okay, no problem."

Shan Shan comes down in one bite. Anyway, she was going to the train station, and refunding the ticket was just a small effort.

Ajia thanks again and again: "Haha, thank you Shanshan, I'll invite you to dinner later."

When her colleagues leave, Shan Shan falls back into her own little world.

You're going home tomorrow, Mr. President, are you on a whim or on a whim

The office is very lively, but Shan Shan feels that she is separated from the liveliness by a transparent barrier. She froze for a while, took out her mobile phone, and silently typed four words-Happy New Year.

Then set it to send automatically at eight o'clock.

The recipient is Feng Teng.

Then, she exhaled a long breath.

Does this count as life after death

What are you afraid of, Xue Shanshan, the big deal is that Mr. President is just joking, but if you don't figure it out, I'm afraid she won't have a good time this year!

She didn't know if this was an explanation for herself or a conclusion to herself. In short, after doing such a thing, it seemed that her whole body was relieved.

Holidays are in the blink of an eye. New Year's Eve. Shan Shan sent the sorted belongings to Dahua, and then dragged her luggage to the train station. This year is Shan Shan's first year of work, and it is also the first time she has truly experienced the Spring Festival. Although in previous years, I have to go home from school. But after all, it is relatively early for students to go on vacation. At this time, there is almost no place to stay in the train station, and the breath is so turbid that it makes people uncomfortable.

Shan Shan regrets not buying a plane ticket to save money. Squeezed to the refund window to help colleagues refund the ticket, and there was actually a queue at the refund window.

There are still many people crowded there, constantly asking if they have tickets for where to go, presumably they want to buy tickets from the refunded people. One of them kept asking if he had tickets for City H, Shan Shan couldn't help but glance at him.

The man was very sensitive, and immediately ran up to ask Shan Shan, "Miss, are you refunding your ticket to City H?"

Shan Shan nodded, and the man asked in surprise, "How many do you have?"


"That's great, I just want three." The man was even more delighted, and asked quickly, "See if you can sell it to me at the original price. Our family has been waiting here for a long time, and we have no tickets."

Shan Shan sees the fact that the family in front of her is stale and their life is not rich, and she says, "I'll refund it for someone else, just refund the fare for me."

Instead, the man hesitated and looked at her suspiciously, "Is your vote real?"

Shan Shan is depressed, she didn't expect her kindness to have the opposite effect, and she is also polite at the moment: "If you don't, forget it."

"I want what I want."

Seeing her say this, the man quickly counted out a few hundred dollars.

Shan Shan takes the money and is more careful, seeing that there is no problem with the money in her hand, before giving him the ticket. The man left with the ticket, Shan Shan dragged her suitcase and planned to go to the supermarket in the waiting room to buy something to eat on the way.

tomato novel

Her ticket was still more than an hour away, so she was not in a hurry, and slowly chose a few foods and went to the counter to line up to check out. Who would have thought that just after paying the bill and walking out of the supermarket, the person who had just bought the ticket from her led two policemen to her, pointed at Shan Shan and said angrily, "It's her! The fake ticket is from her. bought!"

Shan Shan is stupid. (To be continued)