Come and Eat, Shan Shan

Chapter 33: Part31


In the blink of an eye, Feng Teng has been out of the country for two days, but he has not received a single call. Shan Shan always feels that something is wrong. On weekend nights, Shan Shan was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with her eyes open, she couldn't fall asleep... Could it be that she heard what she said that day? But if he heard it, Boss wouldn't let her go so easily, he would always find something to bully her.

Maybe just too busy? I don't know what time it is in the United States. Would you like to make a phone call

Shan Shan is counting the jet lag with her fingers straight when suddenly the phone rang.

It couldn't be Boss's phone number, he went to get his phone even before wearing his slippers, but it was an unfamiliar local number. Shan Shan picks it up a little disappointedly, and Mama Xue's cheerful voice comes from the microphone: "Shan Shan, we are at the S city train station!"

This time the Xue family was a group raid, and there were five people in total, Shan Shan's parents, Liu Liu's parents, and Grandpa Xue. Shan Shan received them at the train station and complained, "Why didn't you give a call before you came?"

Xue's mother smiled: "I'll give you a surprise."

Shan Shan is speechless, really surprised.

"It just so happens that you and Liu Liu are both here, so let's take the opportunity to come over and have a look. I originally wanted to come again in hot weather, but your grandfather has been a little uncomfortable recently, and the hospital over there couldn't find anything, so he went to the big city earlier. Check out the hospital."

"What's wrong with Grandpa?" Shan Shan was taken aback, and she breathed a sigh of relief after receiving a not-so-questionable answer from Xue's mother, "Which hospital are you going to see? It's hard to get a big hospital number, so I'll go to the queue first."

"Don't be too busy, Liu Liu's boyfriend is no better than you. Your aunt said let him find someone."

... But Liu Liu didn't come to S City at all.

Shan Shan glances at her mother, but in the end she doesn't say anything, and decides in her heart to find a time to register in advance. Not long after Shan Shan returned to S City, she received a call from Liu Liu. She did not come to S City at all, but went to Hangzhou, asking Shan Shan to help her hide her secret.

Just as he was thinking, Liu Liu hurriedly appeared and said a few words to the aunt and the others. She hurriedly pulled Shan Shan aside, "Shan Shan, you didn't tell them that I was in Hangzhou, did you?"

"I didn't say, you came from Hangzhou?"


Shan Shan is very confused, "Liu Liu, what's going on, you have to tell me."

Liu Liu pursed his lips, "I broke up with him after the Chinese New Year."

Shan Shan is taken aback, "What's wrong?"

Liu Liu probably didn't talk to anyone, but when Shan Shan asked, she said a lot uncharacteristically, "I hate the way my mother flattered him and asked me to please him and not make him angry, don't I? Isn't it a person? Shan Shan, I really can't take it anymore."

"...Then why did you leave your hometown?"

"I wanted to leave for a long time. I haven't lived for myself in my life. Anyway, I can't do the job over there. I just found a job in Hangzhou online."

Shan Shan is worried: "But this is definitely something you can't hide, in case your mother calls him..."

"He has come to S City, so he should change his mobile phone number here." Liu Liu bit his lip, "I know it won't take long to hide it, just as long as you can."

The elder sister, who has always been submissive, has made such a big determination, of course Shan Shan can only support her, nodding her head, determined to help her hide it to the end.

YY novel

However, as the saying goes, the acquaintance Mo Ruomu, there is no one in the world who knows her daughter better than her mother. On the second day in S City, this matter was discovered by the aunt.

The aunt was so furious now that she yelled at Liu Liu on the street, why did she raise you so big for nothing? Let her have a good life in her life.

Seeing that it was already attracting onlookers, Shan Shan's parents hurriedly stopped and persuaded them, but they couldn't stand the vigor of the aunt's anger, and finally Grandpa Xue shouted: "Go back and talk about something, don't make trouble!"

The eldest aunt was still waiting, but she saw that Grandpa Xue's face was flushed and his expression was abnormal, and then he fell down with a "bang".

The family was so frightened that they didn't care about quarreling, so they rushed him to the hospital, but what they got was the result of refusing to be admitted.

A voice from the emergency room reluctantly put down the phone and shook his head, "Now let's hang up the water in the emergency room."

The inpatient department refused to accept it, and he had no choice. Looking at the anxious family, he gave some comfort: "It's the same here, hang up the water for a day to see the situation."

Grandpa Xue has woken up now, but people are still confused and have no clear consciousness. Just on the way to the hospital, the Xue family found that the old man was hot all over, and there were large lumps of redness and swelling on his waist, and some places even turned black and blistered. . It doesn't seem like he was out of anger. It is estimated that the old man has been uncomfortable for a long time. He is just afraid to trouble the younger generation. In the end, the big aunt yelled at him that way, which made him burst into a panic attack.

Since the doctor in the emergency department said so, that's the only way to do it. It's already afternoon. Grandpa Xue has just gone through a circle of examinations, and he really can't stand to go to another hospital again. Besides, would it be better to go to another hospital than here

Shan Shan heard that it was difficult to see a doctor in a big city, but when it came to her, she realized that the word "difficult" was so difficult to write.

The doctors in this emergency room are still very enthusiastic. They have seen them several times, and they have also asked their family members to pay attention before leaving get off work. After hanging up the water at night, the old man fell asleep peacefully, and everyone finally put down their snacks.

The next day was still hanging water, the situation was good or not, but the doctor's determination still gave them the confidence to heal. Tomorrow is Monday, and Xue's mother asks Shan Shan to go to work. Although Shan Shan is worried, but there are so many people in the family, she can't be used for a while. I asked for too much leave, but when I had something to do, it was not easy to ask for it, so I nodded and decided to go to work first.

Who knew that on the way to work on Monday, Shan Shan received an anxious call from Xue's mother: "Shan Shan, come here quickly, the emergency room doctor said that the room will not be allowed."

Emergency rooms are re-prescribing medicines every day. There was a doctor on duty in the emergency room today. In the morning, Dad Xue went to prescribe the medicine for hanging water. It didn't take long for the doctor to come and tell Grandpa Xue to give up the bed and sit on the hanging water.

Grandpa Xue still has a fever, and his waist is still swollen and swollen. How can he sit up? The Xue family argues with reason. However, the doctor always put on an expression of ignorance and said that the emergency room is not allowed to stay overnight. Illegal.

Mama Xue was angry and anxious, wiped her tears and said to Shan Shan, "It was fine, but what the doctor told him, that's all."

There are a lot of middle-aged men around the emergency room who look like they are idle. Shan Shan also only knew yesterday that these people are medical care. Yesterday, a medical care came over, but the Xue family ignored him, but they did not expect to be retaliated against today.

The eldest aunt showed her stubbornness: "We won't leave, let's watch them chase us!"

we can only do this.

Shan Shan slowly sits down on the chair next to her, feeling cold and powerless in her heart.

She has always known that this world is realistic and powerful, but in her ordinary life, she does not have many opportunities to encounter such naked discrimination, but when these things happen to her, she realizes that it is such a painful pain. , Live to force the little people into rogues.

She suddenly hated her former self, why can she live so innocently? Why so carefree

For a time, my heart was filled with desperate despair.

She originally thought that her grandfather's illness would be cured soon, and the emergency doctor on the first day gave her confidence, but now she is not sure. what to do? what to do? Today the doctor is about to get off work, and the hospital won't "persuade" them to leave, but tomorrow, what if they have to take back the hospital bed tomorrow

Seeing the anxious and numb expressions of her family members, Shan Shan clenched her phone and finally dialed to the other side of the ocean.

The phone rang several times before being picked up, and then the familiar voice was heard.

"Feng Teng..."

Just saying his name, Shan Shan burst into tears, and all the emotions she had been suppressing seemed to burst out in her chest in an instant.

"Xue Shanshan."

Calling her by the Boss with her first and last name often means she is in a bad mood. If it was usual, Shan Shan would have been frightened, but now she seems to be suddenly comforted.

"I… "

Choked again.

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Shan Shan, where are you?"

Xue Shanshan said, "I'm in the hospital." (To be continued)