Come and Eat, Shan Shan

Chapter 40: Part 38


The weather cooled down slowly, and Shan Shan went to buy clothes twice later, but in the closet, she was still in an absolute weak state. But in fact, she can't wear it if she buys too much, so she doesn't want to show off in the company every day.

Well, speaking of which, Shan Shan has been proud of her love and career recently. Let's not talk about love, I'm so proud that my body can't bear it = = As for career~~~ Although the attendance award has become a cloud in the sky, she has officially joined Fengteng Group for a year, that is to say, Finally get a raise~~~~~ I don't know how much this raise will be, Shan Shan is excitedly looking forward to it.

Unlike her excitement, the group executives in charge of this matter were so worried that their hair was greasy. Now that the wind is up and down, who doesn't know the relationship between the finance department's clerk surnamed Xue and the president. How much is this salary increase appropriate

The section chief of the finance department has always been very upright. According to Shan Shan's usual performance, he was given an above-average salary increase, but when it was sent to a higher-level supervisor for approval, people would think more of it. too much.

Just a mid-to-high salary increase, will it make Miss Xue and the president unhappy? However, if it is the highest level all of a sudden, will it be too obvious to flatter

The poor high-level slandered inwardly: Really, my husband gives his wife a pay raise. This kind of housework will also trouble us. Do we have to get a pay raise, Nima

In the end, the high-level executives sighed, thinking that it is your money anyway, the left pocket goes into the right pocket, it doesn't matter if you give more, so with a big stroke of the pen, it is adjusted to the highest level.

However, a few days later, the salary increase list was sent to the individual, and Shan Shan's salary increase still returned to the level given by the finance section chief. Well, who dares to press down, except for President Feng.

Xue Shanshan is naturally unaware of these intertwining episodes surrounding her salary increase, and Shan Shan is already very satisfied with her salary increase.

Finally, the gap in the attendance award was made up. TT Fengteng Group has been very effective in recent years. Everyone is generally satisfied with the salary increase this time, and the atmosphere in the office suddenly became lively. Shan Shan is listening to her colleagues discussing where to celebrate at night, when she receives an anxious call from Feng Yue: "Shan Shan, are you in the company? I'm downstairs, hurry down."

Shan Shan was frightened by her urgency, she didn't have time to think about it, she told the section chief and rushed downstairs. As expected, Miss Feng's car was waiting downstairs. As soon as Shan Shan got in the car, Miss Feng started it, and she didn't have time to say anything.

On the way, Feng Yue explained the ins and outs.

"After my last operation, I joined a rare blood type mutual aid group in this city. The group owner is the nurse at the hospital where I performed the operation. She called just now and said that there had been a series of car accidents on the elevated, and both mothers and daughters were AB type. Negative blood, there is not enough blood in the hospital, the situation is very critical, I call on everyone to donate blood."

"Ah." Shan Shan urged her, "then drive faster."

But the road conditions in S City, no matter how fast the car can go, the two rushed to the hospital in a hurry, and the nurse who was the leader of the group was already waiting anxiously at the door.

Seeing that they had arrived, the little nurse rushed them to the examination place with great enthusiasm, "Quick, quick, let's go to the blood test first."

As she walked, she said, "I know about your situation, Fengyue. It's not been a year since you had major surgery and you can't donate blood. Is this lady also blood negative?"

Shan Shan nodded, "Yes, I'm in good health. It's been more than half a year since I donated blood last time."

The round-faced nurse said, "Okay, come with me."

Now everyone is very enthusiastic, except for Shan Shan and Feng Yue, two more people came to the group after a while, and the three of them did the test together.

After the blood test, he went out, only to see Feng Yue listening to the phone depressingly. Seeing Shan Shan coming out, Feng Yue quickly put her phone in her mouth and reminded her, "My brother."

"Gene Era"

Shan Shan takes the call, Feng Teng is really angry, his voice is stern: "Why don't you tell me about such a big thing?"

"Donating blood is such a big deal." Shan Shan disagrees.

"Xue Shanshan."

Being called by his first and last name in a low noise, Shan Shan immediately corrects her attitude, "I was wrong, next time there is a major incident, I must report it immediately."

Hearing someone on the phone reminding him to have a meeting, Shan Shan hurriedly said, "Alright, alright, you can go to the meeting and leave us alone. By the way, I might eat out with Fengyue at night."

"Don't go out." Feng Teng snorted and put down a strong threat before hanging up, "Come back at night to eat pig liver."

Pig liver... Orz Shanshan remembers the long-lost taste of this thing, and hangs up the phone with a bitter face.

In order to avoid the pig liver at night, Shan Shan originally made up her mind to eat out with Feng Yue and go home, but the blood test report has not come out yet, so Feng Yue has an urgent matter to go back.

"Are you okay here alone?"

"It's alright, you can go back."

Not long after Fengyue left, the little nurse came out with the report, first arranged for the other two people to draw blood, then turned around and said to Shan Shan with a slight rebuke: "Miss Xue, why are you still giving blood when you are pregnant? , isn't this causing us trouble?"

Shan Shan paused for a while before realizing what she was saying, but the language system obviously couldn't keep up, and she said dumbly, "Pregnant?... Me?"

The round-faced nurse put the test sheet in her hand, "Look at how high your HCG is, it's not pregnancy." Then she laughed again, "Haha, no matter what, it's always a good thing, congratulations. La!"

After the round-faced nurse left, Shan Shan stood there for a full quarter of an hour before her mind returned to Earth. She mechanically took out her mobile phone and dialed the phone mechanically.

No one picked up.

Oh, probably the phone didn't bring to the conference room. Shan Shan mechanically typed in a few words and sent them over.

"Something big happened..."

Half an hour later, Feng Teng's phone call came, mixed with the voices of several supervisors beside him.

"Shan Shan, what's the matter?"

Shan Shan sits on the bench in the hospital's vestibule and says silently, "It's nothing... Well, I seem to be pregnant."

Feng Teng left all the supervisors behind. Twenty minutes later, he appeared at the door of the hospital with eager steps.

Shan Shan sits stupidly on the bench, not knowing what she is thinking, Feng Teng looks at her from a distance, and suddenly an indescribable strange emotion surges up in her heart.

Shan Shan, the child... The steps did not slow down. He approached her and held her cold hand. Without transition, Feng Teng had already pondered the words many times on the way.

"Shan Shan, let's get married."

Shan Shan raised her head and looked at the tall figure in front of her, "Ah? Oh."

Feng Teng frowned, "Is this how you react when I propose to you?"

Shan Shan glances at him silently, "Now that we have children, what's so rare about getting married..."

Feng Teng: "..."

Shan Shan reluctantly cheers up, "Can I skip pork liver at night?"

Feng Teng couldn't help laughing and pulled her into his arms, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

It was seen, she was really panicked, she didn't know what to do at all, it all happened so suddenly. Obviously, they have been taking precautions all the time.

"Let's do a detailed examination first." Feng Teng hugged her, raised his hand and looked at the watch, "Today is too rushed, I'll take you there tomorrow, I'll talk about everything after the results come out, and now I'm going to eat. "

Listening to his deep voice making arrangements in an orderly manner, Shan Shan gradually calms down and says in his arms, "Then I'll leave it all to you."

Feng Teng stroked her head, funny, "Otherwise who can you give it to?"

When driving back, Feng Teng called Feng Yue and gave her a ruthless scolding. It was because she took Shan Shan to donate blood but didn't tell him anything. Feng Teng was a little scared after thinking about it. If the nurse wasn't so careful and Shan Shan donated blood while pregnant with her child, the consequences would be unimaginable.

After the training was almost done, Feng Teng said, "I plan to get married soon. You and Yan Qing will come to Haitang Garden for dinner at seven o'clock in the evening."

After speaking, she hung up the phone, Shan Shan couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic to Feng Yue, she must have been sculpted by sand now... After a red light, Feng Teng said, "Let Feng Yue arrange the wedding, or do you have any ideas?"

"Huh? No." Shan Shan knows a lot about herself, she definitely can't hold a wedding like theirs.

Feng Teng nodded and suddenly said, "Don't tell others about the child."

Shan Shan thinks a bit more and asks dully, "Why?"

"You want people to think we got married because we had kids?"

Shan Shan subconsciously shakes her head.

"Then don't say anything."

Shan Shan's heart can't help but warm. The world is inherently unfair to men and women. It is often nothing to the man, and the woman may be gossiped, especially if the gap between them is so big.

Boss, you are protecting her. He helped her think of things that she hadn't thought of for a while. Shan Shan tugged at his sleeve and shook it, expressing thanks? -

During dinner in the evening, Feng Teng really didn't miss the slightest hint, and he changed the subject after asking Feng Yue excitedly for three or two times. When it comes to how to organize the wedding, where to order the clothes, Fengyue's energy is really three days and three nights.

Early the next morning, Feng Teng took Shan Shan to the hospital that had been reserved. (To be continued)