Come and Eat, Shan Shan

Chapter 5: part4


"President, President." Shan Shan greets quickly.

Mr. President was leaning on the luxurious back seat and closing his eyes, he heard the words lightly, and didn't even open his eyes.

Fang Tesuke turned around and smiled: "Miss Xue, come in quickly."


Shan Shan carefully steps into the car. Halo, there is also a fluffy white carpet, what should I do if it rains? Isn't it dirty when you step on it? Fortunately, she changed into new shoes today. If the pair of sneakers that she wears often, she stepped on two big black footprints...


In the wild thoughts, the car started slowly.

With her hands on her knees, her back straight, her eyes looking straight ahead - Shan Shan sits tightly against the window in the standard sitting posture of an elementary school student.

Fang Tesuke couldn't help laughing, afraid that she would look at the gift box in her hand to find a topic and say, "Is this a gift prepared by Miss Xue?"


"very funny."

"Really?" Shan Shan is flattered, and immediately feels a confidant with Fang Special Assistant, and leans forward unconsciously. "I also think these ducks are very cute, and they can sing. Every duck sings a different song."

Shan Shan began to present the treasure, and Fang special assistant also cooperated in admiration. Shan Shan and Fang special assistant were having a good chat when suddenly President Feng, who had been silent for a while, interjected coldly.

"Does Fengteng pay you a low salary?"

Shan Shan turns her head, and the neglected Big Boss Feng is looking at her with contempt.

"Not low... Very high... Uh..." Shan Shan realizes that Boss Feng's eyes are on the gift box, does he think her gift is too cheap

The hand holding the gift box can't help shrinking back, Shan Shan gathers the courage to argue: "President, President, although these seem to be ordinary ducks, in fact..."

In fact, these ducks can sing and swim. The key is that these ducks are famous brands! Do you understand the brand name? very expensive! More expensive than edible meat duck!

"Actually what?" Big Boss Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, his tone was bad, and "Whoever dares to refute me will die" is clearly written on his face.

So Shan Shan swallows her saliva: "'s just an ordinary duck = ="

The car drove fast in Shan Shan's frustration. When it was about to reach the destination, Feng Teng answered a call, hung up the phone and ordered Fang to help him.

"You take her upstairs in a while, Feng Yue wants to see her."

Seal the moon? Xue Shanshan remembers, isn't that the president's sister, is it because Miss Feng wants to see her

That's great. It is the first time for Shan Shan to attend the banquet alone when she is so old. Zheng worry does not know when to give the gift, and after being despised by Feng Teng, Shan Shan also loses confidence in her own gift, thinking that she will take the opportunity to visit others. It’s time to slip it out quietly, so as not to lose face in public = =

After stopping the car, Feng Teng and the tall bodyguard who acted as the driver left first, and Fang Special assistant took Xue Shanshan to the elevator from the other direction to the upstairs suite.

Feng Yue is a very petite beauty, she was sitting and chatting with a few women in the reception room of the suite, when she saw Xue Shan Shan warmly greeted her, she held Shan Shan's hand: "You are Miss Xue, thanks to your rescue, Otherwise I'll be dead."

Shan Shan is very embarrassed, and immediately blushed, shook her head and said, "Nowhere, I didn't do anything."

Feng Yue smiled, pulled her to sit down, chatted kindly for a few words, suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Miss Xue, is the food still good?"

Shan Shan is stunned.

Feng Yue said, "I ordered the kitchen to prepare the meal and send it with my eldest brother's lunch. Didn't you get it?"

"I've eaten, I've eaten." Shan Shan nodded, suddenly realizing that it was Miss Feng's order. Let's just say, with the arrogant look of the President, how could he have thought of delivering lunch to a small staff member. One day there is blood, so it's just like what he did to call him directly.

"Does the food still taste good?" Feng Yue asked again.

"Hey, hey." Shan Shan hurriedly nodded, except for the pork liver, it was really delicious. "It's really bothering you."

"Where." Feng Yue said with a smile: "My eldest brother is very picky. Every day, the chef at home cooks and delivers it to you. It's also a convenient way to bring it to you. Besides, I know Fengteng's employees best, and they all follow my eldest brother. It's like trying so hard, you still have to eat bread for lunch, you've only drawn so much blood, how can you do it like this."

Shan Shan is really touched now, this eldest lady is really considerate.

Feng Yue saw the gift box in Shan Shan's hand, and said in surprise, "Is this a gift for the baby?"

"Yes." Shan Shan hands out the box, "A duck that can sing and swim."

Feng Yue seems to really like it. "I'm really afraid that everyone will send some money. That's the most boring way to spend it. You don't know. At first, when I asked my elder brother how to thank you, he actually said to write a check. Isn't that insulting..."

ah? !

Shan Shan is stunned, she has only one thought in her mind - Miss, why don't you let the president insult me! I'd rather be insulted...

Maybe,,,, today. . . . besides. . . . just maybe. . . . = = (to be continued)