Come and Eat, Shan Shan

Chapter 8: Part7


On Monday, Xue Shanshan came to Fengteng full of vigor, smiling all morning and feeling extremely happy.

A colleague joked: "Shan Shan looks good, is something good going to happen?"

If you say that you are so happy because you don’t have to eat pork liver, will it be too boring? Shan Shantuo pondered for a while, and said something meaningful: "It's a good thing, it always happens."

It's pork liver, it's always finished!

When Happy arrives at noon, Shan Shan clears the table and plans to go to the staff restaurant with her colleagues for a meal. Ahhh, the pork ribs set, how I miss you.

After packing up and just standing up from her seat, the phone beside her rang, Shan Shan picked it up, it was May on the 22nd floor.

Shan Shan asks nervously, "May, you're not going to deliver lunch again, are you?"

Ah May said: "I won't send it today."

Shan Shan breathed a sigh of relief and said happily, "That's good, May, I'll go to dinner. When are you free, I'll invite you to dinner." May came down to deliver meals the most times, and Shan Shan also got to know her well. .

"Okay, let's go shopping this Sunday, I just want to buy clothes." When it came to eating and shopping, May was very excited, and then said casually: "Shan Shan, the president didn't ask me to deliver the food, but he I asked you to come and get it."

a bolt from the blue.

Shan Shan was struck by lightning and was in a coking state. After a while, Shan Shan still took her luck and asked, "... what to take?"


" heard that right?"

"No." May answered affirmatively.

"… "

Shan Shan takes a deep breath, no, she is not brave enough, take another deep breath, Shan Shan says bravely, "May, can I trouble you to transfer the call to the president?"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll ask." After a while, May said, "I turned around."

The phone is switched to the company-wide on-call music, Shan Shan holds the microphone tightly. Although it is said that I have had two contacts with the big boss, it is the first time in the company, and I am still very nervous.

After more than a minute, the other side picked up the phone, Feng Teng said in a low voice: "Hello."

"President, I, I'm Xue Shanshan."

"Well, what's the matter?"

Shan Shan hears the faint sound of paper flipping over there, guesses that he is working, and quickly makes a long story: "President, it's about lunch, Miss Feng said that day..."

"About the lunch." Feng Teng interrupted her, "Miss Xue, I don't think I asked the secretary to bring you meals."

Too right too right. Shan Shan is excited, President, you finally thought of this, so don't give it to me again...

"So starting today, you can come up and get it yourself."

Before she could answer, the president hung up the phone boldly.

On the other end of the phone, in the finance department downstairs, Xue Shanshan is holding the cos statue with the microphone.

Her colleague urged her: "Xue Shanshan, didn't you say you're going to dinner with us, are you still going?"

"You guys go first." Shan Shan puts down the phone and smiles blankly at her colleagues.

"You're not going? Where are you going to eat?"

"22nd floor."

The fir trees floated out of the finance department, and the rest of the colleagues looked at each other in dismay. Colleague A said half envy, "No wonder I was so happy this morning, it turned out to be righting."

"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"

Walking into the elevator and pressing the button on the 22nd floor, Shan Shan comforts herself, forget it, it's just to go to May's place to get a meal, the eldest lady must have forgotten to tell their kitchen, think of a way to remind her again it is good. But how to contact her, do you have to go through the president

Arriving on the 22nd floor and stepping out of the elevator, Shan Shan's eyes lit up - as expected of the boss's lair, the decoration is different from the one below.

Just as she looked around to find Ah May, Fang Tesuke came up with a smile: "Miss Xue, the president said you should go directly to his office."

"Uh, aren't you looking for May?"

"Maybe went to the restaurant for dinner. Miss Xue, go in quickly, don't make the president wait for a long time."

"No way." Shan Shan grimaced. The President is dealing with all kinds of things every day, so why do you still manage to send out lunch boxes

Special assistant Fang seems to be happily going to dinner for some reason. Shan Shan finds the president's office, hesitates for a while, raises her hand and knocks on the door.

"Come in."

Pushing open the heavy wooden door, Shan Shan habitually probes in.

The president's lair is bigger than Shan Shan imagined, bright and airy, with a solemn and simple temperament. The boss is far away from the office, sitting behind the large desk, looking down at the file.

Feng Teng at work does not have the sternness of a high-ranking person. The light filtered through the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him and shone on his young body like a contrast. Shan Shan couldn't help being intimidated.

Feng Teng still looked at the file. "What are you doing standing there, come here."

"Oh." Shan Shan was awakened and found that she was actually bewitched by the "beauty" of Lord Boss just now, so she couldn't help breaking a cold sweat. Sure enough, the more dangerous the creature's appearance, the more so, the President is the most typical example.

Turning around and closing the door, Shan Shan walks to Feng Teng's desk, Feng Teng is flipping through the files. "Wait a minute."

Shan Shan nods, daring not to disturb him, standing aside shyly waiting for him to finish reading.

After a while, Feng Teng signed his name at the end of the page and closed the file. Looking up at Xue Shanshan, Feng Teng raised his chin and motioned her to look at the table in the reception area on the right.

"The lunch box is there."

Shan Shan looks over and her chin almost falls.

God, why is this Miss Feng getting more and more exaggerated! In the past, only ordinary disposable lunch boxes were used to deliver meals. Today, they are actually wooden three-layer drum lunch boxes.

There are still two!

Is Miss Feng being her rice bucket? = =

Shan Shan was shocked and murmured, "Two... President, I can't eat that much."

Feng Teng coughed, "One of them is mine."

Shan Shan is even more shocked, to be treated at the same level as the CEO boss... Could it be... Does the CEO's rice bucket also contain pig livers—-

Shan Shan said embarrassingly: "President, I, I can't eat any more. Miss Feng said last time that she would not deliver meals to me again, she may have forgotten to tell your chef. And the blood I drew last time has been replenished. I'm back, look at how ruddy my face is."

It's almost the color of a pig's liver.

Feng Teng glanced at her, a smile flashed in his eyes, and immediately his face turned cold again, with a look of indifference. "I don't care what she's going to do, you tell her yourself."

"Uh, the president, can you give me Miss Feng's contact information?"

"She flew to Europe yesterday." Feng Teng said leisurely, "She will be back in about a month."

Shan Shan is dumbfounded, do you still need to eat for a month.

"Miss Xue, don't be polite." Feng Teng said lightly.

"I'm welcome..." Shan Shan really wants to cry.

Feng Teng looked at her as if studying: "Are you embarrassed to eat and drink for free, Miss Xue?"

"Yes, yes, President Mingjian, I'm really embarrassed." Shan Shan nodded again and again.

"Is that so?" Feng Teng pondered, Shan Shan looked at him nervously, almost saying that the president had been gracious.

"That's it." Feng Teng pondered for a moment, and after making a decision, his handsome eyebrows stretched. "Just do something to pay for the meal."

"… do what?"

"Bring the lunch box here." Feng Teng ordered.

Shan Shan brings over both lunch boxes.

"This is open."

Shan Shan opens one of them.

Feng Teng glanced at the dishes and said, "Well, you pick out the shredded carrots in this dish, as well as the green peppers in this dish."

Seeing Xue Shanshan's stupefied expression, Feng Teng happily added: "Be careful, just like picking coriander that day."


Xiao Shanshan's long-term career is about to begin (to be continued)