Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 1


The person in charge of Xingxing Kindergarten led a group of parents to visit the school life display wall in the park.

A few cubs with animal ears on their heads or trailing tails behind the adults are playing around. The person in charge kindly introduced: "...the above are our daily campus activities, and this wall is a display of our school's outstanding faculty and staff."

Parent A looked around: "It's all for the purpose of herbivory... Uh, will the team of teachers on our side be less masculine?"

Parent B quickly asked: "I heard that Mr. Strawberry here is very patient and kind to children. Can we put our child in Mr. Strawberry's class then?"

Parent C was looking at the slender man who appeared at the other end of the corridor: "Is that the school security guard? He's so tall."

At this time, parent a also saw the man with outstanding figure and appearance: "Yes, yes, yes, I just think that if there is such a male teacher, it will be the same."

The person in charge still kindly answered their questions one by one.

"I will give you a detailed introduction to the classification process later."

"That's not the security guard, the school's security guards are all at the front door now."

"What the parents saw just now is Mr. Strawberry, who is the most popular among children."

Parent A was stunned: "But, but, isn't the animal shape of Teacher Little Strawberry written here a rabbit?"

Generally affected by atavistic genes, herbivorous orcs can be distinguished at a glance by their appearance. The rabbit orcs in my impression are gentle, weak and small.

"That's right." The person in charge explained, "It's a rabbit."

The parent who asked the question looked back at the photo of the rabbit on the display wall, and his eyes fell on the introduction below.

The Fleming's Giant Rabbit is one of the largest rabbit breeds in the world. Their body length can reach 1.8 meters, and they are well-deserved giants among rabbits. It is difficult for a strong man to hold a giant rabbit of adult size.

However, under the most gigantic appearance, they are the most honest and docile, well-behaved relatives.

At this time, Wen Ming, the rabbit teacher who was stepping on his bicycle outside the kindergarten to get off work, was a typical example.

The biggest rabbit is also a rabbit. The size is several times larger, and their inner needs for love are several times larger.

Rabbits are sensitive and timid animals by nature, docile by nature, and like everything that has a sense of security. Such as a nest, such as food, such as a lover.

In a multi-child family, it is assigned a popular name that is obscure to everyone. When he was a child, he was a bit taller than his peers in school, and he never got the role of acting like a baby.

The need for care is not being met. When Wen Ming grew up, he became a preschool teacher who cared for others.

Wen Ming's lifelong wish is very simple, but he just hopes that one day he can realize his wish of acting like a baby in the arms of his lover.

Today's Wen Ming is still persistently running on the avenue of blind dates.

Their kindergarten started to go to work a week before school started. Wen Ming had a blind date after get off work today, which was introduced by a teacher in their garden.

Today's blind date partner is a wolf. Even so, after Wen Ming sat down, the man said politely but awkwardly: "Mr. Wen is quite tall."

At this time, Wen Ming already had a certain familiar premonition.

He could only answer: "Well, yes."

The man still didn't let go of the topic: "How tall is Mr. Wen?"

Wen Ming bit the bullet: "180."

What a false report, no false report. Just underreporting by five centimeters as appropriate is not a false report.

Man: "I am also 180."

Wen Ming silently turned the teacup in his hand and smiled at the man.

Then, when the two stood up together after paying the bill, Wen Ming watched helplessly as his vision reached all the way to the top of the hair of the man opposite him.

Two 180, stand up together after a head difference.

It seems that Wen Ming is not the only one who beautifies the data. At that moment, the atmosphere at the scene was frozen with embarrassment.

After a short meeting, the two parted ways in front of the store.

Without the man's hand, Wen Ming led his bicycle and walked back slowly.

In fact, he is used to it. The average height of their small southern town is really not high, and a boy who is 175 can be praised as tall.

Today, this restaurant is a niche high-style private western restaurant that Wen Ming carefully found, hidden in a winding alley. So he ran into a fight in a dark alley on the way back.

Carnivorous beasts are so violent and rude, and they are often prone to crimes of seeking sympathy and provoking trouble.

Wen Ming, who was passing by, received a help-seeking look from someone on the ground who was bullied. He sighed and found a place to park his bicycle.

Because of his height, which is disdainful to the heroes, he has done things like advocating justice since he grew up.

"Stop." Wen Ming came forward to stop the group of crazy wild animals, and said to the people who approached him with iron bars: "I called the police, and the police will be here soon."

It was a group of young and energetic little thorns. They looked at each other for a few seconds, and no one moved rashly.

Such a feeling of oppression can be felt by Wen Ming as soon as he stands up. Standing at the entrance of the alley with his slender figure, he saw the crowd behind him spontaneously parting to two sides, and a man walked out with his trouser pockets in his pocket.

"Yo. Messenger of Justice?"

At first glance, Wen Ming only thought that this person was tall, but after getting closer, he overturned and understood the definition of the word "high".

The gray-haired man stood in front of him, whose altitude was much higher than him.

His figure was in front of him, so the light in front of Wen Ming's eyes dimmed. The entire field of vision is occupied by his figure.

It was an unprecedented novel experience in my life. If it wasn't for the wrong timing at this moment.

The man said arrogantly and casually: "Then how about cleaning you up here first?" After a while, he read out the badge on Wen Ming's chest in a frivolous tone: "...Mr. Strawberry?"

Wen Ming straightened his back. The head is still only as high as the man's ear.

He glanced at the half-damaged brick on the ground calmly.

The man sniffed the air. He wiped his nose, looked up and down the tall Wen Ming, and then smiled playfully.

"What a big rabbit."

Coincidentally, Wen Ming also thought so at this time. But he was completely concerned about it.

—How could there be such a big wolf in the world.

The truth is, goosebumps already formed on his hands from the instinctive fear.

However, at this time Wen Ming still discovered something was wrong.

The top of the man in front of him could not be seen, but Wen Ming saw that the bottom of the man was obviously wearing the school uniform pants of a certain high school.

He looked back at the person in front of him in surprise.

high school student

That high school student's complexion is much darker than ordinary people. As soon as his complexion turned dark, his gray hair even turned white, while his pair of ferocious animal pupils became brighter and frightening.

He smiled arrogantly at Wen Ming in front of him, showing two sharp canine teeth, only a few centimeters away from Wen Ming's face.

The Kenai Peninsula wolf is the largest wolf in the world. Imagine that a Kenai Peninsula wolf is much taller than the average adult man standing up.

It is also the only wolf in the canine family that can be as tough as the big cats.

He raised his head for a long time and his neck even started to feel a little sore. Wen Ming looked into his eyes vigilantly, not daring to relax.

At this moment, sirens sounded from far to near at the entrance of the alley.

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