Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 14


Wen Ming didn't come out of the lunch break room until he coaxed Xiao Yao, who had been clinging to him so much today, to sleep.

After finishing his work on this side, he walked non-stop to the other side of the lounge, and was stopped by the principal's voice on the way: "Mr. Xiao Wen, can you come here for a while?"

"Ah, yes."

Wen Ming stopped on his way.

The director happened to be standing at the stairs, and the two retreated to the side to talk. She first asked Wen Ming as if chatting, "Aren't you on duty this week?"

Wen Ming replied: "Well, it's Teacher Huahua's turn this week."

"Oh. I thought it was you, but I remembered wrongly."


The leader raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and asked with concern: "How is it? You're still busy with blind dates after get off work?"

Wen Ming knew that he was about to get to the point, and replied truthfully: "I haven't been there recently."

The principal said: "That's it, okay. I know Mr. Xiao Wen, you have always been the most responsible. We should pay attention to our personal problems, and we must not relax in work."

Wen Ming: "I know, Director."

"Does Teacher Xiaowen have any plans for the evening?"

"Not today."

"Oh. So you wear perfume?"

Wen Ming was taken aback for a moment, and then his face became a little hot. What he sprayed was not perfume, but something to deodorize clothes. The smell of Jiang Rui on him is too strong, and he is afraid that it will affect him badly. That's the little scent that comes with the clothes deodorant.

The director may have mistook him for the perfume he was wearing on a blind date.

Although that's not the case, it's just that when Wen Ming thinks about hiding Jiang Rui, he can't help feeling guilty in front of the leader.

He finally had to explain: " not a perfume, it's a deodorant."

However, the leader probably wouldn't listen to him explain the details of the deodorant for clothes. The head of the garden only said: "Okay. You have a sense of proportion, pay attention to the influence in the garden."

After all, it is the job of taking care of children, so it is always right to be careful in various aspects. Perfume is not required for work after all, so we should take care of children who are sensitive to smell and allergic to perfume.

After the principal finished speaking, he said a few more words about Wen Ming's work, and then Shi Shiran left.

Wen Ming, who was left alone on the spot, let out a long sigh of relief.

He thought just now that the director came to talk to him because he had taken too many lunch breaks recently.

After talking with the big leaders, even if you did nothing wrong, you will always feel that you have done something wrong.

When Wen Ming chose the deodorant, he bought it after seeing that it was suitable for children, but the supermarket near his home couldn’t find a fragrance-free type for the time being.

He stood there for a while, settled down, and then continued to walk in the direction of the lounge.

Speaking of which, my abnormality in the past two days should have attracted the attention of some teachers.

Wen Ming lowered his head and sniffed his sleeves as he walked, distractedly thinking that after get off work today, he still had to look for scent-free products.

Tired is tired. But hopefully it's all worth it.

Right in front of you, the lounge is here.

Wen Ming's footsteps slowed down, and he gradually changed from sniffing his sleeves to sniffing the surrounding air, trying to capture a little bit of information from it.

After all, education is not something that can be accomplished overnight, and Wen Ming is also ready to face failure.

Humans have spent many years domesticating aggressive wild wolves into obedient domestic dogs.

How could he put a collar on Jiang Rui in a short time. Failure is justifiable.

This is the moment. Wen Ming stood in front of this door, not even daring to beat his heart too loudly.

Jiang Rui agreed to him yesterday, and he even hooked up with Jiang Rui.

At present, it seems that there is no sound in this room, and the smell is close to no. Under the quiet and peaceful atmosphere around him, Wen Ming's breathing became faster, but he still didn't make a sound.

Did you make it

He gently opened the door—the room was empty.

This situation still made Wen Ming stunned for a while.

Jiang Rui did not appear.

He didn't skip class.

Still a little unbelievable, Wen Ming stood there holding the door, for a long time, a person laughed softly.

The smile on his face couldn't go away, and the next second he turned around, he saw Jiang Rui in human form at the end of the corridor.

Wen Ming's expression froze.

Not only that, but Jiang Rui brought back a big trouble for him.

As the saying goes, there is no way to get your shoes wet when you often walk by the river.

The humanoid Jiang Rui changed direction today and came in over the wall from the other side where there was no surveillance. Then the shoes got wet.

So today this uncle not only appeared swaggeringly, but also brought his wet shoes to Wen Ming to clean up—carrying a kid who didn't know where he picked it up.

Wen Ming saw clearly that he was carrying a child in his hand, and his heart almost stopped beating in fright.

He quickly took the man over and asked Jiang Rui first: "What's going on? What's wrong with him?"

Jiang Rui was condescending and scoffed, "He's crazy."

The little boy caught between them blinked a pair of ice-blue eyes, and suddenly called Jiang Rui: "Brother."

Wen Ming was even more surprised: "You know each other?"

Jiang Rui said impatiently: "I don't know him. This kid ran out to pee, and then followed me all the way."

In order to avoid attracting attention, Jiang Rui directly brought this thing up.

I don't know what's wrong with the little idiot, and he calls big brother when he catches someone. Jiang Rui walked in front, and he called Big Brother Big Brother Big Brother behind.

While speaking, the little boy shouted again at the top of his voice: "Big-woo!"

It was Wen Ming, who was in a cold sweat, and covered the child's mouth with quick eyesight and hands. He looked at Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui shrugged: "I really don't know him."

Wen Ming sighed: "I know." He turned his face, lowered his body to correct the little boy and said, "Xiaoha, look at the teacher, listen to me, he is not your big brother."

Knew it would be like this.

After saying this, Wen Ming heard Jiang Rui laughing beside him.

The case is solved, as expected of you, Xiaoha.

Jiang Rui asked: "Is his surname Er?"

Although he knew that this little fool was a dog, he didn't expect it to be a breed dog.

Wen Ming hugged Xiao Ha helplessly. He has to send the child back quickly, and a teacher should come out to look for it later.

But at this moment, Xiaoha no longer has the place of Teacher Little Strawberry in his eyes. Seeing that Jiang Rui didn't respond, he was still gripping Jiang Rui's school uniform relentlessly.

Although the child's voice is quieter, he still yells "Big Brother, Big Brother", just like that.

If Wen Ming forcibly carried him back, Xiao Ha would abscond even if he tore down the kindergarten bed today.

Wen Ming really had no choice but to say to Jiang Rui, "You can answer him too."

Jiang Rui:

Wen Ming glanced at the time at this moment, and sped up his speech: "It's fine to answer him with anything, just follow the rules of your way."

Jiang Rui:?

Why doesn't he know the rules of the road

Xiao Ha's eyes sparkled: "Brother."

Jiang Rui pondered: "Second brother."

"Oh..." Xiaoha's eyes widened in surprise.

In the end, Taoyuan's marriage was over, and the contented Xiaoha was returned by the exhausted little Strawberry teacher.

While walking, Wen Ming tirelessly told Xiaoha, they were just playing around, that person is not your real big brother, so don't go around talking about recognizing your big brother.

Since recognizing her eldest brother, Xiao Ha's eyes that usually don't look very smart have also become determined: "Second brother understands."

Wen Ming: …

After finally taking Xiaoha back to their class, Wen Ming returned to this lounge.

After solving a small problem, now we need to solve the big problem inside.

Not to mention anything else, if Jiang Rui sneaked into the kindergarten, if it was caught by any surveillance camera today, Wen Ming would not be able to explain it completely.

Taking responsibility for minors is also one of the responsibilities of adults.

Standing in front of the door, Wen Ming took a deep breath, and at the same time, he casually stuffed back the tail that was scared out by Xiao Hu just now.

The tail disappeared, and Wen Ming pushed open the door in front of him. In the dark room with the curtains drawn, a giant wolf was lying on the bed, licking its fur leisurely.

Handsome is really handsome, and dangerous is also really dangerous.

Wen Ming walked in. The giant wolf's emotionless eyes fell on him as if with weight, following his people as they moved.

Wen Ming sat down in front of the bed, instantly shortening the giant wolf by a head. People are also shrouded in the coercion of wild beasts.

Wen Ming, who bowed his head, was thinking about how to speak.

He didn't dare to question the wolf, so he had to ask Jiang Rui patiently: "Didn't we agree that we won't skip class today?"

They have four classes in the morning in high school, and Jiang Rui must have skipped class after taking into account the time-consuming journey between the two schools. That is, the end of their lunch break conflicts with the first class in the afternoon of high school, and they have to skip class again.

The giant wolf just looked at Wen Ming quietly, his expression unchanged, and he was not apologetic. Dare next time.

Wen Ming felt that he still had to explain this matter to the other party: "Jiang Rui, do you know that you will be marked as absent from class?"

"If you skip class again next time, I won't care about you." Wen Ming racked his brains to search for some words that could intimidate him the most: "And let the security guards arrest you and throw you on the street."

The giant wolf's quiet eyes stared at the open and closed lips of the person in front of him when he spoke.

The way Wen Ming talks to him now is exactly the same as the patience he showed when coaxing the children just now. And he still came to coax the other after coaxing one.

He is the most temperless person Jiang Rui has ever seen, like a spring that will soften and bounce back to its original shape after being bent for an infinite number of times. No matter how others treat you, you will not be angry.

But this person is not completely cowardly. He has a temper and will bite when violent.

No matter how many languages and patience this rabbit knows, he can't beat people up, right

Wen Ming's volume increased a little: "Jiang Rui! Are you listening?"

The giant wolf wasn't listening. But it still moved a little to save face, raised its paw and stuffed it to Wen Ming's mouth.

Tang Wenming remembered the scene where Jiang Rui bit his hand that day.

When Wen Ming gets angry, he sticks his claws there, which has formed Jiang Rui's own set of procedures.

Wen Ming held this world-beating giant claw, and gently rubbed it with his thumb.

Thinking of Jiang Rui who was bitten voluntarily that day, his heart softened a little.

Jiang Rui: Let’s just say this trick is very useful.

Wen Ming smiled and took away its big paw: "Who wants to eat your feet."

Although the size of this guy is very shocking, it will still act like a puppy when it is in doubt. After the paws were moved away by Wen Ming, it turned its whole head clockwise, and looked at your round eyes filled with two large characters: I don't understand.

I don't understand why Wen Ming didn't bite.

This is definitely not something that human Jiang Rui can do. Wen Ming's heart softened a little. Look, the hunk is still cute when he's not eating meat.

Because he thought of Jiang Rui's experience of letting him bite his hand, Wen Ming was willing to believe him again.

"If you understand it, go back obediently in a while."

Wen Ming glanced at the current time, there was still half an hour before the bell rang for their kindergarten, but Jiang Rui could catch up with the opening of the high school by rushing back now.

He eagerly urged Jiang Rui to get up and change clothes.

At this time, Jiang Rui seemed to have really listened to Wen Ming's words, so he started to move slowly while getting dressed. It was a success that even Wen Ming himself never expected.

Wen Ming looked at him with some surprise.

What kind of fairy Jiang Rui is this, it is simply the love in his dream.

He picked up Jiang Rui's dropped trousers and threw them over for him to wear, then bent over to find where Jiang Rui had left his clothes.

While looking for it, Wen Ming was deeply moved. It's amazing, maybe this is the power of communication? Was it his persistence that influenced the devil? Yeah? ... He suddenly shuddered, the shirt on the back waist was being slowly pulled out of the trousers.

The cloth dragged across the skin, raising a shuddering itch.

Jiang Rui only wore a pair of trousers. The tall figure stood behind Wen Ming with a strong sense of oppression, shrouding him in darkness.

Wen Ming got goosebumps on the spot. He's finally aware of the damned dangerous situation right now.

Where is he obedient?

This is a white-eyed wolf...

Jiang Rui's straight shoulders are not shown by wearing clothes. When the man was bare-chested, his broad shoulders and muscular muscles were clearly visible. Even without bending the arms, there are obviously bulging muscle lines.

It looks more menacing.

Jiang Rui's voice whispered in his ears. His voice was clearly considered soft, but every word carried a hair-raising chill.

"Where's the tail?" he asked.

Wen Ming's tail that was frightened by Xiao Ha just now was still seen.

Wen Ming, who had his back turned to him, gritted his teeth.

The phone call I just said really... all went into the dog's stomach! In the end, he moved himself!

He said why Jiang Rui suddenly seemed to be a different wolf, and he was dormant there waiting for the idea of hitting his tail.

At the same time, although Jiang Rui's hand arrived late, he put it into Wen Ming's mouth in time.

—You bite, I want a tail even if I kill me today.

The devil's happy voice sounded beside his ear: "Ah. I found it."

Surprised and angry, Wen Ming turned around and pushed the man hard—no push at all. Jiang Rui put one hand against the waistline behind his back, and his knuckle fingers reached into the waist of his trousers.

Jiang Rui seems to have found another new pleasure from it. Finding the tail itself is more interesting.

And Wen Ming seemed to have noticed something. Jiang Rui wanted to look at the tail, but the posture of the two of them at this time and the atmosphere made Wen Ming feel alarmed.

To put it bluntly, things are derailing in a worse direction.

Don't let Jiang Rui do whatever he wants, something will happen.

Wen Ming didn't think about anything else. He made a quick decision.

In the next second, Jiang Rui only had a pair of trousers that Wen Ming was wearing dangling in his hand.

The clothes Wen Ming was wearing had already fallen to the ground. There was rustling movement under the fabric, and a huge, fluffy rabbit head emerged from it.

Then there are two long and soft ears protruding from the left and the right.

The rabbit on the ground glanced at him, its nose twitching slightly. The rabbit, which was as big as a medium-sized dog, hopped away from the half-naked Jiang Rui.

If I can let you succeed today, I will write the small characters of my little Strawberry teacher in reverse in the future! !

Jiang Rui's face was full of smiles, but he laughed so hard that he didn't make a sound. Wen Ming couldn't see it, his eyes glowed with uncontrollable excitement, pointing directly at the rabbit.