Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 16


Wen Ming was very busy in the afternoon.

After an outdoor class, his people had the time to sit on the office chair and drink from the water cup.

Wen Ming has a lot of things to do today, operating materials, purchase forms, district seminars, and after the environmental innovation inspection, he is already busy enough to fly.

Holding the water glass in his hand, he was still thinking about the work to be done in his mind. As soon as he had a little break, his mind couldn't help but think of Jiang Rui again.

Right now, it's a headache.

In Wen Ming's dream, he told Jiang Rui: Make it right.

But in reality it was Jiang Rui who said to him: make it right.

Sure enough, dreams and reality are the opposite.

Now things have turned into the worst possible scenario. Jiang Rui couldn't hear his protest at all.

Let alone education in this way. Rabbit rights are gone. In the end, he lured wolves into the house and put himself in the most passive situation.

"Teacher Xiao Wen?"

A voice called him from the side.

"Huh?" Wen Ming came back to his senses, and saw that it was Mr. Bai who was next to him.

She asked Wen Ming: "Why are you in a daze?"

Wen Ming smiled: "It's okay."

Teacher Bai reminded Wen Ming: "The phone has been ringing since just now."

Wen Ming didn't bring his mobile phone to the outdoor class just now. Teacher Bai sat in his seat, and listened to Teacher Xiao Wen's mobile phone notification sound that shook the whole class persistently.

She wanted to reply for Teacher Xiao Wen, but she didn't know if it was appropriate.

No, it rang again just now.

"Okay, thank you." Wen Ming suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and he turned on his phone to check first, ignoring other things.

The screen lit up, and countless unread messages rushed into sight.

Swipe the chat interface, it is full of unread long voices, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Full screen pressure.

Wen Mingcai did not bring his mobile phone when he went to outdoor class. During this period, a parent sent 198 messages in his class group.

There is only one theme around it, which is that the child's grandma is accusing Wen Ming of being irresponsible, favoring others and favoring others.

The parent was still posting, and the last message was about complaining to the principal.

Wen Ming was stunned, and listened to these voice messages one by one from the beginning.

The whole incident happened as Wen Ming was late returning to work after lunch break today, so the childcare worker auntie went up to help the children dress and braid their hair.

Five minutes later, Wen Ming's people rushed to the top of the class. During these few minutes of vacancy, when the child's grandmother looked back at the monitor, she found that her child's clothes were worn backwards, and there was no teacher to help.

Wen Ming was helping another kid put on his coat at the time, and he reminded that kid while he was busy.

So the clothes were put on by the child himself, and this also became evidence of Wen Ming's "discriminatory treatment".

Then there were two hundred messages of aggressive accusations.

Wen Ming turned down the volume, but Teacher Bai still felt his veins twitching.

At this moment, she really admired Teacher Xiao Wen's strong patience and professional ethics, and she was able to calmly try to communicate with the parent while listening to the cursing voice.

She, the observer, was already furious.

Who are these people!

The class teacher and auntie of their class also gathered around after hearing about it. A group of female teachers in the office all shook their heads at Wen Ming's experience. They are typical parents who don't want to suffer a little bit.

However, it is impossible to quarrel with parents. In case of reporting to the Education Bureau, whether it is justified or not, the reputation of their kindergarten will be ruined first.

Wen Ming has one head and two big ones.

In the end, things still made the director come forward. She first told her parents that she had received a complaint against Teacher Little Strawberry, and reassured her parents that this would not happen again in the future.

The director turned around and comforted Wen Ming, telling him not to take it to heart and pay more attention to it in the future.

Wen Ming thanked the principal.

Although the leader didn't say anything, his lateness was still discovered. Wen Ming felt gloomy in his heart and felt a little tired.

Anyway, it was solved. Although I haven't done my work all afternoon.

It was only then that Wen Ming had time to sit down again, reached for the water glass, and drank the glass of water that had been cold for a long time in one go.

Before he knew it, it was time to get off work, and everyone in the office had almost left.

Teacher Bai was packing his bag by his side while sending a voice message, telling the person on the opposite side about the parents who complained about this matter.

Outside the window, the prefect passed by. Wen Ming reminded her at the right time.

Teacher Xiaobai restrained himself, pulled the chair back and sat down with the phone in hand.

After the head of the rank left, she turned to Wen Ming and asked, "Mr. Xiao Wen, what kind of milk tea do you drink? I'll get someone to bring it later."

Wen Ming was exhausted physically and mentally today, and he leaned back in his chair and replied, "Thank you, but if I don't drink, I won't bother the delivery man."

Teacher Bai was generous for his boyfriend: "Don't worry about him! You will feel better after drinking~"

Wen Ming couldn't help but continued the chat: "He treats you very well."

"Well, he is also busy with work, but he will take the initiative to send me messages every day." Teacher Xiaobai is in the period of love, and as soon as he entered this topic, he couldn't hold back and said more: "Although it is very tiring at work all day, but Having someone willing to listen to me talk about it after work really feels like the fatigue of the day is gone.”

Wen Ming nodded his head in agreement.

He also really wanted the fatigue to disappear.

Teacher Bai said to him: "Mr. Xiao Wen, you will definitely find your other half soon."

It's embarrassing to say Wen Ming. Is his envy so obvious

The teachers in the office left work one after another. After chatting with Teacher Xiaobai, Wen Ming returned to his seat and took the phone.

After clicking on the message list, his fingers slid down without realizing it.

Originally, he just wanted to take a look at Lu Xiao's profile picture without purpose, but unexpectedly, Wen Ming saw the small red number 1 in the unread message on the spot.

This is not Unread Red 1, this is the arrow that Cupid, who hates iron and steel, stuffed into his hand himself.

Wen Mingqiang sat up straight on the office chair.

It was all because there were too many news before, which directly suppressed Lu Xiao, and he didn't see it until now.

After that meal, he and Lu Xiao chatted intermittently for a few days, nothing more than some innocuous words, work, weather and so on.

Lu Xiao's school has a badminton game for the faculty and staff. These days, he will go to practice for a while after get off work, so it's time for exercise. Wen Ming knew this.

Lu Xiao sent a message today saying that his partner went back early today, and asked Wen Ming if he was interested in coming over to play.

Are you interested

From today on, badminton is Wen Ming's favorite sport.

"Lu Xiao: I'm in the school gymnasium, just come here"

Seeing this sentence, Wen Ming's fingers hesitated for a moment above the keyboard.

Thirteen middle school.

Known: The current Lu Xiao doesn't know about Jiang Rui's relationship with him.

Situation: Their high school is now out of school, and all the students in the school have left. Cupid stared at him for a long time.

"Wen Ming: Okay, I'll leave in a while"

"Lu Xiao: Waiting for you haha."

I'm coming haha.

Wen Ming put down the phone. There seemed to be renewed hope for life in front of my eyes.

He is a young man of the new era who has the courage to chase love.

Wen Ming quickly packed up his things, and went straight from the kindergarten on the map to No. 13 Middle School. After parking his bicycle, he chose to enter through the back door.

Wen Ming is not always so lucky. Today there is no Jiang Rui, and there is no landing into a box. He also found the gymnasium smoothly and safely along the way.

Stepping into the brightly lit venue, Wen Ming felt relieved.

Seeing him coming from a distance, Lu Xiao held up a badminton racket and showed him a signature healing sunny smile.

Wen Ming also relaxed and laughed.

That is, how to heat up things like emotional problems, can someone who understands how to operate it tell me, can it be heated up automatically or how to do it

Because the relevant experience was blank, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to fall in love.

It always feels like being liked by another person, which is amazing. Like honest people who are simple and honest, they don't really believe that they have won the lottery. Why do people like us? So what do we need to do

Wen Ming played ball with Lu Xiao. When the gymnasium was about to close, Lu Xiao picked up the badminton that had fallen to the ground with his racket, and suddenly asked Wen Ming, "Mr. Wen, let's go outside to eat something later."

It was getting late. It is unrealistic for two people who will be six in the morning tomorrow to go too far at this time.

Wen Ming readily agreed.

The car shed of No. 13 Middle School is located outside the school, and there is no guard at night. Lu Xiao and a few teachers stayed behind to pack up the equipment. He suggested that Wen Ming go and bring the car in first, so that they can park in the storage room.

As soon as Wen Ming walked out of the gymnasium, he clearly felt the oncoming coolness from the outdoors.

No, maybe his relationship has heated up too hot.

Wen Ming believed so.

There are no headlights in the playground of No. 13 Middle School, only these yellow and white street lamps walking along the road are better than nothing. After night fell, the entire dark playground was somewhat unclear.

Wen Ming walked alone along the road outside the playground, and went to the carport to pull the car. The sky began to drizzle.

Not too much, the night wind mixed with the chilly raindrops, falling silently on people's hair and shoulders. While breathing, the air also brought the coolness of night.

Wen Ming walked for a while, his clothes were stained with damp.

Maybe it was because of the night, or maybe it was the reason why this supposedly noisy school returned to calm at this moment. Wen Ming listened to his steady and regular heartbeat, one beep, two beeps.

The heart also gradually became calm.

I don't know how other people's love can relieve fatigue.

He is very tired now.

Walking along this section of the road, a group of people gathered under the street lamp in front of them, squatting or standing.

Wen Ming paused.

It was as if he had anticipated that he would not be able to escape this encounter. After Wen Ming only paused for a moment, he resigned himself to his fate and continued to walk forward.

Appeared, Cheng Yaojin on his love road.

Jiang Rui occupied a street lamp by himself.

He squatted there with a big horse and openly smoked in the school. Although he was just squatting there, Wen Ming could believe him now that he just came back from the fight.

It's strange that God made this kind of person look so good, with long arms and long legs, the light from the street lamp shone on him like a spotlight above his head.

If there is a faint rain fluttering, the atmosphere will be felt at once.

He just waited leisurely for Wen Ming to walk over.

He is not afraid that Wen Ming will not pass.

On the other hand, Wen Ming now has a reflexive headache whenever he sees him.

Even Mr. Strawberry can't stand it sometimes. It's a shame that the culprit doesn't know what trouble he has caused others.

He stood still a few steps away and asked Jiang Rui, "Do you know I'm here?"

Otherwise, why is Jiang Rui still in school at this point.

Wen Ming felt somewhat self-defeating. Today, he has been tossed enough, and he can lie flat when encountering a big boss of this level.

Jiang Rui still squatted there, snorting lazily.

Looking at Jiang Rui at this moment, Wen Ming was suddenly discouraged. I can't get back to my original self.

Be quiet for a moment. Seeing that Wen Ming still couldn't come over and didn't move, Jiang Rui moved by himself. He bit the burning cigarette into his mouth, and stretched out his right hand towards Wen Ming.

Wen Ming was wary of what he was going to do, so he stared at the approaching broad palm.

He watched Jiang Rui's fingers spread out a little, moving to Wen Ming's side with the same danger as his master.

Like an enemy's black parachute, it wrapped around the back of his hand, and a canopy came down, holding his hand.

He did nothing. Ordinarily, he held Wen Ming's hand by his side.

One person's palm finds another person's palm, just like a bird consciously finds another bird's side to perch.

Wen Ming was taken aback.

It was windy and cold at night. Jiang Rui's hands were also covered with cold raindrops, but his palms were warm. When holding Wen Ming's hand, even this bit of moisture was roughly rubbed into his warm skin, and squeezed wetly between their two hands.

Wen Ming looked down at the hands they held together.

Jiang Rui's hand is big, covering his hand, Wen Ming's hand can't see the light of day. The yellow light of the street lamp fell on the bare skin of both hands. A drizzle of rain fell on Jiang Rui's hands.

The animal kingdom doesn't seem to need the behavior of holding hands.

Only humans, they are so amazing. When two people stay together, they need to hold hands and need intimacy.

Because of Wen Ming's appearance, Jiang Rui's half-smoked cigarettes are no longer so fragrant. He threw the cigarette butt away.

His eyes are always on Wen Ming, but it's not enough.

itchy. I want Wen Ming to scratch him.

Jiang Rui stood up following the arms held between the two.

This person is larger than others just by squatting, and when he stands up, his tall frame and powerful aura can be seen at a glance.

He has broader shoulders and a larger body than Wen Ming. Like a puppy, he naturally buried his head into Wen Ming's neck and was about to rub it.

"Tutu." Jiang Rui called him.

Wen Ming: It’s Gouzi (sure).

The difference is that the dog pushes it with its head, while he buries his face and sucks.

Tutu really wants Bangbang to give you two punches.

Wen Ming is now used to Jiang Rui's logic of some beasts. But he still felt uncomfortable, backed away uncooperatively, and put out his hand to block him.

Do not smoke rabbits in public.

At the same time, there was a loud noise from the crowd not far away.

Wen Ming looked up and realized that the group of people paid extraordinary attention to this side, and they should be with Jiang Rui in front of him. It's just that Jiang Rui squatted here by himself.

It rained a little harder. Jiang Rui took Wen Ming's hand and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Wen Ming tried his best to brake from behind.

He had a bad premonition in his heart.

Jiang Rui looked back at him: "Go home."

Wen Ming silently saw the faint cold light in those eyes that were close at hand, making him shiver from the cold.

Wen Ming: "I don't want to..."

Jiang Rui: "If you don't go, I will carry you."

Wen Ming: …

That's all for today's happiness. He is going to suffer.