Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 18


Wen Ming fell asleep in tension and fear last night.

The giant wolf picked up the big rabbit by the back of its neck and dragged it beautifully back to its den.

It brings Wen Ming back to the room.

Wen Ming was caught in the wolf's mouth along the way, and the rabbit's body swayed in a ball in mid-air, with both legs retracted.

The giant wolf's exaggeratedly large body was rolled into a semicircle on the bed, and it was as if a gray barrier had risen in Wen Ming's vision.

A big round white rabbit dumpling was stuffed right in the middle of the belly of this ferocious beast. One deep and one shallow, one big and one small, as if embedded in them, and also like large glutinous rice balls with black skin and white stuffing.

The giant wolf's head was right next to the big rabbit's.

To be reasonable, Wen Ming was really exhausted during the day yesterday, and he was really scared again at night. This is not over yet, in the end he endured Jiang Rui's extremely long licking.

Jiang Rui never tires of it. From beginning to end, once and again. Rabbit hell.

Wen Ming, who smelled like wolves all over his body, finally couldn't bear it anymore and fell asleep.

The next morning, a ray of morning light quietly fell on the floor of the room through the curtains.

There is silence, only two different breathing sounds, one heavy and one light, on the bed are two bodies, one black and one white, which are rising and falling regularly, sleeping together, and the picture is harmonious.

The big rabbit first silently opened its eyes under the urging of its strict biological clock.

It didn't sleep deeply last night, and when it woke up, it immediately looked at the biggest threat beside it.

The wolf is still sleeping.

But still dangerous.

A heavy front leg like a pillar is pressing on the rabbit's belly, as if he is holding the big rabbit in his arms like a real doll.

It is comfortable. At this moment, Wen Ming could only mutter dissatisfiedly in his heart.

The real rabbit didn't dare to make any movement. It stared there for a while with its round black eyes open, and began to move itself out little by little in the silence.

The small animal's insignificant little movement, which is independent of itself, is not enough to affect this behemoth.

Wen Ming finally escaped from Jiang Rui's bed. During this period, the process was long and difficult, so I won’t repeat it here. He must leave immediately now.

If he doesn't leave now, he is afraid that there will be no chance later. Wen Ming didn't even touch the doorknob, just covered the door, and went back to the living room to get dressed.

He usually keeps a spare set in his kindergarten to deal with emergencies such as children vomiting. Now Wen Ming just needs to go back early and change it before going to work.

Wen Ming had to rush back to the park for the daily morning inspection reception. Generally, kindergarten starts two hours later than high school. Looking at the time now, it is more than enough for him to rush back, even Jiang Rui who is still sleeping on the bed must be late.

Late is late.

Wen Ming thought coldly and mercilessly.

He is now Niu Hulu Strawberry.

Wen Ming is still angry with Jiang Rui. His life has been disrupted by this guy, and now he just wants to go back to kindergarten to find his children.

Jiang Rui always sleeps in a bed alone. So much so that a rabbit next to him disappeared, and he himself buried his head in sleep for a long time before he vaguely realized something was wrong.

Jiang Rui on the bed raised his eyelids violently.

Wen Ming outside is getting dressed. The surroundings were so quiet that there was only the rustling of clothes rubbing against each other, and suddenly there was a heavy muffled sound coming from the room.

There was quite a lot of movement. Wen Ming's heart skipped a beat.

He cautiously looked in the direction of the room.

He came out hastily just now, but at this moment the door was still closed in a safe state.

And through the vision behind the half of the door, Wen Ming could see that Jiang Rui's person on the bed fell head down on the ground at this time.

That posture is that the lower half of the person is still on the bed, and the upper half of the person is already upside down.

not suitable. But Wen Ming still couldn't help laughing.

Jiang Rui, who didn't wake up, looked for a rabbit to find himself and fell down.

Jiang Rui's face on the ground did not prevent him from getting angry, he grabbed a pillow and smashed it.

There was a frightening sound of "bang", something was violently slammed on the door, and at the same time there was a fierce "fuck", Wen Ming was so frightened that he took a step back.

This is not getting angry, it is already a high-risk level of getting up to a nuclear explosion.

Wen Ming's safety door was slammed mercilessly, and the inertia caused it to bounce halfway open in an instant.

How much he wanted to laugh just a second ago, how helpless he is now.

Just in front of Jiang Rui, Wen Ming's putting on clothes stopped there for a moment, not daring to move.

Jiang Rui slept messily with gray hair, and his naked upper body was dark wheat-colored tendons. A pair of eyes that hadn't woken up locked onto the figure in front of him who didn't dare to move.

There was a stalemate for a second. Wen Ming suddenly realized something was wrong.

He was blessed in an instant.

I saw Wen Ming's people turned around without fear of death, advancing instead of retreating, and walked quickly to the room after getting dressed.

He plunged headlong into the wolf's den without hesitation.

If he still wants to leave today, he has to seize this great opportunity. Wen Ming's footsteps were light and fast, and he didn't dare to delay.

It is the profound practical experience in parenting and strong preschool education literacy that enabled him to seize this golden minute at the nick of time.

Jiang Rui on the bed had been staring at him since he entered the door, and had been staring at Wen Ming until he squatted down beside him.

Jiang Rui looked even scarier than usual because of getting angry. At this moment Wen Ming no longer hesitated, and made a decisive move.

Wen Ming, a senior kindergarten teacher, understood at a glance just now that Jiang Rui's state is neither sleeping nor awake, but a mysterious intermediate state between half-dream and half-awake.

So at this time, he was just above Jiang Rui's face, with the most gentle and gentle voice, hypnotically, and softly said: "Okay, okay, it's okay..."

The society asks how many disobedient children Mr. Little Strawberry has coaxed to sleep.

If Jiang Rui can overcome such a scary aura, his behavior is actually so simple and rude, and there are traces to follow.

Wen Ming stretched out his hand and stroked his hair gently with strength.

Give! I! sleep!

Wen Ming believes that as long as he doesn't say the word sleep, he won't be the one who puts him to sleep. What's late? Who is late? have no idea.

His little strawberry technician, ah no, the little strawberry teacher just happened to pass by here and touched Jiang Rui.

Being touched by someone is a very comfortable thing that makes people quickly secrete dopamine.

And Mr. Little Strawberry's hands possess some kind of unnatural power.

Referred to as magic.

The fingertips were gently inserted into the hair, and the hair was gently moved, causing a tingling tremor from the soul.

How could there be such a comfortable coaxing to sleep, the bones were all crumbled by him.

Even Jiang Rui, a dangerous person, couldn't resist. He gradually relaxed the strength of his neck, and his head, which was disheveled in sleep, hung lower and lower in front of Wen Ming.

These hands have mastered the most perfect strength after reading thousands of sails.

"Okay, darling, okay."

Wen Ming smiled slightly. He withdrew his hand unhurriedly, like a proud swordsman sheathing his sword.

Without him, only hands are familiar.

"What a treasure." Without hesitation, he lightly praised Jiang Rui who fell down again. Asleep is a good treasure.

When I wake up, I can’t get up, and when I fall asleep, I have nothing.

Wen Ming thinks that his rank cannot be solved at present.

Terrible wake up gas.

Wait until Jiang Rui falls asleep. Wen Ming breathed out silently. Very well, the atmosphere is very good now.

Now he just needs to walk out of this room slowly according to the original plan. From then on, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and he can go to work anytime and anywhere he wants, fully realizing the freedom of social animals to go to work.

Wen Ming used his slowest movements to stand up lightly—without making a single sound. Then he raised his eyes, and saw a pair of open dark gray eyes in front of him, looking at him.

Wen Ming:


It was so unbelievable that Wen Mingren stared blankly at Jiang Rui for several seconds.

No, absolutely impossible.

It's just that Jiang Rui's eyes are irritable but sober at this moment. Just now, when Wen Ming wanted to leave, he immediately noticed it. Apparently just not asleep.

Wen Ming found that since he met Jiang Rui, he had experienced wave after wave of frustration.

He was still in a state of confusion recalling which step he made a mistake, and Jiang Rui, who was full of hostility, had already sat up from the naked bed.

Wen Ming's spirit tightened.

There was no time for him to think about it. And it is clear that there is a new crisis ahead. Jiang Rui woke up without getting enough sleep.

Jiang Rui who didn't get enough sleep was too scary. His face was dark like a living hell, and even the movement of lifting the quilt seemed to kill someone.

But Wen Ming couldn't figure it out.

Why, he was sure that Jiang Rui was about to fall asleep just now.

What made him even more puzzled was that Jiang Rui was so angry when he got up, but he still got up.

When he woke up, there was a high probability that he would not be able to leave. Standing under Jiang Rui's scrutinizing gaze, Wen Ming could hardly bear to show his original shape again.

Jiang Rui looked sleepy and impatient, with three hideous characters written on his face, don't mess with me. He stepped out of the bed with one leg, stretched his long arms forward, and was about to catch Wen Ming and come back to sleep.

Wen Ming shouted reflexively: "Jiang Rui!"

The hand that was about to touch Wen Ming's clothes stopped.

When Wen Ming got nervous, he casually said, "You, you put on your clothes first."

But Jiang Rui glanced at him. He paused for a while, as if he was processing the information in Wen Ming's words, and then started to move.

The irritability visible to the naked eye was still on his face, but Jiang Rui began to lift the quilt without saying a word, looking for clothes.

He understands words!

A miracle happened. Jiang Rui can understand human speech.

Wen Ming widened his eyes.

But the way he puts on clothes is still violent, just looking at it makes Mr. Strawberry a little upset. He turned around consciously, not seeing Jiang Rui put on his pants.

Wen Ming had a bold idea. Just now, Jiang Rui's obedience was not because of his clothes.

When thinking of the next sentence in his heart, only he heard the voice of his heart carefully and softly—

Jiang Rui may be really obedient now.

Jiang Rui finished putting on his clothes while closing his eyes to sleep. Then the big man came to pull Wen Ming into bed again.

Wen Ming pretended to be calm and said, "Let's go brush our teeth."

He took the initiative to hold Jiang Rui's hand.

OK, it works.

Jiang Rui had a gloomy expression.

But he could understand the words. Being held by Wen Ming, the big man stood up irritablely yet obediently.


He not only got up but also washed up.

Even so, Jiang Rui's face in the mirror still stinks scary.

It's just that Wen Ming has never seen anyone who is so angry to get up, one hand is brushing his teeth, and the other hand is holding a big ball of rabbit tail viciously.

If you don't catch the rabbit's tail, Jiang Rui has to catch him elsewhere.

Wen Ming returned the rabbit tail to him, and accompanied him to brush his teeth in front of the sink.

By the way, Wen Ming took Jiang Rui's hand to find the toothbrush in the guest room by himself.

Wen Ming looked in the mirror at the tall boy with messy hair who was brushing his teeth with his eyes closed, and a weak, pitiful and helpless self beside him.

I see. He gets it.

Wen Ming made a serious note in his manual for raising wolves. Woke up very angry, but will not attack, can listen to people talking.

While Jiang Rui was brushing his teeth, he suddenly raised his eyelids for some reason, and took a look at Wen Ming's side face.

Wen Ming is about to rinse his mouth. It was a little strange that the tail behind him was being pulled, and he shouted: "Jiang Rui."

Jiang Rui frowned dissatisfied.

He doesn't want to listen to "Jiang Rui", he just got dressed and got up, he wants to listen to another sentence.

It's that sentence, the one that comes when you do well.

When he said the word "Jiang Rui", his tone was no different from other people's. Everyone yelled that.

When he called "Haobao", it was like praising a child in a kindergarten. The sound was slightly prolonged, and it held people's hearts firmly.

Jiang Rui was indeed about to fall asleep just now. When Wen Ming called out, he woke up immediately.

It's not "Haobao—" or "Haobao!", it's Wen Ming's unique and soft: "Hao~bao".

two words.


It's nice to be called that by him.

It's like being loved by Wen Ming. And calling with a gentle voice is destined to be different from any other voice in the world.