Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 24


After Wen Ming got off work, he went to the shed to pick up his bike. After turning around, he found that his bike was gone.

His bicycle has been parked in the kindergarten in good condition, and he will disappear if he doesn't see it. Wen Ming walked out of the carport and went to the guard room to ask if anyone had seen his car there.

The security guard sitting in the guard room shook his head at Wen Ming and asked, "It shouldn't be. Did some teacher accidentally ride the wrong bike?"

Unable to wait for Wen Ming's answer for a while, the security guard looked up and saw that Teacher Xiao Wen was looking out the door angrily and helplessly.

Wen Ming said to him, "Thank you, it's no longer needed. I found it."

Outside the gate of the kindergarten, Jiang Rui, who was riding a bicycle, stood on the ground with one foot, put the bicycle across the small opening left by the electric retractable door, and waited for Wen Ming to come out there leisurely.

Another young security guard in the guard room asked, "Mr. Xiao Wen, is your brother here to pick you up?"

He was the security guard who let Jiang Rui in last time. I just confirmed this with the teacher himself today, otherwise I always feel uneasy.

When Wen Ming heard this question, he paused first, and then said sullenly: "Yes."

He was sent by heaven to collect debts from him, brother.

He hasn't figured out what to do next.

Wen Ming has never been in such a mess before. Now he has only one thought left in his mind, he has to go back and sort it out, and sort it out.

Deficiencies, workarounds, remedies. His current state is a bit immobile. Or, he was about to give up thinking a little bit.

Wen Ming said goodbye to the security guard and walked out of the kindergarten gate.

"It's the first time I've seen Teacher Xiao Wen so tired."

The security guard behind him saw him leaving, so he closed the window.

Wen Ming walked on his own, and Jiang Rui rode his bicycle to draw circles around him.

His car is a very simple and practical model, and he is completely out of tune with Jiang Rui from the beginning to the end. Wen Ming walked to a certain distance from the kindergarten, and he stopped.

He sighed first.

"Give me back the car"

The tall Jiang Rui tilted his head in front of him, looked at Wen Ming's face unhurriedly for a while, and then replied: "Oh."

He didn't get out of the car, but knowingly rode the car forward for a certain distance, and directly sent the unmanned car seat behind to Wen Ming.

It means to get on the bus in a gentle manner.

Jiang Rui in front turned back to stare at him, and smiled at Wen Ming: "Let's go, I'll take you home."

You don't need to think about it to know that it's not Wen Ming's family.

Wen Ming closed his eyes. Now he is really not in the mood to play such tricks with Jiang Rui. After raising his head again, he didn't look at Jiang Rui again, and walked away, with cars and people passing by.

So bullying.

He doesn't want the car, can't he

It has not always been like this, Jiang Rui can do whatever he wants without considering other people's feelings at all. But Wen Ming has always endured it.

He believes that Jiang Rui will change in the future more than Jiang Rui himself. These Jiang Ruis don't care at all, and they don't care about themselves.

Wen Ming walked in front of him with a dull head, and there was a sound of wheels behind him slowly.

Jiang Rui felt inexplicable. Today's little strawberry teacher is a hard frozen strawberry just taken out of the freezer.

How long has it been since he went back with him? Jiang Rui thought dissatisfied.

He rode two steps faster, side by side with Wen Ming, then held the handlebar with one hand, and stretched out the other hand to touch his expressionless face, as if he felt that his body temperature could melt the ice forever .

Wen Ming dodged all of a sudden.

He was on fire.

Once this guy was by his side, he couldn't stop his hands, either touching him here or touching him there. Does Jiang Rui really not understand what he did at noon today

Jiang Rui was also upset when he saw this.

If Wen Ming doesn't allow him to touch Jiang Rui, then let him touch him.

Jiang Rui simply took a step ahead of Wen Ming, rode his bicycle ahead of him, blocked the car across the way, and stopped Wen Ming. If Wen Ming walked again, he would block him again.

Wen Ming called him forbearance: "Go away."

Jiang Rui doesn't like the way he talks now. The more Wen Ming behaves like this, the more he will not leave.

He wanted to see what Wen Ming could do alone.

Wen Ming was still standing there. He really doesn't know what to do, for Jiang Rui, no matter now or in the future.

I don't know how long the confrontation lasted. Maybe it was because Wen Ming's expression was wrong, Jiang Rui finally said unhappily: "Then go to your house. How about going to your head office?"

It would be impossible for him to bow his head like this.

Wen Ming felt weak for a while.

He couldn't figure out how this man could act like nothing had happened.

It's a feeling of helplessness like being stuck in a quagmire. Communication is useless, Jiang Rui seems to be unable to hear him no matter how much he uses emotion and reason during this period of time; sometimes he thinks of himself in a dead end, but thinks that there is only a soft way and a hard way The road is gone, but it is still a dead end.

Wen Ming has already done what he should and should not have done.

Who will tell him what else to do.

Over there, Jiang Rui saw that Wen Ming kept his head down for a long time and did not speak. He was able to draw a conclusion on his own: "You are tired."

Wen Ming laughed angrily at this sentence.

"Do you really not know what you did at noon?"

Jiang Rui was puzzled.

Wen Ming couldn't believe it: "You are at noon!... Do you still think it's okay to do such a thing? How can you kiss others casually? Do you know that is breaking the law?"

And that was Teacher Xiaowen's first kiss in twenty years.

He didn't say the last sentence, it was what he said to himself. Wen Ming almost got angry under the attack, and finally took it back in time. His lips moved twice.

"First kiss?" Jiang Rui admitted: "Is that important? You ate mine too."

Wen Ming was furious: "Get out!"

Go back and eat yourself!

He can't get close to Jiang Rui now. Jiang Rui will only bring him endless frustration and drag him into a deeper abyss.

He looked at Jiang Rui's figure in front of him, as if he was looking at an insurmountable wall in front of him. The tiny people crawled pitifully under the wall, not knowing that the final outcome was doomed to be crushed by the heavy wall.

He even began to doubt whether the decision he made at the beginning was right.

Wen Ming asked him weakly: "What exactly do you want to do?"

Jiang Rui argued more than him: "Go home."

Wen Ming tiredly pressed the center of his eyebrows twice.

It's like the moment when the circuit is right at a certain point. A seemingly meaningless key word flashed out of his dizzy and swollen head like a ghost.

The high-frequency vocabulary that has been appearing in Jiang Rui's mouth these two days. He decided to treat the dead rabbit as a live rabbit doctor.

Key words: tired.

"Tired." Wen Ming said.

His voice was a little soft. After he finished speaking, he paid attention to Jiang Rui's expression.

Jiang Rui still had a bad face. After listening to it, his face even became more serious.

Others may not be able to see this situation, but in the eyes of Wen Ming, who is most familiar with Jiang Rui, he immediately read the word "hopeful".

Can see the effect. The big man in front of him seemed to be frozen by the word, and did not move for the time being.

"I'm tired." He said to Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui frowned. Not the usual angry frown, but a depressed frown.

Tired again. But that makes sense. Teacher Little Strawberry treated him abnormally today because he was tired.

Rabbits are weak. Jiang Rui reluctantly said: "Then I will go back with you."

After he wakes up, he won't be like this anymore, and he will turn back into a rabbit for him to masturbate.

At that time, it won't be too much to bald him, right

There is. This is it. Wen Ming could already feel the dawn of hope shining on his face. He found Jiang Rui's obedient password.

"No, they say I'm tired, you can't follow me."

"..." Sure enough, Jiang Rui's face was sullen, but he couldn't speak to refute.

I have to admit that Jiang Rui really has nothing to do with a tired Wen Ming. Now the roles of the two at a loss have been reversed.

What else did Jiang Rui want to say: "Then..."

Wen Ming hurriedly added fuel to the fire viciously: "The rabbit will die if it is too tired."

After hearing this, Jiang Rui seemed very unhappy: "The wolf will die if it is unhappy."

Wen Ming was speechless, and almost forgot that the person in front of him had a kindergarten diploma.

But finally things turned around, opportunities are reserved for strawberries who are prepared, Wen Ming seized this opportunity tightly, and took the opportunity to make a request:

"I need a good rest this weekend. I have to rest for two days and two nights, so you can't come to me."

"Next week it's my turn to watch the lunch break, so you can't come to kindergarten either."

Jiang Rui was instantly dissatisfied: "Tsk."

Wen Ming seemed a little carried away when he thought about it. He took a step back: "well, it depends on your performance. But you still can't come to me on weekends. "

Jiang Rui reluctantly said: "Huh."

But with the lessons learned from the past, Wen Ming did not forget this time and asked again worriedly: "Are you really listening to me this time?"

Jiang Rui, who was unhappy, just kept looking at Wen Ming, and at the same time raised a pair of big three-cornered wolf ears on his head.

This is what Wen Ming asked him to listen to when he was talking before.

Wen Ming said: "It's useless to release them, you have to listen in."

Jiang Rui reluctantly said, "Oh."

In the end, Wen Ming allowed him to follow him to the downstairs of the community, and then he led his car inside.

Jiang Rui could only look at his leaving back gloomily from behind.

It's not fair.

He won't be unhappy when he doesn't see me, but I can't.

Wen Ming: Three words made the man give me two days off.

Relying on these words, Wen Ming spent a two-day weekend without incident.

In the clean days without Jiang Rui, the air is fresher than usual. Holding the teacup in his hand, Wen Ming was in a peaceful mood, and he felt more and more that the truth is plain.

That wolf is a branch of Wen Ming's step-by-step and stable life.

Jiang Rui always seems to be creating wave after wave of new troubles for him. Moreover, every wave of trouble can beat Wen Ming to his knees.

... It is also an outstanding ability. He is different from the people Wen Ming has met so far, and he is completely opposite to Wen Ming.

When Wen Ming was still worrying about him leaving a criminal record, he would not be able to issue a no-criminal record certificate, Jiang Rui's life trajectory was all about doing whatever he wanted with capital letters and bold letters.

Let's put it this way, even if Wen Ming took 10,000 steps back, according to his standards for blind dates, Jiang Rui was screened out at the first step.

Speaking of this, his fateful blind date, Lu Xiao.

Instead, he reminded Wen Ming that the progress bar of his love cannot be left behind by the evil wolf.

Not only can't fall, but has to be hastened. Wen Ming took a brave step that night and took the initiative to ask Lu Xiao out. The two went out to have dinner alone.

Although they had to get up early to go to work tomorrow, the two of them were not in a hurry to go back after dinner, and walked slowly home together.

After tonight's meal, Wen Ming was more sure that Lu Xiao was his ideal blind date. He is tall, has good facial features, can take care of others, is considerate, and in reality has good conditions in all aspects. His job is a teacher...

Wen Ming ticked off each item in his heart, and the villain in his heart could not keep nodding more satisfied.

very suitable. Look at them, look, this is what his future object should look like.

wait. wrong. Is this the time to think about this? There is clearly one more important thing right now.

Only then did Wen Ming realize that the current situation is that the two of them are about to walk downstairs in his community. Judging from the direction of other people's stories, is it time for him to invite Lu Xiao up for a cup of tea

drink tea. Is it so exciting

Thinking of this, his heart beat a little faster.

Wen Ming didn't have this kind of experience either. Then what will happen, is he the first to speak or Lu Xiao

In short, don't mess yourself up first. Wen Ming calmed down, and when he was about to say something to brighten up the atmosphere, he felt that Lu Xiao beside him seemed to slow down a little.

He looked ahead suspiciously. I saw a tall black figure standing at the corner of the intersection ahead.

Lu Xiao sensed that the visitor was not kind. Wen Ming followed Lu Xiao as he walked slower and slower, and finally the two stopped altogether.

Due to the light, the man's face could not be seen clearly even after a distance. Lu Xiao didn't understand what was going on, but Wen Ming recognized it at a glance, and his complexion gradually became serious.

Fairy tales are not deceiving. Sure enough, if you want to embrace the prince back in the end, you must first defeat the wolf.

Wen Ming turned his head and said to Lu Xiao: "It's okay, there is a friend of mine in front, he...should have come to see me for something. Just send it here, you can go back to rest today. I will contact you when I get home. "

The two stood there talking and did not leave for a while. The people in front were striding towards this side, and it was obvious that the target was them.

Lu Xiao didn't leave immediately, he looked at Wen Ming worriedly and said, "But you... God!..."

Despite being mentally prepared, Jiang Rui's sudden black face in front of him startled him.

Is it hallucination? Just now Wen Ming's ears caught some information at an inopportune time. Did Lu Xiao say "God" or "God"

chatter? What did he say just now

At that moment, Lu Xiao had the illusion that Jiang Rui was going to beat him up in the next second. It was Wen Ming next to him who stopped Jiang Rui and shouted angrily at him: "What are you doing!"

Lu Xiao was also dumbfounded: "Jiang Rui?!"

Wen Ming couldn't explain it clearly now.

"It's him. That..." Wen Ming looked at Lu Xiao apologetically: "I will explain to you later, you go back first. Thank you for today."

Lu Xiao hesitated: "This..."

"It's okay, Jiang Rui and I met before, he was just waiting for me."

Fortunately, Lu Xiao is a sensible person, Wen Ming managed to persuade him to go back in the end.

It's you boy who ruined my good deeds again. Jiang, Rui! —

Wen Ming slowly turned around full of anger.

Jiang Rui covered his face with an unhappy question: "Are you cuckolding me?"

Wen Ming was angry.

"I! Here you are!" Every time a word gnashing his teeth came out, he punched Jiang Rui's arm: "Die! Shit! Cuckold!"

He is a professional, and under normal circumstances, he will not punish him unless he can't bear it.

He hasn't investigated why Jiang Rui appeared downstairs in his house in the middle of the night! Where does this person have the face to ask him!