Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 25


He was so angry that he was sweating at night.

Wen Ming crossed his hips and asked the big man in front of him: "Tell me, why are you here in the middle of the night?"

Because the weekend is almost over.

"You're not tired anymore." Jiang Rui looked at his face.

Wen Ming had reservations about this, but he only blinked and didn't speak.

That's right, he still can't figure out what the mechanism of action of this password is. "Tired" is neither sick nor injured, and he couldn't figure out why Jiang Rui only responded to this sentence.

How long is the validity period.

There are no usage restrictions.

What about the number of uses

Before figuring out these things, the obedient code of this sentence is his magic weapon at the bottom of the box and cannot be used casually.

But Wen Ming will not just be content with standing still, since his obedient password can have one sentence, there may be a second sentence, and a third sentence...Wen Ming will grasp him one day.

Jiang Rui's hand silently touched his lower back. After touching it, it seemed to be stuck to it, and Wen Ming couldn't even pat it off. Jiang Rui ordered: "Please go up and have a cup of tea."

Wen Ming's heart: You want to fart.

So he said, "I'm tired... Ugh!"

Before he could finish a sentence, a hand covered his mouth. The action is ruthless and accurate.

This guy must have been a gangster somewhere before. It's a pity not to go to jail for covering his mouth.

Wen Ming's chin was held rather than covered. His palms are wide and his gentle face is small enough. With his fingers pinched at the joint of the jaw, it only takes a light click, the bones are dislocated, and the jaw is removed, so there is no need to speak anymore.

Jiang Rui's expressionless face had already approached him. The air around Wen Ming was once again plundered.

The fingers held on both sides of his cheeks only need to move slightly, without any force.

The lower half of his face was tightly covered, Wen Minglu's eyes opened slowly, and his breathing became short under his hands.

He was forced to face Jiang Rui's dark gray eyes at close range. Jiang Rui didn't move for the time being, his gaze was like a calm blade. Every touch of his was like a cut in the skin.

Wen Ming trembled, his body could not move in front of absolute strength.

... Sure enough, passwords don't work all the time.

He had to be forced to look at Jiang Rui, and his heart gradually filled with fear. However, this time, Wen Ming always felt that something was weird.

He couldn't understand Jiang Rui.

Is Jiang Rui not letting him speak because the password is really valid

But his chin can be removed, but people can't be tired

What kind of elementary school chicken behavior is this. Even the kids in his class are more sensible than Jiang Rui.

At a critical moment, Wen Ming suddenly decided to risk himself and take a gamble. At the same time, Jiang Rui also discovered this loophole. Even if Wen Ming's face is pinched, he can still make a sound in his palm at any time if he insists.

At this time, both of them knew in their hearts that such a holdover was useless. Wen Ming, who was under him, quickly and preemptively spoke again: "I, fuck!..."

It was too late to say it, but the big man in front of him suddenly fell down facing Wen Ming without warning.

Wen Ming was startled, unable to dodge in time, he was ready to be overwhelmed or even crushed in just a moment, and he closed his eyes tightly reflexively in a panic.

No pain.

It's a hug.

The shock of pain on Wen Ming's body that Wen Ming expected did not come, but was hugged by Jiang Rui instead.

Even Wen Ming was stunned by the sudden hug.

When hugged by someone taller than him, his embrace came from all directions. His body and temperature instantly gave Wen Ming the illusion that he had a small frame.

No, he has become small in front of Jiang Rui like this. In front of his straightforward and strong liking.

He hugged him.

"Don't get tired."

"I miss you so much."

"I thought about it yesterday, and I think about it today."

He was so tall, he had to bend down when he wanted to hug Wen Ming, as if he buried himself in someone who was a head shorter than him.

The two slender and powerful arms seemed to have no place to rest at this time, they just entangled the body a circle smaller than him, and refused to let go wherever they were entangled, waist, back, arms, and Wen Ming's whole person.

Wen Ming didn't speak again.

At that time, Jiang Rui might not have wanted to stop him from saying that by hugging him like this. This hug had only one intention, and that was to hug him.

His most invincible tricks had failed. He knew that he was going to have nothing to do with Wen Ming. Originally, he couldn't do anything to Wen Ming.

What can I do, I can only hug him.

Wen Ming is also a typical soft eater. Jiang Rui's threat made him think of ways to resolve the crisis, but Jiang Rui's words made him not know what to say.

Jiang Rui hugged him for a while, then stepped back and held his face in both hands, while observing his expression carefully, he mumbled and asked, "Are you really tired?"

Wen Ming was just silent.

He lacks the experience of being loved in his life. People who are used to giving and taking care of others, once they accept a gift and let others pay for themselves, they always feel sorry for the other party.

When Jiang Rui said he missed him, Wen Ming felt, ah, that's really a pity. A heart was softened when I was still ignorant.

On the other hand, Jiang Rui, he has never suffered from this kind of embarrassment from anyone in his life, only Wen Ming. The first time I tasted this kind of taste, the whole person was almost aggrieved.

He even muttered unhappily on his shoulder while hugging him: "Just rely on me to like you."

He was punched again by Wen Ming.