Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 26


Wen Ming bent over to spread a quilt on the floor of his small house.

"There is only one bed in my house. If you want to stay, you can only sleep on the floor. Is this okay?"

No reply. Wen Ming shook the two corners of a quilt on the floor, and suddenly a huge wolf's head came in under his arms.

Because the head is too big, it still drilled forcibly several times before finally succeeding. A pair of oversized triangular ears are ejected at the end of the whole head.

This big guy has no idea about his body that takes up so much space, and wonders why Wen Ming's hands are so short that he can't hold a wolf's head.

Wen Ming: Sorry, I can’t do it.

In order to see Wen Ming's face, it maintained the posture after it got in, with a pair of animal pupils looking up hard, like a real big dog at this moment.

After this huge beast came into the house that Wen Ming originally lived in, it seemed that the size of the house was a bit stretched.

But this is the condition for Jiang Rui to stay.

He is still in the observation period, but because the two of them have known each other for a while, Teacher Little Strawberry is willing to take Julang in the living room for one night. Jiang Rui can't.

Wen Ming looked at a giant wolf under his arm speechlessly.

He looked at Jiang Rui, and Jiang Rui looked at him.

Wen Ming stretched out his hand and patted the wolf's head.

He said to the lost little wolf in his heart, don't worry, my little strawberry teacher will definitely straighten you with bare hands.

Jiang Rui's liking is an illusion caused by rising hormone levels and unstable physical and mental development during puberty. What does he know about liking? How much does he know Wen Ming? How much do you think about the future

I like it now, what about in the future

Anyway, he is already in trouble now.

Just as he was thinking about this, his two hands had already reached the pair of oversized wolf ears on the top of his head.

It's an occupational disease. There are many children in his class who like to be rubbed, and Wen Ming's routine has become a habit.

This lucky big ear is really exciting. Wen Ming used his thumb and forefinger to pinch and rub its big, thick, soft ears. His hands are small and his ears are big, so he won't be able to rub it for a while.

The wolf lying under him made a purring sound. The body is too big, so the sound in the throat is more like the rumble of a sports car engine starting, which is strange and infiltrating.

Kenai peninsula wolves only live in the alpine region, so the coat is very rich and feels very good. Wen Ming stroked the wolf, somewhat forgiving him for his rudeness tonight.

I don't know if some canine children in their class will grow up to be as majestic as this.

Wen Ming's eyes saw through the giant wolf the children he would grow up to be in the future. He felt emotional in his heart, and the movements of his hands became more and more gentle.

When Jiang Rui looked up at him suspiciously, Wen Ming smiled at him.

Jiang Rui:

Wen Ming looked at it tenderly.

Wan Wan Class Qing.

Jiang Rui came here, and before going to sleep, Wen Ming used an animal hair brush to scour a box full of wolf fur before leaving satisfied.

It's a pity that this kind of calmness didn't last long, and Wen Ming's blood pressure started to rise again the next morning.

How could he have forgotten that Jiang Rui is still angry!

Early in the morning, after tossing the precious half an hour, Wen Ming struggled to hold the big guy in his arms, and dragged a giant wolf out of his room with difficulty and slowly.

Wen Ming hugged the giant wolf's chest with great difficulty, and the other half, Jiang Rui, was dragging on the ground, with a pair of wolf legs sticking out in mid-air, Wen Ming could only walk out of the room backwards.

As for why he came out of his room, Jiang Rui slipped in in the middle of the night yesterday.

After stuffing Jiang Rui into the bathroom, Wen Ming cooked a pot of egg noodles and laid four eggs for Jiang Rui. He eats a bowl, Jiang Rui eats a pot.

The two hurriedly put on their shoes and walked out the door at the critical time of lateness. As soon as Wen Ming pushed the door open, the people froze, as if he forgot what he hadn't done.

Oh yes, leash leash. He turned his head and saw that his free other hand had been held by Jiang Rui, who was so angry because of getting up, that their arms were held together.

Have a strong sense of self-management.

Fine. At this time, Wen Ming, who had no choice but to compromise, just left the door.

At noon, Jiang Rui went to the kindergarten but failed to meet Wen Ming.

As Wen Ming himself said, he really needs to be on duty to watch those cubs take a nap. Jiang Rui returned without success, very depressed.

After the bell rang for the last class in the afternoon, Jiang Rui stood smoking in the corridor at the back door of the classroom.

Big Bear agreed to play billiards after school. As soon as the hour came, the bear went to shit, and told Jiang Rui to wait for him to come back before running.

In the classroom, a group of on-duty students dangled around sweeping the floor, and Jiang Rui ran outside to light a cigarette.

Now is the time after school, overlooking from here, all the heads downstairs are busy with their own, like a group of buzzing insects. There were people everywhere, Jiang Rui leaned over the railing to watch, but his gaze was fixed in a certain direction for a long time.

He squinted at the other end, and brought the lit cigarette to his mouth with the other hand.

Those were two ordinary people walking side by side on the playground.

The point is not people, it should be said that in Jiang Rui's eyes, the faces of the two passers-by were automatically blurred. What he saw was the relationship between those two.

They are in love. Falling in love while pressing the playground. Two people, you and me, take one step and walk in three steps, and look at each other three times with each step.

Is this what it means to be in love? Jiang Rui squinted and watched the two move from one end of the playground to the other.

Why can two other people be so tired and crooked.

Why can't he and Teacher Little Strawberry be so tired and crooked.

Which step went wrong, and what exactly should be done in love to negotiate like this. Does anyone else have a method in it

Jiang Rui slowly exhaled a puff of smoke from his mouth.

The corridor has a wide view, and the gray smoke drifts away with the gust of wind outside. From the corner of his eyes, Jiang Rui saw a figure walking into the empty space beside him.

Ning Xiaoxing put his hands on the same railing as Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui looked at him. The rabbit greeted him familiarly and said, "Where are you looking at the scenery?"

Jiang Rui was about to say a word.

Before he could speak, Ning Xiaoxing said innocently, "I just came to see if you need help~"

Ning Xiaoxing smiled sincerely, and he looked at Jiang Rui.

Since Jiang Rui had a date with that mysterious rabbit last time, the love melon that countless people have been looking forward to has disappeared since then, and there has been no movement, which is very strange.

"I mean, after all, you are with the rabbit now. If you need any help, you are welcome." He has a pair of beautiful smiling eyes: "After all, the rabbit knows the rabbit best, and you can ask anything. oh."

Ning Xiaoxing shook his head lightly, and the two rabbit ears showed an excellent soft texture in the wind.

Long-haired rabbits are naturally explosive in hair volume. And Ning Xiaoxing is not a pure white cat, cat and rabbit, there are a few locks of fleeing black rabbit fur at the base of those snow-white rabbit ears.

The picture of the two standing side by side in the corridor seems to be looking at the scenery together, while the people in the classroom are sneakily watching them through the windows.

A man with a broomstick proudly whispered to others, "Look! Facts speak louder than words! I even said that the rabbit is Ning Xiaoxing, but you still don't believe me! Be careful that Jiang Rui will pour you into the concrete pillar."

"Okay, okay, I believe it." Another person responded: "How do you know?"

The person who was asked was triumphant: "Ning Xiaoxing himself admitted that it was him, didn't someone ask him face to face last time, Ning Xiaoxing said at that time, 'I said it wasn't me, do you believe me?'. You Can you admit this kind of thing directly in person, if you don't deny it, you still admit it!"

Another person suddenly realized: "No wonder everyone is saying that it is him..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he heard a loud "bang" sound from behind him throwing something. The originally quiet classroom suddenly fell silent.

The startled two looked back together in horror.

I only saw one of the boys in the group in the back row leave the classroom with a dark face after kicking the table. The two looked at each other, and hurried to sweep the floor again.

There was a lot of pinging and rattling inside. Ning Xiaoxing in the corridor outside waited for a while, but there was no reply.

The smoke floated on Ning Xiaoxing's face with the wind, and he covered his mouth and coughed softly. He raised his eyelashes and looked at Jiang Rui's face.

Jiang Rui's people moved. Ning Xiaoxing's pupils just reflected his approaching face.

It only took a moment for goosebumps to cover his arms, Ning Xiaoxing staggered back, and pulled his hands back in panic.

Looking again, the cigarette butt in Jiang Rui's hand had been extinguished on the wall brick under the iron railing at some point. If he hadn't withdrawn his hand just now, it would be the back of his hand that was burnt black now.

He looked at Jiang Rui in horror.

Jiang Rui smiled: "Next time it won't be hands."

Ning Xiaoxing controlled his expression.

After the incident just now, he was still standing there, and said to Jiang Rui: "Then let me tell you something useful, you will be interested."

Normal winking people won't get close at this point, and if they say one more word, they will be afraid that Jiang Rui will put a cigarette butt on his rabbit ear.

Ning Xiaoxing's voice sounded fearlessly beside him: "Do you know what month the rabbit is in estrus?"

Jiang Rui paused.

oh. Teacher Little Strawberry's estrus period.

Seeing his gaze sweeping over again, Ning Xiaoxing deliberately put on a show: "The answer is—"

"Year-round. Male rabbits are in heat all their lives after they reach adulthood."

Because the survival ability of rabbits is very weak, the Creator directly filled up their breeding skills. As long as they are born fast enough, species extinction cannot catch up with them.

Jiang Rui was really shaken by this sentence. He realized that he was still looking at Ning Xiaoxing.

"By the way, you haven't said what kind of rabbit that person is?"

Big Bear has come back from the toilet, and he is not in a hurry to wait for Jiang Rui in the classroom with his schoolbag on his back.

Jiang Rui was too lazy to talk to Ning Xiaoxing, leaving him standing there, turned around and entered the classroom.

Teacher Little Strawberry is an angel rabbit.

Wen Ming that night: If I were an angel, I would be the first to sanction you, Sine!

He knew it would be like this! Jiang Rui shouldn't have been taken in yesterday! When will I be able to correct my problem of worrying about others!

Last night, I told Jiang Rui that it was the last time and the last time. This evening, a giant wolf appeared in front of Wen Ming's house wagging its tail with a schoolbag in its mouth.

Wen Ming: I will bear it.

As soon as Jiang Rui got permission, he went straight to Wen Ming's bathroom to take a shower after being let in. Too good a sense of smell also has its disadvantages. Today, he suspects that there is something wrong with him.

Wen Ming was outside picking up the dirty school uniform he threw on the ground outside. When he picked up his coat, he inadvertently noticed something strange.


There is a rabbit fur on Jiang Rui's school uniform jacket. Not his.

Wen Ming twisted the white hair, raised his head and glanced at the bathroom door.

He had a bad guess in his mind. Could it be that Jiang Rui is looking for another rabbit outside again

Wen Ming casually found a suit of clothes for him from the closet.

When Jiang Rui came out of the bathroom, he took the hair to Jiang Rui to show him.

"It's not my fur." Wen Ming said, holding a piece of white rabbit fur in his hand. He looked up and found that Jiang Rui was avoiding his sight as if nothing had happened.

Then Wen Ming will be curious now: "Why are you panicking?"

Jiang Rui: "No."

Garbage woolly bunny shed your mother's fur.

He said calmly, "That's bear hair."

Wen Ming: "But it's white."

Jiang Rui remained calm: "The big bear is a polar bear."

Wen Ming: "Really, why is there a black rabbit fur here?"

Jiang Rui: "My memory is wrong, he is a giant panda."

A top-notch pull.

"Oh, a giant panda." Wen Ming put away the fur, patted him on the shoulder, and said word by word, "Then there really is him."