Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 27


Wen Ming is cooking dinner in the kitchen.

"Jiang Rui," he called without looking back, "come here."

After a while, a giant wolf that was taller than the door frame leisurely paced in.

Wen Ming was still washing vegetables under the faucet. He elbowed the wolf's head away from the hem of his clothes, and said, "Wait for me, soon."

Its slightly cool and moist nose was directly attached to the skin of his side waist just now, and it was a little itchy with hot breath.

Wen Ming washed the dishes quickly and ignored it. The cool tap water flowed between the fingers of both hands, and his calf was suddenly licked by the soft, hot and wet tongue.

It's just because its wolf tongue is bigger than normal size, after licking it, Wen Ming's whole calf seemed to be wrapped by the tongue. Kind of weird.

Wen Ming looked down. Just waiting for a while, Jiang Rui has already circled around him for several times, even the kitchen space limitation does not seem to have affected this big guy, it is still circling Wen Ming with great interest .

"What are you doing?" Wen Ming asked.

The giant wolf didn't seem to hear.

The estrous period of the animal type is related to the sexual desire of the human type. During estrus, the level of sex hormones naturally secreted in the body is greatly increased, and under the stimulation of hormones, the desire and pursuit of mating partners will be shown.

A male rabbit who is in estrus all the time means that there is always an extraordinary desire.

The wolf wanted to lick him again. Seeing Wen Ming look over, it withdrew its movement, obediently wrapped its thick and powerful tail around the human's calf.

Jiang Rui's wolf tail is extraordinarily large. In the human form of Jiang Rui, the wolf tail he released can hang down to the calf, a slender dark gray tail with fluffy hair.

A large patch of soft-to-hard hair scratched the skin one by one. Its tail rubbed against Wen Ming's bare calf, more like a caress.

Wen Ming avoided it. He looked away strangely, and accelerated the speed of washing the dishes on his hands.

With two front paws on the cooking table, the giant wolf suddenly stood up in the small kitchen.

Very exaggerated, the light in front of Wen Ming's eyes dimmed instantly. A guy with such a considerable size stood upright in front of people, one can imagine the oppressive feeling, and instantly made people have a fear of giants.

The beast's breath sprayed all over his face unceremoniously. It lowered its head and arched its nose into Wen Ming's neck.

"Go, go down!" Wen Ming drank it.

Finally, Jiang Rui went down, and its head was still poking around on Wen Ming.

What Wen Ming didn't know was that the wolf kept sniffing something on him as soon as he got close. It smelled Wen Ming's whole body, his whole body.

This is the instinctive behavior of the beast, checking to see if he has secreted a unique smell, released the signal to accept mating, and is ready to ride on him at any time.

Wen Ming suddenly said: "Okay."

The giant wolf couldn't help but pause.

Wen Ming dried his hands: "Sit down."

A wolf the size of a hill sat down on its hind legs before him. It was a standard dog squatting posture, and it watched Wen Mingchao approaching him.

Human beings have become smaller in front of this thing. Wen Ming raised his arm to reach the giant wolf's mouth. Wen Ming put his four fingers directly between its lips, and opened the bloody mouth.

Then he stuffed a canning bottle between its upper and lower teeth, and then closed its big head forcefully, while twisting it with his other hand.

A set of actions to open the bottle cap is done in one go.

With a bang, the lid of the can of beef sauce was opened. At the same time, the hard iron cover crumpled like a piece of paper under its sharp teeth.

Those sharp fangs looked very menacing. But this giant wolf squatted in front of the human being, at this moment, like a pure-blooded loyal dog, letting him play and use its mouth motionless.

Wen Ming looked at the scrapped cover regretfully. Forget it, anyway, no matter how much Jiang Rui makes, he can eat it all by himself.

Because the family has recently added a super-large rice bucket, the food savings in the rabbit's nest are drying up at a speed visible to the naked eye, so I have to use this bottle of beef sauce that has been stored for a long time.

Wen Ming, who threw it away after using it, drove it away: "Go, go, go out."

The giant wolf let out a low and deafening sound from its throat: "Woo."

Its big end was too much of a hindrance in the kitchen, Wen Ming took great pains to drive it out.

After Jiang Rui left the kitchen, Wen Ming put a pile of can lids and opened cans on the table respectively, and supported the edge of the table with both hands. He looked thoughtfully at the things on the table.

Can not be done.

Obedient password, what else has not been found out yet.

In this way, he doesn't know when Jiang Rui will be obedient.

In the evening, after taking a shower, Wen Ming sat on the bed, quietly and attentively reading the lesson plans.

For a wolf that is not allowed to go to bed, the bedside is where it lies down. Wen Ming got out of bed several times recently and accidentally stepped on its wolf fur carpet with bare feet.

It didn't sleep, and was resting its furry head on the side of the bed, staring at Wen Ming.

Seeing that Wen Ming didn't care, it secretly put a big thick claw on it.

Wen Ming ignored it while he was busy. After a while, he finally felt an unusual coolness on his back at this time, turned his head to look, and was startled by a super close-up zoomed-in wolf face.

Its eyes are different from those of a dog, they are slanted upwards, a pair of eyes of a beast without any emotion, and its nature comes with the killing intent from the jungle to drink blood. Whoever it stares at is its prey.

To be stared at so accurately by these eyes is not something that can keep one's work going.

Wen Ming was stunned for a second by the natural and primitive wildness in these animal pupils.

In this second, his mouth was licked by the opposite pervert.

It has a huge tongue. To be precise, it was the lower half of Wen Ming's face that was licked heavily by it with dissatisfaction, and Wen Ming couldn't help but let out a "huh".

It felt suffocating, with the nose and mouth engulfed in some weird wriggling thing. The wolf wanted to lick it a second time, and Wen Ming, who was reacted, quickly called his name.

His tone increased: "Jiang Rui."

The giant wolf paused, and it retreated.

If it is disobedient, there will be more serious consequences, and it will be kicked out.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in the retreat of the beast, its eyes still glued to the person on the bed.

"Lie down well."

Wen Ming exhaled, took out the bedside tissue to wipe his face, and continued to read his lesson plans anxiously.

Good guy, half of his face is full of saliva. Wen Ming frowned in dissatisfaction. At this moment, he suddenly felt a familiar, itchy touch on his waist.

"Jiang Rui!" Wen Ming got angry.

Well, the wolf spoils and won. It even had half of its wolf tongue hanging out of its mouth when it was found.

"Why do you lick everywhere..." Wen Ming sat up angrily and hammered its head.

The giant wolf was hammered.

Teacher Little Strawberry is white everywhere. It loves it everywhere. Everywhere is miserable. There is nothing I don't like.

So you can give it to him anywhere.

Give it to him anywhere.

Wen Ming didn't pay attention, and the hand that was stretched out to hammer the wolf's head was sucked into its mouth.

There is an indescribable wetness inside the mouth, which is hotter than other places. This extremely unpleasant touch made Wen Ming's goose bumps all of a sudden.

Half of his arm was bitten into the wolf's mouth, and the outermost edge was a row of fangs that were hard and dangerous to the touch. Wen Ming felt more and more bad, he was so frightened that he pulled his hand out forcefully.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Rui didn't bite seriously at all. His man fell back on the bed in an instant.


Wen Ming shrank his hands reflexively in pain.

This time, he slammed the head of the bed with his left hand without any force, just when he fell down. Wen Ming gasped and sat up looking at his hands.

Not a big deal. The skin was slightly scratched, and the surrounding area was red and swollen, but it was not considered an injury. Wen Ming felt that he didn't even need to apply the medicine.

It's one thing to be uninjured, it's still painful.

"Don't play like this in the future, Jiang Rui." Wen Ming shook his sticky hand and said, "It hurts."

Fortunately, he was sure that Jiang Rui hadn't bitten his skin, otherwise he would have to get a rabies vaccine.

The giant wolf leaned over and tried to lick it proficiently, but Wen Ming ruthlessly pushed it away. After he bent over to straighten the messed-up sheets, he turned around and saw the wolf that he had neglected playing with his bed.

Wen Ming ignored him, and Jiang Rui just played there by himself.

It doesn't look like I'm playing. The specific manifestation is to keep pawing and pulling the head of the bed with a big paw... er, or planing

The state of the beast is indeed not as flexible as that of a human.

Giant wolf who doesn't understand anything: Pain

Is it so painful

After watching it for a long time, Wen Ming gradually realized that it was actually imitating what he did just now, hitting the bed with a wolf's paw.

He just stared at it in a daze for a long while. Wen Ming recalled what he said just now, and a guess slowly emerged in his mind.

An answer to a puzzle he was looking for.

While he was still in a daze, Jiang Rui pawed down and immediately gave him three slaps on the bed.

Needle drop could be heard in the room. Sawdust rustled on the pillow.

It only takes a second to go from calm to furious.

"Jiang! Rui!..."