Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 30


Jiang Rui was hospitalized.

That night, after watching Jiang Rui's back go away, Da Xiong, who stayed there, made a few phone calls to friends he knew. No matter who Jiang Rui went to find that day, he asked that person to take someone straight to the hospital. People were ambushed even at the door of Jiang Rui's house.

For the last call, he called Teacher Xiao Wen.

Da Xiong boldly guessed that Jiang Rui's bad mood today had something to do with Mr. Xiao Wen.

But at that time, Big Bear called Teacher Xiaowen, and hearing the voice on the other side, they seemed to be in the hospital.

He hurriedly asked for the address, and rushed over in a hurry.

Thanks to the strong and heavy professional racing leather jacket, it suffered most of the serious friction injuries during the crash. Jiang Rui's final diagnosis showed that one arm was dislocated, and there were several large and small abrasions and bruises on his body. In addition, he stayed in the hospital for observation for a day to see if he had a concussion or other adverse reactions.

The dislocated right arm was suspended by the doctor with a sling for at least a week or two.

When his people were sent to the hospital, Wen Ming was too scared to speak. He knew that Jiang Rui was injured, and he never thought it would be so serious.

The doctor comforted the worried Wen Ming, saying that the speed of self-healing for a young man at this age is astonishingly fast. This injury is nothing to worry about, and he can walk in a week at most.

Then Jiang Rui was able to get out of bed by himself the next day, and he was discharged from the hospital without any other abnormalities.

Even the doctor who was injured after hearing that he fell from the racing car felt incredible and marveled at this extraordinary physical quality.

Not even a broken bone. Although the carnivorous beasts are large and strong, such excellent physical fitness is really enviable.

Jiang Rui's people did not show up at school the next day. The seat next to Big Bear suddenly became empty, and he was not used to sitting alone. So when he saw Jiang Rui's people came back to school today, his eyes lit up.

But Jiang Rui's current tragic situation seems to make people want to laugh.

One of his arms was suspended from his neck and fixed, his cheekbone was also disfigured, one eye was a little swollen, and a Band-Aid was slanted on his brow bone.

Jiang Rui, who was originally intact, couldn't hold back the evil spirit. Now this wounded outfit not only did not debuff his appearance, but also had a battle-damaged temperament.

It just means that he is even more handsome.

But Big Bear didn't care too much when he saw his people sitting there properly. At that time, I was so excited that I raised my bear paw to pat him.

The next second he remembered that Jiang Rui was only half of him, so the bear's paw was excitedly raised higher, and it hit him on the shoulder.

"Hey bro!!"

Jiang Rui turned around lazily.

"Why are you back?" Da Xiong wondered, "Just tell me where you are, and I'll find you."

Yesterday, when he heard that Jiang Rui didn't come to school and took a leave of absence, Da Xiong immediately felt that Jiang Rui was a fake.

So Jiang Rui, who is sitting in school the next day after being discharged from the hospital, is not very faithful.

"How do you say brother, where are we going?" Daxiong pulled his chair and sat down, looking at Jiang Rui's uninterested face, he also thoughtfully suggested: "Oh yes, you can't go anywhere else now A place. Then call other people and go directly to your house, the last time the game was just halfway through, let’s order something to eat.”

Jiang Rui: "No."

In exchange, Big Bear yelled in dissatisfaction: "Have you broken your brain?"

Jiang Rui perfunctory him: "Go by yourself."

Big Bear couldn't believe it, he gave this hard-hearted man a hard time.

On the other hand, the class was also in an uproar over Jiang Rui, who was damaged in battle today.


Jiang Rui, Jiang Rui was beaten up! ! !

It can be said that this week's headlines are scheduled. Who is Jiang Guanxi who was punched by Lu Ti, please, is there any kind person, I really want to know!

Of course, no matter how turbulent the public opinion is, all of this is limited to being carried out secretly and secretly.

It is very strange, it has already become like this, and no one in the class dares to guess the most self-evident and most obvious direction. At the same time, which is the most explosive direction.

That is Jiang Rui was hurt by love.

In this way, wouldn't it just match up with the previous continuous plot? It's so reasonable and exciting, but God doesn't fulfill people's wishes, and things really aren't like this.

This road has been completely blocked. Clarified, refuted rumors, and ended.

The rumor given by Da Xiong. He overheard those people talking about it by chance, and this time he came out to warn those people not to spread false news anymore.

Jiang Rui is not in a relationship now, and has no partner from the beginning to the end, no rabbit. In short, nothing, nothing.

The people who eat melons are ignorant, but naturally no one dares to spread Jiang Rui's emotional scandal anymore.

In fact, Jiang Rui didn't say anything, Daxiong after that day was also belated. Forget it before, it doesn't hurt to spread the little gossip.

But today is different, it would be bad for Jiang Rui who is returning to school to be stimulated by these words without paying attention.

It's more or less like cleaning up the mess after breaking up.

The bridge returns to the bridge and the road returns to the road. Breaking up should be decent, and no one should say sorry.

But that was also the big bear yesterday, and now the big bear is sitting next to Jiang Rui full of resentment like a negligent principal, holding his hand and not talking.

He Xiong Xiong wanted to see what Jiang Rui could do by staying in school without heeding persuasion today.

Thanks to Jiang Rui, this guy can really sit still. After dawdling until the whole morning passed, Big Bear resentfully thought to himself that he must have lunch at noon.

There is a cafeteria in the school, but they usually go out to fight teeth.

Da Xiong, who realized something was wrong, widened his eyes, and turned his head to stare at the back of Jiang Rui's head, who was sleeping on the table.

No, brother, you really don’t want to go out at noon, right? If you're broken in love, don't drag me, Xiong Xiong will starve to death if he doesn't eat.

Under his suspicious gaze, the sleeping Jiang Rui suddenly raised his head from the table.

"What time?" He asked hoarsely.

Big Bear replied cautiously: "Quickly end the fourth quarter."

He watched Jiang Rui sit up with half-opened eyes. Jiang Ruifa would be stunned. He seemed not used to being hung with one hand. He just wanted to move his right hand but found that he couldn't move it, so he gave up and switched to his left hand.

—Switched to the left hand to fix the hairstyle.

Daxiong watched suspiciously as he was arranging his hair sleepily, and after pulling his bangs out, he went to press the back of his hair again.

Jiang Rui's expression gradually became gloomy because he couldn't hold down his flying hair because of his random sleeping position.

The more Daxiong looked at Jiang Rui's appearance, the more familiar he became. He asked, "Youyou, do you want a mirror?"

Jiang Rui paused.

He said, "Bring it."

Big Bear's jaw dropped slowly.

Big Bear: "Do you want a comb?"

Jiang Rui raised his eyes: "Come."

Daxiong finally knows where the eyes are familiar, so there is no doubt that Jiang Rui is paying attention to the image. What else can be done, Big Bear can only run to lend him a mirror and a comb without complaint.

It is the age that pays attention to appearance, and there is no shortage of these things in the class. But Jiang Rui is quite demanding, he wants a new comb.

Da Xiong was asking the boys in the back row to borrow money nearby, when he turned his head and caught a glimpse of a familiar shoe at the edge of his vision, he raised his head.

It's Ning Xiaoxing, he is approaching here, but the point is not this, the point is, isn't this person holding the mirror and comb that he borrowed

Big Bear waited eagerly for the rescuers to come over.

Ning Xiaoxing received Da Xiong's gaze, and he was about to say something with a smile when a book suddenly flew out, which surprised both present.

The man who threw the book was not small, and the thing hit the ground in front of Ning Xiaoxing with a bang. Even though it was the busiest time after school, the surrounding tables were cleared to silence.

Ning Xiaoxing also walked half way, not daring to move anymore.

"Get out, don't come near me." Jiang Rui threatened. His expression was very dissatisfied, and his remaining arm was fanning the air with a textbook.

The smile that just appeared on Ning Xiaoxing's face froze.

Big Bear, who was in an awkward situation, turned to him: "Brother, we should talk about this kind of thing earlier in the future."

If it weren't for the fact that he was still a wounded person, who would have tolerated his bad temper.

In the end, Jiang Rui went to the toilet to get some water to make a pose at Da Xiong's suggestion, and Da Xiong naturally followed him.

Only Ning Xiaoxing, who was still holding something in his hand, stood there abruptly.

He walked slowly back to his seat under the surprised or watching eyes of the rest of the class, and stuffed the things in his hands into the desk.

The eyes were still those eyes, but the sight behind him today made him feel particularly piercing.

As early as when Da Xiong clarified that Jiang Rui was single, Ning Xiaoxing had been stabbed by such eyes once. He didn't know what he was thinking, and sat on the seat for a while with an inexplicable expression, and finally couldn't bear the eyes of the crowd watching secretly.

Ning Xiaoxing stood up, and went out as if nothing had happened.

The image of Jiang Rui threatening him just now still lingers in his mind. Distraught, he wandered through the next class for a while before returning to the classroom.

A second before stepping through the door, he was stopped by a strange male voice.

"Student, may I ask if Jiang Rui is in this class?"

Ning Xiaoxing nimbly retracted the stepping foot. He turned back to look at the man in front of him.

He is a handsome young man. Not short in height, besides the natural beauty of his facial features, there is also the reason for his gentle temperament, which makes this person very easy to make people feel friendly at first glance.

More importantly... Ning Xiaoxing looked at him and said irrelevantly: "You are a rabbit."

Wen Ming was a little surprised, but still answered him.
