Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 35



I, Jiang Rui, promise not to fight (casually) in the future. "

Originally, the content in the brackets was not there, but Wen Ming was merciful, worried that he had accumulated too much grudges in the past and would be sought for revenge, so he mercilessly allowed him to be beaten as appropriate outside the law.

He thought about it, but he hesitated, but in the end he added another sentence:

"I promise I won't speak loudly to Wen Ming in the future."

Wen Ming put the letter of guarantee on the ground, and picked up Jiang Rui's big wolf paw, which was set aside as a spare, like picking up a giant writing brush used by an old man in the park, and heavily printed a giant paw print on the paper of the letter of guarantee.

The guarantee is in effect. Wen Ming looked at this piece of paper where the paw prints took up more space than the content, and finally felt satisfied.

Just now he read the content of the letter of guarantee to it word by word, and when he heard the second sentence, the wolf stretched its neck and started howling.

"When did you never speak loudly to me?" Wen Ming asked it back.

The big wolf gave a pause, and replaced it with a soft wail.

"I know you didn't mean it." Wen Ming remembered Jiang Rui's incomprehensible words. He paused, looked at a letter of guarantee in front of him, and admitted with some embarrassment: "I get scared when you make a loud noise."

Some things in nature are hard to overcome after all. But Wen Ming has been with him for so long, and he has made progress, but he should still be afraid.

Big Wolf: I'm sorry to be born a wolf.

Jiang Rui became quiet now.

Wen Ming just said it and he could listen to it. But it stared at Wen Ming who said he would be afraid for a long time, and Wen Ming asked it: "Is there any objection?"

The giant wolf tried to open its mouth a few times, and it was the first time that Wen Ming saw that the wolf's long mouth could make the "wu" movement like a human.

The giant wolf let out a useless voice: "Woo."

This action is very Zhang Fei embroidery. Wen Ming laughed: "You don't need to be so quiet."

The wolf looked at him and smiled, and then Wen Ming's face was licked.

"Hello." Wen Ming muttered, wiped his face with its fur, coughed lightly, then stood up and pasted the guarantee letter on the wall of the house.

A few days later, Jiang Rui went to the hospital for a review.

It was a cloudy day, and Jiang Rui woke up more angry than usual. All he has left now is a limp left hand, and he scratched his face when he shaved yesterday.

"Let me do it."

Wen Ming in the bathroom took the razor from his hand on his own initiative today.

The only razors he had at home were manual razors. However, the beard in adolescence grows every day, and it is impossible not to shave.

I just asked Jiang Rui to sign the guarantee, now is the time to give a sweet date. Wen Ming felt that this favor should be done.

Your little strawberry technician is online.

The shaving foam was cool and slippery, Wen Ming raised both arms high, and his hands were very close to Jiang Rui's face.

With a movement of that hand with sharp knuckles, Jiang Rui's dark gray pupils also turned.

His movements were skillful, the cold razor blade moved gently against the contours of Jiang Rui's face, feeling subtle and comfortable. Wen Ming's eyes were serious, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

Jiang Rui could feel Wen Ming's subtle breathing, just like his movements, smooth and comfortable, reassuring for no reason.

A big move to ascend to heaven in place.

Because the experience was too comfortable, Jiang Rui's unhappiness was written all over his face after Wen Ming had finished shaving for him and moved his hands away from his face.

Wen Ming rinsed his hands under the faucet, raised his head, saw Jiang Rui's face in the mirror, and joked: "You are still so fierce, if you knew it, you would have written in the guarantee letter: 'Promise you will not hit Wen Ming'."

Only in this matter, Jiang Rui would respond with a very absolute tone: "I can't beat you."

Wen Ming asked nonchalantly, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Rui had a bad feeling.

Wen Ming: "The day we first met." He lowered his head and pointed to his ribs: "Hit me here. I was in pain for several days."

There is no sound.

Wen Ming raised his head and watched with his own eyes the whole process of Jiang Rui's expression slowly freezing on his face. I believe he should have clearly remembered what the two of them had personally experienced that day.

It can be said to be vivid.

Wen Ming didn't expect that Jiang Rui, who is as evil as he is, would have a day of suffering. It was a novelty for a while.

Jiang Rui insisted on letting him call back as expected. After being rejected, the expression on his face was still not angry, he sulked there for a while, and said to Wen Ming: "I won't do it in the future."

It is rare for Jiang Rui to be upset. He lacks experience in this field, and he can't express more emotions if asked.

But Wen Ming believed him.

"Okay, wash your face." Wen Ming patted him on the shoulder, went out of the bathroom by himself, and went to the kitchen to see if their breakfast was ready.

Leaving Jiang Rui standing alone.

After Wen Ming went out, Jiang Rui turned around, facing a wall to his left, then lowered his head, and started to hit it with a "bang-bang-bang".

Why, why no regret medicine.

The current Jiang Rui just wants to go back and kill the previous Jiang Rui.

I fuck myself.

The more Jiang Rui thought about it, the more depressed he felt, and he could only relieve it by hitting the wall hard. Until a soft hand suddenly appeared between his forehead and the wall.

Time stands still. Jiang Rui didn't want to face it, he froze for a while, and then turned his head stiffly to look.

Wen Ming, who lowered his head, stood beside him, and said a puzzled question: "Huh?"

Obviously on purpose, Wen Ming appeared here, and there was a bit of teasing in the eyes looking at him.

Jiang Rui looked at his face for a few seconds.

Wen Ming stood here to laugh at him, but who knew that the big man in front of him suddenly fell towards him—Jiang Rui stopped hitting the wall, and his head hit Wen Ming's shoulder angrily, and landed on the crest of his neck .

Fluffy and hot. Instead, Wen Ming froze in place.

He was at a loss, he just felt that it was wrong to push away, and it was wrong not to push.

Then he reacted, not knowing why he was at a loss. In the few seconds he was in a daze, Jiang Rui had already eaten tofu for a few seconds.

Wen Ming pulled his hair and lifted his head: "Go and wash your face!"

After he hurried out of the bathroom, Jiang Rui didn't move immediately. After standing in that position for a while, he turned around.

brush teeth.

After the two of them had breakfast, Wen Ming wanted to call Daxiong and ask him to take care of Jiang Rui today. Since the letter of guarantee took effect, Da Xiong has become the most powerful eyes and ears around Wen Ming, obediently helping to keep an eye on Jiang Rui and providing information.

Today's big bear is still my heart to the rabbit, firmly expressing that he will obey the organization's instructions and ensure that the task is completed.

Wen Ming hung up the phone, feeling that the recent big bear was really reassuring. Although I don't know why.

When he first made this plan, he hadn't expected that Big Bear would be so cooperative. Who would have thought that this rebellious bear was very cooperative, uncharacteristically,

It gave Wen Ming the illusion that adolescence is not necessarily a rebellious period, which is really reassuring.

"Do you know why he is so obedient?" He asked Jiang Rui who was having breakfast.

The answer was a bit unexpected for Wen Ming.

Because Jiang Rui replied: "He heard that big rabbits like you are imported from Russia."

Wen Ming was even more puzzled: "What happened to Russia?"

He is not from Russia either.

Jiang Rui: "He has a shadow over the Russians."

Wen Ming: "..."

Okay, since this reason is so useful, then from now on, Tutu will be a pure Russian registered permanent residence.

"Bring an umbrella, it's going to rain today."

Before going out, he asked Jiang Rui.