Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 36


After school, the people in the classroom left almost one after another, leaving only a few outside the classroom who were waiting for their friends to finish cleaning and leave together.

"Ah, no, it's cleaning again. Last time it was our team's turn. You're so unlucky." Someone said while wiping the blackboard.

"It's our team's turn twice, what's the matter?"

"No, we are different! Don't you look at who is in our group..." He lowered his volume: "Jiang Rui and his tablemate can be counted, there are only eight people left, and it is very tiring to clean up. "

"Eight people?" The other party looked not far away, and said blankly, "But, aren't those people?"

As soon as these words came out, the person who spoke would slowly turn around and look at his companions.

At that moment, they both saw disbelief and deep fear in each other's eyes.

For the first time since Pangu created the world, Jiang Rui stayed to clean up.

Jiang Rui. Actually. stay. Clean up. up.

The way he sweeps the floor with a broom in one hand is scary, Mom.

Xiong Xiong is also diligently cleaning up the garbage. After he was like this, the rest of the people naturally didn't dare to neglect, and no one dared to be idle, watching the afterimages of the brooms of the few people dancing over there.

The two big brothers have been really law-abiding recently.

It's more scary than ever.

Those who were chatting in the classroom just now didn't dare to stay any longer. But it wasn't his turn to be on duty today, so he moved his position outside the classroom to chat with other classes.

This man was eating melon seeds (not daring to spit out the skin) and joined the people in the next class to eat melons: " come you don't know!"

"I don't know, which one is the green tea in your class?"

"Hey, the one sitting over there. Jiang Rui cleaned up Jiang Yuanye, so this person has been honest for several days."

"It's the one who said he had a good time with Jiang Rui before? Why did you say that person had green tea?"

"It's not the rumor about Jiang Rui's scandal. Later, Da Xiong refuted the rumor, and then guess what, a real rabbit appeared in our classroom." He clicked his tongue dissatisfiedly: "Everyone just found out that they were being played by Ning Xiaoxing. You have to go around. You said we are just eating melons, but he is really good at doing this."

"In other words, Jiang Rui didn't even know there was such a person."

There was also a melon-eating crowd present to testify: "abandon.abandon.abandon."

"It's not early to read now, you memorize ass English."

"You said how hard it is for him to refute the rumors that he is not himself? Hey, he is not. He knows that Jiang Rui's rabbit is another rabbit, but he still allows others to misunderstand. During that time, there were many people who talked about their pair. , anyway, I’m already dead now.”

"I think he thinks very much, but it's a pity that Jiang Rui doesn't even look at his rabbit."


After saying this, he wanted to look at the class again in a blink of an eye, but found that Ning Xiaoxing was gone.

… Um? What about others

He glanced again, and within a second, he saw Ning Xiaoxing walking out of the front door with his schoolbag on his back.

Several people were silent for a moment. The air seemed to be frozen, and several pairs of eyes stared at Ning Xiaoxing expressionlessly as he passed in front of them with his schoolbag on his back.

After the people walked away completely, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Do you think he heard that? . . . "

Ning Xiaoxing walked out of the teaching building alone.

The weather has been gloomy all day, and it finally started to rain lightly this time after school. Ning Xiaoxing didn't even look at it, and walked out in the rain.

He looked bad, and cursed in a low voice.

Those sarcastic remarks are still in my ears. I finally waited until other people’s jokes were read, right? I eat melons and melons all day long, so why don’t I support you to death.

Ning Xiaoxing's face was unhappy, and he quickened his pace depressedly, trying to leave those voices behind.

A name came to mind.

Jiang Rui.

Ning Xiaoxing pursed her lips. He slowed down, allowing himself to get wet in the rain.

No, now is not the time to get close to Jiang Rui. Wait a while, he will see the situation.

Maybe Ning Xiaoxing paid attention to him with ulterior motives at the beginning, but this kind of attention became more and more out of control later on.

Who knows.

Ning Xiaoxing didn't understand anymore. Obviously they are all rabbits, why? How was that old rabbit better than him

Surrounded by umbrellas of various shapes. It was as if the heavens were specifically against him. He had just walked out of the school gate, and the rain just kept getting bigger and bigger.

Ning Xiaoxing suddenly became more irritable. His shoulders and hair were wet from the rain, and when he was anxiously thinking about whether to turn back or go back in the rain, a strange umbrella silently stretched over his head.

Immediately with a sense of security, he blocked the icy cold rain that was about to fall on him.

"It is you."

At the same time, a very familiar voice sounded.

Ning Xiaoxing turned his head, just in time to meet Wen Ming looking into his eyes.

Wen Ming was originally here alone waiting for Jiang Rui's duty to end, so he could take him back to the hospital for an examination.

There were many people at the school gate, and he saw Ning Xiaoxing without an umbrella among the students returning home from school with their schoolbags on their backs, and he immediately recognized the child.

Isn't this a coincidence

Wen Ming looked at him as if he had something on his mind. It just so happened that he himself had something on his mind about this person.

Strictly speaking, it can't be considered a matter of concern, I can only say that I care a little bit. Because he finally understood the reason for Ning Xiaoxing's attitude towards him that day.

He didn't take it seriously at first, but after Wen Ming went back that day, he suddenly thought that Ning Xiaoxing was a rabbit just like him. Reminiscent of the rabbit fur that Jiang Rui brought back from his school uniform jacket, he had an epiphany.

It turned out that this little classmate was the rabbit who was bullied by Jiang Rui. He regarded himself and Jiang Rui as a group, so he was a little unfriendly to him.

After figuring this out, Wen Ming no longer struggled.

But today he happened to meet Ning Xiaoxing who was a bit embarrassed in the rain.

It shouldn't be, recently Jiang Rui has been very honest under his nose.

He also tentatively asked Ning Xiaoxing: "Do you want to chat?"

Wen Ming observed the other person's face, and thoughtfully said to him: "Don't worry, there are only two of us."

Ning Xiaoxing's bangs on his forehead were wet in locks, and he stared straight at Wen Ming for a few seconds.

The look in his eyes at this time made Wen Ming confused again.

"Okay." Ning Xiaoxing agreed to him suddenly.

Old rabbit, look at the trick.

The two found a nearby milk tea shop to take shelter from the rain and "chat" by the way.

Wen Ming didn't drink milk tea, and told the waiter that he could have a cup of whatever he wanted. Ning Xiaoxing also had no intention of ordering, so he asked Wen Ming straight to the point: "What is your relationship with Jiang Rui?"

Wen Ming then understood that he might be wary. Last time he told this little classmate that he was Jiang Rui's friend.

"I'm his... brother."

Last time he was said to be old, Wen Ming learned his lesson this time. He's Jiang Rui's older brother, right

And in this way, it also takes advantage of the status of parents, and the reliable sense of security from the elders can fully stimulate the young students' desire to confide.

He asked Wen Ming this question twice, and now he can be sure that the two of them are not married yet. Ning Xiaoxing leaned back in the chair calmly.

This big silly rabbit doesn't look like much.

The sky was gray outside, and the rain was getting heavier, and it seemed that it would not stop for a while. The waiter came forward and brought them two cups of hot drinks.

Wen Ming decided to proceed step by step, starting with ordinary topics.

"Does Jiang Rui get along well with the classmates in the class?"

"Yeah." Ning Xiaoxing looked at him, waiting for what he wanted to say.

Wen Ming smiled: "He must be very cruel to people, right?"

Ning Xiaoxing lowered his eyes and said with a straight neck: "It's okay. I think he has a personality like this."

The world is a pyramid. Someone always wants to be at the bottom. What's wrong with the people at the top? Is it the fault that other incompetent people are afraid of him

Wen Ming thought that his behavior was still guarding himself. Because he did not dare to speak of the deity's bad person in front of Jiang Rui's brother.

But I'm sorry little fellow, I'm in the werewolf camp now.

Big rabbits don't lie to little rabbits. Wen Ming will definitely count the good things about Jiang Rui with this little classmate.

Ning Xiaoxing heard Wen Ming in front of him say:

"He just looks fierce. In fact, he was not like this when he was with me. After you get to know him well, you will know that he is actually very good."

These words made Ning Xiaoxing glance at him uncomfortably.

Why is there a feeling of familiarity? What is "when he is with me" and what is "after you get to know him well"? This person's words imply how good his relationship with Jiang Rui is, right

The youthful temperament in front of him is harmless, but it is this harmlessness that makes Ning Xiaoxing more vigilant.

Maybe it shouldn't be the direction he thought? Ning Xiaoxing turned around the cup of green tea in front of him, but also became unsure.

"I think you should be Jiang Rui's friend?" Wen Ming teased, "He probably doesn't have many friends."

Ning Xiaoxing regained his composure and answered his previous question: "Yes."


In front of Wen Ming, his self-esteem grew inexplicably. It doesn't have to be.

"I understand, we are the same. It's hard not to be afraid in front of Jiang Rui, right? Oh yes, let me show you this..."

I saw Wen Ming on the opposite side taking out a gray plush pendant from his bag.

Ning Xiaoxing frowned. The shape of the pendant looks like a bunch of rabbit tails, carefully made to be stretchable. At first glance, it looks like a ball of fluff, but after pulling the tiny end, it becomes a strip shape, which is the most realistic rabbit tail.

Gray bunny tail.

It smells like Jiang Rui.

Ning Xiaoxing immediately thought of something, and was stunned as if he had been punched.

Where have they progressed

"Jiang Rui also has one..." Ning Xiaoxing said.

"Oh, I did it too." Wen Ming smiled: "This is made of Jiang Rui's hair."

He didn't notice that Ning Xiaoxing was completely messed up. He looked at the pendant in his hand and said, "What I want to say is that Jiang Rui is not as scary as you think. He is also very easy to get along with." This is the proof.

Wolf felt is really hard to poke, the wool is too hard, Wen Ming took a lot of effort to succeed.

"What do you think?" Wen Ming asked him with a smile.

Ning Xiaoxing calmed down and said, "It's okay, it's okay. Last time, Jiang Rui beat up a boy who had been pestering me."

"Really," although he didn't quite agree with this method, but: "Jiang Rui did save me before."

Ning Xiaoxing's expression was weird again. Jiang Rui saving people

Wen Ming was still talking: "That was the second time we met, in fact, I also changed my view of him from that time..."

"Stop, stop." Ning Xiaoxing was not interested in hearing any acquaintance stories: "What do you want to say?"

Finally getting to the point. Wen Ming put away the pendant in his hand, and sorted out his remarks in his heart.

"So, he didn't do anything to you, did he?"

Ning Xiaoxing lowered his head for a long while, and finally he could only force out two words between his teeth: ""

Nothing happened.

between them.

"It's actually a bit annoying for him. He can't control himself when he sees the rabbit's tail and ears... Oh yes, you have to keep the tail and ears in front of him, he will really pounce on him."

Ning Xiaoxing's complexion was completely bad.

It made Wen Ming lose confidence in the second half of his sentence: "Jiang Rui is like this at home."

"You are still living together!?"

Ning Xiaoxing's voice became louder uncontrollably, and immediately attracted the attention of the people around him. At this time, he didn't care about his image, and asked Wen Ming in a rude manner: "What's the relationship between you?"

"What does it matter?"

The big green tea in front of him gave him a kind and harmless smile.

"I'm just his brother."