Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 37


After today's understanding, Wen Ming can roughly confirm that Jiang Rui did not bully other rabbits.

It's just that the little classmate on the opposite side didn't know why his expression was so frustrated.

In the end, he didn't even say hello to Wen Ming, and went back directly. He didn't even take the umbrella that Wen Ming handed him.

Wen Ming watched his dingy back leave the store. And he continued to sit in the shop alone, drinking tea, and waiting for Jiang Rui.

Jiang Rui didn't wait, he waited until Lu Xiao, who was off work, walked out of the school. Wen Ming waved to Lu Xiao through the glass in the store.

They haven't had a chance to have a good chat since the last time they saw each other. Lu Xiao saw him, greeted him from the air, and walked towards him.

Wen Ming lowered his arms in greeting.

Speaking of it, the development of the relationship between Wen Ming and this ideal object is also ill-fated, because Jiang Rui has been making troubles in the middle, and there are other reasons...

Regarding Lu Xiao, Wen Ming occasionally thinks of him in his spare time, but he still can't let go of it.

Now that I have met them all today, I can only say that Wen Ming must be serious.

Lu Xiao put the briefcase on the seat, and he sat down in front of Wen Ming.

"Miss Lu, I'm sorry, I won't go around with you today." Wen Ming said embarrassedly: "Actually, I always think that you are in line with my ideals in all aspects..."

He is going to ask directly today.

Wen Ming finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Jiang Rui comes with a gentle locator. As soon as he stepped out of the school gate, he smelled the trace of Mr. Strawberry.

After looking in the direction, Jiang Rui's pace gradually slowed down.

He stared fixedly at the two figures sitting opposite each other in the distance, and narrowed his eyes dangerously.

For the two of them, Lu Xiao was actually mentally prepared for Wen Ming's question. Teacher Lu also gave his answer.


"Partially 0?"

"Offset to 0."

Wen Ming paused, and he nodded wordlessly to express his understanding.

"Miss Wen, you..."


Hearing this, Lu Xiao looked up at him in slow motion.

Lu Xiao: "Huh?"

Wen Ming: "Yes."

The air was so quiet that the patter of rain outside could be clearly heard. Why in the world is there such an awkward conversation. He, Little Strawberry, asked the sky and the earth.

Lu Xiao spoke slowly: "That's true, it's not easy to find a partner."

Wen Ming: "Yes."

The two of them picked up their cups and drank tea at the same time.

The atmosphere fell into a slightly awkward silence unconsciously. In order to alleviate this embarrassment, Lu Xiao looked down at his phone, while Wen Ming looked out the window, just in time to catch Jiang Rui who was approaching the door of the store.

"Jiang Rui is here." Wen Ming got up: "Then, I'll go first. I'll treat you to dinner next time when I'm free."

Lu Xiao also looked at him and said, "Okay. See you next time."

That's what they said, but both of them knew that there should be no next time this time.

Wen Ming walked out of the store to get his umbrella, and met Jiang Rui there. Jiang Rui glanced at Lu Xiao who was sitting in the store, and was attracted by Wen Ming's voice asking him: "Where's Big Bear?"

"He plays by himself." Jiang Rui looked away. Seeing that Wen Ming opened the umbrella, he also followed Wen Ming confidently into Wen Ming's umbrella.

In this way, the two have to squeeze together to walk. Wen Mingliang endured it because he is now a sick patient.

In the rain, the air outside is cool. With an umbrella in his hand, Wen Ming was still thinking about Lu Xiao.

Things should have come to an end here. For him, it should be the feeling of putting an end to something on his mind.

At Wen Ming's stage, it is very rare to meet such a "suitable" person on a blind date. The illusory true love is like the legendary Penglai that no one has ever seen.

Lu Xiao is a suitable choice for him. Only not anymore.

Having said that, why this wolf is so quiet today is too abnormal.

There are oddities. Wen Ming couldn't help but glance at him.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help becoming vigilant. Couldn't it be that I heard their conversation

Don't mess yourself up yet. In any case, Wen Ming just needs to talk to him as if he didn't hear well, and keep his attitude as usual. Besides, it was impossible for him to hear at that distance at that time.

Wen Ming called him: "Jiang Rui."

Jiang Rui: "I am 1."

Wen Ming: …

Wen Ming: ... ... ... ...

so awkward. so awkward. so awkward.

Why is there no seam here. Or he would dig a hole for himself in place.

After not getting a response for a long time, Jiang Rui tilted his head to look at him, just in time to see Wen Ming's red ears from the side.

Wen Ming was still trying to think of words and wanted to change the topic, when his ear was suddenly pinched by a hand.

Jiang Rui doesn't know what is reserved and reserved, he just squeezes what he wants and starts to play with it.

He was even more outrageous before. Although it is much better now, there are still bad problems. Wen Ming's mind was attracted, and he looked up at the people beside him.

Jiang Rui has big hands, and his thick, hot and dry fingertips squeeze his auricles, reminiscent of winter earmuffs. Wen Ming asked speechlessly: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Rui's deep gray eyes stared straight at his face: "You are cute."

Wen Ming always chokes on the straightforward words that this person blurts out every once in a while. He waved Jiang Rui's hand away.

Jiang Rui talked next to him: "Really."

Come again. Wen Ming tried his best to keep a straight face and pretended not to hear, he looked ahead.


Jiang Rui thought to himself that this person is quite strange, doesn't he even know that he is so cute

Wen Mingdang couldn't hear it. Today, my little strawberry, I want to see if your mouth is hard or my heart is hard.

Jiang Rui emphasized: "The cutest rabbit in the world."

Afraid of being overheard by passers-by, Wen Ming tugged at his sleeve in shame: "Okay, okay, shh, shh."

On the way to the hospital that day, Wen Ming's ears were still red all the way.

Sometimes Wen Ming always admires him for being so frank.

But separating species is like a mountain, perhaps this is the talent of their dogs.

Someone once said something like this: "Puppy doesn't care about words like licking dog at all. Puppy always loves people openly and proudly."

On the car to the hospital, Jiang Rui still reminded Wen Ming proudly, "He's not 1."

Wen Ming: …

Brother, please stop talking.

He couldn't help thinking of Lu Xiao again. How could I have misread it from the beginning, causing such an embarrassing scene just now.

"He's a big white bear." Wen Ming muttered softly.

Jiang Rui interjected: "Great Pyrenees, he's a dog."

Wen Ming said stiffly: "That is also a large dog."

How did it hit the number

But after thinking about it, isn't he also zero. Wen Ming gradually felt relieved.

Wen Ming regards Jiang Rui as a child in their kindergarten, and he has to lead him to the hospital by himself.

The doctor told the wound not to get wet, to change the dressing regularly, to avoid strenuous exercise, to avoid food... etc., Wen Ming remembered them all.

It's all because Jiang Rui insisted on squeezing under Wen Ming's umbrella all the way back, even though he had an umbrella himself. As a result, both shoulders and heads were wet.

As soon as he entered the house, Wen Ming urged Jiang Rui to take a bath first.

If the wound can't get wet, it means that you can't bathe normally. Jiang Rui has changed from washing to scrubbing these days.

Wen Ming opened the umbrella to dry, and turned around to see that the clothes on the balcony were confiscated.

The guy went straight into the bathroom without a change of clothes. After putting away the things, Wen Ming washed his hands again and went to the balcony to collect the clothes.

Fortunately, the clothes of the two of them did not get wet. Holding Jiang Rui's clean clothes, he knocked on the steamy bathroom door.

One arm of Jiang Rui was still hanging around his neck and he could not move, so he had to use his only left hand to do the work. It would not be easy to imagine.

Wen Ming thoughtfully shouted to the door: "I brought your clothes here. The door is open."

rest assured. The bathroom has a shower curtain, and Wen Ming has an upright and pure heart.

He put away the clothes Jiang Rui was going to wear, and when he turned his head, he saw the shower curtain shaking.

Because he had to take a bath, the retainer on Jiang Rui's right arm was also removed. However, the space in his bathroom is still too limited for Jiang Rui, who is tall and burly. If he moves a little bigger, he will touch the wall or the curtain.

And he, a rude guy, took a bath with great skill. Just from Wen Ming's glance, the curtain shook violently several times, looking extremely fragile.

Wen Ming sighed, overpowering the sound of splashing water, and shouted inside: "Jiang Rui, do you want me to wipe your back for you?"

The sound of water inside stopped for a while. Wen Ming will think about it carefully, guessing that he must be exhausted from rubbing his back these days. "Turn around."

Wen Ming waited for a while before reaching out to touch the thin shower curtain between the two: "I'm in."

Just a minute. Quick and easy, he has to prepare dinner after rubbing the wolf's back, he is very busy.

Wen Ming lifted the shower curtain with his hand.

People who don't have evil thoughts don't think so much at all. It can be said that no one in this world can make people feel more at ease than him. How many children have been washed by his gold medal kindergarten teacher Xiao Strawberry...

The mist cleared. There is a large area of wheat-colored latissimus dorsi in front of his eyes, and the tall and strong inverted triangle body has smooth muscle lines, and there are small clear water droplets rolling down from it. Wide shoulders and long legs, the model is muscular.

Wen Ming thought on the spot that he had lifted the wrong curtain.

Why did I enter the adult channel all of a sudden.

No, how could his wolf be a muscular man

Wen Ming was stunned for a while, and the little friend in front of him turned his head slowly and called him in a low voice: "Mr. Strawberry."

Teacher Little Strawberry came back to his senses.

He took the towel in a daze.

He didn't mean that Jiang Rui had no muscles, but he remembered that the original Jiang Rui was not like this... right

Wen Ming helped Jiang Rui change his medicine, but the impression of naked skin at that time and now is completely different.

Is he so tall at 1.96 meters? His shoulders are so broad. Don't, don't move. His muscles will rise and fall as he moves. Wen Ming turned his face away.

Do you want to touch it? Do you really want to touch that thing

Jiang Rui looked at him sideways, his hair was all pushed back, and water was dripping on his tall nose. Seeing that Wen Ming didn't move, he seemed to turn around suspiciously.

Wen Ming was startled immediately: "Stop, stop!"

He gritted his teeth, and touched the strange man in front of him with the hand holding the hot towel.

Wen Ming didn't know how he wiped his back the whole way. His eyes were numb, he just wiped it for him one by one, avoiding the gauze on this body by instinct.

As soon as he raised his eyes, he saw Jiang Rui's familiar eyes close at hand, staring at his face.

Wen Ming was taken aback: "What are you doing!"

Jiang Rui raised his arms without speaking.

After soaking in the hot water, his big hands were wet and scalding, and he held Wen Ming's face from both sides, and everywhere he went was wet. The dampness all over his body also slowly invaded Wen Ming's body in a trance.

Jiang Rui leaned over, Wen Ming was so frightened that he immediately closed his eyes.

He just put his face and Wen Ming's face together like an animal, forehead to forehead, squeezing and squeezing each other intimately.

I liked it until it overflowed.

no way.

His breath was next to his face. Wen Ming didn't dare to open his eyes at all, Jiang Rui's voice was asking him.

"Why, so beautiful."

He doesn't understand. It's unreasonable to be so good-looking and refuse to be kissed by others.

He only touched it once, and Wen Ming's heart was squeezed and rubbed indiscriminately by a pair of wet and hot hands. Jiang Rui moved forward and retreated in a controlled manner.

Later he walked out of that bathroom in a daze.