Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 49


Jiang Rui went out to get his pillow.

In the quiet room, Wen Ming lay alone on the bed looking at the ceiling.

Although it happened yesterday, Wen Ming seems to have returned to normal. But after all, it has not been resolved for a day, and it seems that there is still a big rock in people's hearts.

Wen Ming knew that it was useless to think too much, and he also controlled himself to fall asleep early.

He did it. In a superficial sense, Wen Ming lay there quietly and obediently in the same position for a long time,

People may just have trouble with themselves, especially in this kind of sleepless night.

When Jiang Rui came here just now, Wen Ming had already thought about his various ways out after becoming a kindergarten teacher by himself, so he set up a small stall to sell pancakes or something.

Anyway, he can't be a kindergarten teacher anymore, and when Jiang Rui becomes a chef in the future, he will help Jiang Rui, or pass him a wrench while he is repairing the chassis of a car.

It was the unplanned intrusion of another person who had pulled him out of the turmoil of his thoughts.

The moment Wen Ming held his hand just now, it was the first time in his life that he felt the body temperature that belonged to another person so safe, in this vast dark night.

Otherwise, according to his personality, he would not think of actively troublesome others, nor would he have the idea that he needs someone to accompany him.

... Then again, from just now to now, isn't it a little too long for Jiang Rui to go out this time

Before Wen Ming, who was lying on the bed, couldn't bear the idea of going out to find someone, he finally heard some movement outside, the muffled sound of a hair dryer sounding through a door.


Wen Ming waited patiently for a while, until the sound of footsteps outside the door, and when Jiang Rui walked in carrying a pillow, Wen Ming really smelled the smell of clean shower gel on his body.

"Did you take a shower?" Wen Ming couldn't help feeling amused, and there was an unconcealable smile in his voice.

Jiang Rui: ""

He just said that the behavior of taking a shower now is very strange.

But it’s impossible not to do this, he will become the man lying in the place closest to Wen Ming after a while.

Is Teacher Little Strawberry suspicious

Sure enough, I was suspicious. Jiang Rui stood by the bed, thinking he was going to poke me again.

Wen Ming didn't even need to use force, he could pierce the paper wolf in front of him with a simple poke of his finger, exposing the truth of why he took a bath at this time.

A big, fierce dog standing by the bed looked at the hand innocently and willingly.

All right. Then you poke it.

Jiang Rui looked at the hand he stretched out, and thought about it.

In the reflection of his eyes, the hand that symbolized the angel's judgment finally fell silently.

His hand is so soft, it must be very comfortable to poke.

—In reality, Wen Ming inserted his fingers into his hair and touched the top of his head lightly. After feeling that it was indeed dried and there was no dampness, he said to Jiang Rui: "Okay, come to sleep."

"By the way, get your quilt too." He added to Jiang Rui who froze again.

Jiang Rui went out and came in with his quilt.

Wen Ming on the bed had already reserved half of the space for him, Jiang Rui walked to the bed and lay down in that vacant seat.

The bed was a bit cramped, and the two of them were arms next to each other.

Now there is the sound of two people breathing in this room.

Wen Ming's own, and that of the person next to him.

The big invisible rock in his heart was still pressing down. But when Jiang Rui was by his side, this depression finally eased. Instead, there is another feeling that cannot be ignored.

A warm and familiar feeling.

He didn't even need to think about it. Turning his head lying on the pillow, he met another pair of eyes that were staring at him non-stop.

People don't really want this kind of proficiency.

Jiang Rui was still staring at him.

This kind of gaze is not comfortable for a prey. But it turns out that the wolf's eyes really glow at night, Wen Ming thought.

It is said that because they can hunt with the help of low light, there are many special crystal points under the iris. He stayed in the movement of staring at Jiang Rui, and the air between the two was quiet for a few seconds.

Jiang Rui stared at him too many times, this time Wen Ming decided not to resist passively. He maintained the posture of turning his head, unyieldingly stuck his neck and looked at Jiang Rui at this moment.

Tutu: You bite me.

Time passed minute by minute as the two looked at each other.

Tutu: I regret it.

I don't know how Jiang Rui did it, but he still couldn't keep staring at another person's face so bluntly, and he was defeated after a while.

"Jiang Rui" Wen Ming said first, "You have to close your eyes when you sleep."

Jiang Rui was obedient but didn't listen completely: "Yes."

Wen Ming: "Close your eyes, Jiang Rui."

Jiang Rui reluctantly but obediently closed his eyelids.

Even if the eyes were compared to his face, they still stubbornly turned towards Wen Ming and did not move, that was his last stubbornness.

Wen Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Now Jiang Rui responds to everything like this, and the state of everything being settled is very reassuring. And this is all the credit I have accumulated over a long period of time.

Already a good dog.

Wen Ming looked at his face, then lightly touched his arm: "Hand."

Jiang Rui, who still had his eyes closed, ordered and moved his hand to him.

Reluctantly, Wen Ming reached out to grab him, pulled him down together, and put him between the bodies of the two of them.

Do you understand, I want to hold it.

He himself didn't realize when he had become dependent on Jiang Rui. The presence of another person will make him less prone to cranky thoughts.

The size of Jiang Rui's palm can completely cover Wen Ming's. The smaller hand curled up in his, like a little squirrel in its favorite nest.

He is holding Jiang Rui's right hand. Because of the sudden increase in the frequency of holding the pen during this period of time, some places in his hands have actually worn calluses. Wen Ming feels very relieved, this is a sign that he is studying hard.

Wen Ming turned his head, thinking that he could sleep this time.

But soon he found that it seemed too early for him to relax.

After Jiang Rui's vision was sealed, there was another disaster that remained.

How did Wen Ming forget that Gouzi's extraordinary sense of smell is another window opened by God, and it can also be of great use.

It was only when the big man next to him who was gradually approaching finally managed to bury his face into Wen Ming's neck to sniff, that he remembered it.

So good, so fragrant, a rabbit is right next to it, it's hard not to get close. If Jiang Rui said that he didn't rely on him at all, it was the attraction of Wen Ming that attracted him like a magnet.

Wen Ming: …

There is an extra pendant on his body that is bigger than himself and takes up more space.

How can people sleep like this.

He is so heavy, his legs and hands are wrapped around Wen Ming's whole body. Jiang Rui's nose was pressed against Wen Ming's neck, sniffing the addictive fragrance from his skin.

All right. Wen Ming thought to himself, just hug for a while.

He felt Jiang Rui's chiseled face attached to his body, and began to tease him. Relying on the fact that Jiang Rui couldn't see himself now, he stretched out a hand and put it on the soft skin from the chin to the neck of others, scratching his fingers alternately and repeatedly with a gentle force.

"Good dog." He spoke in a breathy voice, each word scratching at the most itchy place in the heart: "Is it a good dog?"

That hand was grabbed by Jiang Rui's wrist one second before he was about to leave.

Before Wen Ming could react, his hand was already in the dog's mouth in the next second. Jiang Rui has opened his eyes again, staring at him deeply.

His eyes told Wen Ming word by word: That's too much.

Wen Ming subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand, and as soon as he exerted force, his fingers moved unconsciously in his hot mouth, and Jiang Rui's tongue responded immediately. Wen Ming's body was immediately stimulated and trembled a little.

Jiang Rui has to get closer, Wen Ming: Tutu Fist!

After a tug, he finally saved his wet hand from his mouth. Wen Ming took out a tissue to wipe his hands.

Jiang Rui watched him wipe from the side. I know I made a mistake, so I dare to do it next time.

What can be done about this.

There's no way a dog can't get close to you.

Jiang Rui predicted in his heart whether Wen Ming would let him go to bed next time.

Wen Ming finished wiping his hands.

Jiang Rui came to the conclusion that he would not.

He watched Wen Ming turn his gaze to himself, Jiang Rui's hand was grabbed by him, and he put that hand to his mouth in revenge, bowed his head and kissed viciously.

As if afraid to disturb him, Jiang Rui stopped breathing at that moment.

Wolves have great night vision. The picture of Wen Ming lowering his head, pursing his lips slightly, and dropping a kiss on the back of his hand, was clearly visible in his eyes. Every picture stimulates the nerves.

Wen Ming retaliated with his teeth and said, "This is the blessing from the Rabbit God to you. From now on, if you use this hand to hold a pen to write, you will definitely go smoothly and pass every exam."

He raised his head and saw Jiang Rui staring straight at his hand.

He finally realized that something was wrong, so he added: "You can only hold a pen, and you are not allowed to use it to hold other things."

When Jiang Rui closed his eyes, the light from his pupils in the dark night was covered. He buried himself in Wen Ming's neck again, but his posture was that of enclosing the territory.

"It's late," he said.

Wen Ming's body froze. When Jiang Rui posted it, he also felt the change in the opponent's body.

"Since when..." He tried his best to raise his head to accommodate Jiang Rui, but his expression was dazed, but his face turned red without delay.

I didn't react at all. A lesson can be learned from the world, just now he clearly did not do anything lewd!

Jiang Rui's voice came from the hollow of his neck, and he said nasty words without any burden: "Since you said that I will always be your only good dog alone."

Wen Ming: "... I never said that!"

And wasn't that a long time ago! !

What are your dog's ears made of? Why do you have a filter several meters thick

Jiang Rui was still sticking to his neck, and took Wen Ming's hand by the way.

Wen Ming was angry, blushed and held his hand to help without any resistance.