Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 53


The photo of the two of them taking a group photo with the sunset sky as the background was later developed by Wen Ming, put it in a photo frame, and kept it at home.

In the photo, the tall, dark boy had unrestrained eyebrows, and he looked reckless and youthful. And the shorter young man beside him had curved eyebrows, gentle and beautiful. Both heads were moving towards each other.

The memory in the mind is preserved with feeling. Every time Wen Ming looks at this photo now, he can clearly recall the cool temperature when the wind blew over his face that night.

so fast. In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. The second photo next to the group photo on the table is a group photo of the first batch of students that Wen Ming brought to kindergarten after working.

The little Doudings that went out of his hands at that time have now been upgraded to elementary school students carrying schoolbags.

Looking back on that day, it was really not easy to take this photo of the graduation ceremony. One or two were crying, and the scene became a sea of tears and cries.

And Wen Ming walked through it, hugging and comforting the children one by one, his formal attire was messed up.

Teacher Little Strawberry solemnly promises to each of them that as long as they remember each other in their hearts, they will never be separated.

Distance is not terrible. As long as I miss you, you are not far from me at all.

Facts have proved that they also miss Mr. Strawberry in their hearts. Like the previous picnic season, Wen Ming received a lot of recent photos of children.

Children grow up fast, and seem to be much taller than when they left kindergarten. Wen Ming flipped through the photos, his eyes gently curved.

Among them, the one who worries Wen Ming the most is Xiao Yao, who is most inseparable from him. Back then, for his smooth graduation, Wen Ming promised him that he could come back to find a teacher at any time when he grew up.

That day, Wen Ming saw that he seemed to have made a new little girlfriend in his photo, and was very happy to talk about it with Xiao Yao's mother.

Xiao Yao's mother: "Oh! That! That's not my little girlfriend, teacher, that's our little cousin. Xiao Yao, what did you say to me that day, what..." She imitated Xiao Yao's tone: "He said, 'Women are only going to affect how fast I grow up.' Are you saying he's just mad at me?"

Wen Ming was amused by his childish words.

It doesn't look like it's grown up.

Looking to the side, the third photo placed there is the first photo taken together in this home on the day he and Jiang Ruigang moved to this city.

Jiang Rui repeated his senior year of high school that year and was successfully admitted to a university in the city where his family's company is located.

This has to talk about Jiang Rui's family. It was only later that Wen Ming found out that Jiang Rui belonged to the kind of person who would go home and inherit the company if he didn't work hard.

Before meeting Wen Ming, Rui, who rebelled against Jiang, ran away from home alone, and the Thirteenth Middle School was a barren place he chose. He spent a comfortable life there that his father didn't care about, and met Wen Ming there.

The year when Jiang Rui was admitted to university happened to be the year when Wen Ming brought a lot of students in his hands. Wen Ming resolutely chose not to continue to sign a work contract with the original kindergarten, but followed Jiang Rui to this new city.

Jiang Rui is now working under the supervision of his father (unconvinced) while going to university, working in the company at home.

Now Wen Ming still chooses to shine in the same job position. Here he became a teacher in a private kindergarten. The personality charm of this person that attracts the cubs all the time, no matter where it is, it still shines with charming light as always.

Their lives have entered a new normal track.

By the way, Daxiong has now followed Wen Ming's original good plan, and is about to grow into an excellent and glorious auto repair worker. Wen Ming is always full of praise when he mentions him now.

Here comes the last photo.

If the first photo is the rudimentary form of a young wedding photo, this photo is a serious one, a wedding registration photo taken by Wen Ming and Jiang Rui at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

The eyebrows and eyes of the black-haired young man in the photo are still the same, without much change. The temperament is still gentle and the smile is warm. Standing beside him, the young man at the beginning has already jointed and grown rapidly in just a few years, and has transformed into a mature young man. On a face with handsome eyebrows and slender eyes, the sharpness is sharp, and the temperament is cold and arrogant.

Regarding Jiang Rui's changes, Wen Ming, who has been by his side for the past few years, has a better say in evaluating his changes. Wen Ming thinks that Jiang Rui's temper has become a little calmer than before, but he is still the same domineering person.

By the way, they now have a pair of official wedding rings.

The inner ring of Wen Ming's wedding ring is engraved with the imprint of a wolf's canine teeth, and the inner ring of Jiang Rui's wedding ring is engraved with the imprint of a rabbit's front teeth. That is their exclusive mark.

And the house where the two of them live together now is unimaginably many times larger than the small rental house where Wen Ming lived alone before.

The bedroom including the two of them is also very spacious. Because giant wolves and giant rabbits lived in this house, the bed in the house was bigger than ordinary big beds, giant beds.

At this time, the sky outside the bedroom was bright, and a huge dark gray body lying on the huge bed was buried in the mattress, still asleep.

The alarm clock on the bedside reached a certain time, it was set, and a wake-up reminder bell rang on time. What came out of the alarm clock was not an ordinary alarm sound, but a soft youthful voice.

- "Okay~ treasure."

The giant wolf is still sleeping.

Only a pair of ears that can't deceive anyone honestly rose from the quilt, and the radar responded automatically. The wolf moved before waking up.

The alarm clock continued to emit the recorded voice.

— "Who is Haobao?"

This sentence caused the wolf's head to be pulled out of the bed with difficulty. Its eyes were still tightly closed, but even so, it managed to hold on. He is, he is, here.

- "Okay~ Bao. Wake up."

The huge, sleepy-eyed beast was half awake, and began to move its nose on the bed, instinctively searching for the smell of Wen Ming.

The alarm clock at the bedside began to repeat those words over and over again. The big wolf's ears couldn't resist either, and kept sticking up honestly and didn't put them down.

It is these simple passwords, which are easy to use for several years. Wen Ming finally didn't have to deal with Jiang Rui's waking up in person anymore. grateful.

After the alarm clock rang several times, the wild wolf finally opened his eyes. At the same time, another person's footsteps entered the bedroom.

The sound of footsteps went all the way to the bed, and someone reached out and turned off the bedside alarm. And from this person's mouth came out the true voice of the deity, which was clearer and more real than the recording, and more stimulating to the senses.

Wen Ming threw off the quilt: "Get up quickly when you wake up, Jiang Rui."

He was still holding the cup in his hand, when the beast licked his face with saliva just after he opened his eyes. Wen Ming pushed him away: "You don't have class this morning, you go to the company by yourself later, I'll leave breakfast for you."

Jiang Rui usually has a hard time getting up and is very angry. After Wen Ming explained this, he leaned over and kissed the top of the giant wolf's head.

The commuting time of the two is different, and Wen Ming has to go to work in a while. He got rid of the entanglement of the giant wolf, and went to the bathroom alone to wash his face again.

Because there is Jiang Rui who is taller than the standard in the family, the furniture such as the sink and the table are specially made to be taller. Wen Ming stood in front of the mirror and wiped his face. After putting down the towel, he saw himself in the mirror looking at him.

Wen Ming hasn't changed much from three years ago, except that his hair has grown a bit longer.

After all, he has already passed the growth stage, if there is any change at this age, he will be getting old. Wen Ming was washing towels when a sound of lazy and heavy footsteps approached in the bathroom.

Wen Ming looked up at the mirror.

I have already established a shape, no more than someone else, the growth rate is exaggerated like a game upgrade, it is like changing a new look every year.

The figure of the young man who appeared in the mirror is now completely bigger than Wen Ming. When entering an ordinary door frame, he needs to tilt his head to pass, and he can completely envelop people in his generous embrace without any effort.

As soon as he came in, he hugged Wen Ming from behind. Wen Ming hung up the towel and asked him, "Don't sleep anymore? Are you going to take me there?"

Getting up angry, Jiang Rui buried his shoulders and nodded.

Jiang Rui owns a car and has a driver's license. Only Wen Ming, an old man, still insists that his bicycle race is high.

Wen Ming rubbed the messy gray head and urged him: "Then hurry up, I'll go by myself when it's late."

Jiang Rui straightened up unsteadily. He turned on the faucet to wash, Wen Ming hung up the towel, and took advantage of the opportunity to look into the mirror again.

Even when not making an expression, Jiang Rui's sharp facial features are cold and arrogant, domineering. Three years ago, he would never have imagined that the frightening Jiang Rui he met before was actually just the childhood form of the Great Demon King.

He has now been upgraded from a little bastard in high school to a big bastard, the terrifying Jiang Rui plus.

To be honest, if Wen Ming met Jiang Rui in this version for the first time, even ten ambitious little strawberry teachers would have to say "excuse me" and then slowly back out.

And if he hadn't met this person earlier, Wen Ming might not have been able to tame him. Now this Jiang Rui is even more devilish, but his clinginess has exploded exponentially.

... It's not an exaggeration, it's really clingy to the point that even Wen Ming can't stand it.

Wen Ming walked out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to serve breakfast for the two of them.

When his people were busy in front of the cooking table, a tall and burly figure behind him arrived although he was late, and Jiang Rui appeared behind him like a shadow. As soon as he came, he clung to Wen Ming's neck intimately, enjoying the intimacy of his skin-to-skin contact with the rabbit.

Wen Ming's rabbit buttocks felt something, and he said to Jiang Rui without turning his head: "I promised you can only do it once a day on weekdays, are you sure you want it now?"

The big heavy man behind him paused, and slowly backed away from his back.

Before Wen Ming talked with him about age, Jiang Rui didn't care about what he said. Wen Ming habitually teases children, saying that after he becomes a grandfather, he will die before him.

Jiang Rui didn't want to listen to what he said. His tall body bent down, just buried his head on Wen Ming's stomach, as if he couldn't hear.

Wen Ming teased him again, seeing that he really didn't respond before giving up. When he wanted Jiang Rui to get up from him, he touched Jiang Rui's face with his hand, and inexplicably, his fingertips touched the wet eyelashes.

Wen Ming paused.

Jiang Rui was still buried in him unwilling to come. His voice was low and hoarse: "Wherever you are going, I will follow you."

Only then did Wen Ming realize that his joke seemed to have gone too far. He himself doesn't care about these things, but Jiang Rui is different. It was the first time he saw Jiang Rui like this.

Jiang Rui can no longer live without him now.

After that, Jiang Rui couldn't hear the word "old" and all related words. Even if what Wen Ming said, he would not listen to it.

After a quick breakfast for the day, the two of them were about to go out to work. Wen Ming was changing his shoes, and Jiang Rui helped Wen Ming carry his computer bag. He stood in front of the mirror with an expressionless face, and silently poked the tie that Wen Ming had just tied for him to one side.

"Are you ready?" Wen Ming raised his head and asked him behind him.

Jiang Rui turned around: "Okay."

After checking the keys in Jiang Rui's pocket, Wen Ming saw that his tie was crooked, so he naturally stretched out his hands to help him tidy it up.

Jiang Rui leaned over slightly to make it easier for him to move, and the quiet expression on his face at this time made people see a bit of a cuteness that was very contrary to this person.

The tie was quickly and lightly adjusted, and Wen Ming's gaze shifted from his fingers to Jiang Rui's face.

Jiang Rui's focused gaze when he stared at him has not changed for several years, it is always the same.

Even when he was seventy or eighty years old, the way he looked at Wen Ming was still frozen in the image of the boy Jiang Rui when he was seventeen or eighteen years old.

Because that day in his life met an angel rabbit. His life changed from that day on.

Wen Ming's hands moved from his neckline to his face. Countless tacit movements day and night, without communication, one person approached the past, and the other opened his arms at the same time, and the two figures hugged each other like they had done so many times before.

Wen Ming raised his head and kissed him, saying, "You are not allowed to look at other rabbits today."

Jiang Rui bit his lip lightly: "Yes."

After checking the water and electricity doors and windows for the last time, Wen Ming and his big dog went out holding hands. The backs of the two, one tall and one short, walked towards the elevator. Wen Ming went to work, and Jiang Rui sent him to work.

At the moment when the elevator door was about to close, Wen Ming suddenly looked back at the door.

Facing the home they shared now, he frowned and showed a warm smile.

Don't be afraid to move forward.

Because good things are about to happen ahead.

Live a good life, love yourself, and love others, because Mr. Strawberry has always done this.


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