Come Eat Mr. Bunny Rabbit

Chapter 8


Wen Ming put on his clothes quickly.

He swished on the bottom button of his clothes, turned his head and said to the big guy in the room, "I don't know how you got in, but you can only stay here now." He looked at Jiang Rui's eyes emphasized: "Must, must remember - you can't go anywhere."

I don't know how this person got in, whether he was caught by surveillance or not.

But judging by Jiang Rui's easy-to-move appearance, it is estimated that he jumped directly from the ground to the second floor during the lunch break and when there was no activity in the kindergarten.

No matter how Jiang Rui came here, anyway, it can't go back now. In a few minutes, the whole kindergarten will be full of people. Going down from here is a small playground, and some classes will go to outdoor activities.

If Jiang Rui appeared, he would be regarded as suspicious.

Thinking of this, Wen Ming had a headache.

Today's workload is already heavy enough, but now there is another big trouble.

With the curtains drawn, the light in the room is dim, the temperature here is suitable, the bed and the air are filled with a pleasant smell of rabbits. Jiang Rui yawned lazily, and the next second, Wen Ming, who came to it, grabbed the wolf's ear with one hand.

Teacher Little Strawberry was afraid that it wouldn't listen, so she sternly told her ear: "You can't go out, do you hear me?"

Not to mention, such large ears are easy to catch. The size of his palm, the soft and thick triangular ears are very tactile to the touch.

Thin white human fingers grab it, and there is a sense of impact between beauty and beast.

The giant wolf doesn't seem to like being touched. It turned its head shamelessly, broke away the ears on the top of its head from his hands, and shook its head as if no one else was there.

Wen Ming had no choice but to quickly pack up his things and go out.

Is there any way, they are honest people like this, after being bullied, they have to swallow their anger and wipe the ass of the wolf.

Should it be said that fortunately this person knows where to choose. This lounge is shared by him and another male teacher in the garden. The other teacher's house is nearby so he doesn't come here often, and the female teacher and the others have a resting place. So that room is safe now.

Wen Ming walked towards the classroom in disbelief.

The teacher who took the class saw him coming late, and teased him: "Hey, this is the first time I have seen Teacher Xiao Wen oversleep."

Wen Ming smiled at her embarrassedly, and rushed over to help.

After finally returning from the classroom, he sat back on the chair in the office. Wen Ming saw the news that the class teacher was notified to hold a meeting before he had finished filling out a class form.

So Wen Ming took the notebook again and hurried up to the conference room.

After the meeting, he went downstairs and went back to the office to work. While non-stop taking time to reply to parents' messages.

A form that needs to be filled has not yet been filled in, and the baby clock on the wall points to three o'clock. It is time for the children to wash their hands, sit down, and eat snacks happily.

The afternoon work schedule that he had planned before his lunch break was ruined by the few things that were rushed together.

However, the undone work will not disappear out of thin air, it will only be pushed to the next day and the next day, and the tasks will become heavier and heavier like a snowball.

Today's dessert is small milk and cake roll. At this time, Wen Ming was already slumped on the office chair from exhaustion.

The class teacher came over and gave Wen Ming an extra bottle of milk.

Wen Ming's emptiness was interrupted by someone, he took it over and thanked the teacher. He sat up straight again in the chair.

In addition to the work list, Wen Ming always remembered that he hid a wolf in the lounge. He decided he had to get up and take a look.

Jiang Rui is an uncontrollable factor. He must hold this guy down.

A huge wolf was lying on the bed in the room. It seemed to be asleep, but it opened its eyes the moment Wen Ming opened the door.

She is quite good at finding a place, her huge body occupies the entire bed, and she seems to be enjoying herself.

The social animal Wen Ming couldn't help being envious.

And Jiang Rui inside watched Mr. Strawberry walk into the room wearing an apron, and flicked a silver-gray tail behind him.

Wen Ming closed the door and entered the room, and when he walked to the bed, he found several dirty black marks on his bed sheets.

Wen Ming's expression froze on his face.

The unnecessary workload has increased again.

Wen Ming smacked its head lightly angrily: "Bad wolf!"

Although he had just woken up, the wolf was still fierce. It bared its fangs at Wen Ming and made a short threatening sound.

The wolf's canines and crack teeth are extremely well developed, and as for its bite force, the mere skull is nothing to worry about.

Wen Ming's body stiffened involuntarily, he withdrew his hand and did not hit again.

Looking at the occupied bed, Wen Ming sighed inwardly. He sat down on the floor beside the bed.

Like tigers, lions, wolves, these carnivorous beasts have a ferocity that Wen Ming could not understand since he was a child.

Just like now, when Wen Ming is sitting next to it, the breathing sound of this giant wolf makes people feel that there is a powerful engine in its chest cavity. The low tremor.

In the past, when Wen Ming heard this kind of voice, his scalp would usually go numb.

It's okay now, I can restrain the urge to run away. Because he knew this wolf.

Wen Ming asked Jiang Rui straight to the point: "Tell me, why are you looking for me today?"

He felt that Jiang Rui was looking for him for something.

It can't be here for no reason.

no respond. Because the huge wolf ignored him at all. An expression that doesn't understand people's words.

And Wen Ming is still watching it patiently.

Jiang Rui shook his ears as if he had never heard of it.

Wen Ming looked at him puzzled.

He was so flustered that he couldn't see it clearly before, but now Wen Ming finally recognized the whole picture of the beast.

Wolf is not really a kind of animal with high appearance in nature.

No basis. You can ask any rabbit, that's what everyone says.

But even according to the conscience of a rabbit, this big guy is considered handsome among wolves.

The fur of the whole body is a deep dark gray, only the forehead, ears and the center of the back are darker. Because of its large size, its coat is also thicker than that of ordinary wolves. The ears are upright, the head and palate are pointed like all canids, and the animal pupils can focus light at night.

This body has evolved into the most suitable posture for hunting.

Wen Ming, who has been unable to get a response, wanted to suggest that the wolf, who was obviously pretending to be stupid, turn back into a human voice, but after a second thought, there is no Jiang Rui's clothes here.

He had a headache for a while, stopped staring at it, turned back and said, "... Forget it. You can talk to me later."

Wen Ming found that Jiang Rui had been watching him since just now, and he is still watching now. As soon as he moved, the pair of emotionless animal pupils also moved.

It's stares of hunger. Rabbit Wen Ming thought with certainty.

He was so stared at, thinking of the little milk that the teacher in his class gave him just now. So Wen Ming, who had just sat down for a while, got up again.

A minute later, Teacher Little Strawberry put a basin of shallow milk near the child's mouth.

"Drink it."

The kindergarten teacher is very careful and thoughtful when taking care of people. Wen Ming specially found a basin for it.

After all, its wolf head is as big as two or three of Wen Ming's.

For some reason, the giant wolf disliked it very much. The milk was all brought to his mouth, but he just licked it condescendingly, and kicked the basin away impolitely in the next second.

waste. Wen Ming glanced at it disapprovingly.

In the next second, Wen Ming quickly pulled out a handkerchief from his apron pocket, grabbed the back of the wolf's neck with one hand to stop him from moving around, and started wiping his face with a 360-degree windmill-style rag with the other hand.

The movements are skillful and done in one go.

While wiping, he muttered: "Okay, okay, don't move around. You are so dark because you don't like to be clean."

Being treated like this, the ferocious beast was stunned first, and then began to struggle after being stunned.

How could Mr. Little Strawberry give it this chance? Long before the giant wolf resisted, he quickly wiped off the milk stains on his mouth: "It's fine."

A set of movements is so steady and ruthless.

This is because of his ability to eat.

At this moment, the giant wolf, who didn't know what happened just now, had a trace of human confusion on his face.

Jiang Rui:


The wolf is still baring his teeth at him here, while Mr. Strawberry has quickly put his milk bowl aside.

Wen Ming sat down by the bed again.

After a while, he leaned his head back on the mattress again.

After all this, Wen Ming is really tired.

Things are not going well this afternoon. There is a kind of emptiness that obviously feels like I have been busy for a long time, but the things I should do are nothing.

The social animals take a break from their day's work for a few minutes to catch their breath. Just a little while.

He looked at the ceiling and said to Jiang Rui: "Wait a little longer. Kindergarten ends in one hour. If there are fewer people, I will let you go."

Jiang Rui sneered disdainfully. This rabbit dared to think, did he really think that he locked himself here

He can go now if he wants to go.

Wen Ming knew that the wolf was still watching him. If the feeling of oppression can be concrete, then it is the heavy gaze of the wolf on him now.

He didn't have the strength to think about it for a while, so he just closed his eyes.

In a blur, I felt that Jiang Rui was approaching, leaning close to his face, and began to sniff him again, with a cold and itchy feeling.

Wen Ming also went with it.

By the way, has this guy been looking for something today... As Wen Ming thought about it, he suddenly felt something hot, sticky and slippery on the left side of his face.

Before reacting to anything, this touch made Wen Ming shiver subconsciously.

Licking, the wolf is licking...

When Wen Ming opened his eyes in a daze, the left half of his cheek was still in the shape of being licked flat. Then the shadow in front of me receded.

He reacted, instantly ashamed and angry. What's more, when he opened his eyes, he saw Jiang Rui's handsome and profound young face.

Wen Ming was even angrier! This lunatic flicked his cheek with a human tongue!

Jiang Rui still maintained the behavior of a beast, not used to using his hands, so he directly stuck to it and pushed Wen Ming's receding face up with the bridge of his nose.

Wen Ming's face was soft, and it collapsed wherever he hit him.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed the man away: "Jiang Rui! What are you doing?!"

Jiang Rui replied: "Try it."

It was so calm that the listeners were at a loss.

The difference between Jiang Rui and others is that he is more able to obey his animal instinct. Do whatever you want.

On the contrary, he looked at Wen Ming's face, and there was an interesting smile on his face. He asked Wen Ming, "Why are you blushing?"

Wen Ming's heart was in a mess, but he choked on his question. How should an older unmarried young man on a blind date answer this question? Is he really thinking too much? …

Wen Ming: "Put on your clothes first!"

Jiang Rui was still arbitrarily unwilling to let him bow his head, as usual, he grabbed his hair with his big hands to make him raise his face.

No matter how good-tempered the honest man Wen Ming was, he couldn't bear it this time.

If Jiang Rui pulls his hair, he will pull Jiang Rui's hair!

He fought the beast!