Come To My Side

Chapter 27


After driving on the road for a while, the sky slowly darkened.

Neon, traffic, crowds... The city's slumbering desires during the day are awakened when night comes, and everything is engulfed in a brightly lit hustle and bustle.

And under such hustle and bustle, it is destined to have a quiet and cold heart.

Guan Xi finally parked the car in the parking lot of the beauty agency. She was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and Lang Ningyi was still complaining in her earphones.

"Oh, it hurts me, but fortunately, the fifth generation is a little better than the fourth generation... Oh, I have to put on a mask, they told me that the mask I customized last time was running out, and I used it a few times. It's gone... Hey, where are you, come here quickly."

Guan Xi looked at the vehicles around him, was silent for a moment, and said, "Just come downstairs."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

Guan Xi had the illusion that Lang Ningyi saved her with a phone call. After coming down from Guan Xinghao's office, she was completely stunned.

"I think you don't know which one is your own daughter."

dear daughter...

Yes, my daughter.

Originally, she felt that she could be seen, and she always regarded herself very highly, and felt that there was nothing that could bring her down.

But it turned out that when she heard her mother express her true thoughts, and saw that the relatives she wanted to be close to the most showed a little dislike for her, she could still easily knock her down.

For a moment, alone and helpless, it seems like I'm not going anywhere...

Guan Xi slowed down, took a deep breath, and got out of the car.

This beauty agency is a place where Guan Xi's daughters and daughters often come. She is a super VIP here, and someone will greet her as soon as she walks in. Guan Xi waved his hand, indicating that he was just here to find someone and had no intention of maintaining it.

So the staff took her to Lang Ningyi's private room. When she entered the door, Lang Ningyi was lying on the bed with a "gold-encrusted" mask on her face that could only be owned by a one-time top-up of 3 million.

Guan Xi sat down on the small sofa beside her and didn't speak.

Lang Ningyi still heard the sound of the door and opened her eyes, only to realize that she had arrived: "My God - what are you doing?? Why don't you make a sound?!"

Guan Xi hesitated and asked, "How long do you have to apply it?"

Lang Ningyi: "It's just the beginning."


"Don't you do it?"

"Don't do it."

Lang Ningyi said strangely, "Then why are you here, just wait for me."

Guan Xi didn't speak, and after a while, he said, "Ning Yi, I want to move out of the house."

Lang Ningyi sucked in a breath of cold air and almost sat up, but remembering that the thing on her face was valuable, she held back: "Moving out? Why? You can't move out now, right? The directors and the people outside are all looking at you. When you move out, others will misunderstand that the Guan family can't tolerate you—"

"I think I might not be able to tolerate it."

Lang Ningyi frowned: "Guan Xi, don't talk nonsense."

Guan Xi hugged the pillow. At first, she knew she was adopted and never thought about retreating, but today, for the first time in her life, she felt the desire to retreat.

She suddenly felt meaningless.

"I don't want to prove anything."

"… "

Guan Xi said: "Do you know that my mother lost her temper in his office today after my dad handed me the project. She thinks this should be up to Guan Ying."

Lang Ningyi: "Isn't Guan Ying just getting started? She can?"

"No." Guan Xi said, "but what matters is what she needs, not whether she will."

At the beginning, she felt that what she had to do was better than Guan Ying, that she could hold more power and bring more benefits to the family, then she would have a stronger sense of presence at home, and her mother would like her more and feel that she was very good. important.

But it turned out that she was wrong, and her identity was wrong from the beginning. What is the use of her being so strong... It will only make people think that she has become a stumbling block for her own daughter.

"No, even if your mother thinks so, your father won't." Lang Ningyi said, "Look at your father who loves you so much, how could he be willing to let you be wronged and move out, he won't agree."

Guan Xi's nose was sour, and she was really reluctant to talk about her father. She felt that he was the person who loved her the most in the world.

"But I'm not happy..."

"Xixi, don't think too much. Even if your mother really can't tolerate you, so what? The adopted child is also legally responsible. When you are so cowardly, let it go."

Guan Xi held her forehead, she couldn't say that feeling. The thing she longed for since she was a child was broken in front of her eyes, and she couldn't stand it.

Looking at her like this, Lang Ningyi coaxed, "You calm down for a while and don't be impulsive. At least don't move? Do this thing well first, and don't let your dad disappoint you."


Regarding her father, Guan Xi felt that what Lang Ningyi said was reasonable.

Mom may be starting to dislike her, but she can't get rid of Dad who has always been good to her. Her father trusted her with the important things she gave her, and she really had to do it well and not let him down.

Moving couldn't solve the fundamental problem, but Guan Xi didn't know how to face Wei Shaomin since that day. She cut back on her time at home and was almost entirely focused on the company.

On this day, she took the documents and computer and was ready to go on a short errand.

"Yang Qing, I'm driving to Wen'an City to see President Liu. You can watch the company."

Yang Qing: "Mr. Xiaoguan, otherwise let me go."

"No, I want to see for myself."

Talking with Mr. Liu about the cooperation of European hotels was not a big deal at all, just leave it to the people under his command, but Guan Xi has been unable to spare for the past two days. Also good.

Wen'an City is not far from the emperor. If you drive by yourself, you can get there in about two and a half hours, and Guan Xi did not bring a driver. For her, this trip was more like going for a ride.

At the beginning, the high-speed road was used. After an hour, Guan Xi got off the high-speed road.

Not long after getting down, the phone rang. After Guan Xi pressed the answer, Jiang Suizhou's voice came from the car.


Jiang Suizhou was also on a business trip these days, and he was very busy. The two of them didn't get in touch much. This was the first phone call recently.

Guan Xi: "I'm on a business trip."

Jiang Suizhou was a little surprised: "On a business trip? You?"

Guan Xi: "What's the matter, I can't go on business."

"Where to go."

Guan Xi said: "Wen'an City, there is still about an hour and a half to arrive."

Jiang Suizhou was stunned: "It's a coincidence."

"What coincidence?"

"I'm also in Wen'an these two days, but I'm on my way back now."

Guan Xi was speechless: "Brother, this is a coincidence."

"Oh, when are you coming back?"

It has rained today, and although there are not many vehicles, the road down the highway is not easy to drive. Guan Xi looked ahead and said, "I'm not sure, anyway, I'll come back after we've settled the matter. That Mr. Liu should be good at talking..."

Before I finished speaking, I was caught off guard when a vehicle suddenly overtook behind! The car rushed in front of her as if it was in a hurry to find the King of Hell!

Guan Xi was suffocated: "Damn!"

Jiang Suizhou: "Guan Xi?"

Things also happened between the lights and flint, Guan Xi didn't even have time to turn the steering wheel, so he turned it hard!

The car brakes made a harsh sound, and Guan Xi rushed forward due to inertia, and was pulled back by the seat belt.


"Guan Xi?!" Jiang Suizhou's voice suddenly sank.

Guan Xi supported his head, slowly raised his eyes, and was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. The car she was driving today was a big G with a domineering body. It was okay to hit her car like this, but the car in front was dented in a big chunk.

"Guan Xi? What's wrong?"

Guan Xi took a deep breath: "I, I crashed."

Jiang Suizhou's voice sank: "What? Are you okay? Where are you now?"

Guan Xi nervously looked at the silent car in front: "I'm fine, but the person in front seems to be in trouble... I, I killed him? No, he rushed forward, I didn't mean to... "

It was a matter of human life, so Guan Xi was so frightened that his tone changed.

"Make sure you're all right, don't be nervous."

"I'm really fine..."

"Okay, then you can see if there is any sign next to you and call the police."


Guan Xi took a deep breath and got out of the car. She was so nervous now that she was very afraid that the person she hit would die.

After getting off the bus, she glanced to the side. This area is remote and surrounded by mountains and fields, so there is nothing to ask for.

Guan Xi trembled slightly and pressed 110. At the same time, she also walked to the side of the car. She hit the rear door. After getting down, she could see that there were no signs of impact on the driver's seat.

She breathed a sigh of relief: "Sir? Are you all right?"

The window of the driver's seat was not closed, and the man lying on the wheel was wearing a hat and couldn't see his face, only to hear him say: "...It's okay."

Guan Xi breathed a sigh of relief and dialed 110 out. But at this moment, the person in the driver's seat suddenly stretched out his hand, and the gesture and posture were all about grabbing the phone.

Guan Xi's corner of the light flickered, and the hand holding the phone shrank back subconsciously: "???"

The man grabbed an empty space, but he moved quickly, and immediately went to open the door.

Guan Xi was stunned for two seconds, but before he could be surprised, the first action—turned his head and ran!

No matter what this person is going to do, Xianyuguan's vigilance as a rich and beautiful rich man came out of his mind after being overly frightened!

The man in the car didn't expect her to run so suddenly, so he got out of the car and chased after her.

Guan Xi ran to his car and opened the door—

But before it could be closed, the door was already held down!

At that moment, the cold hair stood on end!

Guan Xi froze all over, only to see the person outside the car pulling her arm viciously: "Come here—"


Jiang Suizhou couldn't make Guanxi's call anymore.

He thought that she would definitely call back after she called the police, but no, and when she called again, it turned out to be turned off? !

Jiang Suizhou felt a chill in his heart, and immediately called his assistant. After a few seconds, Zhou Hao picked it up: "Mr. Jiang."

"Let someone locate Guan Xi's phone!"

"Okay." Zhou Hao was stunned for a second after replying habitually, "Then... what's wrong?"

Jiang Suizhou held the steering wheel tightly and ran all the way: "She should have an accident. On the way from the Imperial Capital to Wen'an City, about an hour from the Imperial Capital, you should call the police immediately and bring someone over."

Jiang Suizhou's voice was a little harsh, and Zhou Hao knew that it was a big deal, so he quickly said, "Yes!"

If Guan Xi was all right, the road Jiang Suizhou was taking was originally the road she was going to take, and they would have met on the road. But obviously, it's out of reach now.

After a while, Zhou Hao called back. Guan Xi's previous mobile phone location showed that he was on National Highway 164, and then he went out along an intersection where the National Highway forked. That road is relatively remote, and basically no one goes there. If you take that road, there is a high probability that it will lead to the virgin forest of Changsongling...

"I see, the people on your side are as soon as possible."


On the other side, Guan Xi, who was knocked unconscious, finally woke up faintly.

She had a terrible headache, opened her eyes in a daze, and found that she was being carried on her back, and her hands and wrists were bound. The person carrying her noticed it the moment she woke up, and almost immediately dropped her from her back.


"You, don't move! Otherwise I can kill now... kill you!"

Guan Xi was smashed to the ground, and the pain was unbearable.

Is this kidnapping? ? !

She raised her eyes and stared at the person in front of her, who covered his face with only one eye open, exactly like the kidnapper in the movie.

Guan Xi's heart was beating wildly, thinking that it was the first time she had been kidnapped in more than 20 years. She forced herself to calm down, looked around, there were overgrown weeds, the trees were tall and strong, and it looked like a forest.

"Where is this? What do you want?"

The man stood in front of her and looked down at her: "kidnapping, can't you see?"

Guan Xi: "...I see."

The man snorted coldly: "Guan Xi, be honest with me, don't play tricks."

"you know me?"

"Or else?"

"Then what is your purpose? How much money do you want? In this way, you can call my family right now, and they will prepare it for you, as long as you don't be impulsive."

"Money?" The man snorted softly, "The money is not yours, why are you arrogant."

Pretty calm about money... Don't want money? That is robbery!

Guan Xi was even more nervous: "I think you are a good man, tall and big. It must not be difficult to make a girlfriend and fall in love, you don't need it!"

Man: "What do you want?"

Guan Xi said vigilantly: "If you touch me, you will regret it!"

The man was stunned for a moment, then took a step back: "What nonsense are you talking about! I'm like a jade! I'm not a casual person!"

Guan Xi: "..."

"It turns out that this is how you look at men. You are really not a good woman."

The corners of Guan Xi's mouth twitched slightly, is he still a virgin? !

"Then what are you trying to do? There's always a reason for kidnapping me, right?"

The man remained silent for a while, and yes... There must be a reason to arrest her. Okay, just say something.

"Well, then I'm just for the money."

It's still money.

Guan Xi: "How much, you say."

The man smiled coldly and stretched out a finger: "Ten million!!"

Guan Xi: "...?"

"Ten million, what's up, will your family spend so much money for your adopted daughter?"

Guan Xi looked at him, his face became weird, and then it became very ugly.

"Can you say that again?"

The man smiled proudly. Although her family is rich, the astronomical figure of 10 million must not be so easy to come up with, so use this to scare her!

"Ten million, let me tell you, it's just this number, and it can't be less."

Guan Xi looked at the "kidnapping" in front of him, and felt ashamed and angry for a while!

Depend on! This man is not only a pure virgin, but also a fool! !

Ten million? !

She Guanxi is only worth ten million! ! !

The author has something to say: According to the front news report: a kidnapper was killed by the hostage for saying a ransom of 10 million :)