Come To My Side

Chapter 28


Guan Xi is usually most afraid of seeing those snakes, worms, mice and ants, especially caterpillars. Even if she sees her on the screen, she can scream and run a hundred meters away.

Now her feet are in this grass, and she doesn't know what's underneath. She's all hairy: "Can you not leave?! If you want money, hurry up and call my family."

The man in black pulled the rope tied to her wrist, and said, "There is a small wooden house not far ahead, go there."

"… How far is it not far, I can't walk."

The man in black snorted impatiently, "Why are you so annoying!"

"Then what can I do!" Guan Xi refused to move, and said angrily, "Where the hell is this? My ankle has been scratched by weeds, it hurts."

The jeans she was wearing today were nine-point exposed ankles, and her fair skin was indeed a bit appalling at this time.

Guan Xi: "Brother, can you just be quick and let's go through the process on the spot? Don't worry, after you get the money, I will definitely not pursue the future, and I can't see what you look like now, let's There will be no threats in the future."

The black-clothed man snorted coldly, "Hey, he is indeed a bad woman."

"… "

"People like you are thick-skinned. You said that you have no right to enjoy what you have now, why do you rob others!"

Guan Xi was stunned for a moment, feeling even more strange.

In fact, the man in black with the head wrapped in front of her gave her a very confusing feeling from beginning to end. When he said he was robbing her, he didn't touch her at all, and he kept scolding her.

Said he wanted money, but only 10 million? And it's been a long time since I said it, and I don't even look like I want to call. The signal in this place is definitely not good, so what are you calling if you go further inside

If it was said that he was simply a pervert that would kill him... He had a hint of stupidity all over him, and he didn't look perverted at all.

What is that for

Combining what he said from the beginning, Guan Xi tentatively asked, "Do you know Wei Zihan?"

She paused, and although she felt that the guess was outrageous, she still asked, "Or, Guan Ying?"

The man in front of him immediately stopped, he turned around suddenly, and said in a panic, "What nonsense are you talking about! I don't know Guan Ying!"

"Oh, well, I'll just ask."

Well, he actually knew Guan Ying...

That's right, those who know Wei Zihan are not ordinary people, and it is impossible to say such confusing words as 10 million ransoms. On the other hand, Guan Ying, the people she knew before might not know their family background very well, and they just thought they were quite rich.

This "kidnapper" has limited imagination and feels that 10 million is an astronomical figure.

After understanding it, Guan Xi was a little surprised, because this person's tone was completely injustice for Guan Ying and aggrieved for her. But if Guan Ying hadn't given him this feeling, how could he be so hostile to himself.

Guan Xi frowned. Guan Ying doesn't seem to be so aggressive towards her, so... just hide it in her heart

I'm so fascinated, let's not talk about whether Guan Ying's soft and harmless appearance is pretending, even if she is really not a simple person, even if she really hates her, then it's not so stupid, let this person come Assassinate her.

This person is stupid, with so many flaws, he is one idiot.

So he did it voluntarily

Only this is possible.

So, he didn't dare to kill her even if he didn't rob her, but he brought her to a place where birds don't shit. Wouldn't he want her... to fend for herself

Guan Xi's whole body was tense again. This place looked like a primeval forest, and it was easy to get lost or encounter some beasts... If he left her alone, she might really find no way out and die here.

Guan Xi reacted, and instantly stepped forward and grabbed the man in black's clothes: "Well, I really can't walk, can I rest for a while?"


"Then if you have to go forward, or you carry me, I'm quite tired."

The man in black looked at her in silence for two seconds, and said angrily: "What do you think I am! A mount! Now it's a kidnapping! Kidnapping! Be honest with me!"

Guan Xi: "Then you will let me rest for a while and leave later!"

Saying that, he desperately pulled the rope to the bottom of a tree and sat down on the spot.

The man in black stood silently beside her, his teeth tickled by her dignified appearance.

"You sit, what are you doing standing, aren't you tired?"

The man in black snorted coldly, not willing to sit next to her. But standing is really tiring, sit far away, and I'm afraid she will run away. This position is not too deep, and she may find a way out.

The man in black struggled for a moment, then sat down beside her.

Guan Xi's mind went back and forth, Jiang Suizhou was on the phone with her at the time, he must have noticed something was wrong, and he would definitely call someone over. But it can't be that fast, so she has to think about procrastination.

Cha Cha —

Just then, she suddenly heard the sound of weeds being stepped on.


She was stunned for a moment, then looked up immediately, and when she saw the person coming, she was stunned.

Jiang Suizhou? ! !

How could he be here so soon!

He brought someone to save her, and he actually brought someone to save her!

Guan Xi's eyes lit up and immediately stood up from the ground. And the man in black next to him also noticed the movement. The moment he saw Jiang Suizhou, he panicked.

He knew this man. He went to Guan Ying a long time ago and wanted to take her back, but at that time Guan Ying refused to live or die, and hid in the man's car.

At that time, the man also threatened him that he wanted to squat at the police station!

He immediately got up and grabbed Guan Xi, and took out a knife from his pocket: "Stop! Come over and I'll... I'll kill her!"

Guan Xi was startled, knife? This dude even has a knife!

Jiang Suizhou followed the traces of grass and trees that had been trampled all the way. When he came to this place and suddenly saw Guan Xi sitting well, he breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second he was tensed by the picture in front of him.

"I'm not approaching, you put the knife down!"

The black-clothed man's hands were shaking a little. He really wanted to get rid of Guan Xi, but he didn't dare and couldn't get past that hurdle, otherwise he wouldn't be dawdling until now.

In fact, he didn't think about what to do when he followed her in the car at first, but this was a rare chance for her to get close to her. So I got confused and went to intercept it.

He really wanted to help Guan Ying remove Guan Xi, but he really didn't dare to kill anyone. In the end, after thinking about it, he wanted to take her to this forest and let her fend for herself.

But even if it is self-defeating, he is still in his heart, thinking that as long as Guan Ying doesn't feel sad, he is willing to do anything, but at the same time he is not afraid, hesitating all the way.

"Ghosts believe you." The man in black, Fang Zhihong, said, "You, get away from me."

The knife was a little sharp, he was emotional, the blade accidentally rubbed against it, and a thin red line appeared on his neck.

Jiang Suizhou narrowed his eyes and took a step back: "Okay, don't hurt her."

Fang Zhihong took a deep breath to calm down, cut off part of the rope that tied Guan Xi and threw it away.

"You threw away your cell phone now! Tie your hands, tight! Dead knot! I'm watching!"

Guan Xi was originally happy that Jiang Suizhou had come so soon, but at this time, he only saw the figure of him, and his heart was half cold.

What is the situation, why is he alone, didn't he come with a large group of people? !

Could it be that... before the backup arrived, he broke in by himself

Guan Xi looked at Jiang Suizhou, who had thrown away his mobile phone and tied himself up, and didn't know what it was like.

While thinking about when Ergou was so reckless and stupid, he couldn't help but throb in his heart.

Could it be that he was so worried about her that he was so anxious

Fang Zhihong felt relieved when he saw that Jiang Suizhou cooperated to tie him up. Because he was not sure that he had hit the man in front of him, if he rushed forward desperately and lifted the thing covering his face, it would be bad to recognize him.

"Go!" Fang Zhihong put the knife on Guan Xi's waist and abdomen, forced her to walk forward, and then turned to stare at Jiang Suizhou, "You are not allowed to approach! But don't leave my sight, or I will do it. ."

Now this scene exceeded Fang Zhihong's expectations. After thinking about it, he felt that he would simply bring these two people into the depths together. In this way, Jiang Suizhou can't go back to find the location of his mobile phone, and he can only follow them because he is afraid of hurting Guan Xi.

And he has the experience of living in the forest since he was a child, he is not afraid. But these two young masters and young ladies are different. When he slips away, it will be strange that they can survive.

Guan Xi was half dragged and half dragged into the deep forest. After walking for a while, the sky darkened and it started to rain. The ground was already slippery, and with the rain, Guan Xi was almost unable to walk.

"Ah—" Guan Xi couldn't open his eyes when he was hit by the rain, his feet slipped, and he knelt down.

When Fang Zhihong saw that she fell, he stretched out his hand to pull her. At this time, his hand holding the knife also withdrew.

This is the time!

Jiang Suizhou saw the opportunity and rushed forward quickly. It was raining heavily, and Fang Zhihong couldn't hear the sound for a while.

Unpredictable, he was kicked in the waist and abdomen by him, the whole body flew out, and fell heavily to the ground, and the knife was thrown into the grass because of his fall.

Jiang Suizhou didn't stop for a moment. He used a special knotting method on the rope on his wrist. It seemed to be tied tightly, but in fact, the rope loosened as soon as his hand was drawn. He untied the rope and rushed to Fang Zhihong's side.

Before Fang Zhihong could get up in a hurry, he was beaten in the face. But he wasn't a vegetarian either. After he reacted, he immediately started to fight back!

Guan Xi got up from the ground, wiped her face, and saw two men fighting in the rain not far away. The rain was loud, but she felt that she could hear the muffled sound of fists hitting her body.

Guan Xi was anxious, but she knew that the past would only affect him at this time.

She stood there, biting the knot in her hand desperately!

Finally, the rope was bitten loose under her perseverance. She threw away the rope, looked for a rock, and was about to rush to it. That is, at this moment, the person who was struggling not far away suddenly slipped, and the two of them rolled down the landslide together!

Guan Xi: "Jiang Suizhou!!"

Everything seemed to be silent, Guan Xi's feet softened, and tears came out all of a sudden. She stumbled to the place where they fell, and at that moment there was nothing but panic and fear.

"Jiang Suizhou! Jiang Suizhou—"

She shouted loudly, but human voices were too small to be ignored in the presence of nature.

Guan Xi was afraid to the extreme, but probably when he reached the extreme, he had great courage instead. Braving the heavy rain, she supported the tree trunk on the side and began to walk down this slope little by little.

Anyway, she stayed here alone and didn't know what happened, so it's better to go to him.

She couldn't wait here, enduring the feeling of scratching her heart.

This road was very difficult, Guan Xi was in a state of embarrassment, and he slid down the tree without paying attention.



Sliding all the way down, finally the whole person fell on the underground stone platform.

"Um..." It hurts, it hurts all over.

Guan Xi couldn't tell whether it was tears or rain now, so he resisted the pain and got up.

"Guan Xi?!"

It was a familiar voice, Guan Xi was startled, and immediately followed the sound and looked over.

Not far away, Jiang Suizhou was sitting there, while the man in black was lying flat further away.

Guan Xi whimpered, almost crawling to the edge of Jiang Suizhou, and fell into his arms at once: "Er dog—"

The author has something to say: Jiang: ? ?