Come To My Side

Chapter 36


At nine o'clock in the evening, Lang Ningyi put on a pair of pajamas, stepped on cotton slippers with rabbit ears, drove her little Masha to the edge of a small flower bed, and carried Guan Xi, who had been sitting here for an unknown length of time. car.

Lang Ningyi originally lived with her parents, but it was inappropriate to bring Guan Xi home, so she took her to a house where she occasionally lived.

Regarding the matter of Guan Xi's family, she has dug it out of her mouth.

Lang Ningyi swears that although she has read novels with all kinds of strangeness and twists and turns, she still did not expect life to be so exaggerated.

Going around, Guan Xi was actually Guan Xinghao's daughter.

After returning home, Guan Xi lay silently on the sofa, while Lang Ningyi sat beside her and looked at her worriedly.

"Xixi, I ordered takeout, it's almost here, you'll have something to eat later."

Guan Xi shook his finger at her: "Give me a bottle of beer."

"What wine are you drinking, we have to think rationally now, be rational."

Guan Xi immediately frowned and shook his head: "No matter, give me a bottle of wine."

Lang Ningyi couldn't beat her, so she had to go to the refrigerator to get a few cans of beer and compromise: "Okay, okay, I'll accompany you for a drink."

Guan Xi took it and opened a can.

Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Lang Ningyi explained while drinking: "Actually, we should think about being happy, you see, now Guan Ying can't use her words to block your heart, you can't use her words anymore. You don't need to feel that you are being held down by her. Grandpa and grandma keep telling you to live with them, which means they are also for you. Xixi, be happy."

Hearing the words Guan Ying, the beer can was deformed by Guan Xi.

Seeing this, Lang Ningyi hurriedly said, "Okay, let's not talk about Guan Ying, let's talk about your dad."

Guan Xi muttered: "He has nothing to say."

Lang Ningyi: "It's true that your dad did wrong things when he was young, so he caused so much trouble in the future. He's really sorry for your mother's behavior after drinking. You have to admit it. But one code is one code. What I said, then he didn't know that your mother was sick and pregnant. I think if he knew, he would definitely not care. Just look at his attitude towards you. He loves you so much because you are him and he truly loves you. children of people."

"What do you love or not, if he loves him, he will be able to marry... marry her?!"

Guan Xi didn't know how to address Wei Shaomin at this time. For her, the person who distorted her mind the most was Wei Shaomin.

Lang Ningyi: "Isn't that people have children in their wombs? You also know that in those days, you valued children and grandchildren a lot. Your father thought that he had completely lost your mother, and then he had no choice but to protect himself. I'm responsible for the mistakes you make. But it's not me, how much Guan Ying's mother likes Uncle Guan, she even sulked her good friend like this, and left her children to marry her."

Guan Xi covered his ears and said he didn't want to listen.

Lang Ningyi: "The situation is really messed up now, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to be like this, I ran away from home, can't you see it?"

Lang Ningyi choked: "Oh, that's why you didn't bring anything and were sitting on the flower bed waiting for me to pick you up?"

Guan Xi put down the beer and said loudly, "Yeah, I didn't bring anything that Guan Xinghao gave me! I don't want it! Then I won't sit there and wait for you to pick it up, where will I go."

"Of course you can wait for me to pick it up, but, but you don't want it anymore? Why don't you want it?" Lang Ningyi held her face back with her hand: "Guan Xi?! You are Guan Xi! Sober up?! Don't close the house. already?"

Guan Xi glanced at her: "Can't you, can't I just leave this house?! Or do you not want to take me in?"

"How is that possible, if you want to live, you can live forever, but the question is who will benefit if you leave like this? Those originally belonged to you, do you want Guan Ying and the Wei family to benefit? This will make your mother Jiuquan benefit. You know, I have to jump out and spit blood on your face!"

Guan Xi: "… "

Damn... that makes some sense.

Guan Xi: "But I'm just angry. I can't see my dad now. I get angry when I see him!"

"I know I know, so you can run away from home and scare them... But you can't be too concerned and give up everything." Guan Ying said seriously, "Oh, by the way, did you tell Jiang Suizhou about this?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Lang Ningyi felt that the movements of the people around her had stagnated. She glanced at her, "What? Didn't you say anything?"

Guan Xi suddenly became quiet: "It's broken."

"Oh score... ah?! It's divided!" Lang Ningyi glared at her, "Fuck, Jiang Suizhou is not a fool, right? The whole world thought that he didn't score when you were adopted, but now you are a real daughter, he, He broke up with you."

Speaking of this, Guan Xi felt extremely bored: "It wasn't that he broke up with me, it was me who broke up with him, I mentioned it."

Lang Ningyi was puzzled: "Why?"

Guan Xi forcibly suppressed the uncomfortable feeling and muttered: "Our relationship was originally maintained by external factors, I don't want it anymore... So we separated."


Guan Xi didn't know how long they sat and drank with Lang Ningyi, but then he went to the refrigerator to get two bottles of wine. The two of them scolded while drinking, scolding the person who made them irritable.

Not long after, the phone rang, it was Lang Ningyi.

Guan Xi's has been automatically shut down when there is no electricity. Grandma called her before, and she didn't let them come to her. They probably knew that she needed to be quiet at this time, so they agreed, saying that they would not disturb her for the time being.

"Who, called me in the middle of the night." Lang Ningyi reached out and took it, and answered immediately, "Hey, what are you doing!"

"I, Jiang Suizhou."

Lang Ningyi was originally angry, but when she heard the voice in the receiver, she was shocked. She quickly glanced at the screen, relying on… I knew she would not answer.

Lang Ningyi cleared her throat and asked, "Oh, Mr. Jiang, what's the matter?"

"Guan Xi is with you."

Lang Ningyi looked at the woman whose eyes were on the sofa, and immediately said, "No, why is she here with me!"

"Your address."

"… "

"Still need me to check?"

Facing Jiang Suizhou's pressing question, Lang Ningyi expressed panic.

However, sisters cannot betray!

So she put on a deadly expression and resolutely said: "No, really no, I'm going to sleep now, I'm sleepy, goodbye!"

Lang Ningyi just hung up the phone! Then, without saying a word, he walked over and pulled Guan Xi up: "Let's go, this place is not safe, let's go quickly!"

Guan Xi drank softly, shook it twice and lay back: "What are you doing?"

"Jiang Suizhou is looking for you! He asked me if you were here with me, and I said no! You see, I said no, and if he really came and found you here, wouldn't I be murdered by him? what."

Guan Xi patted her lightly: "Lang Ningyi, is there something wrong with you? Why are you so afraid of him?"

"You are the only one in the world who is not afraid of him."

Guan Xi muttered: "No, he is busy, he won't come in the middle of the night."

Lang Ningyi said solemnly, "Dear, but I don't think his tone is like that."

Guan Xi: "I'll send him out where he is, why are you nervous?"

" better do it."


Although Jiang Suizhou's plaster was removed, the doctor said that he should take good care of it, so he originally planned to stay at home after going to Guanxi Company to bring people back. But I didn't expect that they would quarrel in the company, and Guan Xi would slam the door and leave.

That's all, he called her countless times after that, and in the end it was her who said goodbye.

In the past few days, he felt that Guan Xi and Xie Yan were getting too close, and that Guan Xi would rely on Xie Yan, but he never thought that Guan Xi would break up with him because of him.

Moreover, it is not the words that blurted out when willful.

It's actually quite sudden.

For him, this was not something he could accept right away. So much so that after wandering around the office for a long time, there were only two words in his mind: ridiculous.

So he called Guan Xi again, but her phone was turned off again.

So he looked for Lang Ningyi, but before calling Lang Ningyi, he still had another answer in his heart. For example, she might be with Xie Yan now.

Fortunately, Lang Ningyi guessed correctly.

It was also easy to find out where he lived. Just ask a few friends to know where Lang Ningyi was most likely to live.

"Mr. Jiang, are you really not going back, your legs..."

"Go to Nanjue No. 1."

No. 1 Nanjue is the house that Guan Xi and the others are currently staying in. This real estate is actually developed by the Guan family and is very popular. Lang Ningyi had to go through the back door of Guan Xi before getting the best one in Louwang. .

At this time, the two were fooling around in the living room.

ding dong—

The doorbell rang at this moment, and Lang Ningyi was frightened: "Wouldn't it be Jiang Suizhou?"

Guan Xi waved his hand: "I just ordered takeout again, it should have arrived."

"My God - you still order takeout. You've eaten a lot of junk food. I'm going to gain weight."

Guan Xi: "Can't you accompany me for a day after all this time!"

"Hiss... Okay." Lang Ningyi touched his stomach and got up to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Lang Ningyi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a handsome man in a suit with a cold expression standing at the door instead of a blue-clothed takeaway.

"Hi… "

Jiang Suizhou nodded lightly, "Excuse me."

The corner of Lang Ningyi's mouth twitched lightly: "It's really disturbing. I was actually asleep just now. I just woke up to go to the toilet and heard the doorbell ringing. Well, Guan Xi is really not there—"

"Long Ningyi, bring in my pizza!"

Lang Ningyi: "..."

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was the fastest face-slap in her life.

Jiang Suizhou glanced in: "Is it easy to get in?"

Lang Ningyi's smile froze a bit. It's not her mother's fault that she couldn't stop her: "Come in, come in..."


After Jiang Suizhou entered the door, he saw the wine bottles and jars and the mess of food on the table. He frowned, walked to the edge of the sofa, and looked down at Guan Xi who was lying on the sofa.

Guan Xi took off his coat, leaving only a thin skirt inside, with long legs stretched out comfortably, the whole person looked decadent and strangely beautiful.

"Guan Xi." He called her, his voice cold.

Guan Xi was in a daze, only to feel that someone suddenly stood in front of her and blocked her vision, so she reached out and put her hand on his thigh: "Go away and watch TV."

Jiang Suizhou held her hand, squatted down and looked at her, "Is your brain still clear?"

The voice suddenly approached, and Guan Xi took a serious look, only to realize that the person in front of him was not Lang Ningyi but the Jiang Ergou who had broken up.

"You?" Guan Xi panicked, and immediately sat down, looking at Lang Ningyi who was gossiping in the middle of the living room, "Why did you let him in?"

Lang Ningyi: "...Didn't you say that you can send it out on the spot?"

Guan Xi: "I'm just talking!"

"I'm so fucking serious!"

Guan Xi: "… "

Jiang Suizhou reached out and pinched her face and turned her attention to himself: "Tell me, let's expand in detail."

"What's going on?" Guan Xi remembered the conversation between the two in the office today, and reached out to pull him, "Let go... Hey, didn't I make it very clear?"

Although Guan Xi really wanted to maintain the momentum at the moment, he had no choice but to drink a little too much just now, and his whole body was so soft that he couldn't pull him away.

Jiang Suizhou looked down at her, and said solemnly: "Have you thought about it? Don't do something impulsive because of the newness of the moment."

"Do you see me as impulsive?"

"Kuan Xi."

"You're so sick of you, go away—"

Guan Xi struggled and subconsciously stretched out his legs to kick him.

I didn't know where to kick, when I heard Jiang Suizhou groan.

Guan Xi suddenly stopped, she glanced at his injured leg, and looked slightly nervous: "Your—"

"Guan Xi, don't you think it's too beautiful?" Jiang Suizhou interrupted her, he restrained and asked, "Have so many flowers and intestines, did I indulge you too much?"

After Guan Xi didn't dare to struggle, the whole person could only be suppressed on the sofa aggrieved.

And with their limbs entangled, Lang Ningyi, who was watching from behind, really felt that she was a little redundant.

"Then what, don't be impulsive when you talk about it. I'll go to the bedroom and make some space for you. Don't worry! The sound insulation of this house is so good that I can't hear anything."

Lang Ningyi slipped so fast, before Guan Xi could even call to her, she had already run all the way and slammed the door!

Guan Xi: "...!"

There were only two people left in the living room, and the atmosphere suddenly became stronger.

Jiang Suizhou didn't let go, but said coldly, "Are you sure Xie Yan will dare to touch you after you break up with me?"