Come To My Side

Chapter 38


"Are you awake?" The door opened and Lang Ningyi came in.

Guan Xi came back to his senses: "Well, wake up, what time is it?"

Lang Ningyi sat beside her bed, "It's one o'clock in the afternoon, you've slept long enough."

"Oh… "

"Well, Xixi, you don't know yet. It seems that everyone knows about you overnight."

Guan Xi paused, only to hear Lang Ningyi continue, "Your dad seems to be in a hurry to tell everyone about this, but it was already spread last night. But well, this is fine, this is the truth, everyone should You must know, otherwise, Wei Zihan and the others will keep mocking you about the adoption."

Guan Xi glanced at Lang Ningyi in surprise. Her first thought when she heard the news was not that everyone knew the truth and no one would press her for adoption, but—did Jiang Suizhou know about it last night

She was not adopted, she is now inextricably related to the Guan family...

Guan Xi's heart froze.

Jiang Suizhou has eyeliner everywhere, and if others know about it, he will definitely know it.

People with his interests at the head, after finding out last night, did the same analysis as before. For example, since she is in the blood of the Guan family, the elders of the Guan family will definitely not let her go.

Otherwise... how could he suddenly say something that made her feel hallucinating...

"Xixi, Xixi?!" Lang Ningyi shook her hand in front of her, "Why are you in a daze."

Guan Xi subconsciously tugged on the quilt, she shook her head, and after a while she said, "Ning Yi, I have nowhere to go now, you have to take it in."

"This, don't worry. I am here with your sister, and I will definitely support you... But you have to save a bit. I can't afford to support you on the scale of Jiang Suizhou."

"Can we not mention him, we all broke up." Guan Xi's heart was blocked by the news early in the morning, and it was completely blocked.

"Oh! Alright!" Seeing Guan Xi's lack of interest, Lang Ningyi guessed that their conversation was not very good last night, so she hooked her shoulder and comforted, "It's okay, it's okay, men, everywhere. Although, Jiang Suizhou's face is too handsome, his legs are too long, and his money is too much. But let's face it, my family is beautiful and beautiful, and I have a high IQ. What kind of man do you want without Jiang Suizhou? Grab a bunch!"

"It's natural to be beautiful and intelligent." Guan Xi was a little confused, "but Jiang Suizhou grabbed a lot... Seriously?"

Lang Ningyi smiled dryly, and said with a guilty conscience, "You're quite serious... Then, what, go take a shower. Yesterday, I fell asleep with the smell of alcohol. It smells bad."

Guan Xi sniffed the clothes after realizing it, and also showed a look of extreme disgust.

Lang Ningyi got up and walked out of the room: "Hurry up, I ordered takeout, and Wei Xiuyang also brought a lot of food."

"Why is he here too?"

Lang Ningyi: "He is well informed, he arrived half an hour ago."


Lang Ningyi: "You can wear my clothes. I've already put them inside for you."

Guan Xi came out of the room after washing up. Seeing Wei Xiuyang sitting at the dining table, she said hello at random and sat down on the chair.

Wei Xiuyang looked up at her, Guan Xi didn't wear makeup, and because of the hangover yesterday, his face was a little pale.

"What are you looking at?" Guan Xi asked.

Wei Xiuyang opened his mouth to speak, but the helplessness and depression in his eyes eventually turned into a pool of stagnant water without any waves.

He never thought that Guan Xi was an adopted daughter and he didn't bother about it, so he was smashed by the fact that "she is an aunt's father's daughter again".

After all, their relationship has turned back to the same place for him.

"Are you alright, your face is very bad." Wei Xiuyang was still concerned.

Guan Xi: "It's okay, I drank too much yesterday."

Wei Xiuyang: "What are you planning to do now?"

Guan Xi ate calmly: "I'm fine here now."

"Everyone is very worried about you. Isn't your phone turned off? Your grandfather's call has reached me today. He knows that we are usually close, so let me persuade you. Grandpa said that they are yours no matter what. Backing up…”

Guan Xi's hand holding the chopsticks stagnated, and he didn't answer, just ate in silence.

At this time, Lang Ningyi also came over: "Okay, don't tell her this, I said a lot yesterday, she can figure it out by herself, right Xixi."

Guan Xi: "I don't understand, I live with you now anyway."

Lang Ningyi smiled: "You just depend on me."


"Ning Yi, if it's inconvenient for you, she can live with me." Wei Xiuyang took it, saw Guan Xi looking up at him, and said, "Oh, I can let you live, I'll go home. My thing It is relatively complete, and there is also an aunt who can cook for you, she has no one to take care of you."

Lang Ningyi: "Hey, what are you talking about, I seem to be very low-level."

Wei Xiuyang: "I just said it's more convenient for me."

"Okay, stop arguing, I'll live here." Guan Xi said, "I don't want to live in your place. If your family knows, it will definitely bother me."

Wei Xiuyang choked.

Lang Ning said, "That's right, Xixi, don't worry, I can feed you well, just a little worse than Jiang Suizhou."

As soon as he finished speaking, Guan Xi glared at him.

Lang Ningyi immediately said nervously, "I'm sorry for taking the post earlier... But let's just say, he said yesterday that he would come over today."

Guan Xi was stunned for a moment, grabbed a handful of rice, and thought unhappily: What are you doing here... Analyze the overall situation with her.

"Predecessor?" Wei Xiuyang said in shock, "Jiang Suizhou."

Lang Ningyi: "Yeah, they broke up."

Wei Xiuyang immediately looked at Guan Xi: "He broke up with you, but he finally—"

Guan Xi immediately gave him a slap: "Will you speak, will you speak?! I mentioned breaking up!"

Wei Xiuyang was happy even after being beaten, "That's why you finally think about it."

ding dong—

Just then, the doorbell rang suddenly.

The three of them all looked in the direction of the door, Lang Ning put down his chopsticks and looked at Guan Xi: "Is it Jiang Suizhou... Do I want to open the door?"

Seeing Guan Xi's expressionless expression, Lang Ningyi picked up the chopsticks again: "Well, we won't open the door for him."

The doorbell is still ringing.

Lang Ningyi said nervously, "If you don't open the door, he should leave after a while, right?"

Guan Xi raised his eyes and glanced at Lang Ningyi: "If this door of your house is demolished, will you be angry?"

Lang Ningyi: "..."

Guan Xi: "If you don't open it again, he may ask someone to unlock it."

Lang Ningyi: "..."

Guan Xi wiped his mouth with a tissue with a calm face. She knows Jiang Suizhou best. Can she stop him without opening the door? Dream, don't reason with him when he really wants to do it, because he will have all kinds of more seamless reasoning to shove your reasoning back.

Guan Xi got up: "I'll go take a look."

Wei Xiuyang: "Guan Xi—"

Guan Xi: "You guys eat first."

When he walked from the restaurant to the entrance, and saw the man standing outside through the cat's eyes, Guan Xi's heart that thought he could calm down still froze.

She took two deep breaths and felt that she was ok before opening the door.

She stood between the cracks of the door, her eyes wary.

Jiang Suizhou looked down at Guan Xi, she was pale today, wearing a long home dress, like a paper man.

Jiang Suizhou frowned, reached in and grabbed her wrist, "Did you sleep badly yesterday?"

Guan Xi immediately retracted: "Of course it's not good... No, it's none of your business, let go."

Jiang Suizhou didn't listen at all. He even pulled the person out from behind the door, "Speak well."

Jiang Suizhou's strength is really strong, she was so dragged by him that she almost threw herself on him, as if she stopped a few centimeters away from his chest when she stabilized the bottom plate!

Guan Xi narrowed his eyes, raised his head and glared at him: "Why are you here today, didn't you say everything yesterday?"

"When did you agree?" Jiang Suizhou looked down at her, "I told you my answer yesterday, and you fell asleep before you responded."

"Your answer? You're not breaking up, are you. Why not? You knew yesterday that I wasn't about adoption, right?"

"I found out last night."

Guan Xi's blood surged, and her heart ached for a while. She angrily said, "Then do you think it's even more inappropriate for me to break up if I'm not adopted? That's why I said that yesterday!"

Jiang Suizhou was stunned: "I didn't know before I saw you, but Zhou Hao told me later."

"… what?"

The time difference before and after this is also wonderful. Jiang Suizhou understood what Guan Xi meant, and said with a headache: "It was really only later, so I didn't say it at that time. I didn't think about it so much, just because I didn't want to."

Guan Xi stared at him for two seconds, then said in a daze: "Do you think, can you believe it..."

Jiang Suizhou raised his head a little, and seemed to think for a while. They both knew what was between them at first, so she would doubt that he actually understood what he said yesterday, because he himself was at a loss for a moment.


"I'm serious."

Guan Xi pursed his lips lightly and hummed, "Then you didn't know anything last night, except that I was leaving Guan's house. If you haven't broken up, what are you planning?"

Jiang Suizhou looked at her silently for a long time, what did you want

"The person who drew you."


"I also want your heart." Jiang Suizhou sighed softly, "Isn't that enough, Guan Xi."

Guan Xi's pupils dilated instantly, and his thoughts seemed to be hooked by his words, and floated to the top floor and to the edge of the rooftop. The wind blew, and it was shaky, which made people experience a sense of panic and excitement, and it was very absurd.

She stared at him, speechless for a moment.

Jiang Suizhou feels alienated and seductive. His temperament is unique, cool and cold, which makes people want to explore but not dare to sink in completely. He is so calm that he is terrifying, and even if he is confused or complicated, he can analyze it one by one. He is also decisive and sharp in dealing with things.

She has always understood him, so she is actually afraid of him.

She didn't care before, but she didn't know when it started, she was a little scared, afraid that he would put that set of tricks and analysis on her.

"Are you crazy?"

They were so close together that it seemed like he could touch her lips just a little further down. As soon as she spoke, the breaths of both of them were sticky and entangled.

Jiang Suizhou's emotions collapsed, and every word was extremely oppressive: "Is my words so unbelievable?"

Guan Xi turned his head and struggled to get out of his arms.

Can't you believe it... Yes, he said a few days ago, "The position you are standing now and the interests involved are closely related to me." How could Jiang Suizhou in a perfect world suddenly not be perfect.

Seeing her silence, Jiang Suizhou raised his head slightly, his eyes were slightly cold: "If you don't believe it, you can break up and calm down for a while. But you can stay at my house, don't drink here with Lang Ningyi. ghost."


Guan Xi turned to look at him suddenly, and said incredulously, "I'll live at your house after breaking up, I haven't lost my nerve yet."

Jiang Suizhou was unmoved: "The master bedroom is for you, I will sleep in the second bedroom."

Is this the point? !

Guan Xi's brain was crushed by Jiang Suizhou, and it was a mess: "I'm not going! I want a space now, I'll live with her, and I want to take care of these messes!"

Jiang Suizhou thought about it, but did not stop her. He knew that she should be in a mess now, and he could naturally give her space.

"Then you should drink less."

"...I'm not an alcoholic, so how can I drink it every day."

Jiang Suizhou: "Okay, then I can let you sort it out and think about it."

"… "

Jiang Suizhou stood on the spot and said, "But you have to come back after you figure it out."