Come To My Side

Chapter 43


It's one thing that Grandpa Guan Hong loves her, but Guan Xi's original thoughts have not changed. She really has to rely on herself to do what she wants to do.

At nine o'clock the next day, she went to the cafe to communicate face-to-face at the time agreed with the other party.

Today, there are a total of three appointments, and these three are carefully selected by her. After seeing each other, she finally decided to cooperate with the second one, Yinxiang Studio.

Yinxiang Studio has more experience in incubating various bloggers, and in terms of travel, this studio has complete hardware and more ideas in planning.

After finalizing the cooperation, Guan Xi quickly signed a contract with them.

So in the next few days, she made a master plan for the first stop at home. After all the plans came out, she went to Yinxiang Studio to have a meeting with the staff who were about to form a group with her.

"What? Why was the hotel rejected?" Guan Xi said dissatisfied halfway through the meeting.

"This, we have a limited budget, so it is impossible for the hotel to stay at the top level..." said Wang Qing, the coordinator of the studio following the shooting.

Guan Xi: "Is this top class? The room I booked is the most common room in that hotel."

"The room is ordinary in the hotel, but the problem is that the hotel is too high-end, we spend this money... "

"Okay, I understand." Guan Xi stretched out her hand to stop it, they couldn't control this matter, she said it in vain.

"In this way, I'll go to President You, and I'll discuss the funding with him."

"Guan Xi, this may be a little difficult."

Guan Xi gave her a look of how difficult it was, got up, stepped on high heels, and walked to the general office of You without looking back.

After Guan Xi's back completely disappeared, the silent atmosphere of everyone in the conference room exploded.

Logically speaking, Guan Xi is the blogger they signed, and belongs to the same level. But I don't know why, as soon as the meeting started, Guan Xi's posture completely shocked them for a while. Her calm and confident leadership doesn't look like she's pretending, it's like a... accustomed, yes, just a feeling of accustomed to.

"Damn, just go and talk to President You about funding like this. We are so stingy with President You, can we do it?"

"I think Xuan and Guan Xi are too daring..."

"If I had money, I wouldn't be afraid of being fired, and I would."

"What do you mean?"

"Tsk... You're stupid. It's not like you haven't read what Guan Xi wrote before. She's a high-end game! If you weren't rich, you could play!"

"Yes, yes, and you see the clothes she wears are all big names."

"Who the hell is she, the rich second generation to experience life

"Perhaps? But it's not very important. It's true that she has an idea."

Yinxiang's studio is not large, so anyone passing by You's office can hear vague arguments inside.

After a while, the arguing stopped, and everyone saw that Guan Xi came out again.

She walked back to the conference room and motioned everyone to continue the meeting.

"Guan Xi, was it rejected?" Someone asked.

Guan Xi's face was not very good. Seeing this, Wang Qing reassured him: "Ham, it's nothing. It's normal to be rejected by President You. Our proposals are often rejected."

Guan Xi took a sip: "He's too stingy."

Pull is pull, but no one dares to say so directly. Colleagues suddenly fell silent, and they all looked like we didn't say anything.

Guan Xi leaned back and said, "I'm only staying for two nights, anyway. We're going to spend seven days this time, so we're going to stay for two nights to shoot. What are you doing..."

Guan Xi was dissatisfied with every word, but everyone was stunned.

"President You actually agreed?!" As usual, he didn't even dare to think about it!

Guan Xi casually said: "Originally, I didn't agree, but I said that if I don't pay back my money in the future, I'll post all my shares, and he agreed, tsk... Your studio is indeed a little tight, and it's only when you're wrong. Got it."

"It's up to you to block out the salary. If our click effect is not good, then you will lose money."

"Have you retreated before you even started, boy." Guan Xi looked at the ppt on the computer and said, "If you can't lose, be confident."

On the other side, Jiang Suizhou was sitting in the office, listening to Zhou Hao telling him about Guan Xi's developments in the past few days.

"When are they leaving?"

"It is said that the schedule is in two weeks." Zhou Hao tentatively said, "Do you need to go to that studio to check?"

"No, since she wants to do it, let her do it by herself." Jiang Suizhou thought about it and said, "But you go and arrange to put an accompanying person in and take care of it when you are abroad."



Lang Ningyi didn't expect Guan Xi's action power to be so fast. After doing this, he really packed up his luggage and set off for Di Country.

Since these days, Guan Xi has devoted himself to his own small business, and his mobile phone seems to be not very replying to the invitations of those ladies and gentlemen.

Those people couldn't find Guan Xi, so they all came to her to inquire, and every time they asked how Guan Xi was, whether to join this or that together, her head would get bigger.

In the end, she didn't reply directly.

"I'll send these two suitcases down first. You and this one will wait for the next trip." On the day of departure, from home, Lang Ningyi took Guan Xi to the airport.

Guan Xi: "Okay, you wait for me to go down and move together."

"That's a must. Your luggage is so big, I can't handle it alone."

Guan Xi brought a total of three suitcases with him this time. The suitcases are too big... The elevators can't be stuffed together. So let Lang Ningyi take two off the elevator first, and take the last one to sit down.

After a while, the elevator came up again, and Guan Xi pushed the suitcase in. The elevator slowly descended, and after coming out on the negative floor, Guan Xi found Lang Ningyi standing dryly at the elevator entrance.

"Where's the luggage? Did you move it? You can move it alone?"

"I moved, but I didn't move..." Lang Ningyi coughed softly and silently pointed to the large SUV parked beside her car.

Guan Xi looked over and saw that the window of the car was lowered, the LED lights in the garage were bright, and the person in the car was wearing a pair of thin silver-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. When he looked sideways, the lenses were slightly reflective.

"Get in the car." He said lightly.

Guan Xi looked at the people sitting in the car and was shocked: "How do you know what I'm going to do today?"

Jiang Suizhou: "I don't know, I happened to be passing by."

So good! I haven't seen him in an SUV in 800 years, but the car that came here today can fit her three large suitcases.

"Miss Guan, I'll come." Porter Zhou Hao was already in place.

Guan Xi: "...We can just drive to the airport by ourselves."

Jiang Suizhou lightly pushed down his glasses and said, "You can either not get in the car, or you can stay in a stalemate. I don't care if you miss the opportunity."

Guan Xi: "… "


Guan Xi was very sure that Jiang Suizhou could do what he said, so she didn't stand still, and after he opened the car door, she sat directly on it.

Okay, someone is the driver, she's happy.

After the luggage was put away, the car slowly drove out of the garage.

Guan Xi stretched and leaned back in the chair a little tiredly.

Her suitcase was completely packed just now. In the past, Aunt Zhen got her luggage for her trips. This was the first time she had packed everything by herself. The three boxes were neatly aligned, and the replenishment was checked over and over again, and I was half tired.

After getting into the car, she could breathe quietly.

"What are you doing so tired?" Jiang Suizhou asked.

Guan Xi squinted his eyes: "There's a lot of luggage, I've packed it for a long time."

Jiang Suizhou gave her a puzzled look: "Every time you go out, it's like moving. People who don't know think you have stuffed the rice cooker in."

Guan Xi was slightly surprised: "How do you know that I stuffed the rice cooker?"

Jiang Suizhou: "..."

"Oh, that was a long time ago, and I brought rice."

"… Um."

There was a moment of silence in the car, Zhou Hao glanced at the two of them from the rearview mirror, and the corners of his mouth curved silently.

"Hey, seriously, why do you know I'm going to the airport today."

She didn't believe anything was right.

Guan Xi glanced at him suspiciously, "You're not following me, are you?"

Jiang Suizhou's thoughts came back from the rice cooker and said: "It's not enough to follow, just to investigate your itinerary a little."

Guan Xi: "Jiang Suizhou?! Are you immoral?"

Jiang Suizhou was a little taken aback when he saw her angrily and familiar appearance.

Besides, he didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"Is there a problem? I'm chasing you, do I need to know what you're doing?" Jiang Suizhou looked back: "And I didn't take you to the airport specially today. I have something to do with Europe. The flight time is about the same as yours."

"… "


It took about forty minutes to get to the airport. Afterwards, Jiang Suizhou answered the phone and went to talk business. Guan Xi was a little sleepy, but she couldn't fall asleep when the people next to her were talking, so she could only close her eyes and open them a little from time to time to glance at Jiang Suizhou.

I can't finish talking... I have to talk about work in the car, there are so many things... But Ergou's voice is very nice, especially the rigorous and cold tone he brings when he talks about business... Well, people are also very good-looking, This side face hasn't been seen for a few days and it's marked again... eh? This person won't do medical beauty secretly, it's impossible, he's too lazy to do this kind of thing...

"If you want to see you, look generously, I didn't stop you." Jiang Suizhou said suddenly.

Guan Xi was stunned for a moment, then pointed to himself, is he talking to her? ? Are you not on the phone

Jiang Suizhou took the phone away, leaned over, grabbed her chin as naturally as before, and snapped her face in his direction.

"I'm talking to you, I tell you not to keep peeking."

Guan Xi's face changed suddenly, and after stammering, he said, "You, why are you narcissistic? When did I see you!"

"After aiming so many times, your eyes don't cramp?"


Jiang Suizhou let go of her hand, put the phone back to her ear, and said to the person opposite: "Well, I'm talking to Guan Xi. It's weird in my car? I'll take her to the airport, yes... She's going on a trip. "

Guan Xi: "Who?"

Jiang Suizhou glanced at her: "Guan Yuanbai."

Guan Xi snorted, turned around and continued to close his eyes, "You guys can't finish talking, you keep talking about work in the car, workaholic."

Jiang Suizhou didn't answer her words, and said to the person on the other end of the phone, "Your sister thinks you talk too much... It's not me, it's she who thinks you didn't hear it just now... OK, then don't talk... Hang up. "

Guan Xi turned back slowly.

Jiang Suizhou glanced at her, ignoring her inexplicable eyes, and put the blanket in the car on her: "There are 20 minutes left, you can sleep for a while."

Guan Xi was indeed a little sleepy, and no matter how much, he pulled the blanket and closed his eyes.

After the car was quiet, she fell asleep immediately.

Twenty minutes was not long, but Guan Xi had a good night's sleep.

She was still woken up by someone.

"Guan Xi, the airport is here."

"Kuan Xi."

"Kuan Xi?"

Guan Xi was sleeping very comfortably, but someone called and moved her, making her very irritable. So she patted her hand away and rubbed the "pillow" on her head without opening her eyes.

"I missed the plane, really can't get up?"

Missed flight, missed flight?

Half-dream and half-awake, Guan Xi snorted and opened his eyes immediately. Then she found herself lying on Jiang Suizhou's lap, her face was against his suit pants, and his suit pants were neither thick nor thin, with a little trace of moisture.

Guan Xi got up slowly, and quietly put the blanket over the wet spot.

"Here it is."

Jiang Suizhou: "Have you been sleeping happily?"

"Well... it's alright."

Jiang Suizhou took the blanket away: "Get out of the car."


Guan Xi quickly opened the car door and got out of the car, Jiang Suizhou got out, and when he stretched out his legs, he saw that his thighs were a little wet.

Jiang Suizhou was stunned for a moment, then got off the car and walked to Guan Xi's side: "Wipe the corner of your mouth."

Guan Xi immediately raised his hand, but after touching it, he thought, didn't he just wipe it



Guan Xi jumped: "Where is it, I just wiped it!"

Jiang Suizhou seemed to laugh: "Oh, why don't you wipe my pants for me?"

"Your pants..." Guan Xi choked, "your pants... none of my business."

Jiang Suizhou: "It's none of your business."

Guan Xi touched his nose, looked around without answering, and finally ran directly to the back of the car, "Zhou Hao, let me get the box for you."

Zhou Hao was shocked: "No need, no need..."

Finally, Zhou Hao helped put all the luggage on the cart.

Guan Xi pushed his luggage and said, "I'll go first, my colleague is waiting for me inside."

Zhou Hao: "Goodbye Miss Guan."

Guan Xi nodded, turned his head and walked inside.

"Kuan Xi."

He heard his voice from behind, Guan Xi stopped and turned around.

Jiang Suizhou took a few steps forward and straightened her messy hair from sleeping in the car: "Pay attention to your own safety."

Jiang Suizhou's voice has always been cold, but it doesn't feel cold to her at this time. She had an illusion that they seemed to be the same as before, the same as before.

And this inexplicable illusion made her feel a strange feeling of reluctance...

"Let's go." Jiang Suizhou said.

Guan Xi looked at him for a moment, then nodded: "...Okay."