Come To My Side

Chapter 50


Guan Xi thought that where Song Li was there, it would definitely be singing and dancing.

But when she arrived at the clubhouse and entered the box from outside, she found that it was very peaceful today, there was only one girl sitting next to Song Li, who was probably his new girlfriend.

There is no lady.

"Miss is here." Song Li waved to her very familiarly, "Hurry up, come and sit."

Guan Xi walked over, said hello to the people present, and sat down beside Jiang Suizhou: "What day is it today, you are gathered together like this."

Guan Yuanbai, Qi Chengyan, Song Li, Jin Kaicheng... Familiar faces.

Song Li smiled and said: "It's nothing, just your family said you want to come over for dinner, and also said that you want a few more brothers to accompany you. No, we all came here one after another."

Believe in you.

Guan Xi turned his head and glanced at Jiang Suizhou, Jiang Suizhou explained, "I didn't raise my voice, he squeezed over to listen when you were talking."

"I don't have it." Song Li said with a smile: "How about Guan Xi, isn't it a great show for you? We are all one by one, and the appearance fee is very expensive."

"Don't come." Guan Xi glanced at him, "I'm just here for dinner tonight, and you have someone serve me some dishes. Then you talk about you, don't worry about me."

Song Li said in disgust, "You say you, everyone else comes to me for drinking, and whoever really comes to eat, you are absolutely amazing."

"What about you! Hurry up and let someone bring the dishes to me!"

Song Li was yelled at by her, and immediately made a gesture of obedience, and went outside to explain.

Guan Xi was a little quiet today. After the dishes came, she really sat there eating silently.

This unexpectedly quiet appearance made Guan Yuanbai look at her more.

"Why, do you want to eat too?" Guan Xi raised his eyes and saw his cousin looking at her, so he naturally asked.

Guan Yuanbai: "Go eat yours, I won't eat it."

Guan Xi: "Then you stare at it."

"I think you've become a lot more obedient." Guan Yuanbai said with great relief, "It seems that the experience outside is not bad."

Guan Xi: "..."

Guan Yuanbai said: "You and Xiao Wu are really a bit similar. One goes to the entertainment circle by himself, and the other goes on a trip, and it's not too tiring."

Guan Xi twitched the corners of his mouth: "Brother, you don't understand, we call ourselves self-reliance, understand?"

Guan Yuanbai smiled: "Okay, do whatever you want, it's not impossible if you want to go out on your own. As long as some people don't look down on it, they can help sneakily."

Guan Xi: "What someone?"

Guan Yuanbai looked at Jiang Suizhou meaningfully.

Jiang Suizhou received the sight and denied it quickly: "I think too much, I didn't intervene. I have never heard of the studio that Guan Xi is working with now."

Guan Yuanbai quipped: "Then don't be like Cheng Yan in the future, saying that I don't have me, and secretly act more than anyone else."

Qi Chengyan, who was lying on the side with a gun inexplicably, said, "It's none of my business."

Guan Yuanbai: "Xiao Wu is in the entertainment industry, you dare to say that you have nothing to help."

Qi Chengyan took a sip of wine: "it's best not to let her hear what you said. If she knew you were questioning her ability, she would turn her back on you."

Guan Yuanbai: "She dares—"

When the few people were chatting without a word, Guan Xi had finished eating, and she was bored in their group by herself, so she went to the entertainment area.

Later, the group of people came to sing after the chat. Jiang Suizhou sat down beside her, with a faint smell of alcohol on his body: "Are you in a bad mood tonight?"

Guan Xi absently looked at the back of Song Li singing with his girlfriend in front of him. The girl was wearing a Japanese school uniform, so this scene made Song Li look a bit like a beast that poisoned underage girls.

"Huh? How do you know." She turned to look at him.

Jiang Suizhou: "I see, what's wrong."

Guan Xi: "It's nothing... It's just that my dad is sick. I went home and saw him go."

Jiang Suizhou frowned: "Is he okay?"

"It's not too serious, it's just a cold and a fever before." Guan Xi didn't really want to mention it again, because when she mentioned it, she remembered seeing Wei Shaomin tonight, and she was a little bit heartbroken.

She changed the subject and said, "Is this girlfriend Song Li an adult?"

Jiang Suizhou did not expect her topic to suddenly jump, followed her line of sight to the front, and replied, "I am an adult."

"He told you?"

"Does Song Li dare to take her with me when she is not an adult?" Jiang Suizhou said, "I saw her last time, she was an adult. Why, do you think she is not an adult?"

Guan Xi: "I really doubted when I saw her wearing this. Wearing this dress really has the illusion of going back to high school, but it seems to be quite popular recently... Hey, what do you think of me trying it?"

Jiang Suizhou replied very simply: "You won't dress like a high school student."

Guan Xi glared at him: "What do you mean! Do you think I'm not as young as others?"

"No." Jiang Suizhou glanced down at her neck, "You put on..."

"How do I wear it?"

Jiang Suizhou: "Not suitable."

Guan Xi: "...!"

Are there still clothes she can't wear

The confident classmate Guan Xi felt that her dignity was thrown on the ground by Ergou. Later, she secretly asked Song Li the age of his girlfriend, and she became even more angry when she found out that the girl was only three years younger than her. .

That's just three years old! Why is she inappropriate.

So that night, Guan Xi angrily ordered two sets of jk uniforms online.

But she has been a bit cumbersome recently. Since id such as Weibo and Utu started to operate, she has contacted many partners. While she had to go to Yinxiang Studio to prepare for the next stop, she also had to deal with these partners, so she was very busy.

So a few days later, she forgot about the uniform at all. Or one day, my aunt asked what to do with the package at the entrance. After she opened it, she remembered that she had a brainstorm a few days ago and bought two sets of clothes that were not her style at all.

"I won't go, I've been busy these two days. The studio gave me a marketing plan for the next year. I think it's normal, but I didn't do this before. I can't say why. I'm tangled up..." Guan Xi was in the cloakroom, and while changing into the uniform ironed by her aunt, she raised her voice to chat with Lang Ningyi.

"What's so confusing about this, isn't there a business genius sitting in your family? It's better to ask him for advice on this trivial matter."

Guan Xi picked up the small skirt, "Are you talking about Jiang Suizhou?"

Lang Ningyi: "Yes, isn't it?"

"It seems to be the same... After you said that, I suddenly remembered that there are still a lot of contracts, so I can ask him to look at it for me." After Guan Xi finished speaking, he pretended to sigh again, "Hey, but he has been very busy recently. , I'm still on a business trip, so I don't have time to watch it."

Lang Ningyi: "Why is he?"

"Well... there are a lot of things to do in different cities." After the clothes were changed, Guan Xi took the phone and took a few pictures in the full-length mirror, "Let me show you my new clothes, pass on I gave it to you in the past, look at it and praise it."

Lang Ningyi quickly received several photos of different angles and poses: "Damn! What are you doing?"

Guan Xi: "Does it look good?? I bought it a few days ago."

"When did you wear this style?"

"It's not Jiang Suizhou. He actually said that Song Li's girlfriend looks good in this and I don't look good in this! I bought it when I was angry. Just kidding, I don't look good in what I wear."

Guan Xi distorted Jiang Suizhou's original words and angrily complained to his girlfriend.

Lang Ningyi was instantly filled with righteous indignation: "No way, your clothes are so imprinted on my phantom limbs that they look endlessly beautiful."

Guan Xi stretched out his legs: "Really? Sure enough, you still have a good eye."

Lang Ningyi: "However, you look good in this dress, but it's quite inappropriate."


Lang Ningyi: "I've seen Song Li's new girlfriend. Her girlfriend is pure and cute. You... I only thought of two words when wearing this."

"what word"

"Se Qing."

"… "

Lang Ningyi: "Look at your chest, you're going to blow up this little shirt, and your legs and skirts are too short. It's up to you to wear these knee-length stockings, Yin Dang! Damn it again! Classmate Guan Xi, do your best, don't go out wearing this."

"... Get the hell out of here!"

Guan Xi rolled her eyes and hung up Lang Ningyi's phone. She looked in the mirror in disbelief, and made a few girlish circles.

Lang Ningyi is full of rubbish... Anyway, she thought she was pretty.

Guan Xi snorted softly, took a few more pictures in the mirror, and then walked out of the cloakroom wearing clothes.

She didn't eat tonight, so she went into the kitchen to get some fruit and milk, sat cross-legged on the sofa, and ate her diet meal while watching the drama.


Halfway through the meal, I heard someone open at the door.


Guan Xi put down his fork, and his eyes fell on the entrance of the porch.

Jiang Suizhou finished his work early and came back early.

He knew that Guan Xi was at home recently, so he didn't say hello to her, just brought something she liked to eat and came back directly.

As soon as he walked in from the entrance, he saw Guan Xi sitting on the sofa and looking in his direction. Before he said anything, he saw Guan Xi stand up from the sofa, rush over all the way, and then Recklessly jumped on top of him.

"Baby~ You actually went home early~ That's great, I just happen to have something to tell you."

Jiang Suizhou was knocked back a small step by her and caught her.

The skin under the fingertips is delicate, he lowered his head and looked at it to make sure that he had not mistaken what she was wearing when she ran over.

And Guan Xi simply forgot what was wrong with what she was wearing. When she was watching the drama, what she was thinking about was waiting for Jiang Suizhou to grind him after he came back, let him show her the contract, and then teach her about planning and marketing. How to change the strategy.

Adhering to the tenet of "asking for help, you must be warm and kind", the second Guan Xi saw Jiang Suizhou appear at the door, the radar sounded naturally. Experience told her that at this moment she needed to go over and give a hug to a loving bear.

So she did it.

"What's the matter." Jiang Suizhou's eyes darkened, and the hand holding her tightened.

Guan Xi didn't realize it: "I just want to ask you about some things at work."

Jiang Suizhou said slowly: "Are you sure you are here to ask me for advice, not to seduce me?"

Guan Xi was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that he was looking at her clothes, his eyes were blatant, almost flashing that kind of thing.

Ho, that's even better!

"Then you can ask me if you have to seduce you~ You can also~"

Jiang Suizhou was agitated by her sticky voice and asked, "Who asked you to wear this dress."

Guan Xi hugged his neck: "Myself, does it look good? Do you like it?"

Jiang Suizhou frowned: "You wear this to go out today?"

"No, I just put it on, so you say it looks good?"

Jiang Suizhou carried her directly and walked in, and Shen Shen replied: "Well."

"Then you said last time that I don't look good in clothes!"

"It's bad to wear outside, wear it at home... OK."

Guan Xi put his arms around him and smiled: "Oh, it's good-looking anyway. Do you think you're quite a student? Ah, that's right, I will role-play me today. Let's go to the study, Mr. Jiang, to show you that I can't do it. work."

Jiang Suizhou paused slightly, his voice restrained: "Students like you are a test for teachers."