Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 24: I hope so


After Wu Ruo ordered Shi Yi to send someone to keep an eye on Ruan Zhizheng, she went to the hall to have breakfast, but saw Guan Tong sitting at the table with a sad face and sighing.

"Mother, what's the matter with you?" Wu Ruo sat beside her and asked concerned.

Guan Tong came back to his senses and picked up his chopsticks: "I'm fine, let's have breakfast."

Wu Ruo saw that she didn't seem to be okay: "Where are father and elder brother?"

"Xiao Zhu and Xi'er went to school, your father..." Guan Tong sighed: "I didn't feel like eating breakfast, so I went to the study to read."

"Did something happen to Dad, otherwise, why would he have no appetite to eat?"

Guan Tong hesitated to speak.

"Mother, don't lie to me, you will only make me more anxious."

Guan Tong sighed: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just that this morning when your father and your uncle went to your grandfather's place to discuss matters, they mentioned to your uncle that they wanted to return the borrowed magic weapon, but your uncle said that you Dad doesn't have any magic weapon now, so I have to borrow it for a while..."

At the beginning, it was agreed to borrow it for a few days and pay it back, but now two or three months have passed, and there is no intention of paying them back, so it is clear that I don't want to pay them back.

Wu Ruo had expected this to happen, and patted the back of Guan Tong's hand: "Mother, don't worry, Uncle and the others will return it."

"I hope so."

Wu Ruo picked up the chopsticks and gave Guan Tong a piece of taro snack: "Mother, have breakfast."


After breakfast, Wu Ruo took a few plates of pastries to the study to meet Wu Qianqing, and was relieved when she saw that his father was not as unhappy as he imagined: "Father, have you found all the medicinal materials?"

Wu Qianqing put down the book: "I've already found it, when are we going to start the medicinal bath?"

"It's best when everyone falls asleep at night." Wu Ruo thought for a while, and then said: "We also need to prepare a big iron pot that can hold you, and put it on the spiritual stove to boil and soak."

"Okay, I'll let Wu Xu prepare later." Wu Qianqing got up and sat next to Wu Ruo: "Xiao Ruo, did Xuan Yi know that you stayed at Wu's house last night? Why not Wu Da Wu Xiao?" Go back to Wu's house with you?"

"Xuan Yi left the city the night before, and will be back in a few days, so I plan to stay here for a few days before going back, and Wu Da Wu Xiao and the others are going to get married in a few days, and they are rushing to prepare for the wedding now."

"Well, it's time for Wu Da and the others to get married. Then you have to prepare two generous gifts for them. After all, they have been with you for so many years." Wu Da and the others are just servants, and Wu Qianqing didn't ask too much: "By the way, When I came back just now, I heard about Zhizheng, how is he doing now?"

Wu Ruo sighed, "Two servants died and they were punished by thirty slaps. Now they are locked in the room and don't want to come out to see me."

Wu Qianqing groaned, frowned and said, "I think someone wants to harm Zhizheng, Xiao Ruo, you have such a good relationship with him, you should be careful recently, I'm worried that those who want to harm him will also hurt you."

Wu Ruo's heart skipped a beat, and she asked, "Father, why do you think someone wants to kill Zhizheng?"

"They were so drunk last night, how could Zhizheng's attendants still go to Shuli Courtyard? Moreover, they were able to enter Shuli Courtyard even when someone was guarding the gate. It can be seen that someone arranged for it." Wu Qian Qing squinted her eyes: "I wonder if they were confused by someone on the way out from the side door, or someone arranged a magic formation or something so that they could avoid the guard's eyes and enter the Shuli courtyard."

Wu Ruo: "..."

His father is still very smart.

Wu Qianqing suddenly smiled: "By the way, your uncle's second son An Run is getting married soon."

Wu Ruo raised her eyebrows, and her thoughts drifted to the time when Wu Anrun was going to get married in her last life, and then she smiled meaningfully: "Really? Then I really need to congratulate my cousin."