Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 367: leave


Everyone had a full breakfast, Wu Ruo was discussing with others to find Qianchen's sister, and the servant came to report that Qianchen's sister Ganfu had come.

As soon as Qian Fu entered the hall, he said to Guan Zhen with a guilty face, "Uncle Zhen, Qian Chen has escaped."

Guan Zhen raised his eyebrows.

The others were slightly taken aback.

Ye Ji lowered his face: "Why did you run away?"

Qian Fu's face was not very good-looking: "Yesterday, the monks in the comprehension world were fighting and hit our house, destroying the formation I set up. Qian Chen took the opportunity to leave with the people who escaped from the Four Seasons Valley. I am here now. Let me tell you, Qian Chen is no longer in Four Seasons Valley, and Uncle Zhen will trouble you to tell the patriarch that I will go out of the valley to find Qian Chen."

She turned hastily and left.

Ye Ji looked at Guan Zhen: "Senior, can you believe her words?"

Guan Zhen said: "Qianfu is a kind and honest girl. Although she has selfish intentions to protect her younger brother, if her brother really did something wrong, she will not tolerate it. Moreover, yesterday's monks indeed took her The house was smashed, I think Qian Chen should really leave the Hermit Clan."

Ye Ji stood up and said, "We also have to leave the Hidden Clan to find him as soon as possible.

Wu Ruo nodded: "If this drags on, maybe Qian Chen will completely control Jixi's body."

Ji Xi frowned, he didn't like being controlled by others.

"Ah!" Hei Zihe looked reluctant: "Are we leaving?"

Wu Ruo smiled and said: "Now that the curse is gone, the second sister can stay here without any worries, and go back when she wants to go back."

Hei Zihe showed hesitation, she really wanted to stay here, but she was worried.

Hei Xuanyi said: "If you really like the patriarch, you can stay here. The Necromancer Kingdom will not die just because you are missing."

Hei Zihe said happily: "Thank you, brother."

Wu Ruo gave encouragement: "Second sister, you have to work harder to embrace a beautiful boy."

"I will."

Guan Zhen was also very happy: "I can finally go to Yingran. By the way, I'm going to tell the patriarch to see if he has any other instructions to the chief manager. Just pack up and wait for me to come back, and the servants at home , you arranged them."

"Yes." The manager turned and went back to the backyard.

Hei Zihe hurriedly said: "My dear old man, I'll go with you to see Ah Ce."

Guan Zhen nodded, and after leaving the house, he said to Hei Zihe, "Zihe, there is something I need to clarify with you."

"What's up?"

"The patriarch and his daughter Guan Tong are childhood sweethearts, and we had a marriage contract..." Seeing that her smile froze, Guan Zhen quickly said, "Don't be nervous, listen to me first, Guan Ce is a few years older than my daughter, Growing up together, the two have a very good relationship, but childhood sweethearts don’t necessarily have to like each other, so my daughter fell in love with Wu Qianqing during her training and wanted to marry him. Although the patriarch agreed to dissolve the engagement with his daughter, but To seal my daughter's spiritual field and spiritual power, causing my daughter to become an ordinary person."

When it comes to this, he has a headache: "His actions, in the hatred of others, are out of love and hate. After so many years of not being married, everyone thinks that he still likes my daughter, but in my opinion, he is very fond of my daughter. It’s just my brother’s feelings for my sister. He will seal my daughter’s spiritual power, and he’s angry at my daughter for finding a man who can’t protect her well. But the patriarch doesn’t understand this, and always thinks that brother-sister love is the relationship between a man and a woman. Even other people think that he still likes my daughter, so if you stay in this period of time, if you hear these rumors, don't care about it, and don't give up, you must catch the patriarch's heart Yes, I can see that the patriarch is special to you, and you hope to be with the patriarch."

Hei Zihe breathed a sigh of relief: "Master in law, I was almost scared to death by you. I thought you were going to stop me from being with Ah Ce."

Guan Zhen rolled his eyes angrily: "I want to stop you, I have stopped you a long time ago, and now I wish he could get married quickly so as to release my daughter's spiritual power, this matter is up to you, you have to make him realize that he is It's a brother-sister relationship with a daughter."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take him down, otherwise I won't go back to see my parents."

Guan Zhen laughed: "Okay."

The two talked and laughed and came to Guan Ce's house.

Hei Zihe saw Guan Ce who was practicing sword practice, and immediately called out, "A Ce."

Guan Ce put away his moves and looked at them: "What's the matter?"

Hei Zihe said before Guan Zhen could speak: "My elder brother and the others are leaving here."

Guan Ce frowned slightly, and opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he just hummed in a low voice.

Hei Zihe asked: "If I leave, will you miss me?"

Guan Ce said: "You and I are friends, there will be times when we miss you."

Hei Zihe is not happy with this statement, but it is good that he can regard her as a friend now: "Then do you have anything to say to me?"

"Bon Voyage."

Hei Zihe snorted softly, turned and left.

Guan Ce looked at her leaving back, his eyebrows tightened.

Guan Zhen sighed: "Patriarch, Zi He is a good girl, don't miss it."

Guan Ce said softly, "I no longer plan to get married in this life."

"Really? Don't regret it when Zihe marries someone else." Guan Zhen didn't bother to say any more: "I'm leaving with my grandson and the others today for the Kingdom of Dead Souls. I don't know when I'll be back. So I came here to tell you, also, Qian Chen escaped; Qian Fu went out of the valley to look for him before, if you have nothing to do, I will leave."

A flash of surprise flashed in Guan Ce's eyes: "Are you leaving today? In such a hurry?"

Guan Zhen curled his lips, if it was the past and said that he was going to leave soon, Guan Ce would not have asked more, it can be seen that he still cares about Hei Zihe.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

Guan Ce was silent for a moment before he said, "Tell Wu Ruo and the others that the curse can only be truly broken after they get married with Hei Xuanyi."

"Okay. Is there anything else?"

Guan Ce hesitated for a moment and asked, "When will you leave the valley?"

"When I go back to find Xiao Ruo, they will go out of the valley."

"I'll give you a ride." Seeing Guan Zhen's playful gaze, Guan Ce replied calmly, "By the way, close the gate of the clan."

"it is good."

Guan Zhen took Guan Ce back to the house, and asked Wu Ruo and the others, "Is everything packed?"

Wu Ruo and the others said one after another: "It's packed."

"Then let's go."

Wu Ruo and the others followed Guan Zhen to leave the house. Along the way, many people enthusiastically asked where the group of them were going. When they learned that they were leaving, many ethnic groups gave Wu Ruo and the others various materials as farewell gifts.

It is just an ordinary material to the ethnic group, but it is very precious to Wu Ruo and the others. Outside, any material can be sold for millions of taels, so Wu Ruo and the others dare not accept it.

Guan Zhen said, "Take it, it's all worthless."

Wu Ruoren and others: "..."

Wu Ruo had the cheek to put all the materials into the space, and then distributed the materials to everyone after returning.

The people were only sent to the entrance of the Four Seasons Valley, and Guan Ce accompanied them all the way to the entrance to the Hidden Clan.

Guan Zhi stopped and said to Guan Ce, "Just send it here."

Guan Ce nodded hesitantly.

"Let's go, patriarch, see you by fate." Wu Ruo took the lead and walked into the big tree that was the entrance with the child.

Others also managed to bid farewell one after another.

Guan Ce nodded.

After Guan Zhen walked into the big tree, only Hei Zihe was left.

Guan Ce's eyes fell on her.

"A Ce, I really hate to leave you, can I hug you?" Seeing that he wanted to refuse, Hei Zihe hurriedly said, "I'm about to leave, can't you fulfill me?"

Management policy: "..."

Hei Zihe smiled and said, "If you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement."

Not giving Guan Ce a chance to object, she took the initiative to hug him.

It was Guan Ce's first intimate contact with a woman, and his body froze in place. The faint lotus fragrance emanating from her body made him feel particularly pleasant.

"The more you hug, the more reluctant to leave, what should I do?" Hei Zihe raised his head and smiled: "Ah Ce, I'm not leaving, do you think it's okay?"

Guan Ce was silent.

Hei Zihe pouted, let go of him, and walked towards the big tree: "A Ce, I'm leaving."

She walked up to the big tree, turned around and said, "I really have to go."

Guan Ce pursed his lips tightly.

Hei Zihe lowered his eyelids, turned around and stepped into the big tree, and immediately heard the man behind say: "After the entrance is closed, outsiders are not allowed to enter the Hermit.

Although these words had nothing to do with keeping people, she still felt that he was keeping her, so she turned around happily and ran back: "Then I won't leave, I'm afraid I won't see Ah Ce again in the future."

Hei Zihe quickly walked in the direction of the Hermits.

Guan Ce didn't stop her, and directly closed the entrance.

Hei Zihe turned around with a smile and said, "A Ce, I would be afraid to live in my in-laws old man's house alone, but I only know you well in the Hidden Clan, so I will move to live in your house after I go back, okay? Anyway, your house is big, so it’s not a problem to live with me alone.”

"..." Guan Ce went back to the valley and saw the servants bought by the manager of recording came to his house with boxes of luggage. He knew immediately that he had been cheated. The luggage was still in Guan Zhen's house.

Watching Hei Zihe busily selecting and furnishing rooms, he silently took out his sword and continued to practice.

On the other side of the big tree's entrance, Guan Zhen saw that the entrance was quickly blocked, and thought cheerfully that he should be able to drink Guan Ce's wedding wine next time he comes back, and then ask Guan Ce to undo the curse for his daughter.

Wu Ruo patted the trunk of the big tree at the entrance and exit: "It's really sealed? What should people in the clan do if they want to go in?"

"It's just that outsiders are not allowed to enter the clan, and they didn't say that people from the clan can't enter the clan." Guan Zhen turned around and said, "Let's go. I can't wait to see your grandmother."

Ye Ji frowned: "The world is so big, where can we find Qian Chen?"

Wu Ruoruo glanced vaguely at Hei Junxing who was walking in front: "Qian Chen's escape shows that he is not reconciled and will definitely return to the Necromancer Kingdom.