Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 379


The old clansmen who tied the red strips all leaned against Hei Junxing's cage.

Hei Junxing said to Hei Xuanyi: "Prince, the old clans wearing red cloth strips on their arms are all willing to submit to the imperial court, and they can even cooperate with you to deal with other old clans."

A flash of surprise flashed in Wu Ruo's eyes, Hei Pingxing joined hands with them to kill his father, and even brought people to join them

"What!?" The old clansmen who didn't wear red cloth strips looked at Hei Junxing in shock: "Young master, what did you just say?"

Hei Pingguan, the third younger brother of Hei Junxing, was in disbelief and at the same time secretly pleased. Originally, he wanted to take advantage of the chaos to solve Hei Junxing, but he did not expect Hei Junxing to rebel. As long as Hei Junxing is gone, he You can sit firmly on the position of the young master, or even the position of the emperor.

He came back to his senses and hurriedly shouted: "Hei Junxing is a traitor, kill this traitor."

The other brothers and sisters of Hei Junxing have always been at odds with Hei Junxing, knowing that no matter whether Hei Junxing wants to be the leader or a traitor, it will not be good for them, and the end will be miserable.

They also hurriedly followed Hei Junguan and shouted, "Yes, kill the traitor Hei Junxing. If it weren't for him, our leader would not have died. It was him, and he teamed up with the royal family to kill our leader. Everyone don't want to die!" Let him go."

The elders also came to their senses one after another, wishing to smash Hei Junxing's corpse into thousands of pieces. But it's not easy to kill Hei Junxing, because 40% of the old clan has rebelled, and there are people from the imperial court here, so the situation is not good for them.

Before the elders gave an order, people from other old tribes had rushed towards Hei Pingxing and them.

The royal family and the guards all looked at Hei Xuanyi, waiting for his order.

Hei Xuanyi announced to everyone: "If there is no old clan wearing a red cloth strip, shoot and kill.

"Yes." The guards all locked their targets on the old people who did not wear red cloth strips.

The old clansmen who wore the red strips breathed a sigh of relief. When Hei Junxing told them to take refuge in the imperial court to deal with other old clans, they were very worried that the imperial court would not trust them. Moreover, they wondered if they would be killed after the war. Find them and dispose of them.

The original old clan lost the support of their leader and part of the old clan, and their momentum dropped immediately. Without their advantage, they were retreating steadily.

In just one hour, the gate of the imperial palace was filled with the corpses of many old clansmen.

The elders of the old clan were very unwilling to see that there were fewer and fewer people from the old clan. Their status in the old clan was comparable to that of court ministers, enjoying the glory and wealth. If they conquered the imperial palace, they might be able to become princes, but now everything has come to naught.

Seeing that their situation was gone, the people of the original old clan had the idea of fleeing. Of course, Hei Xuanyi saw through their thoughts and sent someone to capture them.

"Hei Junxing, you bastard, white-eyed wolf."

"Hei Junxing, you will die badly."

Hei Junxing's brothers and sisters yelled and yelled at Hei Pingxing who was standing a foot away angrily. They were all this person. If it wasn't for him, the old clan wouldn't have lost so badly.

Hei Junxing ignored their roar and asked the people under him about their injuries.

Shen Song reported to him: "Many brothers died, and one brother was seriously injured."

Hei Junxing frowned.

"Jun Xing." Wu Ruo walked towards Hei Jun. "you… "

Hei Junxing said softly, "I know what you want to ask."

He turned around and looked at Heitu's corpse. The group of people under his hand were holding Heitu's corpse to vent their anger. They stabbed sword after sword into Heitu's body. Their expressions were filled with hatred and sorrow, and they were still crying out in pain. Said: "Dead, he is dead, Heitu is finally dead."

The guards watched in amazement as they vented their anger on the corpse of the black road. Anyway, this person is also their leader, how could there be such a deep hatred

Hei Junxing asked, "Do you know why they treated my father's body like this?"

Wu Ruo looked in the direction of Heitu's corpse.

"Since my father took over the old clan, he has ruled the entire clan brutally. Those who do not obey him will be beaten until they obey, and those who threaten him will be killed. If someone in the clan has more rights than him, the clan will be exterminated My grandfather and grandmother, who always loved me, died at the hands of my father in this way. Even the rest of my family would not be spared. My mother dared not speak out. My brothers and sisters and I were gone The influence of the foreign family gradually began to pull people from other families, and the relationship between brothers and sisters also began to break down, and even began to intrigue and distrust each other. In other words, only those who live to the last are eligible to inherit his position. The people who used my father's body to vent their hatred are also former victims. Their family members were killed by my father. They wanted to take revenge. But neither strength nor influence is my father's opponent. In addition, my father is very vigilant, and there are many powerful guards around him to protect him. It is almost impossible to assassinate him, so I can only wait. The timing, like today, is the best opportunity." Hei Junxing squinted his eyes with a sullen face, and a look of bitterness and sadness flashed in his eyes. He would not have done it if it hadn't been a last resort: "I didn't want to kill him, after all, he is mine. Father, but if he succeeds in rebelling against such a violent man, he will cut off those who follow me, because he will not let anyone who is untrustworthy stay by his side, and then it will be another brutal killing. Now The old clan is corrupt, if we don’t end the old clan, they are like ants and insects bit by bit nibbling at the kingdom of the dead.”

Wu Ruo lightly frowned: "It should be more than this that can make you think of rebellion."

"The children in Tongzhen are all dead."

Wu Ruo was stunned: "They are all dead.

Hei Junxing continued: "Because I avoided getting married, I went with you to the Hermit Tribe to find a way to keep them from disappearing. My father killed all the children in a rage, along with..."

His voice suddenly became hoarse, his Adam's apple rolled up and down, and he involuntarily sucked in air.

Shen Song continued on behalf of Hei Pingxing: "In addition to the brothers we played together since we were young, the brothers who were as close as brothers were also killed by the old master..."

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the more sad he became: "How could he be like this, knowing that they are our good brothers, but he killed them before we came back and asked us how to deal with them."

"..." Wu Ruo didn't know how to comfort them, and sighed secretly.

Not far behind, people from the royal family were pressing down on several elders of the old clan who were seriously injured.

The elders caught a glimpse of Hei Junxing and Shen Song, and suddenly, great resentment welled up in their eyes. Even if they were going to die, they would drag a few people to be buried with them.

They looked at each other quietly, and one of the elders gathered spiritual power in the spiritual field.

The royal family who suppressed them realized that he was trying to blow himself up, and while hastily knocked him out, he ordered the guards to find a lock that sealed the spiritual power.

At the same time, taking advantage of their unpreparedness, the other nine elders violently broke away from them, gathering their last spiritual power to attack Hei Junxing and them.

The people in the royal family were startled, and anxiously shouted to the person whose back was facing them: "Xiao Ruo, Crown Princess, be careful."

When Wu Ruo noticed the fluctuation of spiritual power, she turned around and saw a figure rushing over and the urgent cries of other people. She subconsciously wanted to fight back, but was pushed away violently.

He quickly looked up and saw that Shen Song was also pushed into the distance. And Hei Xuanyi and Qian Chen, who rushed forward desperately, used offensive and defensive weapons to deal with the five elders, and then received the spiritual impact of the other four elders head-on.

Shen Song heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that Qian Chen was able to use the ghost grip to hold the other party, so that they had a buffer time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, and also thankful that the spiritual power of the several elders was almost exhausted, otherwise it would be difficult for the two of them to resist the four elders.

He was about to go over to help, when suddenly, a guard next to him hit Hei Junxing with two top-level magic weapons.

Wu Ruo was startled: "Jun Xing be careful."

Seeing this, Qian Shen hurriedly threw out all the defensive magic weapons to protect Hei Junxing. No, the guard's goal was actually him. The moment he threw the magic weapons to protect Hei Junxing, the guards took out three other magic weapons to attack Hei Junxing. Qian Shen.

"Pfft—" Qian Chen was overwhelmed, his abdomen was seriously injured, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. The elders from the two foreign countries took the opportunity to hit Qian Chen's chest again.

He flew out like a kite with a broken string, and landed heavily on the ground.

The guard did not give the others time to react, and drew out the long sword from his waist to stab Qian Chen.

Wu Ruo subconsciously used the ghost grip secret technique to freeze everyone, and rushed over quickly to help him kick away the two elders and guards.

At the same time, an iron chain was shot from a distance and penetrated into the guard's left shoulder blade.

Everyone was taken aback, and looked up at the person who shot the chain.

Wu Ruo looked at the person in a daze: "Jiujiu."

Jiujiu let out a cold snort, and kicked the guard at the back of the blood, and the guard knelt down immediately.

The members of the royal family came back to their senses, and hurriedly captured all the elders for Hei Junxing, shackled them with chains that sealed their spiritual power, and pressed them to the prison to await interrogation.

Hei Junxing quickly ran to Qian Chen's side, and picked him up: "Qian Chen..."

"Master, quickly feed him the medicine." Shen Song took out the medicine and handed it to Hei Junxing.

Hei Junxing quickly fed Qianchen into his mouth, stopping him from vomiting blood, but the injury was still serious.

"You. You are not, are you not injured?" Qian Chen asked while enduring the severe pain.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt."

Qian Chen smiled happily: "Then, that's good.

Hei Junxing looked at him with a complicated face: "But you are seriously injured, I wish you a doctor quickly."

"Yes." Turning around, Shen Song saw Wu Ruo walking over quickly and asked, "How is he?"

Hei Junxing looked at Wu Ruo with bloodshot eyes: "Can you help me see him?"

Wu Ruo looked at Qian Chen who was looking at Hei Junxing with obsessive and admiring eyes, hesitated for a moment, squatted down to feel Qian Chen's pulse, and found that Qian Chen's spiritual field had been destroyed.

Hei Junxing asked anxiously: "How is his condition?"

Wu Ruo replied truthfully: "His spiritual field has been destroyed."