Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 383


Wu Shu and his people went to the realm of cultivation for three purposes. One was to learn spells in the realm of cultivation; To strengthen the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, they brought a lot of silver.

Unexpectedly, the cultivation world only accepts spirit stones, and things are as easy as they imagined. Although they successfully entered a certain sect under the introduction of members of the Hidden Clan, everything had to start from scratch. First, the spirit root was tested, and then they were divided into outer disciples or inner disciples.

When the disciples in the sect learned that they came from the human world, all of them looked down on them. The lowest level five or six qi trainers could crush them to death in one go. They stayed in the sect for a few days before discussing how to leave here. However, they had to bring something back before leaving the realm of cultivation, after all, it was rare to come to the realm of cultivation.

Coincidentally, when they were sent down the mountain to buy living supplies for the sect, they encountered a monk who was hunted down. After the monk died, those who killed him didn't confiscate his belongings, they just took advantage of it. The monk's space ring contains not only spells, formations, and prescription books, but also pills, spiritual weapons, and spiritual stones.

They used spirit stones to buy a lot of things that can be used in the human world, and then encouraged the monks at the qi refining level to go back to the human world with them to dominate the world. Unfortunately, the qi refining monks were captured by the chasing monks, and they Take advantage of the chaos and escape.

"Spiritual weapon? Is this a spiritual weapon?" A flash of greed flashed in the eyes of the commander of Zishen Kingdom.

After the last mysterious art competition, the fact that the spiritual weapon is more powerful than the top magic weapon has already spread to everyone in the country. I did not expect that the Heavenly Holy Kingdom possessed so many spiritual weapons at the same time.

Wushang ignored him, and drove the spiritual weapon towards Hei Xuanyi and the others to attack.

Prince Yuxian of the Necromancer Kingdom also took out their own magic weapons when they saw a magic weapon flying over.

Hei Xuanxu noticed that Wuliang's magic weapon was very different, so he quickly said to Hei Xuanyi: "Brother, their magic weapon has enough spiritual power, it's not like an ordinary magic weapon."

Emperor Gao Zu squinted his eyes, "Everyone, be careful, it is indeed not an ordinary magic weapon.

Hei Xuanyi said, "It's a spiritual weapon."

Everyone was surprised: "Spiritual weapon?"

Wu Ruo hurriedly took out the bag Qianfu gave him from the space, and as soon as he opened it, the rich spiritual energy quickly spread around.

Hei Xuantang asked curiously: "Sister-in-law, what's in your bag?"

"It's a spirit weapon that someone gave me." Wu Ruo said as he took out the spirit weapon, and then drove the spirit weapon towards the flying spirit weapon.

Everyone looked at Wu Ruo in surprise.

"Spiritual weapon?" Hei Xuantang's eyes glowed: "Sister-in-law, why do you have so many spiritual weapons? Did your grandfather give it to you?"

"Qianchen's sister Qianfu gave it to me." Wu Ruo looked at Hei Xuanyi and asked, "Did Qianchen's sister guess that there is a spiritual weapon in the Holy Kingdom?"

"should be."

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and several spiritual weapons collided together, making a loud noise. The soldiers who were torn apart under them were shattered by their spiritual power fluctuations, and fell down to death.

The others were so frightened that they quickly avoided the spirit weapon.

The other party's spiritual weapons were of the same level, and after countless collisions, they couldn't hold on any longer, and finally exploded with a bang, not only blasting a deep hole in the ground, but also sending most of the soldiers flying, disrupting the Everyone forms a team.

Huge wind rushed around, Wu Ruo and the others hurriedly stabilized their bodies and raised their hands to block the strong wind and sand blowing.

Wu Ruo secretly thanked Qian Chen for giving him the spiritual weapon, otherwise they would have lost today.

The commander of Zishen Kingdom coughed a few times, speechless: "The spirit weapon is so powerful."

Wu Shu frowned, although it was not surprising that Wu Ruo would also have a spiritual weapon, but his face was still not good-looking. He originally wanted to use the spiritual weapon to gain a big advantage in conquering the Necromancer Kingdom, but in the end he made a mistake: "Ninth-level magician Go to war."

All the ninth-level magicians from the six countries went into battle.

Hei Xuanyi saw the senior magicians of the Six Nations rushing to the front of the battle, and with a wave, everyone rushed to the battlefield except the ghost clan.

At present, the entire grassland is full of sounds of killing and explosions, and various mystical techniques emit colorful lights, which are both beautiful and magnificent, and also make people feel particularly dangerous.

With the joining of the generals, the Necromancer's offensive became more and more fierce. The swords in their hands could be used to kill every enemy. However, the ordinary ninth-level magic coins were not the opponents of the descendants of the immortals at all, and they could only be suppressed when they fought.

The soldiers of the five small countries dare not underestimate them who have never fought before.

Every time Wu Shu wanted to set up a large formation to attack the enemy, Wu Ruo would shoot him with arrows, and he failed a single time after several attempts.

No matter how powerful the self-healing technique is, the doctors of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom can't revive the dead soldiers. Moreover, under the continuous large-scale self-healing of the wounded, their spiritual power is getting less and less, and they are getting more and more exhausted.

In just an hour, the huge grassland was covered with blood, but the sound of killing was still shaking the sky. The troops of the Six Nations were getting smaller and smaller, while the troops of the Necromancer Kingdom were getting more and more. They controlled other countries. The dead corpse soldiers were used as human shields to force the Six Nations to retreat steadily, and were beaten into a mess.

Wu Shu realized that although the Necromancer Kingdom had been closed for nearly two years, it was stronger than their Heavenly Holy Kingdom in terms of military strength and formation.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the commander of Yanrong Kingdom hurriedly asked his subordinate Ming Jin to let his own country retreat.

The commander of the Lanmu country was furious: "You cowardly bastard."

The commander-in-chief of Yanrong Kingdom sneered: "It's just that you are so courageous and have such a great ability to drag your soldiers to be buried with you. I will not accompany you."

He turned around and left with his remaining tens of thousands of soldiers and horses.

The commander of the Lanmu country was so angry that he was half dead: "Your mother's bastard."

With a sound of puffing, several doctors in the Heavenly Holy Kingdom who were in charge of treating the wounded soldiers spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, because they exhausted the spiritual field due to overtreatment, which caused the qi and blood to vomit blood retrogradely.

One of the doctors wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "The Necromancers are worthy of being called the War Gods. They have been fighting with spiritual power since the beginning and can still be so brave."

The commander-in-chief of the Yeluo Kingdom said: "I think it's better to withdraw the troops and make a long-term plan."

The commanders of both Zishen Kingdom and Yue Cang Kingdom nodded in agreement.

With a cold face, Wu Shu gritted his teeth and said, "Withdraw."

In fact, if they hadn't asked the old clan of the Necromancer Kingdom to undo the curse of the Heavenly Holy Kingdom, or if the old clan of the Necromancer Kingdom hadn't been eager to take down the royal family, they would have thoroughly studied the books they brought back from the realm of cultivation first. As for running away in such embarrassment.

Thinking of the old clan, Wu Shu frowned.

By the way, what about the old people

Didn't the old clan say they took advantage of the situation to rebel? How come no one has seen them

The commander of the Lanmu country said angrily: "I thought the Heavenly Holy Kingdom was very powerful, but I didn't expect that you would have to withdraw your troops when you met the Necromancer Kingdom. Sweeping off the horse, he rode on his horse and led the team away from Hei Xuantang, seeing them throwing away their armor and fleeing the grassland, he laughed loudly; "Brother, do you want to catch up? "Hei Xuanyi squinted his eyes and said: Yes, this time they will not dare to do it again. The ghost clan obeyed the order and threw the corpses of the six countries into their fleeing team." "Yes." All the ghost soldiers He flew out, picked up the dead body on the ground, and quickly chased the Six Nations team.

Hei Xuantang laughed even louder: "Brother, it's amazing."

Some of the troops from the six nations who were fleeing looked back and their expressions changed drastically.

"Look, the ghost clan is chasing after them, and they still hold the corpse in their arms."

Everyone turned their heads one after another, saw the densely packed ghost soldiers in the sky, and hurried to run faster, but no matter how they ran, they were not as fast as the ghost soldiers in the sky. After a while, the ghost soldiers flew above their heads, hesitating the dark clouds Shading the sun, blocking the sun's rays overhead.

"Run, everyone, run." The soldiers of the Six Nations yelled, "They must be trying to bomb us with corpses."

When the people of the six countries heard the words, they wished that they had grown ten hairs and fled.

The ghost soldiers threw the corpses at them, and the ordinary soldiers screamed and dodged in embarrassment. After throwing them, the ghost soldiers quickly retreated. Those who died were wounded. There were still more than two million people in the team, but half of them died in the blink of an eye, and the sound was heard even by the emperor who was dozens of miles away.

The Holy Emperor hurried out of the tent and asked, "What happened?"

"I don't know." The four guards looked at the direction of the sound: "Holy Emperor, the sound seems to be coming from the direction of the battlefield."

"On the battlefield?" The Holy Emperor had a very bad premonition: "Would Wushuang send someone back to report the battle situation?"


The Holy Emperor lowered his face: "No one came back to report the situation of the battle, wouldn't you send someone to inquire?"

The four guards looked at each other, and one of the guards said, "Your subordinate will go and inquire about the situation."

"Come back." The Holy Emperor stopped him, and then called out to the tent, "Nongsu."

"The subordinate is here." A tall man walked out of the tent quickly: "What is the order of the emperor?"

"You have extraordinary lightness skills, and you are limited to report the battle situation in a short time."

"Yes." Nong Su turned around, and suddenly, ten figures emerged from the shadow of the tent, blocking his way.

Seeing the person coming, Nong Su was startled, and hurriedly protected the Holy Emperor and hid.

The four guards were startled when they saw the person wearing ordinary robes, and shouted loudly, "Who is this person? Why did he break into the Heavenly Holy Kingdom's barracks?"

The surrounding guards heard the sound and surrounded him one after another.

The Holy Emperor looked at the ten tall young men in front of him, and then at the nervous Nongsu, and asked in a low voice, "Who are they?"

Nong Suwei turned his head and whispered to the people behind him: "Holy Emperor, they are members of the Hidden Clan, and they should have come here for our escape. He has seen these people when he went to the Hidden Clan, so he naturally knows who they are." .

The Holy Emperor frowned suddenly, and ordered: "Hurry up and take them down."


The guards rushed over.

"Holy Emperor, our people are not their opponents, let's go." Nong Su pulled the Holy Emperor and ran away.

The Holy Emperor also knew how powerful the Hidden Clan was, so he no longer maintained the dignity of the emperor, and quickly left with Nongsu.

The guards behind them were vulnerable, and as long as one of the Hidden tribe used one move, they would knock down all the surrounding guards. Then, they jumped up and used lightness kung fu to land in front of the Holy Emperor, blocking their way.