Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 385: Finale (1)


The next day, in order to avoid long nights and dreams, all the old clans who had been ordered to be beheaded were dragged outside the gate of the border city, so that everyone could see the fate of the rebels.

A lot of people came to watch, including Wu Ruo, Hei Junxing, and Shen Song.

They stood on the tower, watching all this with expressionless faces.

The moment the head of the old clan fell to the ground, Hei Junxing closed his red eyes, and the voices of the common people cheered in his ears.

"Master, let me express my condolences." Shen Song patted Hei Junxing's shoulder choked with sobs.

After the guards dragged the corpse away, Hei Junxing opened his eyes and said hoarsely, "Let's go back."

"it is good."

Wu Ruo walked down the tower with them: "What are your plans for the future?"

"We have lived under the ground of the Necropolis for decades, and it is time to go outside and visit the exotic scenery." Hei Junxing said this, his whole body relaxed a lot, and he was no longer as sad as before. With a faint smile: "I will write a letter to you every time I go in the future."

Wu Ruo was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "It's good to go out and relax.

Shen Song was deeply afraid that Hei Junxing would abandon him, so he hurriedly said: "Master, I will go with you."

Hei Pingxing glanced at him: "Now that the old clan is scattered, where is the master? From now on, you can just call me Junxing."

Shen Song did not refute, "Okay, Jun Xing."

Wu Ruo asked, "When do you plan to leave?"


Wu Ruo was taken aback, "Now? Leaving in such a hurry?"

"There is nothing for me to remember here, if I don't leave now, when will I wait?" Hei Jun stopped in front of his monster.

"When will you be back?"

"The return date is uncertain."

Wu Ruo was very reluctant to part with him as a friend, so she raised her hand and patted his shoulder, and pressed it: "You must come and drink with me when you come back."

"Okay." Hei Junxing jumped onto the monster's back.

Shen Song quickly said: "Master, oh, Junxing, I haven't packed my luggage yet, wait for me to go back and pack my luggage."

Hei Junxing patted the baggage hanging behind the monster and said, "I packed it for you."

Shen Song laughed: "Then let's go."

"Let's go." Hei Pingxing drove the monster towards the gate of the city.

Shen Song hurriedly followed.

Wu Ruo walked behind them and sent them out of the city: "Junxing, you must remember to write to me, at least once a month, so that I can know that you are safe, and if you encounter any trouble, you must tell me .”

Hei Junxing smiled at him, turned his head, and rode the monster away with a bang.

Wu Ruo stood there and looked at their backs as they went away, feeling vaguely that they would not see each other again for a long time.

He was a little sad and reluctant, so he quickly opened his voice and shouted: "Jun Xing, Shen Song, I wish you a safe journey."

In response to him, only Shen Song’s hearty laughter came from afar, just like when they first met, the day they let the monster fart on him and Dandan, the laughter was as happy as today, as if it happened yesterday It seems to be still vivid in my memory, but unfortunately I don’t know when I want to hear it again in the future.

Time flies so fast, in a blink of an eye, more than a year has passed.

Wu Ruo stood outside the door where people were coming and going for a long time before turning around, and saw the Great Spiritualist standing in front of him holding a horse and smiling at him.

"Great Spiritualist." He walked over in surprise.

The Great Spiritualist walked up to him: "What a coincidence."

Seeing the burden behind her, Wu Ruo raised her eyebrows: "Master Ling, you are..."

The great spiritual master chuckled: "Now that the curse has been lifted and the old family has been eliminated, it's time for me to let go of my identity as a great spiritual master and travel around. I didn't want anyone to know, but unexpectedly, I met you here."

Wu Ruo was surprised: "Ah, you want to go too?"

"What? Is anyone else leaving too?"

"I just sent Junxing and the others away."

The great spiritual master looked into the distance: "Now everyone is free and wants to go out to see the outside world, even I am no exception, not to mention being trapped in the kingdom of the dead for more than 400 years, it is time to let go The psychic is responsible."

Wu Ruo hurriedly asked: "Then do you plan to come back?"

The great spiritual master smiled and said: "If one day I get tired of the outside world, maybe I will come back here to retire."

Wu Ruo looked behind him: "You alone?"

"Who said I was alone." The great spiritual master raised a branch in his hand: "With him by my side, I will never be bored."

"It looks like the branches and leaves of a fairy tree."

"Yes." The Great Spiritualist raised his head and looked at the sun in the sky: "It's getting late, so I won't tell you more. It's fate, we will meet again."

"Aren't you really going to say goodbye to Xuan Yi and the others?"

"This will only add to the sadness." The great spiritual master turned over and jumped on the horse: "Let's go, drive."

"Take care of yourself."

Wu Ruowang watched the great spiritual master leave. Under the sunlight, the background of the great spiritual master is like a flying fairy, which makes people want to worship, while his seems to have a transparent figure sitting behind the great spiritual master. The teacher's waist, bowed his head and whispered.

Wu Ruo rubbed her eyes, but the figure behind the Great Spiritualist was still there.

The Great Spiritualist didn't know what the other party said, turned his head, and smiled beautifully. Then, the transparent figure seemed to notice Wu Ruo's gaze, turned his head, smiled and waved to Wu Ruo.

Wu Ruo froze for a moment, and couldn't help but raised her hand and waved it.

He didn't turn back to the city until he could no longer see them: "Oh, three of them left at once, there will be no one left?"

It's so sad to part with someone.

"Xiao Ruo?" Suddenly a surprised voice stopped Wu Ruo's footsteps.

Wu Ruo turned her head and saw that the person calling him was Jin Lian, she happily walked over: "Master."

Jin Lian laughed: "It's really you, just right, I don't need to send this thing to the palace anymore.

Wu Ruo was puzzled: "What is it?"

Jin Lian took out a wedding invitation from his bosom: "Your Aunt Ye and I are getting married, you and Xuan Yi must come to drink our wedding wine, and I will not send wedding invitations to your eldest brother, you just go straight Let them come over for a drink, it's lively."

Wu Ruo happily accepted the happy post: "Master, you are finally getting married."

"Yes." Jin Lian sighed: "I originally planned to get married after your big wedding on the second day of February, but you suddenly canceled the engagement and left the Necromancer Kingdom, so I had to postpone the marriage. I didn't expect to delay it again and again , it has been delayed until now."

"I'm here to congratulate Master first, and we will definitely be there when the time comes."

"If you don't dare, don't let me be your master." Jin Lian patted his chest: "I still have a few wedding posters to send to others, so I won't chat with you here."

"Master, go slowly."

Jin Lian happily turned and left.

Wu Ruo opened the wedding post and saw that the wedding day was only seven days away: "Oh, I'm really impatient."

He put away the wedding stickers and walked to the Yamen.

Now the border town is as lively as ever. Although the Seven Kingdoms had just fought, it didn't affect people from all over the world to come to the border town to continue doing business.

Hei Xuanyi also reassured businessmen from various countries that wars are a matter between countries, and the Necromancer Kingdom will never vent its anger on businessmen and harm innocent people.

After hearing this, the merchants from the six countries breathed a sigh of relief. The imperial court did not come to trouble them. What they should have done in the past is what they are still doing now. They neither raised taxes nor paid more for houses.

Wu Ruo walked to the gate of the yamen, stopped and looked at No. 1 grocery store opposite.

The shop that used to be only five stories high has now reached the tenth floor. It is very eye-catching in the entire border town. People who have not yet entered the city can see the building of Shop No. 1 from a distance, especially the shop that has been painted. It is golden, and under the sunlight, it looks like the pagoda of the Lotus Buddha Temple shining with dazzling light.

In the store, there are still too many customers to stand up as before.

At this time, Lao Hei squeezed out of the shop, heaved a sigh of relief, and looked back at the crowded lobby, feeling unsatisfied in his heart. In his heart, the business of Shop No. 1 was so prosperous because of his achievements. in.

He turned around with a smile and saw Wu Ruo standing at the gate of the yamen and looking at him with a smile. He was stunned and walked over happily: "Master, why are you here? Are you here to see the business of Shop No. 1?"

"No, I just came back from seeing the old clan being beheaded." Wu Ruo looked at Lao Hei: "Where are you going with such a nice robe today?"

Old Hei chuckled: "Today is Fuqiu's day to leave the palace, I'll pick her up and celebrate her well."

It was only then that Wu Ruo remembered that Fuqiu had reached the age to leave the palace: "Did she agree to be with you?"

"I agree." Old Hei was very happy: "We plan to get married next year after we settle down."

Wu Ruo was happy for him: "Okay, I will ask Xuan Yi to leave you a house on land for you."

"Thank you, Lord." Lao Hei and Wu Ruo walked into the teleportation array and returned to the basement floor. Wu Ruo said to Lao Hei: "You go back to the palace first, and I'll go see my parents."

"Grandpa, I'll take a step first."

Wu Ruo couldn't help but feel amused when he saw Lao Heifei running towards the palace at such a speed, and at the same time was happy for him to embrace the beauty.

He came to the backyard of Heixuantang Palace and saw Jixi playing with the children, walked up to Yeji and asked, "Did Jixi break the curse?"

"It's solved." Ye Ji looked at Ji Xi who was having fun, and slightly curled his lips: "Gan Fu sent a letter saying that Qian Chen had undone Ji Xi's curse."

"Qianchen is in good health?"

"That's not mentioned."

"That's not right..." Wu Ruo felt strange: "It will take ten days at the earliest for them to return to the Mysterious Clan, and it will take at least 20 or 30 days for them to send someone to deliver the letter. Now only three or four days have passed , why did you send me a letter?"

"Qianfu came back to the Secret Hermit through the black market, and then sent a letter through the black market." Guan Zhen who came out of the small courtyard answered for Ye Ji.

Wu Ruo turned around and watched Guan Zhen walking over holding the hag's hand: "Grandfather, grandmother."

Guan Zhen said: "The elders of the Hidden tribe also sent a letter saying that they caught people who escaped from the Hidden tribe while taking advantage of the chaos."