Comeback of the Abandoned Wife

Chapter 89: Bad luck


After Wu Sheng left, apart from Wu Xia and Chen Hou, the others also found excuses to leave the wing.

Wu Xi asked drunkenly, "Why are you all gone?"

"They're just going out to blow some air, and they'll be back soon." Chen Hou smiled and stood up: "There's not enough food, I'll go to the kitchen to see if there are any good dishes, and I'll ask Xiao Er to cook a few more dishes, Xiao Xia , your mouth is the worst, do you want to go and have a look together and choose two things you like to eat?"

Wu Xia nodded, put down his wine glass, and left the room with Chen Hou.

Seeing that everyone left, Wu Xi fell drunk in Wu Ruo's arms without any image: "Second brother, Yuanxiang wine is delicious, let's buy a pot from Chen Hou and go back, shall we?"

A deep meaning flashed across Wu Ruo's intoxicated eyes: "I'm afraid we've already drunk it all."

"It's a pity." Wu Xi became more and more sleepy: "Second brother, I'll sleep for a while, call me when you leave.

"Go to sleep." Wu Ruo helped her to sit on the chair in front of the window, turned around to make the candlelight in the room more intense, and then sat back in her original position and continued to drink.

Soon, the door was pushed open.

"Xiao Ruo."

Wu Ruo heard the sound and looked up, the person who came in turned out to be Base.

"Xiao Ruo, I heard that you are eating here, so I came in to see you." Base quickly sat in front of Wu Ruo, looking at his face obsessively: "I haven't seen you recently, how are you?"

Wu Ruo's face was cold: "Because of your voodoo, I was wronged by the people in the South University Courtyard. Do you think I am doing well?"

Base hurriedly explained: "I owed Wu Anshu a favor, so I had no choice but to deal with the South Courtyard. However, I swear to you, when I played Gu, I never thought of harming you and your family, nor did I I never thought of letting the South Courtyard wrong you, you believe me, Wu Ruo lowered her eyelids and remained silent. Under the light of the fiery red candle, her delicate face was like a delicate peony, so breathtakingly beautiful.

Pase couldn't help swallowing his saliva: "Xiao Ruo..."

Wu Ruo slightly raised her eyelids and glanced at him, her beautiful eyelashes were like two feathers, gently touching Pase's heartstrings, making Pase couldn't help but grab Wu Ruo's hand any longer.

Wu Ruo reacted very quickly. The moment he touched him, she quickly stopped and stood up.

Afraid that he would leave, Pase stood up anxiously, but his feet caught the chair and almost fell to the ground. He quickly supported the table and chairs to stabilize his body, looked up and saw Wu Ruo was still standing there, and walked over immediately , holding his hand: "Xiao Ruo, can you forgive me?"

Wu Ruo probably drank too much wine, like a shy girl, she responded obediently: "Yes.

Base held his breath, and pulled him into his arms suddenly: "Xiao Ruo, do you know that when I first saw you, I fell in love with you, whether you have spiritual power or not, and it doesn't matter if you Already have a husband, I just like you, I can't like you enough, every night, I will dream of you, you go back to my clan with me, okay? I will treat you well.

Wu Ruo looked at him in bewilderment: "Really?"

Looking at the ruddy lips, Base breathed heavily, and impatiently lowered his head and kissed it.

Downstairs, Wu Sheng saw the Heifu's carriage coming, and rushed to meet it. Then, a man with black scales on his face got out of the carriage.

Wu Sheng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Hei Xuanyi would come to pick him up in person, but it was better this way.

"Where's Xiao Ruo?" Hei Xuanyi glanced at him lightly.

"It's upstairs. He drank too much tonight. He couldn't be persuaded. Halfway through the meal, he got drunk." Wu Sheng said while taking him to the third floor where they ate. Chen Hou They, Wu Anshu and Wu Rui from the North Courtyard, and several disciples from the West Courtyard surrounded the house and did not enter.

His eyes flickered slightly, and he pretended not to know and asked, "Why are you all standing outside and not going in?"

Chen Hou and the others looked embarrassed.

Wu Sheng asked, "What happened?"

Chen Hou pointed to the room: "Brother Sheng, listen to it yourself."

Wu Sheng walked to the door suspiciously, only to hear groans and panting sounds coming from the room. He was extremely excited, high-spirited, and enthusiastic enough to make people blush and heartbeat.

"Xiao Ruo, you're so tight there, you're holding me so comfortably." The person in the room said.

When the people outside heard this, their faces became hot.

Wu Sheng turned his head, looked at Hei Xuanyi, and said awkwardly, "What...what's going on?"

Chen Hou said in a low voice: "I don't know what's going on, when we came back from the latrine, we heard such a sound coming from inside, so it's not good for us to go in and disturb it.

Wu Sheng looked at Hei Xuanyi.

With a cold face, Hei Xuanyi stepped forward and slammed down the door, only to see two naked men lying on the clothes that had been taken off, making love, the scene was very filthy.

The people galloping hard on it kept calling the name of 'Xiao Ruo'.

The group of people standing behind Hei Xuanyi were stunned, and then they looked at each other, covering their mouths and laughing.

Chen Hou turned his head and took a look downstairs. Seeing a few people coming up in a hurry, he quickly whispered in Wu Sheng's ear, "Wu Nuo's father and Wu Anyi are here."

Hearing this, Wu Sheng also took a look downstairs, and when he turned his head again, he saw Hei Xuanyi, who was full of evil spirits, walking forward, kicking the people above him away with a strong kick.

"Ah!" Base screamed, he slammed into the corner of the wall, and passed out, while the hair of the person who was pressed under him before was sticking to his face, and Bai Zhe's body was gnawed. One cyan and one purple, the body is covered with white liquid, very lewd.

Wu Sheng and Wu Anshu beside him looked at each other and smiled deeply. Suddenly, Chen Hou screamed: "Xiao Xia."

Wu Sheng was taken aback: "Xiao Xia, what's wrong?"

Chen Hou's face turned pale, he pointed at the person on the floor in disbelief and shouted: "It's Xiao Xia, brother Sheng, that person is Xiao Xia."

Wu Sheng quickly turned his head to look at the person under Pase's body, and through the messy hair, he could vaguely see the person's appearance.

Startled, he rushed over in a hurry, pulled the other person's hair, and said in disbelief: "Xiao Xia, how could it be Xiao Xia? Xiao Xia, wake up quickly."

Except for the children of the West Courtyard, the expressions of the others changed one after another.

"What happened?" Wu Qianqing, who was notified to come to Zuiyuelou to pick up her daughter, and Wu Anyi, who followed behind, squeezed through the crowd and walked into the room. Usha with the hickey yelled anxiously, and another naked man was lying under the corner of the wall. After a random guess, he roughly understood what happened.

Chen Hou returned to the ground, quickly picked up a robe on the ground, covered Wu Xia's body, and muttered, "How is it possible, how could it be Xiao Xia?"

He obviously went downstairs with Wu Xia, and behind...

Wu Xia said that he was going to the latrine, and he never saw Wu Xia again.

With the sound of "pa one one", Wu Sheng slapped Chen Hou's face sadly and angrily, and shouted, "Xiao Xia, isn't he with you?"

"He was with me originally, but later he said he was going to the latrine, so I..." Chen Hou said more and more, "I didn't follow."

"What's wrong here? Why are there so many people?" A pleasant voice came in.

Everyone looked out one after another, Wu Ruo led Wu Xi who was still a little drunk and walked in.

"Wu Ruo--" Wu Sheng stared fiercely at the person who walked in with red eyes.

Wu Ruo looked at Wu Xia who was in his arms, and then at the naked Pase by the wall: "What's wrong with Xiaoxia? Hey, why is Pase here?" Besides, she was not wearing any clothes.

"What?" Wu Anyi glared angrily, pointed at the man in the corner and asked, "This man is Pase?"

"Yes, I have seen it a few times in the school."

"Damn it, after looking for him for so long, we actually found them here." Wu Anyi said to Wu Anqi: "Brother, let's arrest them.

Wu Anqi nodded, and worked together with Wu Anyi to tie him up.

"..." Wu Anshu was not easy to stop, and watched Pase being taken away.

Wu's eyes fell on the silent Hei Xuanyi, and he was surprised: "Xuanyi, why are you here.

Hei Xuanyi stepped forward and took him into his arms: "Are you okay?"

Wu Ruo smiled slightly: "I'm fine."

"Let's go back." Hei Xuanyi pushed Wu Xi into Wu Qianqing's arms, and pulled him out of the room.

Wu Qianqing didn't want her daughter to see such an unsightly scene, so she hurriedly took her away.

The rest of the people looked at each other in blank dismay.

The disciples from the West Courtyard whispered, "What's going on here?"

Someone told them to come here to watch a good show, just for Wu Xia to have sex with someone

However, this incident was quite shocking, she never thought that Wu Xia would like a man, and even went to a restaurant to have a private meeting with a man, and did such an outrageous thing.

Someone said: "Things don't look as simple as they appear on the surface."

Wu Sheng heard their conversation and shouted angrily: "Get out, you all get out of here."

Wu Anshu and Wu Rui hurriedly drove out the people in the West Courtyard, warned them not to talk nonsense, and then closed the door.

At this time, Wu Xia woke up and saw Wu Sheng who was holding him, doubts flashed in his eyes: "Brother, what's wrong with me?"

After speaking, he found that his voice was very hoarse and his throat was dry and uncomfortable.

Wu Sheng pretended to be calm and said, "You just passed out after getting drunk."

How can he say that he was defiled by a man, if Usha knew the truth of the matter, he would definitely go crazy.

"Brother, my body hurts so much, especially... Wu Xia felt the burning of the toilet, he was so ashamed that he couldn't even say it.

Wu Sheng lowered his head in silence, and helped him get dressed.

"What's wrong with me?" Wu Xia lowered his head, and saw bruises and purple spots on his chest.

Everyone lowered their heads, not daring to look at him or speak.

"Did I get beaten?" Wu Xia asked puzzled, "If I got hit, why didn't I have the slightest impression? I remember I went downstairs with Chen Hou, and later..."

He didn't know what he thought of, his face became more and more ugly, and suddenly, he let out a loud cry of grief and anger.

Wu Sheng hurriedly asked: "Xiao Xia, what's wrong with you?"

"I remembered, I remembered." Wu Xia remembered that after he separated from Chen Hou, he went to the latrine, and then he didn't know what happened. Upstairs, from the windows of other rooms to the room where they ate before.

Then, he was embraced by Pase and kissed his lips forcefully.

He wanted to resist, but his body didn't listen, and he even wanted more.

Pase's movements were very rude, not only biting and gnawing on his body, but also kept calling Wu Ruo's name in his mouth. In the end, without doing any prelude, he directly penetrated his body with that thing, crazily hitting him. Twitching.

Thinking of this, Wu Xia yelled, pushed Wu Sheng away, stared at everyone here with red eyes, and roared in pain: "You all saw it, right? You saw that I was pinned down by a man, didn't you? "

The wound on his body was not caused by someone beating, but kissed by a disgusting man, and behind him, Chen Hou, who was stabbed in pain by a man, quickly denied: "No, we didn't see anything."

"You still want to lie to me, I've already thought of it."

Wu Sheng quickly comforted him: "Xiao Xia, it's not what you think."

Wu Xia's eyes were wide open: "It's not like that, what is it? It's all your ghost's idea. In order to get Wu Ruo out, you forced me to apologize to him, saying that I would use this to frame Wu Ruo, but now? Wu Ruo is here Where? Who is the person who was seen raped? Tell me, tell me."

At this moment, he wanted to die.

The heart-piercing roar made Wu Sheng's heart ache. With red eyes, he choked up and said, "We didn't expect this to happen. We..."

"What's the use of explaining now? It's a fact that I've been crushed by a man, and I've been seen by so many people. How can I face people in the future." Two tears of grief and anger slipped from the corners of Wu Xia's red eyes, and suddenly Turned around and jumped out of the window.

"Xiao Xia." Wu Sheng rushed to the window in a hurry, only to see that Wu Xia had already left Zuiyue Tower on a horse.

He turned his head and said angrily to Chen Hou: "Hurry up and chase after him.

"Yes." Several people hurried out of the room.

Wu Sheng looked at Wu Anshu angrily: "Should you explain all these things? You clearly said that the person Pase likes belongs to Wu Ruo, and you also agreed to deal with Wu Ruo with me. Now? You want me How can I explain this to my father when I go back.”

Wu Anshu "..."

He knew about the feud between the Wu Sheng brothers and Wu Ruo, so he used them to ask Wu Ruo to come out and get people drunk. He left the other things to Pase, but he didn't expect the result to be like this. What happened here? what is the problem

"Wu Anshu, if something happens to Xiao Xia, our East Courtyard and your Peking University Courtyard will not be at odds."

Wu Sheng kicked over the table next to him, turned and left the room.

"Brother, what's going on here?" Uri was so frightened that he couldn't figure it out.

Before coming here, his elder brother asked him to bring Zuiyuelou to watch a good show. How did it become a tie between Peking University and East University

Wu Anshu sighed: "Let's go back and explain this matter clearly to father, so that father and the others can be prepared."

This time, the East Courtyard will definitely not let him go.

It's really unlucky, they just "shake hands" with the people from the South University last night, and today they have such a thing with the East University.