Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 1: comic system


Ninja school, in class.

In the corner of the last row, a boy lowered his head, holding a paintbrush, quickly drawing a pattern on a piece of white paper.

After a while, the painting was completed.

The black and white pattern, a few well-divided pictures, tells a short plot.

"Akabane, show me, show me!"

"Don't disturb him, let's watch together after the painting is finished."

"Ji Lai Ye, you are an idiot, if you make noise after school, I will beat you to death."

As the page was drawn, the children around him quickly started arguing.


The end result was a return to silence in the last two rows as the white-haired boy was punched hard by another girl.

After a while, the first class ends.

Akabane coughed a few times, threw the page to them and said, "You guys read it first, I'll take a break."

Then he coughed violently again.

"Akabane, your body is too poor, you need to exercise hard, so that you can draw more pictures."

As he said that, he quickly reached out his hand, but the drawing was taken away first by another boy who was so white that he didn't look like a boy.

"Hahaha, Ziraiya, you idiot..."

As a result, cheerful laughter sounded in the classroom.

Akabane leaned against the wall, took a few breaths, and his eyes were loose.

Before his eyes, a translucent panel emerged.


Name: Kurama Akabane

Ninja Level: Not up to Genin

Physique: 3 (+)

Mental power: 34 (+)

Good at chakra attributes: Yin

Equipment: paintbrush, drawing board

Skills: none

Points: 27


"After working so hard to draw a scroll, I finally got such a few points."

Half a month ago, he traveled from a painting major in the 21st century to the pommel horse Akabane of the Naruto world.

Although I activated the manga system when I was bored drawing Naruto manga, it took me half a month to save 27 points...

Akabane couldn't help feeling a little stuffed.

This can't be helped, he is a child, and there is no such thing as manga in the world of Naruto. If new things want to be accepted by people, it will take a process.

Fortunately, the first Ninja World War has just ended, and Konoha has a short period of peace, which is enough for Akabane to develop slowly.


That being said, seeing that his physique was only 3 points, he still couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

The traits of the blood-successors of the pommel horse clan who have been awakened in the limit - extremely strong mental strength and extremely poor physical condition.

These two points have all been fulfilled in him, but the difference is that his powerful mental power comes from time travel rather than himself, but his poor body is really bad.

To put it simply, he didn't get the blood succession limit, but he got the stink of the pommel horse clan. Fortunately, with some more points, he can use the system ability to awaken the 'five senses control'.

Five-sense manipulation: The blood inheritance limit inherited by the host family requires 30 points to awaken.

It is precisely for the sake of awakening the blood succession limit that he is reluctant to spend points until now.

"Hey, there are a few more exchange lists..."

He just opened the exchange list, and immediately found that there were several ninjutsu that were not there before.

Transformation: D-level ninjutsu, 5 points are required.

Clone Jutsu: D-level ninjutsu, 5 points are required.

Substitution: D-level ninjutsu, requires 5 points

The technique of seduction: It is transformed from the transformation technique, and requires 5 points.

Shadow clone technique: super ninjutsu, need 100 points.

"These kinds seem to be the ninjutsu that appeared in the first volume... Could it be that the ninjutsu that appeared in my comics can be exchanged?"


What Akabane just drew is the first volume of Naruto.

Before the time travel, he was a painting major, so it might not be possible to create original comics, but copying is still very easy.

However, at first he just wanted to test whether painting could activate the blood succession limit of the pommel horse clan, and in the end he awakened the manga system by accident.

For him, the manga system is tantamount to sending charcoal in a timely manner, but the question is, why must he draw Naruto

I'm in Naruto, okay

If it wasn't for the 19th year of Konoha, Akabane felt that his system would probably be useless.

Fortunately, nowadays, most of the characters in the early days of comics are far from being born, and no one would think that what is drawn here is the future.

What everyone thinks, at most, is-

"Akabane, your story is so interesting."

"Hahaha, Hokage-sama inside is so old."

"Is this the future?"

That's right, in everyone's eyes, these are just fantasies in Akabane's mind, and they are just painted with a brush.

Including teacher Sarutobi Nianichi.

"Akabane, it's good that you write stories in this form, but I hope you can be more serious in class."

As soon as Yuan Feinian finished class, he came here to talk to Akabane.

He has said this kind of similar words more than a dozen times... Well, he has said that since the first day he started drawing Naruto in class, but he has never handed over Akabane's brush and drawing board.

"I know the teacher, I will pay attention."

Akabane smiled "tired".

"Well, it's almost time for class, everyone, don't read it, just give me the manuscript, and I'll return it to you after school."

Afterwards, Yuan Fei Nianyi ruthlessly took away a stack of drawings.

"Uncle Sarutobi, I just got it..."

The girl whose manga was confiscated held her mouth shut, her eyes were so watery that she was about to cry.

The girl has blond hair, red eyes, and looks very cute.

But her identity is terrifying.

The princess of the Thousand Hands Clan, Tsunade.

"Xiao Tsunade, uncle will hold it for a while, and I will give it to you first after you finish class."

Yuan Fei Nianyi smiled, took the sketch and returned to the podium, and started to look at it from the first page.

Akabane observed that his points increased a bit.


Didn't Sarutobi Nianichi contribute a little before, why did he give some points this time

not only that.

A few minutes later, he gained another 2 points one after another.

By the time Sarutobi read the first volume, Akabane's total points had reached 31 points.

Adding up the back and forth, the Chunin teacher brought 5 points to Akabane when he read the first volume.

"Could it be that the higher the level of the ninja, the more points it gives?"

Akabane stared at the panel, thinking to himself.

You can try it with your tribe when you go home...

The Kurama clan hasn't produced a new blood successor limit awakener for many years, but there are not a few junin and zhongnin in the clan.

If it is true that the higher the ninja level is, the more points are given, how many points can you get by promoting the manga to the whole clan

Excited just thinking about it!

It's time for class, but Sarutobi Nianichi didn't seem to realize it.

He read it, sat there thinking about it, and then... turned to the first page and started reading.

The friends who haven't watched it yet are itching their teeth, especially Tsunade, his little face is full of resentment.

Seeing halfway through the second time, Yuan Feinian suddenly realized - Gan, class is on!

"But now I can awaken the Blood Successor Limit, do you want to exchange it?"

Akabane hesitated a little.

After the exchange, it is likely to awaken immediately.

The Awakening of the Blood Successor of the Pommel Horse Clan, it seems that there is not as much movement as other families

Akabane thought for a moment, finally couldn't hold back, and exchanged "five senses control".

Points -30.

"The exchange was successful."

"The blood inheritance boundary in your body is awakening..."

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