Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 105: Chakra weapons


Although Tsunade repeatedly asked Akabane to go back and step up his practice, but once he got home...

What is cultivation

The comic exhibition took less than half a day, but the preparation time took three or four days.

Lie down and sleep, that's the thing to do now!

until noon the next day...

"Akabane, wake up, the Great Elder is coming today."

Akabane was soundly asleep, but the door was knocked loudly.

I had no choice but to get up.

"Great Elder? Why is he here!"

He opened the door listlessly, and Kurama Saki and Little Loli stood at the door.

"It seems to come to see you, and bring some supplies and rewards from the clan."

Kurama Saki smiled.

"Well... the old man is here, there must be nothing good."

Akabane rubbed her messy hair, offering courtship for nothing, rape or robbery, can the Great Elder come to the door to send warmth

"You child, how can you say that."

Kurama Saki smiled awkwardly.

Even though she felt the same way, she still felt disrespectful to say it out loud...

"Anyway, there are no outsiders, and Xiao Qingyue won't say anything, right!"

Akabane said with a smile.

"Yeah, but that old grandpa may be coming soon, I found him."

The little girl nodded.

The family members are no strangers to her perception ability, but they have repeatedly emphasized that she cannot show this ability in front of outsiders.

"It's really fast, I'll change my clothes and wash up."

Akabane closed the door, quickly washed and changed clothes.

When the Great Elder arrived, he happened to come down from upstairs and met the Great Elder head-on.

The Great Elder of the Kurama Clan is the oldest Kurama Zhenyi.

"Elder Zhenyi, may I ask if you are here this time?"

Akabane sat down unceremoniously.

The mental energy was consumed too much yesterday, and it still hurts a little, otherwise he wouldn't have slept for so long.

"At the manga exhibition, the phantom ninjutsu you used is a variant of Narakumi's jutsu, right?"

Kurama Zhenyi said solemnly.

"Ah, that's true."

Akabane nodded. This kind of ninjutsu has been studied in the clan before, but then everyone gave up when they thought it was useless.

Kurama Zhenyi is the oldest of the Kurama tribe, and knowledge is his only remaining wealth.


Kurama Zhenyi was shocked for a moment, then took a deep breath, and sighed, "Akabane, you are really an unprecedented genius in the Kurama clan."

"Crude and immature illusion transformation is nothing at all."

Akabane didn't feel anything.

With a little modification, it can only achieve the level of dream animation, games and the like.

To achieve real illusion, I am afraid that it will take a long time to work hard.

"It's pretty amazing already!"

Pommel Ma Zhenyi said.

Unlike ordinary ninjutsu, genjutsu is more difficult to manipulate and understand spiritual power.

For so many years in the pommel horse family, many geniuses spent their entire lives, but they failed to transform the illusion.

Kurama Zhenyi sat on her knees, leaned her upper body forward, and said in a bowing posture: "I want to ask you to teach us this illusion."

"Elder Zhenyi,!"

Kurama Saki was stunned for a moment, Kurama Magi's posture was almost like begging.

"Yes, we are all one family after all."

Akabane stretched his waist, at least he didn't come to say that he handed over ninjutsu for the sake of the family.

Speaking of this posture alone, I am very satisfied.

"By the way, you are going to take the Chunin Exam. These are the gifts we prepared."

Kurama Magi said, and took out a sealing scroll.

Akabane was slightly startled.

Sealing scrolls are relatively precious, and are generally only used to store precious items.

What did Kurama Magi bring

He was so curious that he couldn't help leaning forward.

Kurama Zhenyi is very old, and the seal speed is very slow, but he seals and releases the seal on the seal scroll very seriously.

The thing should not be big, otherwise it will go to the open space...

Akabane guessed in his heart.


As soon as the words fell, he formed the last seal.


Violent chakra fluctuations occurred on the sealing scroll, followed by two items appearing on the scroll.

Akabane's eyes widened.

A pen with a specific shape, and a special drawing board.

These two things are the precious items that Kurama Zhenyi attaches so much importance to

"They are… "

Akabane picked up the stylus and tried it for a while, but as soon as he picked it up, he felt the difference in the material—it was a Chakra weapon!

"That's right, a Chakra weapon made of special materials."

Kurama Magi nodded.

Chakra weapons can withstand Chakra, allowing Chakra to produce a property-changing effect on the weapon.

Akabane picked up the drawing board and tried to inject his own chakra.

A chakra membrane appeared on the drawing board, which seemed to be a change in the properties of the soil.

Tried the pen again...

Ink automatically appeared on it, and when it was flicked out, it immediately melted into water bombs.

"Hey, Akabane, how can you use such dangerous ninjutsu in the room!"

Kurama Saki's expression changed.

In the next second, Akabane held the drawing board and blocked the water bombs one by one.

Chakra is not injected much, and the damage of water bombs is very limited.

However, judging from the effect, the defensive ability of the drawing board is quite good. It is really a good weapon and armor, but the unsuccessful ninjutsu is not worth such a big price.

What Kurama Zhenyi did was more of an investment and a win-win - during this period of getting along, Akabane asked too little of the family.

"Thank you, Elder Zhenyi."

Akabane put away his paintbrush and drawing board, and now he can be regarded as a person with a chakra weapon.

"'re welcome."

Kurama Zhenyi was stunned, and replied dumbly.

Is that a change in the properties of water

He was secretly startled. Apart from illusion, this kid also mastered the properties of earth, water and even more chakra changes. This kind of talent is really terrifying!

"He must be identified with the family!"

Kurama Zhenyi thought to herself.

He didn't ask about the change of the water attribute, but after thinking for a moment, he said, "We can't help you with ninjutsu. If you have other requests, just ask."

"If you ask... I need a caravan when I go to the Land of Winds. Originally, I planned to hire people from Yamano Izumi's factory."

Akabane said.

"Hahaha, what do you think of the family, you kid? We can do such trivial things by ourselves!"

Kurama Magi smiled heartily.

"In this case, let you worry more."

Akabane bowed slightly.

"Well, it's okay."

Kurama Zhenyi waved his hand to show that he didn't care, but was very happy.

The more contacts, the deeper the bond with the family.

"It's okay, I'll go first."

Kurama Zhenyi got up and walked out tremblingly.

"You go."

Akabane got up to see him off, and then returned to the house after watching him leave.

Glancing at the Chakra drawing utensils on the table, he couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

These two must have been customized before, so it has little to do with his transformation of illusion.

Regardless of whether there is a performance in the comic exhibition, the Kurama clan will send it over to increase his chances of surviving the Zhongnin exam.

It's hard to imagine that the family will be weakened to that extent.

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