Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 116: Game - Desert Survival



Hatake Kazami spoke indifferently.

"etc… "

Akabane rubbed his temples, the continuous operation made him a little tired.

But he said to stop, mainly because there were unexpected guests.

Hatake Kazami was slightly taken aback, and then also sensed the arrival of people from Shayin Village.

"Okay, everyone rest."

Hatake Kazami waved his hand, motioning everyone to go back and rest to replenish energy.

Akabane lay down and squinted on the bench for a while before Sasuke arrived.

He admitted that he underestimated Hatake Kazami.

As the patriarch of the Hatake clan, he is quite comprehensive in terms of training and guidance. Even if Akabane claims to help Yuhi Makoto train illusion, he cannot escape his clutches.

That's right, a real illusion.

For more than a day, basically as long as the others can hold on, he has to use the real illusion repeatedly, which is called challenging the limit.

But I have to admit that I am more delicate in chakra control.

boom boom boom~

There was a knock on the door, and Akabane snapped his fingers.

However, this is not Konoha. The family caravan went out to set up a stall, and the rest went up to rest. Only Akabane and Hatake Kazami were left downstairs.

The knock on the door continued, and Akabane remembered this incident.

When he got up, Hatake Kazami had already walked to the door.

"Sorry... Uh, Mr. Kazami, I didn't expect you to come in person."

Sasuke apologized politely, bowed his head, but saw that the person who opened the door had long legs and was dressed completely differently from Akabane and the others.

When I looked up, I saw that it was Hatake Kazami.

"It's nothing, everyone is tired."

After Hatake Kazami opened the door, he turned around and came back to sit down.

Sasuke took a look inside and found that there were only Akabane and Hatake Kazami on the first floor.

What about the rest

"Ah, it's Brother Sasuke, I'm sorry I fell asleep just now, so I didn't hear it at all."

Akabane looked sleepy.

Exhaustion is half a faux pas, in fact, he still has enough to release two or three real illusions of eight people.

"It's okay, it seems that you have gone through a tough special training."

Sasuke glanced at the venue, feeling extremely puzzled.

There is no trace of training or activity at all.

"No, I want to sleep every day."

Akabane sat up, eyes glazed over, glanced at him, pointed to the seat, and didn't bother to say anything.

Sasuke calmed down, and didn't pay much attention to his surroundings, lest they see anything.

He sat down, thought for a while and said, "In order to promote comics, the teacher decided to set up a comic bookshelf on the first floor of the building that everyone can read. The teacher sent me over to ask what you mean."

"It's really a good proposal. If you don't mind it, I'm willing to donate all the comics I brought this time to you. It's a small gesture."

Of course Akabane didn't mind.

Before he set off to the Land of Winds, he had no intention of spending any money from these stingy pockets.

"Um... so, so sorry."

Sasuke was stunned.

What's the use of him taking a hundred comics, the total is only 10,000 taels.

The main information, I didn't even get the fart.

"It's nothing. The friendship between Wind and Fire will last forever. A few comic books are nothing."

Akabane smiled and said the scene.

Sasuke choked for a moment, unable to refuse, and after pondering for a moment, he could only ask again: "Then I have a personal question..."

"The manga was brought into the Land of Wind by me. If you have any questions, just ask."

Akabane said very generously.

"I heard that you held a comic exhibition in the Land of Fire, what is that?"

Sasuke continued to observe while asking.

However, except for Akabane with a tired face, like Chakra, and a lot of mental energy consumption, he didn't meet the rest at all.

What the hell are these people doing!

Hatake Kazami smiled coldly, got up and walked upstairs.


Sure enough, he was training secretly, and he didn't want them to know, so he hid in the house.

Sha Jie thought to himself.

His restlessness can be felt even by everyone upstairs, not to mention Akabane and Kazami who are facing him directly.

Akabane waited for his eyes to turn away from Hatake Kazami, and then smiled slightly and said: "The manga exhibition is actually a gathering of manga lovers, sharing their own manga-related works, role-playing and programs."

"I see... cosplay, acting, um, it's good..."

No, I'm here to observe them!

Sasuke shook his head, throwing the imaginary picture out of his mind.

Without waiting for him to continue talking...

"If you're worried about not being able to do it, there's no need for it. I have a person on my side who has mastered the comic exhibition process and can lend it to you."

Akabane said.

"Proficiency, talent?"

Sasuke was stunned, not knowing how he got to this topic.

"Yes, that white-haired ninja named Jiraiya."

Akabane smiled, "Don't look at him like that, he is actually a very reliable person in the manga."

White-haired ninja

Sasuke thought about it carefully, and finally remembered who Ziraiya was.

Is that guy on the same side as reliable

If someone who can draw that kind of comics is not upright, let him host the comic exhibition, and God knows what kind of persecution Shayin Village will suffer.

Sha Jie shuddered at the thought of this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said immediately: "The village is not prepared to deal with the comic exhibition, I just ask privately, and I will contact you if there is a need."

"Is that so, is there anything else?"

Akabane yawned, as if reminding Sasuke something.

"There is nothing else, I am sorry to disturb your rest."

Sasuke stood up, turned and left.

He knew that his plot had been seen through, and it was impossible to inquire about any news.

Staying here will only waste time and energy, it is better to give up early and go back to do your own things.


Hatake Kazami poked his head out and glanced down.

"Okay, okay, I'm already impatient to protect Muye Village."

Jiraiya was the first to run out.

Akabane sneered, and said, "Guard Muye Village? No, I just had a new idea, and I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

"What idea?"

As soon as Zi Xiao opened her mouth, she felt a trance.


Already activated!

He was secretly surprised—Akabane's illusion was becoming more and more difficult to guard against.

After the consciousness was in a trance, he opened his eyes and concentrated again, and he had already entered the endless desert.

In more than a day, they have experienced such a situation several times, and they have long been familiar with it.

"This game—Desert Survival."

"Food, weapons, and information are all in this desert, go find them, and only those who find them will survive!"

Just like the sound in the virtual illusion before.

Only this time, it was completely different from before.

Zi Xiao looked around for a while, but she confirmed her position in a moment - this is the position they passed on the road from Chuanuo Country to Sand Yin Village.

Food and weapons are understandable, but what does the message mean

He thought about it secretly, but he didn't relax his vigilance because of this—since it was survival, the enemy might appear at any time.

"Let's go in the direction of Sha Yin Village first, there may be no clues."

It didn't take long for Zi Xiao to make a decision in her heart.

Scenes like this happen simultaneously everywhere in the illusion.

"It turns out that the person who gets the information first can take the initiative."

Orochimaru smiled after hearing this, and summoned a bunch of small snakes through psychic techniques, and searched in the desert.

"You have to find the information first, otherwise you won't know the background of the illusion."

Everyone made decisions very quickly, even Zilai, who was usually the most unreliable, quickly judged his position, and then went to Shayin Village.

They don't know what this illusion is, but according to the prompt, the most important thing is undoubtedly the message.

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