Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 129: He just has a bad mouth


"I told them that Yamada's body is my experiment, and as long as there is blood, I can curse them and drive them into madness."

Orochimaru spilled the blood into the sand.

How could these ninjas have blood inheritance limits, so how could they lose to the crazy Yamada who only knows brute force

Akabane watched those people leave, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

Those people must have been terrified.

But then, he thought for a while and said, "This is the only way to frighten them for a while, and when they need to use it later, they may not necessarily obey."


Orochimaru did not refute.

He and those people are still young, and they are of no use at all now.

Even gaining influence is a long-term and long-term thing.

At that time, Orochimaru has the confidence to rely on his strength to let these people do things for him honestly.

After finishing his work, he asked, "Where's the scroll?"

"The production method is the same, so you can't tell the real from the fake."

Akabane threw the two scrolls over.

Sand ninja's scrolls are not as good as Konoha's, but they are of a passing standard. You can't tell which one is real from the magic formula and code.

"Find a few more teams."

Orochimaru got up, bit his finger and formed seals with his hands, channeling more than a dozen small snakes.

After a while, the snakes dispersed.

Akabane sat in the shade under the sandstone, looked around and said, "Let's split up next, and I'll find a scroll to help you keep an eye on the limit of Blood Successor, and you continue to do your business."

Orochimaru nodded and handed him a small snake.

This is his snake clone.

"There are clues or dangers, I will know immediately when I wake it up."

"Don't worry, I'm fine if you're in danger."

Akabane waved his hand, but still took the sleeping snake.

After looking at it, he raised his head and asked, "I cover my arms, won't it suddenly wake up and bite me?"


Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, then turned around silently, and walked towards the direction where the psychic beasts found the person.

He had obviously never heard of the story of the farmer and the snake.

Akabane shrugged, carrying the sleeping snake in his arms, and went in another direction.

The main task of the second exam is to find the position in the scroll, and the scroll is real and fake, and it is difficult to distinguish it from the outside.

Then, if you want to distinguish the authenticity, you can only collect and compare more.

Therefore, in the second exam, the teams were encouraged to fight and even kill people.

There are no fixed roads in the desert, and Akabane walks randomly all the way, while carefully sensing the chakra fluctuations around him.

Not long after, he saw a body that was about to be buried by the wind and sand.

On the surface, it should be poisonous.

Judging by his attire, this person is Sand Shinobi.

Akabane glanced at it, then stood up, carefully sensing the movements around her.

His powerful mental power made his perception ability stronger than that of ordinary ninjas, and it didn't take long for him to notice some subtle movements.

After chasing the sound, it didn't take long for the movement to become louder and louder.

"Tell us the whereabouts of the scroll and Yamada, or you will die."

"What scroll, we don't have any at all!"

"We have been looking for Yamada for a long time. He left the team and did not come with us."

Those two soup ninjas

There were not many Tang Nin who took the Chunin Exam, and only those three passed the first test.

He still has a good impression of those two people.

After thinking about it, he canceled the transformation technique, and then took out the tool.

The ink was splashed, and it didn't take long for a picture to be completed—

The painting in the picture is exactly the scene of my love Luosha waterfall funeral.

As the chakra passes, the illusion takes effect at the same time.

The two sand ninjas in front were manipulating the puppets, and suddenly felt something strange around them, and then saw the sky full of yellow sand rushing towards them like a waterfall.

"what's the situation!"

Both of them are just ninjutsu. Although they have the strength of elite ninjutsu, they have never seen such ninjutsu.

One of them ran away crazily, the other froze for a moment, and then shouted: "This is an illusion, quickly use the technique to dispel the illusion!"

Afterwards, he stabbed his own hand in Yikuwu.


Kunai stabbed his hand, and severe pain came from his hand.

He thought he was out of the illusion, but when he looked up, he saw the yellow sand sweeping towards him in a daze.

In the next second, there was a bang, covering everything.

In reality.

The two Tang Nin only saw that the puppet that was manipulated in suddenly froze, then collapsed and could not move.

After a while, a miserable cry came from outside the cave.

The two walked out tremblingly, and what they saw were two corpses that had been compressed beyond human form.

"This this… "

They were only in their teens, and they were quite frightened when they saw this scene.

Akabane came out from behind.

The two stayed for a while, and then recognized that Akabane was the Konoha ninja who was provoked by Yamada earlier.

They both slumped on the ground.

"I want to kill you, and I did it just now. Look for scrolls."

Akabane came over, his illusion was only effective on the person himself, so the kunai and forehead guards on the two sand ninjas were still intact.

"Oh, well..."

The two soup ninjas immediately crawled to the corpse and started looking for things.

They were still very scared, and while shaking their hands, they turned the corpse up and down.

Not long after, two scrolls, a few shurikens and pills were laid out, and then they took out another scroll from themselves, making up three scrolls.

Akabane was not polite, took the scroll and the pill, and then asked: "Yamada of your team, what's the situation?"

"Are you looking for Yamada too?"

They both froze for a moment, and then said, "Yamada actually has a bad mouth, don't take it to heart, he really..."

Akabane knew they had misunderstood, waved his hand and said, "No, I want to ask, do you know that he believes in evil gods?"

"Evil God?"

The two looked at each other in blank dismay.

Obviously, they didn't know.

"You guys didn't notice anything unusual in Tang Country?"

Akabane felt more and more strange.

Aren't these people teammates? As teammates, they didn't even notice the obvious sign of the evil god priest!

"Although this guy Yamada has a very irritable and aggressive personality, wouldn't it be an exaggeration to believe in evil gods?"

One of them was pale.

"How is his relationship in your village?"

"My parents died in the war before, because our Tangren Village advocates peace, and the villagers don't like his character very much..."

Another replied.

No wonder being targeted by the cult of evil gods...

Akabane pondered for a moment, and soon understood.

It is impossible for anyone to advocate peace, and the rules of Tang Ninja Village will make these aggressive and revenge-seeking people go to extremes.

People with this kind of mentality are undoubtedly the best targets for the evil gods to preach.

If Orochimaru wants to find the Cult of the Evil God, maybe he can go to Tang Ninja Village to try his luck.

"Your teammates killed a lot of people. I advise you to give up the exam and go to the sand ninjas to clarify the matter."

Akabane persuaded, then got up and left.

I just compared them by the way. There are five scrolls in total, two of which point to the same place, while the codes of the other scrolls all point to different locations.

"Suo Mao and the others must have got some, let's meet and see."

He put away the scroll, ready to join Shuo Mao and the others while hunting.

As for the two Tang Ninjas, he has said everything that should be said, and what to do next is their own business and has nothing to do with him.

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