Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 13: The most promising avatar


"Son, you..."

Kurama Chiaki and Kurama Saki were shocked.

Akabane is too mature, too mature to look like a child, especially in the past half month.

"Forget it, when the child grows up, he should have his own pursuit..."

Although Kurama Qianming has a special ability to endure, he is not considered a high-level person in the Kurama clan, and he is not an awakened blood successor limit boundary. He really doesn't know much about the blood succession limit boundary of the Kurama clan.

Therefore, in their hearts, they attributed Akabane's love to the changes caused by the tyrannical spiritual power brought about by the awakening of Xueji Boundary.

"Father, so you agreed to help me tell the patriarch?"

Hearing this tone, Akabane knew in his heart that the matter was half done.

Kurama Qianming nodded, touched Akabane's hair with a complicated expression, and said at the same time: "I will tell the clan about this matter, even if the clan doesn't agree, I still have some money..."

"Don't worry, the clan will definitely agree."

Akabane is very confident about this, like the ninja family, the most important thing is ordinary money.

Every day, a not-so-famous family member sprinkled expensive consumables such as shurikens, kunai, and detonating symbols like rice every day.

The pommel horse clan is just weak, and it is far from declining.

The family of three slowly returned to the family from school. As soon as they got home, Akabane went back to his room to draw manga.

"Shadow Clone Technique!"

When he returned to the house, he immediately formed a seal and cast the shadow clone to call out a new tool man.

The shadow clone appeared, looked around, and picked up the paintbrush expressionlessly.

"Without this expression, I will work today."

Akabane chuckled and started to color the paints.

"Hehe, it's really strange..."

The shadow clone glanced at the deity, holding a paintbrush and couldn't help but mock.

As a painting major, even though he was a mess in college, the basic skills of making paints are very pure, and it didn't take long to prepare all the paints needed.

After finishing the ingredients, Akabane stood up and stretched, and was about to speak...

"Needless to say, I know what you're going to say, the next step is my job."

The shadow clone was expressionless, and began to think about how to write with the brush dipped in paint. Obviously, he didn't expect Akabane to be of any real help at the beginning.

The one who knows himself best is himself. From the very beginning, he didn't believe in Akabane's nonsense of "working together". Why bother to be the first to learn the shadow clone technique.

"Don't say that, I want to restore Chakra, not really resting."

Akabane really planned to rest for a while, but the avatar was so sneering and sarcastic that he was too embarrassed to really lie on the bed, so he changed his mind and sat down cross-legged to refine chakra.

By the way, he glanced at the system panel, a day or two passed, and the points had risen to more than 50 points since he exchanged for the shadow clone.

But today, the points are basically no longer moving.

Akabane thought for a while, and used all the fifty points to exchange for physique.

His current mental strength is strong enough compared to his body, and he needs to raise his body up first.

Of course, the main reason is that mental power is too expensive.

50 points of spiritual power is a watershed, the following is the lower ninja, the upper is the middle ninja, and 50 points are needed to increase 1 point.

If he exchanged for mental power, he could only exchange for 1 point. What can a little spiritual power increase do

5 points of stamina, the effect is completely different.

Not only the body, but even the chakra recovery and quantity seem to have increased a little, which is a blessing for Akabane right now.

Afterwards, Akabane sat down cross-legged and began to refine and recover Chakra.

The shadow clone didn't expect that Akabane really didn't have any salty fish. Even if he just sat there and recovered his chakra, he still felt lucky-so far, he was the most promising one among all the Akabane shadow clones.

Human happiness...

He sighed slightly, and then continued to work. The meaning of the tool man is to replace the deity to paint.

Although as an avatar, he also wants to be salted fish, but in order to have more companions to help paint as soon as possible, he feels that he needs to work harder, at least to bring the part that the deity does not paint.

At least today, he will finish the fourth or even fifth chapter, so that in the next few days, he can arrange to print more and wait for the store to open.

As for the manga shop, as avatars, they are also very concerned about the same reason as above - in order to have more hard-working shadow avatars as soon as possible.


Akabane himself is also working hard, with his physique and strong mental strength, his chakra recovery is much faster than most ninjas.

It didn't take long to recover more than half of the Chakra consumed by creating a shadow clone. After recovering everything, he got up and created a second one.

"I found a companion for you, and now I really want to rest."

Akabane lay on the bed to recharge his energy, the burden of the two avatars was really heavy for him now, he was afraid that if he didn't recharge his energy enough, he would go into a coma when he released the shadow avatar.

He lay down, and the two shadow clones looked at each other, and then at the deity on the bed.

cards face!

Kagebushi, who was painting, was ecstatic physically and mentally, and worked harder.

On the other side, Hokage Building, Sarutobi Nianichi came here to report the situation of today's test.

Sarutobi Hiruzen heard it one by one, but in fact, the biggest voyeur in Konoha had already seen the whole battle scene in the crystal ball, not only that, he saw it more clearly than Sarutobi Nianichi, the on-site teacher.

After all, there are many details that Sarutobi Nianyi can't see clearly, but under the technique of telescope, he can see clearly.

"Uchiha Ling will deal with it according to what you said. As for other Uchiha clan members, they can graduate as usual."

Sarutobi Hiruza said.


Yuan Fei Nian got the order and left the office.

The third generation took out the pipe, lit it with fire, and thought while smoking.

On his desktop was the grouping table, Kurama Akabane, Hatake Sakumo, and Mitarai Shiyoi lined up in a row, the teacher's name in front was still blank and not filled in.

In the end, he still filled in the name—Shimura Danzo.

"Let Danzo come over."

Not long after, a figure knocked on the door and entered, and it was Shimura Danzo!

He picked up the list, glanced at it and said, "These three are the ones you carefully selected..."

Right now, Danzo is the head of Anbu, and his "root" still belongs to Anbu, and he is not completely independent.

"That's right, in the next year, you will be their team leader teacher, but remember, you can't use that kind of thing."

Sarutobi Hiruzen is very strict on this point and will not allow the slightest mistake.

"You have faith in them."

Danzo picked up the list, chuckled and left.

"They are all geniuses and one year is definitely enough."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "As for one year later, I have other arrangements, you can go back and get your roots."

"One year is the same for you."

Danzo meant something, turned around and left slowly.