Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 232: Rules against


Mito stream…

Akabane stared at the sword for a few seconds, but he didn't hesitate much, but considering that the immature sword technique was not serious, in order to prevent himself from being injured, he decided to start working obediently.

This book is actually the content of Kakashi Gaiden, which tells what happened in Kakashi's childhood and his first mission after becoming a Jonin. The death of Bai Fang just happened to appear on the scene.

More attention was paid to White Fang's death.

After all, everyone doesn't know who Kakashi is, but Sakumo can see and feel it. He has also gone to the battlefield and killed the enemy together.


The most important reason is that the people in the village have never read the specific content of Kakashi Gaiden, but only read some impressions written by their own children, and then guessed part of the plot.

But what Akabane didn't expect was that Shuo Mao even had an idea for the three-sword style. Could it be that Shuo Mao's teeth are already so good

Observe carefully, it seems to be very white.

Konoha White Teeth, well-deserved reputation.

"Are you planning me in your mind?"

Shuo Mao was paying attention to the training of other people in the reserve department, but at this moment he looked over sharply.

"No, no..."

Akabane quickly denied it, and then became curious, "Is your three-sword style like Sauron?"

"No, if you want to achieve that three-sword style, your teeth need long-term training and nourishment. I can't do this yet, so I came up with another three-sword style."

As Shuo Mao said, he took out the two sabers to cooperate with one pick, and picked up the third saber with the blade of both hands.

Then, the third knife swirled out of the air like a dart.

When it is necessary to change the path of the knife in the middle, Shuo Mao will use the Chakra silk thread to control, and then use the dual swords to help change the move.

It's not as powerful as Sauron's three swords, but its speed is astonishingly fast, adding a bit of weirdness and changeability.

Well, I will have to hold it with my mouth in the future...

Four swords

I always feel that Konoha Baiya is going further and further down a certain road of no return.

Akabane glanced at Sakumo, who was using a knife to pick and flick to control the dangling knife, and somewhat understood that Tian Kazaken wanted to teach him a lesson.

My own child has finally been cultivated into the appearance I hoped for, but in the end, it was directly distorted by others. Although it is still excellent, it is not a thing after all.

Forget it, let's draw first.

"I want to draw, so you can help me watch the training of these people, don't let them be too lazy, of course, if you are interested, you can teach them a lesson."

Since you want to paint, let Shuo Mao help with some work by the way.

Shuo Mao hesitated for a moment, and finally, his desire for manga surpassed his desire to go home and rest, so he nodded in agreement.

Thanks to this, Akabane can go back to the clone to help out - after more than ten days of his yin seal, the storage of chakra has reached the level that can temporarily reduce the input.

This is also the reason why he was able to use the Great Waterfall Technique and the Large-Scale Illusion Technique yesterday.

With the help of two shadow clones, he managed to get Kakashi out of the story in just one afternoon, and expanded White Fang's death a little bit along the way.

The original book didn’t mention much about White Fang’s death, it just mentioned that White Fang and his team performed a certain secret mission, but the mission failed because White Fang went to save his teammates, which violated the ninja rules—

Ninja puts missions first.

A lot of public opinion, and finally led to White Fang's suicide.


Works always have to be rendered, and Akabane borrowed Sima Qian's words to portray Bai Ya as a great ninja who fights against the times and rules.

Enough to save face!

Akabane read it again, and then sent someone to Shanye Quanhong to print it quickly, but Shuo Mao didn't see it immediately.

After expansion, these two parts add up to ten chapters.

This is the first time that Yamano Izumi has received an order from Akabane in more than ten days. They have only received a few volumes from Uzumaki Mito and Jiraiya during this period of time, and the rest of the time the printing tools are in autumn.

Shuo Mao supervised the training, and used the gym style. A group of people found that they were worse than when Akabane was in power. After training, they all collapsed to the ground from exhaustion.

Even Maitedai couldn't bear Shuo Mao's exercise. He was used to ordinary running, push-ups and other exercises, but what Shuo Mao asked for had to be technical.

Matt Dai is a muscle, obviously not enough in skills.

But the benefits are huge. Everyone has learned a lot of skills of the Hatake clan on ninja tools and knives, which will definitely be of great benefit to their future development.

A ninja is also a ninja, so you can tell the difference anyway.

Kurama Yunlang knew that Akabane had sent an update, so he immediately posted a notice on his own, so that no one would come to block the door for consultation.

until the next day.

When Izumi Yamano's car arrived in the village, many ninjas came immediately—mainly because of the after-views. Everyone was very curious about what they saw when they saw their children so deeply moved.

Therefore, the first batch of 200 volumes was surrounded by many people as soon as the car stopped before they could be put on the shelves.

In the end, I simply didn't bother to put it on the shelves and sold it outside.

In less than half a day, the comics were sold out.

These ninjas are also busy making troubles. The war has just ended recently, and there are relatively few tasks. They are still in the internal finishing stage. Everyone has a lot of time to read comics and have fun.

Quite a few people simply sat outside the manga shop, watching each one with great enjoyment.

At first everyone was still entertaining, but when they saw Bai Fang's plot, they suddenly fell silent.

The things revealed above are exactly what the ninjas are facing right now.

task, partner.

Two choice one question, how to choose

They thought of many comrades who died in battle. Faced with this kind of problem, they often acted according to the rules, abandoned those teammates who were in trouble, and chose to move on to complete the task.

This is also the consistent practice of each village, which can be said to be the consensus of the ninja community, and it is for this reason that things such as the so-called "ninja rules" are included.

"White Fang is a great ninja who dares to defy the rules, but..."

One of the Jōnin couldn't help but say half a sentence after watching Bai Fang's passage—the reason why it was only half a sentence was because the second half sentence was more sensitive, and he couldn't get it out of his mouth, so he decisively cut it off.

"As the book says, a person is inherently mortal, either heavier than a mountain of gods, or lighter than a feather, White Fang's suicide is not cowardly, but to show his determination to fight against the rules and stubborn thinking, but Kakashi is too young Don't understand that."

Everyone kept feeling.

No one can say whether there are any extra secrets in it, perhaps only the creator Akabane knows, but the meaning on paper alone is enough to make everyone feel a lot of emotion.

For example, this sentence "Humans are inherently mortal, or they are heavier than the mountain of God, or lighter than a feather".

So quintessential.

"I think that Sakumo may really become the well-known Konoha Hakuba in the ninja world in the future. He has such a talent."

A group of elite Chunin and Junin are talking about major issues outside the door.

Either against the rules, or if the current ninja rules are not good enough.

Kurama Yunlang huddled in the shop and shivered. He always felt that Danzo would come to the manga shop the next day and ask him to close the shop for a while. After all, these remarks are really not a safe topic.

Everyone keep reading.

At this time, Shuo Mao also arrived.

But unfortunately, there were no comics for sale when he arrived. Shuo Mao sighed and planned to leave, but someone called him back: "Suo Mao, come and read one with me."

"Is this okay?"

Sakumo glanced at Kurama Yunlang.

Circulating to each other is actually a common thing, but doing so under the nose of Kurama Yunlang seems to be disrespectful to the business.

"It's okay, I'll pay for another copy."

One hundred taels of Jnin is not too much, and the value earned from one mission far exceeds this amount.

"Thank you Akai-senpai."

Sakumo is not hypocritical, Akai is his teammate in the War of Uzumaki, good at wind escape and fire escape, and his strength is quite impressive.

He sat down, just as Akai had read the last page and handed him the manga.

Shuo Mao took it and flipped through it page by page, and soon saw a page of color manga.

In the colored picture, a blond man is particularly eye-catching—

"He should be the fourth generation in the comics."

Shuo Mao thought about it.

"Golden Flash, Namikaze Minato. It is very similar to the photo that appeared in the previous manga, it should be him."

Akai didn't spoil it, just answered the question.

Shuo Mao nodded, then looked down.

The plot didn't mention White Fang at the beginning, but mainly talked about Kakashi becoming a Jonin and receiving his first task-destroying the Kannabi Bridge.

Kakashi seems to be his own child in the manga.

Sakumo thought to himself, and then continued to read. After a while, the manga mentioned Kakashi's father and White Fang's suicide.

A great ninja who fights against the times and rules.

Man is mortal...

A series of compliments made Shuo Mao doubt life.

According to his own guess, the White Fang inside probably just put his teammates first, so he temporarily gave up on carrying out the mission, and had no intention of fighting against the times.

As for the final suicide, he still doesn't understand it yet.

However, in any case, is it necessary to write such a great book just to save a partner

Later, Kakashiban encountered a similar thing, Lin was arrested, and Kakashi faced the task of saving his teammates or carrying out the task...

Sakumo read page by page, and Kakashi's choice did not violate his previous character design, but judging from the Sharingan, it was obvious that something changed later.

Sure enough, Obito died, and Sharingan was a gift of friendship.

Flipping and flipping, the manga is gone.

Kakashi Gaiden ends.

Shuo Mao was stunned for a moment, and then fell into deep thought—do you want to practice swords with Akabane today

"Sakumo, come on and become a great ninja like White Fang!"

Akai counted his thumbs and showed his big white teeth.

"That's right, let Konoha Baiya's name resound in the ninja world. Of course... a genius like you, don't think about committing suicide. It's better to die than to live. As long as people are still there, everything has a chance."

The rest of the ninjas also said kindly.

"Uh... okay, okay."

Shuo Mao was originally faced with hot-hearted and bad-spoken words, and when he encountered this situation, he really didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

After being interrupted, he lost all desire to find Akabane to practice swords.

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