Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 244: The food manga is released, and everyone is empty!


"Ahem, what are you talking about, Akabane released a manga with the theme of food?"

The third generation was still smoking, but when his subordinates reported the incident, he almost choked on the smoke.

"Yes, Hokage-sama, the notice has been posted. It is said that the convoy has already arrived outside the village, but the most serious thing is that all the members of the Akimichi clan gathered outside the manga shop and surrounded the entire street so that the convoy couldn't get in at all."

Anbu Ninja was worried, "Should we come forward to maintain order?"

"Gourmet comics... That kid has come up with some new gadgets. I'm afraid it won't be effective in maintaining order. I'll go and have a look."

The third generation sighed with a headache.

The Qiudao family is gentle and powerful, and they are first-class helpers on the battlefield, but when it comes to food, they will immediately become like gluttons.

Let's go there in person, besides, he is also quite curious about food comics.

When the third generation arrived at the village entrance, they saw Yamano Izuhiro's motorcade besieged outside the village and couldn't get in. The big guys of the Akidao clan lined up all the way from the village entrance to the manga shop.

The people in the front are quietly waiting in line, while those in the back are eating and drinking with snacks, barbecue, sushi or drinks.

From a distance, it is definitely a terrifying landscape.

"Qufeng, what are you guys doing, get out of the way and don't block the door."

Three generations are slightly annoyed.

What kind of words does this seriously affect Konoha's life order.

"Hey, Ri Zhan, I don't want to either. The point is that there are only 100 volumes today, and the queue is so slow that you have to wait three days for new stock... I'll tell you later, I'm almost there."

Qiu Dao took the wind and took a step or two forward.

The veins on the forehead of the third generation were throbbing, and they followed up and said, "Can't you let the clansmen go to a place to wait first, and buy enough comics in one go?"

"No, the manga is so exciting, everyone wants it, so we can only choose to line up, which is fair to everyone."

Qiu Dao took Feng as he spoke, and took another step forward.

Although they only read a few pages of the trailer, they can imagine how exciting the whole comic is. This is a gourmet comic that cannot be missed.

The third generation took a deep breath and looked back.


In addition to the members of the Akimichi clan, there are actually many other ninjas and ordinary people who are also queuing up, but they are squeezed among the fat bodies of the Akimichi clan, which is really inconspicuous.

Not only that, there was a toad that was bigger than a human in front of Qiudao Qufeng, and it had already moved to the front by only one place.

Such a chaotic readership, it would be really unfair to other people if the Qiudao clan bought them all.

The third generation sighed with a headache.

"Oh~ fried rice with eggs looks really delicious."

"This person named Ma Po must be a master chef, otherwise how could he invent such delicious tofu, I really want to try it."

The toad in the front bought the comics, and while walking in a strange posture while reading the comics, he made proud and amazed sounds from time to time, which attracted everyone's glaring eyes—

This guy definitely did it on purpose!

"Damn guy, don't spoil me, don't you understand? If you make such a strange sound again, I will beat you!"

Qiu Dao took the wind and glared at him.

Originally, queuing was enough to hold your breath, but there was another challenge to be provoked, and egg fried rice, mapo tofu... I want to see it even more!

"Hmph, do you want to fight?"

Toad pinned the "short sword" on his waist, looking provocative.

"Damn toad, I'll beat you up!"

Qiu Dao took the wind to roar, and then his body swelled, and he was much bigger than the toad in an instant, almost as large as those super-large toads on Mount Miaomu.

Those who lined up behind quickly fled to avoid being affected.

But after getting bigger, neither of the two sides did it right away—

Toad was too shocked, a little frightened.

It didn't expect that this fat and clumsy ninja could become so huge in an instant.

Not only the size, but also the momentum and chakra became very violent.

A little scary!

"Qufeng, do you want to destroy Konoha's gate?"

Three generations scolded.

Akimichi Tekkaze used the multiplication technique, and his body was shoulder to shoulder with the Konoha gate, and the gate could be demolished directly with a slight movement.

This is the iconic building of Konoha!

When the guys from the Qiudao family talk about food, their personalities will change, and that toad is also doing trouble. Why don't you just buy a manga and leave quietly

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stare at Toad again.

"Mrs. Wen, Immortal Shenzuo asked you to come out, but he told you not to cause trouble."

Ji Lai also heard the movement, and hurried over from a distance, he was still wearing a bath towel, it was obvious what he was doing just now, and he quickly bowed and apologized, "I'm sorry Sarutobi-sensei, Uncle Chifeng. "


Wentai let go of the dagger and walked silently into the village.

"Ziraiya, you take care of it."

The third generation sighed helplessly. Although they are the creatures of Mount Miaomu, after they opened their shop in Konoha, there will be toads "stationed" every day. Although they change every day, the toads in the past few days were very gentle and did not make trouble at all. .

Not like this one.

"This... I can only say my best."

Zilai is also a little guilty, he has become a lot stronger, but Wentai has also become a lot stronger with the accumulation of chakra, and with Wentai's character, how can he be so busy.

Seeing that Wen Tai confessed to leave, Qiu Dao took the wind to become smaller, and said softly, "Hahaha, I'm sorry Ri Zhan, it got so big by accident, but luckily the gate is fine."

"How dare you say that."

Sandai sighed tiredly, and then couldn't help feeling annoyed that Akabane hadn't shown up yet after such a serious incident happened, so he must be hiding at home and sleeping late.

Out of anger, he exhaled a puff of smoke, intending to go to the Pommel Horse Clan and catch the pig from the bed.

Just as he was about to put it into practice, Akabane galloped all the way from behind.

Seeing the third generation, his face changed, and he immediately adjusted his breathing and forced sweat, making himself look very tired.

"Stinky boy, what are you pretending over there!"

Three generations roared.

found out...

Akabane bowed his head, then rushed to the side of the third generation and said with a smile: "Last night, I was planning the illusion after the end of the special training, so I slept late."

"Hmph, you can deal with your own troubles."

After Sandai finished speaking, he turned and left. He still had a lot of things to do over there, and besides, he couldn't buy manga here, so it was meaningless to read it again.

The chaotic scene, the guards trying to maintain order, and the traffic jam in Konoha Village.

A cauldron fell from the sky.

Akabane felt a heavy weight on his back, weighing a thousand catties.

"Akabane, you're finally awake."

Izumi Yamano ran over quickly and asked in a low voice, "The ninjas of the Akimichi Clan are too enthusiastic. Once they knew that the manga was going to be updated, they all guarded the door. As a result..."

"I see, everyone should be here to buy Zhonghua Xiaodaojia, how many copies do you have?"

"Seventy-eight volumes."

Shanye Quanhong answered quickly, because he was in a hurry to sell, and he remembered every time he sold a copy.

Akabane turned his head and looked at the queue at the back: "There are still 78 volumes of comics, except for the first 78, I will number the others in sequence. The new comics will arrive in three days, and they will be sent to everyone's homes in order and by name. , so please don’t crowd and occupy.”

"Sequence number?"

This is not a bad idea.

Akimichi Tokkaze happened to get his manga, then he turned his head and glanced at it, and said: "People of the Akimichi clan, use the shadow avatar to help you count, and complete the sequence number as soon as possible."


With a reasonable solution, the slip numbers were quickly sent to Akabane.

Akabane handed these numbers to Izumi Yamano and said: "Mr. Yamano, if it is convenient, please paste these lists on the outer packaging of the comic book after it is printed, and I will ask someone to pick it up."

"Yes, I see."

Shanye Quanhong's eyes lit up. This method is good. Not only do they not need to send people to deliver, but they can also deliver the things directly to their homes, saving everyone the time to pick them up.


"Well, please go away, don't block the road and affect the traffic."

Akabane used chakra to amplify his voice.

Not long after, the people on the street gradually dispersed.

This situation was really beyond his expectations. Originally, he thought that even if the new manga came out, it would at most be similar to One Piece and Naruto. If people came one after another every day, there would be no need for on-site supervision.

But who would have thought that a mere gourmet comic would be so popular.

It probably has something to do with the Qiudao clan. When you see a group of people queuing up, everyone flocks to it. The herd mentality applies everywhere.

Akabane could finally breathe a sigh of relief after dealing with the queuing incident.

He was about to go back when a member of the guards came across the line and joined him.

A member of the Uchiha.

Although he is also wearing the standard clothing of the new guards, the Uchiha logo is still exposed on the corner of the clothes.

"My lord, the patriarch invites you to go and discuss some things."

"Master Yuan Hai? Okay, let's lead the way."

Akabane thought for a while, followed in this person's footsteps, and went to find Uchiha Motokai.

Looking for him at this moment is definitely not for food, it should be something else to discuss and ask, he followed this Uchiha tribe to the training base.

Walking to the training base, Akabane saw Uchiha Yuanhai standing on the edge of the widened artificial lake.

"Akabane-kun, I'm really sorry to have you here specially."

Uchiha Motokai looked haggard, as if he was worried about something.

Akabane was a little puzzled.

What else is keeping Uchiha Motokai up to sleep now

Is it related to him to find myself here

He fell into deep thought, and after a few seconds, a word flashed through his mind: Reincarnation of Immortality.

Yesterday's plot can be regarded as truly revealing some of the secrets of Orochimaru's immortal reincarnation—

Directly transfer the soul and occupy the opponent's body, this is a secret technique of reincarnation for the opponent!

It seems to be because of this.

Uchiha Motokai walked a few steps, sighed a little depressed, and then asked in a low voice: "Akabane, is there really such a ninjutsu as immortal reincarnation in this world?"

"The soul domain is a domain that we haven't researched yet. To be honest, I don't know. Undead reincarnation is just a kind of technique I created."

Akabane said.

But obviously, this answer cannot convince Uchiha Yuanhai.

He thinks a lot.

First of all, he can't be sure whether the reincarnation of the dirty soil really exists. After all, in the comics, Orochimaru "shamelessly" took it as his own. Uchiha Motokai didn't know that this technique was actually invented by the Second Hokage.

But if the reincarnation of the dirty soil is established, then the reincarnation of the immortal is not impossible.

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