Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 259: Chao Chuan? It's called Rogue Town now!


"Akabane, you bastard, come out, I'm going to beat you up!"

Outside the comic shop.

Many people shouted loudly, and the seats outside the door were very noisy for a while.

Others yelled loudly: "Brother Yunlang, quickly give us the manga updated in more than a month, I want all of them!"

A group of ninjas released from the prison, these bastards ran to the comic shop as soon as they came out without going home first.

"Hey, is it really okay if you don't go home and have a look?"

Kurama Yunlang smiled like a chrysanthemum while giving comics, while complaining "kindly".

"Brother Yunlang, don't worry about it. We have to settle accounts with Chiyu. During this time, this guy has trained us badly."

Uchiha Ling said loudly.

"Oh? Are you going to settle accounts with me?"

The kind and gentle voice sounded like a curse to everyone, eerie and terrifying.

Akabane came out of the house.

It's not a shadow clone, but the main body that just returned from flying Thor.

"How... how come, we are grateful to you, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be so strong!"

Everyone immediately changed their tone.

Including Rei Uchiha.

One month of special training, although Akabane did not participate in the last ten days, but everyone also knew how strong Akabane is now through side-by-side attacks.

Are Shuo Mao and Zi Xiao strong enough

One went to the battlefield at the age of thirteen, and relied on his own strength to achieve a Jonin rating.

Everyone doesn’t know Zi Xiao well, but it is said that he was promoted to Chunin some time ago. In an experimental duel, Zi Xiao only used one hand and didn’t even use ninjutsu, so he beat the strongest of them.

The gap is not a star and a half.

However, without exception, when they mentioned Akabane, they both used the word "abnormal".

Obviously very lazy, but his strength has never bottomed out.

Every time I think I can surpass him, but I will always be defeated in a fight. For example, Shuo Mao was taught a profound lesson last time.

All in all, everyone is purely stinky, and they dare not fight in the face of it.

"Tch, I finally got out of the reserve department. You want to fight, but I don't want to fight."

Lu Ming picked up the manga and lay lazily on the armchair.

He was so tired from fighting and so on, he vomited from practice for more than a month, wishing he could spend his whole life in the village.

"Lu Ming, what are you going to do next?"

Autumn Road, a heavy mountain, eats the sea and drinks.

His body is much stronger, although the fat is still the same thick, but it looks very reliable.

"A smart person like me can't hide even if he wants to. In a few days, there is a high probability that we will form a team with a Jonin and start a mission career with mission difficulty above C level."

Lu Ming said lightly.

He was too tired from fighting, he vomited from practice for more than a month, wishing he could spend his whole life in the village, but gold can't be hidden...

Alas, excellent troubles.

"Tch, did you guess it?"

Rei Uchiha disdainful, sat down cross-legged and continued to read manga.

He hasn't seen it since Sasuke's defection, and he bought the ones in front of him secretly using his shadow avatar during training.

"Of course, Akabane must have submitted the report, but I can't figure out who it is."

Lu Ming grabbed a handful of food from Yizhong.

It seems quite comfortable to read comics while eating.

"Some people performed very well in this test. According to the comprehensive evaluation, they have reached the strength standard for missions above C level. Therefore, they are allowed to graduate early and follow up with Shinobi to form a four-member team."

Akabane sat down, "Among them there are Rokuming, Akimichi Kazuchi, Yamanakatori, Uchiha Rei, Inuzukaishi..."


Everyone is not surprised.

This group of people is indeed stronger than the rest. Although some are slightly weaker in strength, their wisdom is superior to others.

"Okay, let's have a barbecue tonight, and go back to rest for a while. After a while, except for the fifteen people who follow the Jonin, the rest will go back to the reserve department for training."

Akabane sat down and started chatting with everyone.

In the preparatory department, he is the teacher and these people are students, but since leaving the preparatory department, everyone is a classmate and friend, so there is no need to take it too seriously.

These people were quite aggrieved after being locked up for a month. After they came out, they read all the updates they had accumulated before, and they were all so excited that they complained while watching.

Some of them are not enough to complain to everyone, so they have to leave a message on the comment board and have a great time.

Not long after, Yamano Izumihiro's motorcade arrived.

In today's update, Naruto went to Sasuke and Naruto to officially start the war, and the tail beastization ended.

One Piece has more updates, Ace and the Straw Hats separated after meeting, and more and more members appeared in the Baroque Work Club.

In the latest plot, Luffy and the others have officially fought against the Baroque Works, and unfortunately, they were caught in a trap made by Hailoushi.

Those who have just been released from prison are hungry, and most of the new cartoons are quickly bought.

Akabane took a look and asked the avatar to help take care of the follow-up work. Anyway, the update has been completed, and the shadow avatar does not need to continue working for the time being.

As long as he himself...

After working for a long time, it's not too much to reward yourself with a nap, right

Yamano Izumi’s manga was a long time late this time, because they sent part of the One Piece manga to Kawa no Kuni ahead of time, so although Konoha and Kawa no Kok had actually completed the update of the One Piece manga at the same time.

At this time, Chaochuan Town of the Kingdom of Sichuan.

A swordsman dressed in black came to this town along the path in his memory, but what he saw was not what he remembered.

"This is... Pirate Town?"

Ye Wu opened his mouth wide in surprise. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that this was the Chaochuan Town he had been to before.

"Are you a samurai who came here for fame?"

On the side, a wandering martial artist dressed in shabby clothes and sitting at the entrance of the town moved his turban up, and then looked up.

Ye Wu froze for a moment, then nodded and said, "Yes, I heard that there are many warriors here, but isn't this here Chaochuan Town? How did it become like this!"

"Chao Chuan was the previous name. It started last month and it was called Luoge Town!"

The samurai said proudly, "Go along this road, and you can still see the execution square. Except that it is not a small island in the sea, it is almost the same as Rogge Town, but in the future, it will definitely become a great route. starting point."

"Rogue Town, the Great Route..."

Ye Wu was very surprised.

Aren't those things from the comics

It's unbelievable that someone actually transformed the country of Sichuan into such a place!

He goes into town.

As the wandering warrior said, this place is almost exactly the same as Rogge Town in the comics. At the same time, the size of the town is larger than before. Walking along the street, he soon saw a big river.

This river vertically runs through the entire country of Sichuan, goes up to the country of thunder, the country of earth, and goes down to the sea.

A wharf was built near the river bank in Chaochuan Town.

He turned around, deeply shocked by the changes in this town, and at the same time understood why the village gave him a secret mission to investigate the country of Kawa.

"Did Akabane do it? No, the village asked me to investigate here. It must not be that simple."

Ye Wu thought secretly, then went to the comic shop here.

After being out for a long time, he didn't have a chance to read comics.


When he arrived at the comic shop, he didn't see the door of the comic shop open, only the small door on the side was half covered.

"Hello, I heard that there are manga about One Piece sold here, is it closed now?"

"All the comics have been bought by someone. If you want to read comics, you either go to the tavern in front of you, or buy them from others at a high price. We can't help it."

said the shop owner.

In fact, for the people in the store, this kind of sales is not harmful.

If those people don't buy it, he still sells it at the same price, and it will take a little more effort. After handing it over to those people, as long as the shipment arrives, they will be notified, and there is no need to keep people to maintain it.

"OK, thanks."

Ye Wu withdrew, thoughtful.

Comics are packed!

If the market is big enough and the comics are taken away, it will definitely be a huge profit.

Who would dare to do this kind of business in such a chaotic place like the Kingdom of Chuan

He gradually understood.

Investigating the person behind it is the purpose of his trip.

But be careful, if the rebellious rebels dare not intervene in this business, the forces behind it must be huge, and the strength of the leader...

Ye Wu quietly came to the tavern.

Entering the tavern, he saw a large bookshelf with many comics on it.

Except for Naruto, there are other games in the Land of Fire that are available here, and those that are not in the Land of Fire are also available here, such as the Miserable series, the Intimate series, and so on.

In addition, he saw many "decorations" on the walls.

Statues of the characters, weapons copied from the comics, and even some "devil fruit"-looking fruits on the counter.

The influence of manga culture on this place is far stronger than that of the Land of Fire and Konoha.

Ye Wu sat down and read manga for a while, ordered food and drinks by the way, and spent a lot of money. The price of this meal was almost more expensive than buying a few manga.

It's all a trick...

He has a déjà vu feeling that Akabane is behind the scenes, especially the sales mode and various decorations of this tavern, all seem to be Akabane's handwriting.

At this time, a figure walked in from outside the door—wearing a mask, it looked very mysterious.

Ye Wu couldn't judge the opponent's strength, but from the feeling, he felt that this person was very strong. Facing this person, he had the same sense of elite ninja as he faced his father when he was a child.

Of course, this is just his perception as a swordsman, but in a sense, it can already reflect a lot of things.

Is this guy the boss behind the tavern

Not long after, the guy left.

Ye Wu struggled for a few seconds to follow or not, but finally he didn't dare to follow, because when he saw that man, he unconsciously recalled the scene in the comics where the moonlight blast failed to kill Ma Ji and was killed instead.

If you catch up, you may end up not much better than that, after all, this is the chaotic country of Sichuan!

After the other party left for a long time, he took a few breaths until the breath disappeared.

Night Dance looked around.

The rest of the people didn't seem to feel this, and continued to eat and drink, very happy.

He rested for a while, and his thoughts gradually became emotional—

"No, my strength may have been discovered!"