Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 270: Is it possible that Madara is still alive?


Are you afraid that they will send someone to assassinate you if you organize Shayin Village like this? "

Danzo pointed to the manga on the table.

Today, he rarely came out of Anbe and came to Akabane's manga shop.

"Teacher, uh... wait a minute, I'll finish drawing this point."

Akabane glanced at it, the update was still one word away.

Just focus and it will be done in no time.


Danzo nodded slightly, his only remaining eye scanning the narrow lounge.

Four shadow clones, one body.

Really hard work!

This kid came back from the country of water and desperately updated...

Something will definitely happen in the country of water, otherwise, based on his understanding of Akabane, he would not choose to do so even if he could maintain a quarter body.

Danzo sat aside and watched quietly.

Akabane draws very quickly, basically drawing a picture in more than ten seconds, and the hand speed is so fast that it flies off.

The point is that the plot seems to be in his mind. It is obviously the same comic, but drawing four clones at the same time will not affect the continuity of the plot.

He thought secretly in his heart, the origin of Akabane's thoughts is obviously not simple.

Like devil fruit.

The mysterious fruit that no one knows actually exists in the world, how does this kid know about it

Is it a dream

It might be possible, but what is certain is that this dream has absolutely nothing to do with the Nightmare Tapirs.

Because of One Piece, this kid had already started drawing before he gave the scroll to Akabane.

When Danzo thinks...

"Teacher, I'm done here."

After Akabane finished speaking, he released the shadow clones one by one, and waves of fatigue swept over him. Fortunately, he could bear it completely now. After a while, he rubbed his temples, then got up and bowed slightly, which was regarded as making up for the previous etiquette.

"I've been working hard recently, but I still have to pay attention to rest. Don't be too quick. I'm here to talk to you about the two enemies of the country of eddies and the country of water."

After Danzo sat down, he tapped on the table lightly.

Akabane understood, and the illusion was instantly released.

The two entered the illusion at the same time, the background of the illusion was nothing special, except that there was nothing outside the window, it was almost exactly the same as reality.

Illusion is stronger again...

Danzo was full of emotion in his heart, and he had to say that Akabane's talent was too terrifying.

He paused for a moment, gathered his mind and said: "I sent people to investigate the situation in the Uzumaki country, and some of the information has been sent back. According to the information, it is not Kirigakure who abducted the Uzumaki tribe left in the Uzumaki country. It is an existence that can secretly manipulate others."

"To tell you the truth, that day I used illusion to block the opponent for a second. I saw part of the opponent's face, half of which was a normal person, and the other half was black... It was completely different from the appearance later."

Akabane said.

black face

Danzo took a breath and said in surprise, "The character named Jue?"

"The other party doesn't necessarily look like this, but according to my guess, it should be almost the same. Before in Konoha, Mito-sama and I also sensed his existence, and I mentioned it to you once."

"Well, that time in the reserve department."

Danzo nodded slightly.

"Mito-sama and I can sense his existence, so I drew these to see if Kuroken will come, or... find someone else."

Akabane stated part of his purpose.

Enemies like Hei Jue are not afraid that the opponent will not move, but they are afraid that the opponent will lie dormant in the dark.

This is a trick to lure a snake out of its hole.

Danzo nodded, motioning for Akabane to continue.

"The one from the Land of Water, I can only say that he should be able to control others with some kind of ability, and the amount of chakra is very huge, and the power of the earth flow river is at least the level of the Five Kages."

Akabane said solemnly.

Danzo was silent for a long time, hesitated for a few seconds and then said, "I suspect he might be Uchiha Madara."


Akabane had a look of surprise on his face, it wasn't feigned, but he was really surprised that Danzo would think of him.

"Today, I checked the information left by Teacher Tomona, and I found a detail that I had overlooked before... The teacher has been doing considerable research on Sharingan, and Madara is the strongest owner of Sharingan, how could he miss this opportunity."

"I looked up the travel records of the year, and Tomona-sensei left Konoha and came back after the first generation of adults. During this time, he probably dealt with Madara's affairs, but the strange thing is that Anbe and Hokage have nothing about Madara's eyes. Does it mean that Tomagama-sensei didn't get Madara's clues?"

Danzo looked solemn.

Qianshou Feima is his teacher. In a sense, what he said today is equivalent to slandering his deceased teacher, and it also has the nature of insulting the hero Konoha.

However, there are only a handful of people in the ninja world who can control others, have a huge amount of chakra, and possess kage-level strength.

After investigating the existing shadow-level powerhouses in various places, and combining all kinds of information, he suspected that he was on the death list.

"This can't be explained. Could it be that the second-generation master saved Madara? Or Madara escaped the fatal blow through some kind of surrogate death technique, and at the same time hid the eyes of the first and second-generation masters. Is this possible?"

"I confirmed with Uchiha Yuankai that the Uchiha family has a pupil technique that recovers the injured at the cost of losing eyes, called Izanagi."

Danzo is fully prepared.

But Uchiha Yuanhai, the previous group of elders, the slaughtered clan probably wouldn't be so cooperative.


Akabane took a deep breath.

Emotions don't need to be disguised, because Danzo can speculate that this has already shocked him.

"Then you mean..."

"Remind who your enemy might be, that's all, we can't do much even if we know that the opponent is Zebra. It's a good thing to lure the snake out of the hole, but don't step into the snake's trap yourself."

After Danzo finished speaking, he got up and stood for a while.

Akabane could feel that the teacher wanted to cancel the illusion, but obviously failed, so he could only pretend to stand up and look at the scenery.

As a disciple, he unraveled the illusion with understanding.

Danzo was silent for a moment, then coughed lightly and said, "Illusion is good, but it's basically useless against Madara. You have to be fully prepared."

"Thank you teacher for reminding."

Akabane sent off respectfully.

Danzo obviously still has a lot of questions, but he didn't ask, and he didn't say anything.

Like devil fruit.

However, this pot was carried by the Cult of the Evil God, and only some people in Konoha would make some whimsical conjectures, just like Orochimaru.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but mourn in silence for the Cult of the Evil God.

Those people must be very distressed now.

Because according to the information he got from the stronghold in the country of Chuan, Kakutsu has already set up a pirate ship to set off from the country of Chuan to search for treasures at sea.

The devil fruit is fake, but the treasure hidden in the sea is real.

For example, the "Moonland" in the south of the theatrical version is said to be a super rich country, if you can find it there...

Cough, I wish the Big Pirate Corner all the best.

He got up and sorted out the manuscripts.

Separated a shadow clone to solve some problems with the catalogue, cover, and promotional posters, and pondered about the follow-up plan. Since Danzo guessed Madara from various clues, just wait for Danzo to reveal this matter.

Akabane doesn't need to talk too much, just worry about it.

As Danzo said, what he has to worry about is how to deal with Madara and Heijue. Now that the plot of One Piece is transitioning to Sky Island, it is not far from Xinwang's appearance.

come on!

One day passed, and the ninjas of Hidden Sand Village got the updated Naruto manga from the Land of Fire and brought it to Hidden Sand Village—this manga can only be seen by high-level people in Hidden Sand Village.

A book was circulated by four people, and finally everyone looked at Chiyo.

In this book, Akabane cursed her "son" severely, and even her grandson, who has not been seen, was on camera.

"You hateful kid Konoha, how dare you curse my son, I must poison him to death!"

Chiyo was very angry.

"Sister, calm down, calm down..."

Hai Laozang quickly comforted him.

Afterwards, everyone complained again, verbally strongly condemning and denouncing, and these denunciations would not even reach Konoha's ears.

Is this still the high level of Sand Hidden Village

It has become a comic joke meeting, when did the management of the village become like this!

However, these two people are the respected Jonin, the ability is the first-class existence in the village, and the other is his teacher, the second generation of Kazekage.

There is no way to think about it.

"Hey... when will I be able to truly control the village."

Sasuke was depressed.

All of this was seen by Heijue in the dark. Originally, if there were no flaws in Yinsha Village, he would choose to return to the country of water to fool Youban, but now it seems that he doesn't need it.

How similar is this young man to Indra back then

With strength and brains, but aggressive personality, he can't be satisfied with a steady and slow pace. As long as he finds a suitable opportunity to fool around, he can lead the entire Shayin Village into the ditch.

But before that, it seems that the troublesome bald half puppet must be solved first, that guy is very important to the young Kazekage.

He thought for a long time, and quickly escaped from here.

There is a solution, the next thing to do is to find Konoha's dark ninja, and finally control the Samana to die.

Shamen really couldn't control Heijue at his peak, but after being severely injured by Danzo, although he barely survived after being transformed into a puppet, his strength has dropped a lot.

Now he's more of a researcher, advisor than a normal ninja.

Such a sick and disabled person can't control it, that Hei Jue could really hit him to death.

As long as Samana dies, he doesn't believe that Kazekage and Sand Hidden Village in this state can bear this breath... Well, it's better to die with Konoha's ninja, and Konoha Ninja should not be far from Sand Hidden Village.

With a plan in mind, Hei Jue began to search for Konoha Anbu, which may exist in Sand Hidden Village and the Land of Winds.

As long as a ninja is found, his plan can be executed perfectly. When Hidden Sand Village goes to war, Hidden Rain Village and Hidden Rock Village, which were attacked by Hidden Sand Village, will definitely take advantage of it.

The movement of Yunyin Village cannot be guessed for the time being, but the Uzumaki clan has not been completely wiped out at present, and the two countries will definitely not let the Uzumaki clan go if they have the opportunity.

However, after searching around, he encountered a problem—there is no Anbu of Konoha in the entire Shayin Village!

Isn't Konoha afraid of hidden sand village's tricks

Heijue was a little confused.

It was perfectly planned and the pawns in the final ring were missing...

He didn't know that because of him and Madara, Danzo transferred all 70% of Anbu to the country of Uzumaki and the country of water, leaving only a part in the west to collect information in Kawa no country and Iwagakure village.

Maybe after a while, Danzo will re-arrange the chess pieces in Shayin Village, but it is definitely not in the near future.

Hei never believed in evil, and searched again.

The spies from Yanyin Village and Yuyin Village found some, but directing the artillery fire to Yu Hei would never do any good. If Konoha's Anbu could not be found, this plan could only be shelved temporarily.

After all, Madara hasn't been fully trusted, and the suspicious guy who doesn't go back for a long time will become more suspicious of his identity, and it will be troublesome if all previous efforts are wasted.

He still cares more about Madara than Akabane.

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