Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 271: Unlimited monthly reading, the only way to achieve peace


On Konoha's side, the manga has also been updated, and there is another volume of the 20-episode One Piece extra volume.

During this time, Shuo Mao was undoubtedly the happiest one, seeing cool updates and new things every day—

While Shah Crocodile's combat performance disappointed him a bit, overall the villain was pretty successful.

At least it seemed so to him.

However, in the following plot, the plot of "Golden Country" appeared inexplicably.

I don't know what's going to happen next, but it seems that the brain hole is wide open, and a new map is about to be opened.

"I'm really curious, I heard that even Devil Fruits have appeared..."

Shuo Mao said to himself.

Ya and Bai Fang, his three-sword style has roughly formed a system, and he has been training a more mature three-sword style recently.

A few days passed, and it was a small accomplishment.


Hatake Kazami glanced at his son in the distance, that kid must be reading manga again.

Forget it, let him see it.

Kazami has been getting more and more powerless recently. He has a very strong grasp of fast and slow, and he has terrible combat power with ninja swordsmanship. But as Shuo Mao continued to grow, he felt more and more strenuous.

Not only that, nearly half a year ago, he was still able to abuse that kid, but now he only has one chance to hit him.

If you miss a hit, you will flee away immediately.

In addition, Ye Wu's knife skills and assassination skills are also very strong.


Hatake Kazami's mood is the same as when Kakashi was beaten by Naruto and Sakura in the comics, except that it took Naruto and the others three years, and this group of people only spent a little more than a year.

What an amazing talent.

However, Shuo Mao inherited his sword skills, and Ye Wu inherited some of his sword skills, but also inherited his superb assassination skills.

As a teacher, it is definitely gratifying to have such disciples and juniors.

Then he glanced at the manga in his hand. Recently, he has always felt that the rain is about to come, and he has an inexplicable feeling that another war may be coming.

In fact, the third generation is the most troublesome.

Just searching for the Cult of the Evil God is already difficult enough, but I didn't expect there to be two figures, Heijue and Madara.

This Naruto deserves...

Sandai took off the Hokage cloak, looked in the mirror, and sighed sadly.

Recently, the hairline has moved up!

If this goes on like this, the hair on the front may fall out.

"Master Hokage..."

"Ahem, come in."

The third generation quickly put on the cloak to cover his precious hairline, and then took a puff of cigarettes to cover up his actions just now.

Akabane walked in and glanced suspiciously.

There seems to be no problem.

He took a few glances, and then said, "My lord, do you have anything to do with me?"


Three generations smoked a cigarette.

He was silent for a moment, and then took out a sealing scroll from the bottom: "Ze and Madara are not easy people, if I knew before, I would have discouraged you, but now..."

Akabane took it and looked up suspiciously.

"My shadow clone and blood are sealed here. If you are in danger, unseal the seal and release the shadow clone in the scroll. He will channel my psychic beast to help you."

The three generations said solemnly.

For Akabane who owns the Flying Thunder God, all he needs is that moment of time.

The shadow clone and the ape demon are enough to resist for a second or two.

"Thank you, my lord."

Akabane took it.

This is a good thing, losing one at a critical moment can save your life.

"Also, don't irritate Sha Yin recently. They are newcomers to Kazekage, not as good-tempered as Samana. If they get annoyed, it won't end well."

The three generations are sometimes anxious for Akabane.

Hidden Sand Village every day, aren't you afraid that they will send people to assassinate them

Even if Akabane is not afraid, he seems unable to stop the assassination of his relatives by himself.

It can only be said that he has a big heart and is not afraid of things.

"Ahem, the plot of One Piece is over, and besides, they rely on the incentive mechanism of comics, isn't the training effect improved several times?"

Akabane was a little embarrassed.

The previous two comics happened to be either the desert or the hidden sand village. If you want to check the numbers, they do have something to do with the hidden sand village.

"Two different things, that's fine, get out of here if you have nothing to do."

As San Dai spoke, he vaguely saw one or two hairs drifting past his eyes, and suddenly became irritable again, and hurriedly waved away people.

Akabane has good eyesight and sees some clues.

This is the eternal pain of a middle-aged man, and I can only send a blessing in silence from the bottom of my heart, hoping that the old man will get rid of the pain of hair loss as soon as possible.

After leaving the office, he decided to go back and continue to work, and try his best to get the fruit of knowledge and thunder as soon as possible.

During this period of time, he didn't spend any points.

Devil fruit is no better than others, and the price of high-end devil fruit is definitely not low.

Leaving aside abilities such as Thunderbolt Fruit and Color of Knowledge, Grandma Mito must be thinking about giving her an ability that can prolong her life.

For Mito Granny's fruit, he temporarily has some ideas - bat fruit or retrograde fruit.

The bat fruit vampire form belongs to the character ability of the game, and the retrograde fruit is the fruit of the theatrical version.

Both abilities are exaggerated, especially the retrograde fruit. Akabane suspects that even if it is drawn, it may not necessarily appear on the list.

But it is foreseeable that if they can be exchanged, the price of points must be abnormal.

Does anyone know how many points these abilities require

Before these points are completed, these points cannot be moved temporarily, so as not to have enough points to exchange for them.

But apart from One Piece, Naruto is also considering adding updates.

The battle between Grandma Chiyo, Sakura and Scorpion is very exciting, and the plot is very coherent. He considered drawing this part of the plot in one go, and just compiled it into a book.

Everyone in Konoha was a little shocked by the recent update status, especially after updating the previous plot, when the two of them, Scorpion and Didala, stayed to fight with the pursuit team, everyone was looking forward to the plot here.

After a day...

Ten more!

Although most of the content of these ten changes is about fighting, there are also a lot of dry goods in it. There are some things about Xie, Xie's parents, and Chiyo. The plot is quite touching.

But the most important thing is that there are many jaw-dropping techniques and ideas in it.

There are ten people and hundreds of machines performing in Jinsong.

Everyone knew for the first time that puppets can do so many tricks, even though these are just plots in comics, but thinking carefully about the puppet art of the ten people in Jinmatsu, it can be done.

Although it requires extremely high chakra control ability and distraction multi-purpose ability, it is not a fantasy.

Only a hundred machines perform...

The premise of this kind of technique is to transform one's body and turn oneself into a half-puppet-like existence, so that one can control a hundred puppets at the same time through various parts of the body.

Being so ruthless to himself, this scorpion is really ruthless through and through.

not only that.

The battle between Scorpion and Chiyo can be described as the pinnacle of puppet fighting.

Compared with the two of them, Kankuro's tricks are all crap, they are not at the same level at all.

Due to the appearance of this plot, a group of people in Konoha Ninja School asked about the technique of Chakra Silk Thread.

This is too embarrassing for the teacher.

After all, although the Chakra thread is not difficult, for a ninja who has not deliberately trained, it is not easy to master the Chakra thread enough to control others in a short time.


There are also some ninjas who are more sensible, but the teacher can't, so they study by themselves.

Thanks to this, there are one or two more regulars in the vacant laboratories of the institute, many of whom give up quickly, and only one person persists.

This person's name is very familiar with Akabane - Kato off.

Yes, that is the one who cut off.

He is not a ninja who has not graduated from the ninja school. In fact, he has graduated from the ninja school a year earlier than Akabane and the others. He also mastered the art of spiritual transformation. He is a rare talent in Konoha.

Now, however, he is obsessed with puppetry.

The puppet art here is not about manipulating puppets, but the method of making puppets, especially since Akabane drew these ten chapters today, I have almost spent time in the research institute, thinking about how to make puppets.

Akabane once took a look at Orochimaru's recent research project. This kid has a good production technique, and he has mastered the technique of making puppet joints in just two or three days.

It's rough, but it should work when pieced together into a puppet.

But at the same time, Heijue left Sand Hidden Village and finally arrived in the Water Country after two days.

At this moment, Madara is still fusing chakra, but he has already figured out the trick, and the body begins to produce six chakras, but this kind of chakra is not enough to stimulate the evolution of the eyes.

"According to the current progress, you will be able to fully master the six chakras in a few days, giving birth to the legendary eyes."

Heijue breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Madara hasn't been messing around for a while...

Madara raised his eyes and glanced at him, then said lightly: "So, can you tell me where you have been recently?"

"I went to the Land of Fire and brought you comics."

Heijue took out the comics.

One volume is the episode where Akatsuki's "shadow" appeared, exposing the Golem of Reincarnation Eye, Jue and Heretics, and the other episode is the content updated yesterday.

He didn't get today's update.

"Oh~ that really surprised me."

Madara sneered.

Just buy comics

Liar, who would believe such nonsense.

He didn't open his mouth to continue asking, waiting for Heijue to speak by himself.

Hei Jue also knew that he couldn't be fooled, so he said "1510": "Kurma Akabane may know what I look like, so I want to kill him. I went to Shayin Village the day before yesterday to see if I can kill someone with a knife. .”

"The results of it?"

Madara was noncommittal.

From Hei Jue's point of view, it is reasonable to find his own image exposed and then try to kill someone, without any flaws.

"The new Kazekage of Hidden Sand Village can be controlled in a variety of ways. With your cooperation, we can even control that kid to slowly develop our power in the Land of Wind, and deal with Konoha directly when the time is right."

On the way to Heijue, he thought about how to persuade Madara.

With Madara's pupil power, it is absolutely easy to control a kid, as long as he is persuaded, the plan can continue.

"Hidden Sand Village..."

Ban thought for a long time, and then said, "I will talk about it after I awaken the eyes of reincarnation."


Hei never forced it.

He knew why Madara had to wait for the awakening of the eyes of reincarnation, because with the awakening of the eyes of reincarnation, he could see new "content" through the stone tablet.

Let Madara go, anyway, that stone tablet has been transformed by him—

Unlimited monthly reading, the only way to achieve peace!