Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 281: Night Dance I am too difficult!


Akabane is suspicious here, thinking that Uzumaki Mito, an old and sophisticated woman, has derived the ability to predict the future by relying on knowledge and the ability of Uzumaki, but he doesn't know Uzumaki Mito has no such ability at all.

She just felt that way.

This feeling is so mysterious that it can't be expressed in words. It's just being with Akabane and Tsunade, and then when the two of them are talking, they suddenly have this intuition.

It's kind of like... a woman's sixth sense

To be honest, Uzumaki Mito herself didn't fully understand. She wanted to try other things later, but she didn't feel anything.

On Tsunade's side, he was sweating profusely from practice.

She doesn't seem to have much talent in this area. After practicing for a long time, her knowledge and experience have not improved, and she is a little drowsy, but she is struggling to feel the feeling that Uzumaki Mito said.


She is not without perception, on the contrary, Tsunade's perception and ability are not weak.

However, her perception comes from the derivation of Chakra, which is a method taught to her by Qianshou Feijian.

Whirlpool Mito is different.

Her ability comes from skills on the one hand, and blood on the other. She has a deep understanding of perception, so she only mastered the color of knowledge after half a day under Akabane's guidance.

Tsunade's understanding is too superficial.

If Akabane wanted to be here, he would definitely understand why.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Seeing that Tsunade doesn't seem to specialize in perception, it is estimated that intensive training in armed colors is more suitable for her, but now Akabane can't master armed colors, so naturally there is no way to teach others.

As for Akabane...

He struggled for a while, but let it go.

For Uzumaki Mito, he both trusts and respects him.

Because from all aspects, the old man had already seen many clues, but she didn't say it out, and instead took the initiative to cover for him at certain times as a backing.

This is trust.

Even if she has some special secrets, she doesn't ask and gives her full trust, so Akabane also trusts her.


With my own strength, do I still need to take these into consideration

After thinking about this, he felt relieved. Originally, he had some manga tasks that he should complete today, but now that they have been handed over, naturally there is no reason to take back his own drawings.

Akabane pondered for a moment, then used Feilei Shen to go to the preparation department.

The preparatory department hasn't started school yet, but many people who can't sit still have already started training, such as the special gymnastics class.

The gymnastics class is mainly gymnastics.

Teacher, Orochimaru counts as half. He will come over from time to time to check data such as physical progress, training damage, etc., and then make more efficient and healthy training plans for these students.

When he arrived at the preparatory department, Akabane saw four children studying there with a book in their hands.

This is the special gymnastics class, with a total of four people.

"What are you looking at?"

Akabane got closer and saw that a group of people had a lot of manga in their hands. Matt Dai was holding the volume of Naruto in which Matt Kai shot Kisame, while the rest were flipping through One Piece.

"Teacher Orochimaru said that Dai will soon be able to open the Jingmen, let us first study the Taijutsu suitable for Dai to use in the sixth gate."

The kids explained.


This is the sixth door of the eight doors, so Dai's talent is so high!

Akabane was a little shocked.

Matt Dai stood up and bowed, and then explained excitedly: "Actually, I can open the Jingmen now, but the load is relatively heavy after opening. Teacher Orochimaru told me not to use it. I will use it after training to make my body stronger."

Niu Niu Fruit, Bamen Dunjia...

This is also an idea.

In One Piece, devil fruits of ordinary animals are not uncommon, such as the ones that push into the city.

Combined with the powerful effect of the Eight Gates Dunjia, it seems to be really messed up.

Observe and observe again.

Akabane observed for a while, Orochimaru arranged the tasks quite perfectly, and he could basically be the shopkeeper with peace of mind, so he didn't explain anything, and left on his own.

After returning, he was going to observe what Zilai was doing too.

On Flying Thunder God, there is his special Kunai. Through his own kunai mark, Akabane can use Flying Thunder God's technique to move the shadow clone to Jiraiya.


Before that, he had to let the shadow clone change and disguise.

Sending the shadow clone to the past consumes less than the main body in the past, so even if it is far away overseas, the shadow clone can still be accurately transmitted to the ship.

Naturally, the shadow clone was not simply a visit, but also had an important task.

Devil Fruit.

Of course, not bat fruit.

For such an expensive thing, he didn't plan to let Jiraiya and the others get it right away, otherwise it would be nonsense to get the desired fruit the next day after going to sea.

The one he took was the Fruit of Everyone.

But this fruit is not just for giving away, but I plan to find someone and catch a wild beast in front of them to eat the fruit of everyone.

The emergence of alien creatures overseas can make others believe that the devil fruit is not produced by Akabane himself, and this beast is obtained by Jiraiya and the others, and everyone's fruit can be recovered.


Akabane admired his ingenuity.

However, when the plan was implemented, there was a small accident - when teleporting to the past, Jiraiya was crazily punching, cursing Akabane while punching.

A little embarrassing, but write it down in a small notebook.

The shadow clone didn't pay attention when he saw Zilai, and he quickly ran out of the cabin in the form of a bug.

The endless sea.

Are there islands ahead

The shadow clone is not clear, and the chakra allocated to him is not too much, so he just stepped on the water and God knows when he will find the next island.

Therefore, he maintained his transformed state and hid in the corner of the ship, quietly waiting for the opportunity.

But it wasn't long before he noticed an animal on deck—it was a petrel.

It seems to have gotten lost with the group.

The petrel is a small seabird, not very aggressive, and it seems to be very tired. It makes logical sense to let it eat the devil fruit and appear on the deck again.

Dealing with beasts is much easier than dealing with humans.

A simple illusion control can make it come over obediently, and then the shadow clone throws the fruit of everyone, and manipulates Haiyan to peck at it...

Nothing seems to have changed.

The shadow clone was stunned for a moment, and then noticed that Haiyan's body began to change—its two wings were strengthened and became bigger, and it even looked a bit like hands.

Not only that, but its mental strength is growing, and it seems that the effect of the fruit of everyone on improving intelligence is working.

The shadow clone glanced at it, and then used illusion to hint that it was hiding on the deck and flying around, and he used Flying Thunder God to send back a message, asking Akabane to disband the shadow clone.

Haiyan began to fly around.

Its wings became very powerful, and its feet gradually became larger. In just a few seconds, its size was more than five or six times larger than before.

At this time, the ninjas heard the movement and quickly captured it, and at the same time the shadow clone was disbanded and the illusion disappeared.


The Country of Rivers, Rogue Town.

Ye Wu inquired for a while, and found that Jiaodu seemed to have left the town before daring to continue collecting information.

But this day he was sitting in the tavern watching the latest comics as usual, and an old man was sitting on the table beside him.

He seems to be very unfamiliar with this side, observing the surrounding situation.

Ye Wu secretly took her heart, because this old man looks a little old, but he looks very healthy and healthy. He must not be an ordinary person.

"Old man, what do you want?"

"Get some food and drink, and besides... why are you the only ones who have comics?"

the old man asked with a frown.

Araki Nora showed a gentle smile, and patiently explained: "You are a foreign guest, all the comics here are bought by a ninja lord, and we have some relationship with that lord, so we can save some, you have to read them You can take it anytime, it’s free.”


The old man was slightly taken aback, then turned his head to take a look, and then got up to get a book.

This was the latest volume he hadn't read.

Hei Jue cursed secretly in his heart, this guy can see by himself, but what about him lurking in the shadows

Spotted didn't think about his situation at all!

Ye Wu glanced at it, her legs and feet began to tremble.

here we go again…

That feeling came again!

With one experience, he understood in his heart that this guy is a big boss who cannot be offended, Ye Wu got up and made sure not to leave.

But before he could take a step, the old man leaned over and said, "Young man, I don't seem to have read your volume, can I borrow the manga in your hand?"


Ye Wu tried hard to control herself, and then handed over the manga.

The old man smiled gently, took it and said: "I like to watch One Piece, but there are some things in it that I can't understand... For example, these swordsmanship, young man, you are a swordsman, and you said that the swordsmanship here can come true. ?"

"Of course, we samurai came to Luoge Town, didn't we just hope to learn the swordsmanship inside?"

Ye Wu smiled on the skin but not on the flesh.

At this moment, he felt that there was a tiger sitting next to him, ready to eat him at any time.

"Hahaha, what this brother said is true!"

"Like me, after arriving in Luoge Town, the three swords style has become more and more mature."

Many drinking guests laughed and chatted after listening.

The old man nodded slightly, looking thoughtful.

"If it's okay, eat slowly..."

Ye Wu got up, ready to continue the movement of leaving.


At this time, he heard a sentence like thunder: "The children of the Moonlight family are really polite, sit down and talk slowly, there are still many things I don't understand, I hope you can give me some pointers."

Ye Wu was terrified.

He felt that he probably had a brain twitch, so he came to Rogge Town. The person he met for the first time inquired about it, and it was probably the Jiaodu who fought against the first generation back then. This person...

Although he is very old, this kind of oppressive force, without any murderous intent, makes him feel as if he is suffocated by death. There is no doubt that he is a more powerful character than Kakudo.

There are only a handful of such people.

Too bad luck!

"You, what's your problem?"

Ye Wu sat down obediently.

He knew he couldn't run away, so why not see what the other party meant first.

"Do you recognize Kurama Akabane?"

Ye Wu shook his head.

Madara smiled and said: "It seems that I recognize it. I heard that you have developed the technique in the Naruto manga, so can the ability of One Piece also be developed?"

"I really don't know that."

Ye Wu said bitterly.

The person in front of him was so scary, he seemed to know he was lying, so he decided to reveal part of the truth.

"Do you know his strength?"

Barbara continued to ask.

"I don't know, his strength is unfathomable, far beyond my comprehension, but his illusion is very strong."

Ye Wu already vaguely understood the identity of the other party in his heart, so he revealed the illusion.

This must be the ability that the opponent is least afraid of.

"I have no relatives in the world, why don't you help me and let me, an old man, live with you for a while."

Spotted smiling.

Ye Wu felt bitter.

What you said... Do I dare not agree

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