Comic System in Naruto’s World

Chapter 282: Longer than life, who can beat me, Hei Jue?


"Night Dance is in trouble."

Not long after, Orochimaru hurried to the manga shop.

Yes, the main body, not the snake clone.

He is in a hurry.

"What? Tell me carefully what's going on."

Seeing his appearance, Akabane immediately understood that Ye Wu had caused quite a lot of trouble, and his life might be in danger.

Orochimaru then explained the situation.

He taught Araki Nora the skills of the psychic snake, so Nora was able to summon the snake clone of Orochimaru through psychic art to achieve the effect of communication between the two places.

In the past, it was another Chunin who was in charge of this job, but with Nora, Orochimaru killed the somewhat floating Chunin.

The point is not this, but that Ye Wu met Uchiha Madara.

After hearing this, Akabane felt his scalp go numb.

Uchiha Madara stayed in Chuanuo Country

There is something wrong with this force's brain, why not stay there in the good country of the wind, but Ye Wu was unlucky to meet him.

"what to do?"

Orochimaru was a little anxious, and had lost his usual composure—that was Uchiha Madara!

"Blade didn't kill Ye Mai, which means he still needs Ye Wu for the time being... I'll go to the country of Sichuan to save people depending on the situation."

Akabane rubbed his temples.

Although it feels like Madara has bad intentions, but Ye Wu is a good friend after all, so what can be done about it.

"Be careful, Madara's target may be you."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he thought for a while and asked, "The Snake Flow Substitution Technique I developed is really useful, do you want to learn it in case of accidents?"

"Forget it, I have Flying Thunder God."

Akabane quickly refused.

Snake Substitution Technique…

Forget the technique of opening the mouths of outsiders and crawling out by oneself.

Orochimaru was a little regretful that it could not be sold.

Akabane thought for a while, looked back at the lounge, and said: "You can deliver the manga in the lounge to me later, and Hokage-sama can tell me about it, I don't have time to talk about it when I leave now."

"no problem."

Orochimaru knew that the matter was urgent, so he didn't mean to keep it.

In the next second, Akabane disappeared with a whoosh.

When he landed at the mark before Nanhechuan, he listened for a few seconds, and then quickly set off for the country of Sichuan.

The reason why I didn't fly directly...

Although Ye Wu has Flying Raijin Kunai in his hands, if it is not a short distance from Konoha to Rogge Town in the Kingdom of Kawa, flying there will inevitably consume a lot of chakra.

If Madara, like Hatake Kazami, could get close to him in an instant, wouldn't he just give up

For the sake of his own life, he didn't dare to fly over directly.

All the way to Rogge Town in the Kingdom of Sichuan, through perception, Akabane quickly found Madara's location.

The two were in the tavern, the old god was very calm, and the mark of the flying thunder god appeared on Madara's body.

In the entire Rogge Town, there is no smell about Yewu and Heijue.

Oh no!

Akabane took a deep breath, thinking quickly in his mind, followed without delay, and went to the Land of Wind without stopping.

There is no one here, so it can only be the Kingdom of Wind—Heijue wants to use Yewu to stir up disputes between Konoha and Shayin Village.

After walking a few steps, he saw Madara, to be precise, it was Madara's shadow clone.

"If you don't mind, how about sitting down and chatting with this old man?"

Spotted said lightly.

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry."

Akabane instantly turned into a streak of light.

Thunder fruit, acceleration, teleportation.

Even though Madara reached out and wanted to use gravity to pull Akabane back, it was unsuccessful because Akabane was too fast and out of range.

He took a look and didn't chase after him.

I can't keep up with this speed...

"Run faster, but let you be active for a while, anyway, the goal is achieved, and the peace between Konoha and Hidden Sand Village will not last long."

How can the snake clone of Orochimaru hide from Madara and Jue's perception.

In Rogue Town, he will find Ye Wu. Of course, Ye Wu's physique, clothing and weapons are very recognizable on the one hand, and the other reason is that only there are comics there.

So suspicious.

Of course, Madara wasn't planning on trashing the tavern.

First of all, the food here is not bad, barely satisfying your appetite, and secondly, there are free comics to read, but if you destroy it, there will be no place where you can read comics for free.

in addition…

He was very curious about who the leader of the underground forces in the Kingdom of Chuan was, and wanted to meet that guy, because that person probably had some connection with Akabane.

To be honest, Madara is not very interested in destroying the country of Kawasaki, he just finds it interesting, especially since he hasn't figured out what Hei Zee wants to do, he doesn't dare to take the next step.

Anyway, it's boring, it's better to find something to do.

Akabane didn't know what Madara was thinking, and he wasn't interested in knowing it at the moment. He just wanted to find Ye Wu and bring the poor baby back to Konoha.

Even if you practice outside, you can meet Madara, and this experience is too exciting.

Chasing all the way to the Land of Wind, Akabane was fast, and it didn't take long for him to perceive the breath of Ye Wu—if he hadn't fully released his perception and knowledge, he might have to travel a long way to find it.

It's a long way, and it will take a while.

Black is by no means out of range.

"It seems that Ye Wu is controlled by Madara, but it stands to reason that if I give him special training in illusion games, his resistance to illusions should be slightly higher than normal people..."

Akabane pondered while chasing.

But after chasing for a while, he suddenly thought, if Ye Wu was controlled by Madara's illusion, where would Hei Jue go

The country of the wind.


Akabane's expression changed, and he turned on the kaleidoscope in an instant, followed by marking the illusion at the farthest distance, and flew to the position of the space mark in an instant.

Galloping all the way, he soon sensed the existence of Heijue in advance with the increase of the Thunderbolt fruit—this guy came out with Samana.


Akabane no longer used the kaleidoscope to cooperate with Flying Thunder God, but directly used the thunder fruit to accelerate.

Without the thunderous fruit, his speed is indeed not fast.

But today is different.

Before Heijueren arrived, Akabane had already arrived first.

When Ye Wu saw Akabane, she instinctively wanted to swing her sword and use the dance of the crescent moon, but Akabane didn't care about his sword at all, and the part that was cut directly turned into lightning, paralyzing him.

In the next second, Yin Seal · Jie, Flying Thunder God.

After a few seconds, Hei Jue led people to arrive.

He knew that Ye Wu had already left, but he was always unwilling to come and see.

The cooked duck flew off.

Facing an empty desert, he felt extremely melancholy.

What's up with this partner!

Will you stop people if you say yes


You let the person come over, at least for a symbolic pursuit, but in the end the person was let go and ignored, and now the plan has failed again.

Another problem…

After finally abducting Samana, should he be slaughtered now or let him go back

With such an unreliable partner at the stall, Hei Jue was in a bad mood, and in the end he didn't send the Samana back, but forcibly suppressed the Samana, and then went to the country of Sichuan.

Everyone was brought out, and Madara didn't stop them, so he sent the Samana to Madara.

He is annoyed now.

After waiting for thousands of years, waiting for a bird like Madara, do you still have to wait for Madara to die and pick out his eyeballs

Hei Jue was just angry at first, but after thinking about it later, this could be a solution.

Madara is too smart, why not wait for him to die and wait for the next Indra to reincarnate...

Anyway, we can afford to wait.

Longer than life, even the sages of the Six Paths can't compare to me, let alone your mere age spots!

When Hei Jue thought about it, he felt a lot more relaxed. He didn't have the urgency and anxiety before. As long as he has the eyes of reincarnation, he can decide what to do in the future

A person like Madara can roll as far as he can.

The country of fire.

Akabane put down Ye Wu, leaned against the tree and rested for a while.

Originally, he reserved part of the chakra to dispel the illusion of Yewu, but now the illusion on him has been automatically dispelled, and he is still in a coma caused by Akabane's lightning.

Now there is not enough chakra in the body to send back to Konoha, so Akabane found a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, sat down to enjoy the breeze, watched the sunset, and recovered chakra along the way.

It was not until the setting sun was about to fall that Ye Wu slowly woke up.

He was severely shocked, his hair was a little curly, and he looked quite miserable. The most important thing was that he didn't know what was going on, and the first thing he did after waking up was to jump up and run.

"Don't run away, go back to Konoha first."

Akabane stood up, put his hands on his shoulders and launched Flying Thunder God.

There was a flower in Ye Wu's eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he had already arrived at the Hokage Building, looking at the familiar scenery, he was in a daze.

He gradually recovered and remembered something.

The Country of Kawa, Uchiha Madara!

"Okay, if you have something to say, go up and talk slowly."

Akabane was tired.

After going upstairs, he immediately sat down on the chair and took a few breaths—partially pretended, but tired indeed.

This trip was really breathless, rushing thousands of miles to save someone from Hei Jue, and if Hei Jue pulls Samana in front of Ye Wu a little later, everything will be over.

In addition, Ye Wu has blood on her body.

I am afraid that in the Kingdom of Wind, he has already killed someone.

Seeing Ye Wu's outfit, the third generation was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the seat and said, "Sit down and talk slowly, what's going on, didn't I ask you to investigate the smuggling incident in the Kingdom of Sichuan?"

"My lord, I just went to the country of Sichuan, and met the S-class rebellious ninja Kakuto who fought against the first generation of adults back then. I dared to come out and continue to collect information after lurking for more than a month. I just came out to the tavern to hear some news, but Madara sat down. Next to me..."

Ye Wu told the story from beginning to end.

Akabane listened and lit the wax silently.

He knew of Kakuto's abilities, and he probably suspected that Ye Wu was strange at the time. After thinking about it, it is not difficult to guess that Ye Wu is from Konoha.

If it wasn't for his face, and Ye Wu didn't have the impulse to follow her, Ye Wu's heart would probably have moved that day.

It didn't come out later, and Night Dance did a good job.

But who would have thought...

Well, Madara seems to have something to do with him after all.

According to Ye Wu, Madara asked a lot about One Piece, such as devil fruit, swordsmanship and heart net.

But Ye Wu really didn't know.

In the end, Madara lost interest, so he dragged him to the Land of the Wind, just to see if Akabane would come to save people, but in the end, he didn't stop desperately—

Although Madara took the special kunai, the only thing blocking Akabane was the shadow clone, and he didn't even open the Sharingan.

Obviously water.

Afterwards, Akabane also told his own story, omitting the fact that he used Sharingan to realize the imprint of illusion and hurried on the road, and only talked about saving people before Heijue.

The third generation fell into deep thought after hearing this, and then said: "I understand, Ye Wu, don't go to the country of Chuan for the time being, and you don't need to investigate the smuggling matter, and prepare for the Zhongnin exam in the near future."


Ye Wu lowered her head.

"I'll go back first too, I'm exhausted."

Akabane stuffed a Bingliang pill into his mouth as he spoke, he was really tired, not looking for excuses.

"You rest first, this trip has worked hard for you."

The language of the three generations is mild.

According to the rules, it is against the rules for Akabane to go out to save people by himself without reporting, but as he said in the manga—

In the ninja world, people who don't follow the rules are called trash, but those who don't value their companions are even worse than trash.

Akabane achieved the same knowledge and action.

This is also the will of fire!

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